How To Survive As A Dragon With Time-Limit Chapter 267

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Episode 267: Summer (4)

A summer continent under the hot sun.

A number of human figures suddenly appeared on a summer beach with pure white sand.


People who appeared without any sound as if they had been there from the beginning.

It was Royce and the others who had traveled through space from the Spring Continent.

When the spatial movement was successful, a satisfied smile appeared on Lois’s lips.

‘It worked.’

Even though she has often used spatial movement from the beginning, the reason why Royce is so satisfied is because the method has changed.

Previously, the way Royce moved through space was to move high in the sky.

This was to prevent those who moved through space from being hit hard by objects present at the point of space movement.

Therefore, she has been moving through space as high as possible, where even birds cannot fly, but as her spatial properties rose to zero level, Royce’s method of moving through space changed.

It is completely unaffected by obstacles when moving through space.

Immediately after moving through space, one was able to escape the perception of living creatures around them.

It was an achievement achieved by interfering with and changing the laws of space itself.

Pure white sand beach, sun shining.

A lot of people enjoying swimming in the sea.

However, no one questioned Royce and the others who appeared out of nowhere.

We take it for granted, as if it had been there from the beginning.

A few people turned to look at Lois and the others, but it wasn’t because they suddenly appeared.

Their attire was the problem.

Clothes that are a bit thick and long sleeved to wear in the summer.

In particular, Fabro’s clothes, brought from the winter continent, were thick clothes with white fur.

For those who were born and raised on the summer continent, it was surprising because it was their first time seeing these clothes.

Just as the people around them looked strangely at us, Lois and the others were mesmerized by the surrounding scenery.

“right… wow… … .”

“W-what is here?!”

“Is this what swimming in the sea is like?”

“Wow, I’ve only seen it in books…” “You really go around like that.”

A group of people experiencing the concept of sea bathing for the first time.

Unlike the twins, whom I had only vaguely heard of, Lavina, Kendrick, and Tania looked like they were in culture shock.

They enjoy swimming in the sea… I couldn’t take my eyes off the naked people.

‘Oh my God! what’s this?!’

‘here is… ‘Is it heaven?’

‘I can’t believe there is a place like this…’ … !’

A man and woman with solid bodies and tanned skin were walking along the beach mostly in their underwear.

The sight of them casually walking down the street naked was a huge shock to the group experiencing this culture for the first time.

Ravina and Kendrick are looking around with a mesmerized yet slightly red face.

They nodded at the same time.

“me… I’ve decided. “When I retire, I will come and live here.”

“Let’s come together!”

Ravina and Kendrick joined hands and joined hands.

Tania scolded this.

“… “Perverts.”

“Oh, is that so? “It would be better to look at them openly like we did, wouldn’t it seem even more perverted to glance at them like you do?”

“Hey, I guess someone glanced at me!”

“You, you! “You pervert.”

At the sound of being called a pervert, Tania’s face turned red and her shoulders trembled.

Kendrick’s face was filled with satisfaction as he beat his younger sister for the first time in a long time.

Meanwhile, Lois, who was looking at the beach, clicked her tongue slightly.

“Tsk, I’m still not good at setting coordinates.”

There seemed to be a small mistake while applying the new spatial movement method.

Royce had originally planned to go straight to the Royal Palace of France.

Just as he was about to move through space again.

“Now, please stop for a moment!”

Fabro urgently tried to dissuade Lois.


“Not here!”

“… … ?”

“The capital has been moved!”

Favreau knew where this place was and why Lois came here.

It must have been to go to the royal palace of the French royal family that exists in Lois’ memories.

But as far as he knew, France moved its capital to another place a long time ago.

Lois blinked and asked at Fabbro’s shout.


“that… … .”

As Fabro hesitated, unable to answer easily, Lois’ eyes narrowed.

Fabro, who faced that gaze directly, opened his mouth with a look of determination on his face.


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“Do you know that?”


“It’s been 170 years since I left the summer continent and lived only in the winter continent?”

“Are you bragging?”

“I’m not bragging, but it’s been 170 years since I came here.”

“You said earlier that there’s nothing I can’t do except say your name?”

“Eh… “When did I ever say that again?”

Favreau, who was waving his hands, urgently stepped forward as Lois’ gaze grew colder.

“Well, I’ll find out where the capital was moved soon!”

Then Fabro runs away as if running away.

Lois muttered, looking at his back.

