How To Survive As A Dragon With Time-Limit Chapter 276

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Episode 276 Meeting (2)

The origin of the incident goes back a little in time.


Royce moves through space and naturally enters the party.

“Oh oh!”

His eyes lit up at the splendor of the party taking place in the spacious hall.

Like a party held at the imperial court, there are thousands of people wearing colorful and fancy costumes, as well as people dancing to music and people gathering in groups of twos and threes to eat food and chat.

There was a lot to see.

It was a party that felt lively just by looking at it, so it was no wonder that Lois, seeing it for the first time, was excited.

“This is a party!”

Lois is excited about her first party and looks around.

He naturally wandered around here and there.

So naturally.

But there was one problem.

It was Lois’ costume.

Due to the continent’s summer climate, the party costumes were overall very revealing.

Yet gorgeous and luxurious party wear.

On the other hand, Lois’ outfit was just ordinary clothing.

Another problem that occurred by coincidence.

That’s it… … .

“Hey, bring that over there.”

The point was that Lois’s clothes were similar to those of the servants.

Black pants and white shirt.

Among the colorful and extravagant costumes, the monotonous clothes were bound to stand out.

Not only the imperial palace attendants, but also the servants of other nobles were all dressed in monotonous attire.

So much so that it wouldn’t be strange for others to mistake Lois for one of those servants.

“Are you not hearing me?”

At first, Lois didn’t even realize that someone was calling her.

In this noisy place.

How could he possibly think that people he had never met in person would call him that?

But at the next call, Lois couldn’t help but turn around.

“White head over there, are your ears blocked?”

Dragons have excellent hearing.

Also, Lois’ senses, which are amazing at hearing my own swearing, recognized the sound of her calling out to me.

Lois turned around like that.

“… … .”

He glanced at the being who had called him.

Height is over 180 cm tall.

Bronze skin and short blonde hair.

Lois met the guy’s bewildered eyes and pointed at her face with her finger.


“… me?”

2nd Prince Adolf looked dumbfounded at the sound of ‘I’.

“Did you say it was me now?”


“uh… … ?”


Adolf’s bewildered look and ‘What should I do?’ Lois’ gaze met mine.

Lois’ bold gaze was beyond absurd to the point of embarrassment to Adolf.

‘Are you a guy who hasn’t even received proper education? ‘Can’t you even recognize my face?’

He was worried.

Are you going to be angry like this?

Or should we just move on like this?

After thinking for a moment, he made a decision.

‘It’s a good day, so I’ll let it go. Consider yourself lucky.’

As the second prince of the empire, he couldn’t just grab a servant or something on such an auspicious day.

‘I’ve remembered your face, so I’ll ask about your sins later.’

Additionally, Adolf was currently in a slightly psychologically critical state.

‘Obviously Miss Tania went to the terrace… … .’

Adolf threw away his greed for power and pledged to live his whole life chasing nothing.

The woman who captured his heart, who thought love was a luxury.

‘It was very beautiful today too. Miss Tania… … .’

The moment Adolf saw her wearing the dress he had sent, he was once again convinced that his love was real.

Right now, my mind was filled with thoughts of just grabbing a couple of drinks and having a conversation with Tania on the quiet terrace.

‘Yes, I just can’t let Miss Tania see me making a fuss over something like this.’

After thinking about that, he stretched out his hand.

“… “I’ll let you go this time, so please bring the two glasses next to you.”

“… … .”


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Lois stood silently at Adolf’s command.

To others, it seemed like he was just standing still, but a deep conflict was going on in his head.

‘What is this guy?’

Doesn’t he call me out of nowhere?

Why not go one extra step and order him to run an errand for you?

Lois had never received an errand from someone since she was reincarnated as a dragon.

‘Would you like to hit me first?’

As soon as she thought that, Lois’ fingers twitched.

But Lois soon shook off her thoughts.

‘No, no…’ Let’s hold on for today.’

Isn’t it an empire founded by Fabro, and a country in which he himself contributed to some extent?

And judging from the size of the party, it seemed like a fairly important festival.

‘Okay, there’s no need to see blood on such a nice day.’

Lois nodded slightly.

‘Nigga, you think you’re lucky.’

Lois, trying to do something nice for the first time in a long time, picked up two glasses next to her and handed them to Adolf.

Adolf took the cup that Lois personally brought him.

“Go to Viscount Zoltan and ask for the finest alcohol. The type doesn’t matter. Just ask for the best drink and come to the terrace. “If you say my name, Zoltan will give it to you.”