“That… “Can I trust you?”

* * *

Contrary to Lois’ concerns, Favreau soon came asking for information.

And Lois tilted her head at the location of the capital he told her.

“Are you really here?”

“yes! That’s right!”

Fabro’s face was full of pride as he answered.

“Really here? “I didn’t get it wrong, did I?”

“you’re right! there!”

“here… “It’s the exact center of the summer continent, right?”

The Kingdom of France, located to the east of the Summer Continent.

However, the capital of the kingdom that Fabro had come to know was located squarely in the center of the Summer Continent.

In response to Lois’ question, he nodded several times, emphasizing that this was the correct answer.

“… “Just try not to do it.”

“Let’s go! You’ll find out when you go! Hehehe.”

Lois looked at Fabro’s confident attitude and looked at him with suspicion.

“Okay, let’s go.”

And as soon as those words were finished, Royce and the others’ new model disappeared.


Afterwards, the place where they appeared was high in the sky.

Royce and the others appeared in a pure white cloud.

At this, Fabro let out a scream.

“Ahh! Ah, earlier you were moving safely to the ground, but now why are you in the sky?!”

“It is my heart.”

It was clearly a space move intended to annoy Fabro.

While Fabro was flailing his arms and legs, the other members of the group, who were now accustomed to it, quietly looked down.

And soon after, the wind blew and the clouds were pushed away.

“and… … .”

“wow… … .”

I let out a gasp of admiration at the huge city that appeared beneath my feet.

In particular, Ariana was so excited by the sight of the huge city she saw for the first time in her life that she waved her hands around.

“Wow! Wow! Wow!”

“Ah, Ari! Go, stay still! away!”

Carney, who was holding Ariana like her own child, was embarrassed and calmed the child down.

Meanwhile, Lois is equally surprised.

“This… “It’s huge.”

The capital of the Dominant Empire, the largest in the eastern part of the Winter Continent, and even Sairon, the best city on the Autumn Continent.

It can be said that Lois has seen many cities, but compared to the city unfolding beneath her feet, the ones before were just villages.

‘Just guessing, even if you can’t… ‘It must be 10 times bigger than Siron.’

High walls surrounding the entire city.

Flat roads paved with stones throughout the city.

Even the houses packed inside the castle walls.

But what was more surprising than anything else was the enormous castle built right in the center of the city.

Even when viewed from a distance, the size of the castle is hard to guess.

When Lois saw this, she thought of one of the modern buildings.

‘Taj Mahal?’

A castle made of pure white and with a huge dome-shaped roof.

Although I had never seen the Taj Mahal in person in my previous life, I still instinctively knew that the building beneath my feet was bigger than the Taj Mahal.

While everyone in the group, including Lois, was amazed, a low laugh was heard from the side.


Fabro now has a relaxed posture, as if he has never been struggling with his arms and legs.

He shouted, spreading his hands wide.

“welcome! First summer on the continent! Welcome to the unified continental empire, the French Empire!”

“… … ?!”

Fabro’s shout was filled with pride and satisfaction for his descendants.

* * *

Come down from above and enter the royal palace… No, Royce and the others stood on the road to the imperial palace.

“really… “It’s enormous.”

“… It’s awesome.”

I could guess it from the view from above, but the majesty of the imperial palace seen from the ground was even more amazing.

It makes you wonder how it could have been built by human power.

And Lois was equally dumbfounded.

‘A continental unified empire?’

Although I helped the Kingdom of France when I was young, I never imagined that a country that was just a small kingdom would unify the continent.

‘They say the real future is unpredictable… … .’

This was something completely beyond prediction.

At that time, Kendrick came from next to me and asked in a low voice.

“By the way, teacher.”


“Can we just leave like this?”


“what is it… They say it’s a unified empire… Can we enter the imperial palace? Well, of course the teacher will take care of it… Still, it’s a unified empire. “Are you going to let me in just because I’m looking for you like this?”

Lavina also seemed to agree with Kendrick’s story, nodding her head with an anxious face next to her.

Of course, to them, Fabro was simply the great warrior of a religious group active on the winter continent.

And he was just an ‘uncle’ who had a relationship with Lois.

“hmm… … .”

Lois nodded slightly as if she sympathized to some extent with their concerns.

‘but… You can’t make a fuss here if you make a mistake.’

If it had been a dominant empire, they would have openly lashed out, but the French empire was a force that would become their strength.