The moment Lois heard those words, her expression crumpled and the blood in her temple twitched.

‘This bastard… … .’

I can endure it once, but I can’t endure it twice.

In the Royce dictionary, there was no such thing as “endure three times.”

What is three times?

Not once a lot.

He said with a crooked face.

“What is your name?”

Although small, Lois’ voice pierced directly into Adolf’s ears.

Adolf slowly turned around and asked again.


“What is your name?”

“now… … .”

A grim look appeared on Adolf’s face.

At the same time, a harsh shout broke out.

“What did you say!”

There was silence at the party, and everyone’s eyes were focused on the two.

Among them were Kendrick, Lavina, and twins.

“uh? teacher?”


Lavina and Kendrick looked surprised at Lois’ sudden appearance.

The twins shoved the cookie next to them into their mouths, watching with interest to see what Lois would do next.

Other people were shocked to see Adolf with an angry face.

Although he is said to be a prince who is estranged from the imperial authority, Adolf is trusted by the warriors of the imperial family.

Also, he was a member of the royal family.

Adolf’s anger could have cut off the heads of both rats and birds without them noticing.

People watched the situation with bated breath and laughed at Lois for foolishly making a mistake in front of the second prince.

Meanwhile, Adolf’s shouts erupted once again.

“Do you really want to die!”

A normal noble would have immediately knelt down and bowed his head.

But Lois was different.

Back-up -.

“Ah, kid, your voice is loud.”

“… … .”

“And your ear holes are clogged? How many times should I say it? “What is your name?”

Those who were watching the situation gaped at Lois’ light words and actions.

They were sure.

With this, the probability of that stupid servant surviving has converged to 0.

‘Huh, you’re crazy.’

‘You’re urging me to do my bidding.’

‘Where did such a crazy person come from?’

And just as the public expected, Adolf’s face was shiny with life.

“dare… “Do you think you can survive even after taunting the royal family?”

“What is he saying now. When did I insult the royal family… Oh, were you a member of the royal family?”

“… … .”

“Well, even if we are a member of the royal family… When did I disparage the royal family? “If I ask your name, is it an insult to the royal family?”

“… “Let’s see if you can still stick your tongue out even after your head is cut off.”

“Is this bastard less intelligent? How can a guy with his head cut off stick out his tongue?”

Adolf didn’t open his mouth anymore as Lois made a fuss.

Instead, his life reached its peak.

And most of the people at the party noticed his life.


Adolf takes a step towards Lois.

The crown prince and first princess who were watching the situation frowned.

‘That guy… … .’

‘You are definitely going to see blood.’

The two people sighed at their younger brother’s attitude of wanting to see blood at an important event commemorating the return of the great conqueror.

‘I need to stop you.’

‘Even though his head has grown, he still can’t tell the difference between construction and work and runs amok.’

They moved forward to stop their brother.

But there was someone who acted before him.


A loud voice rang out and a huge shadow jumped out through the crowd.

“Woah, wow!”


The moment the people whose shoulders hit and were thrown back and forth opened their eyes in surprise, they were able to see.

Fabro, the king of conquerors, runs faster than anyone else at incredible speeds.

Fabro ran at such a high speed.

“This noooom!”

He flapped his cape and flew away.


Two large feet kicked Adolf in the chest.


Adolf was hit by a near-perfect drop kick and rolled around on the floor.

“… … ?!”

The unprecedented situation in which the ancestor, who was called a great hero, cruelly kicked his 8th generation descendant, made everyone around him and even the other royal descendants freeze.

But regardless, Fabbro, who landed with flying colors, wiped off the cold sweat.

‘Up, it was dangerous.’

If he had been a little late, the banquet hall would have been stained with blood.

Of course, the owner of that blood would have been his own descendant.

“Whoa… … .”

Fabro stood up with a small sigh.

Fabro’s expression, which was full of dignity, melted the moment he faced Lois.

Fabro asked groveling.

“Uh, when did you come?”

“a moment ago.”

“Uh, at least give me a hint.”

The conqueror’s servile attitude.

Lois’s attitude of taking this for granted.

It brought a great shock to those who saw it for the first time.

Meanwhile, Adolf, who had been blown away by Fabro’s drop kick, coughed and raised his upper body.

“Cough, clack…” “What?”

Lois opened her mouth, looking at Adolf who was still unconscious.



“That bastard is your descendant?”

“That’s right.”

“Can that bastard fold his back? “I’ll just fold it in half.”

“… In the future?”

“No, back.”

Fabbro shouted in horror when he saw Lois calmly saying that she was going to bend her back.

“Oh, no!”

“why? “Is he your eldest grandson?”

“… “This is the second guy.”

“Then you can do it. “The eldest grandson can take over.”

“Please, please be considerate. “Even if it’s for my own face!”

Fabro clung desperately to save the lives of his descendants.

Lois made a pouty face as if she didn’t like this.

He walked towards Adolf.

At the same time, five shadows fell from the ceiling of the party hall.

It is the hidden sword of the imperial family that protects the emperor and the royal family.

When Lois approached, they drew their swords and blocked the second prince.


Lois clicked her tongue in disapproval and took a step forward.


As he took one step, the people surrounding him took a step back without even knowing what was going on.


As he took another step forward, the warriors surrounding the second prince knelt down.



Their upper bodies naturally turned toward the floor due to the strong pressure pressing down on their shoulders.

It was as if he was bowing to Lois.


Lois took the last step one after another.

He put his hands in his pockets and looked at the second prince who was sitting on the floor.

“I asked.”

“… … .”

“What is your name?”

An insensitive gaze, as if one were dealing with an inconsequential being.

Adolf opened his mouth as if fascinated by the eyes that seemed to penetrate his inner thoughts.

“ah… Dolph Quan France.”

“Yes, a lump of blood. “Listen carefully.”

“… … .”

“If you want to be fussy, be fussy hard. “But it shouldn’t be in front of me.”

“… … .”

“If you get caught fooling around… Next time, even if Fabro stops me, I will bend your back. Did you understand?”

I couldn’t say anything due to the strong pressure that was constricting my whole body.

Lois turned around, leaving behind Adolf, who had become mute.

And it was that moment.

“uh? teacher?”

Tania went out to the terrace and came back late.

She saw Lois and started running quickly.


Red dress and red hair.

Tania, as gorgeous as a red flower petal, fluttered and fell into Lois’s arms.

“When did you come?”

Tania’s bright smile as she greeted her long-awaited husband was so dazzling.

Even though it was a hectic situation, many young men were mesmerized and their faces turned red.

On the other hand, Lois, who is looking directly at that smile… … .

“I just arrived.”

He spoke bluntly and pushed Tania’s head away.

Then he left the place, as if he had lost interest in the party.

“let’s go together!”

The thread won’t go as far as sharpening the needle.

Tania ran after Lois.

Adolf looked at the two of them blankly.

Meanwhile, the emperor, who was watching the situation, opened his mouth.


“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“Take Adolf.”

“Haona… If things continue like this, the majesty of the imperial family will… … .”

“It is done.”

The emperor waved his hand.

“I’m lucky that I’m alive and not dead.”

“… … ?”

Despite Viscount Zoltan’s incomprehensible expression, the emperor closed his mouth as if he was no longer interested.

Accordingly, Viscount Zoltan moved to take care of the second prince.

Then, I looked at Lois’s back as she walked away.

A mysterious young being that the former emperor is wary of and even the emperor is wary of.

‘author… ‘What is it?’

That was a question everyone at the party had in common.

‘The social world will be noisy for a while.’

Many people would argue over the existence of Lois, as she showed unconventional behavior at a party where all kinds of nobles gathered.

Because of this, many people could not take their eyes off Royce’s back as she walked away.

Mixed in with those gazes were passionate, fluctuating eyes.

“ah… … .”

1st Princess Ivren.

She couldn’t take her eyes off Lois’ back.

The moment she witnessed the hidden swords of the imperial family kneeling towards Lois, she fell into a sensation she had never felt before in her life.


The sound of my heart beating like crazy rang in my ears, and the sight of the man filled my vision.

Also, as I was looking at him, I had a strong desire to do anything for him.

Ivren gently placed his hand on his pounding heart.

“this… … .”

She tilted her head and muttered softly.

“… love?”

I have seen many men so far, but this is the first time I have felt such strong emotions.

Her cheeks flushed slightly.

‘Falling in love with someone at first sight… This is what you were saying.’

Even Ivren’s ears turned bright red.

‘iced coffee… ‘This is love!’

If Fabro had heard the princess’s inner thoughts, he would have been astonished and cried out like this.

‘no! That’s not love! ‘Run away!’

… It seemed that the first princess was the one who inherited Fabro’s blood the most.


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