It’s impossible to insert the wrong button from the first time.

That’s why Fabro’s role is important… … .

‘Young, you have to be able to believe it.’

Lois, whose eyes had turned red, called out to Fabbro, who was ahead.

“Hey, Fabro.”


“Do you have any measures?”

“What measures do you mean?”

“You said you’ve been here for 170 years? But how will people recognize you if you just come to see me like this?”

Those were words that came from Lois’ experience.

However, despite Lois’ concerns, Fabro confidently straightened his shoulders as if there were no problems.

“You worry so much! “Why don’t you follow me?”

Even a mutt eats half of his food at home.

He was no longer just slave number one.

He was the number one slave who lived with great spirit.

Fabro walks with such an excited look on his face.

Soon they saw a long line of carriages lined up in front of them.

It was not an ordinary carriage, but a luxuriously decorated nobleman’s carriage.

All of them were carriages waiting to enter the imperial palace, but Fabro ignored them.

Then he passed the carriage and moved forward.

“uh? “What is that?”

“What are they doing?!”

The drivers of the carriage and the warriors guarding the carriage shouted in surprise.

But Favreau ignored the cries.

As soon as they approached the main gate of the imperial palace, many warriors wearing brilliant armor came out and blocked the gate.

Chang- Chang-.

Without any warning, the sword was drawn and its tip was aimed at Fabro.

The fierce, fierce momentum was unusual.

The nobleman who was being inspected by the sudden situation was startled and retreated.


A middle-aged man appeared behind the warriors with their swords pointed at them.

“Unauthorized persons cannot enter.”

A heavy but sharp voice filled with murder.

It was a voice that would have made an ordinary person go crazy if they heard it, but Fabreau, who was facing the man, seemed to be thinking about something.

‘It’s a familiar face… … ?’

Then he remembered the memory and smiled brightly.

“Hehe, are you Aider from the Myler family?”

“… kid?”

The eyebrows of Count Myler, a middle-aged man, twitched at Fabreau’s question.

He was now approaching fifty.

I wasn’t at the age where I could go anywhere and hear children yelling.

Despite Count Myler’s uncomfortable reaction, Fabro still kept a smile on his face.

“Well, the Myler family has been in charge of the royal family since the days of the kingdom. “It looks like your family is still maintaining its legacy.”

“… … .”

Count Myler glared at the large man who was saying strange things in silence.

A man wearing thick fur clothes, not the clothes of the summer continent.

The author, who seemed to be not much different in age from me, was treating me as if he were a child.

He said, gently putting his hand on the hilt of his sword.

“… I say it again. Only those with permission can enter this place. Also, there is an important imperial event today. “If you don’t back down, I will cut you down.”

At the same time, the vitality soared from Count Myler’s body.

At this, Fabro’s eyes sank.

“Calm down your life.”

“Go away.”

“Huh, do I have to ask permission to go into my house?”

“… what?”

As if responding to those words, Favreau placed his hand on his chest.

The guard warriors behind him became extremely nervous and furious at his unexpected actions.

However, what was in Fabro’s hand that made all of that tension worthless was a necklace.

He ripped off the necklace without hesitation.


Then the necklace string broke and fell to the floor, leaving a ring hanging on the string in Fabreau’s hand.

Count Myler’s eyes widened when he saw this.

‘Um, what about that ring?!’

A pure white ring shaped like a dragon twisting its body.

Favreau put it on his index finger and then bit his other thumb, drawing blood.


The moment the red blood drop fell, the ring instantly sucked Fabro’s blood.


It began to emit a tremendous radiance.

The small pillars of light soaring into the sky converged in the air and soon took on one shape.


A moment later, a complete shape created by light.

Its true identity was a pure white dragon with sparkling purple eyes.

It’s a dragon that looks as if it’s alive and moving.


The warriors who saw the 1 meter tall dragon immediately knelt down as if they had pointed their swords at them at some point.

It had to be that way.

A white dragon with purple eyes.

Because this was a symbol of the French royal family.


The white dragon that was soon formed landed on Fabro’s shoulder.

Fabro spoke to those kneeling in front of him with majestic eyes.

“Go and tell it. “Fabro Quan France is back.”

Fabro Quan France.

When Count Myler heard that name, his shoulders trembled.

There was no one living in the French Empire who had not heard that name.

A being that remains in the history of the empire.

The French people added a modifier before the name.

“The Conqueror… Fabro Quan France.”


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