How To Survive As A Dragon With Time-Limit Chapter 258

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Episode 258 Upheaval (3)

Khan chuckled when he saw Lois’ eyes widened in surprise.

In his opinion, the news he learned this time was quite useful.

Khan shrugged his shoulders.

“Isn’t it fascinating? I also thought you were really crazy. Or is there a dragon with the same name as you? “How on earth does a human know your name?”

Kani scolded Khan’s story as if it were absurd.

“What are you saying such nonsense? “Our Roy is disturbed for no reason!”

“Still, it’s amazing. “How does a human know your name?”

“What do you know? According to Kendrick’s dad, he was a guy who looked somewhat clueless at first glance. It’s just nonsense from a crazy person. And would you be happy if my dad was called Gwangryong?”

“… Wasn’t it already Gwangryong? “My dad is out of his mind, isn’t he?”

“… “Is that so?”

Unlike the twins, who casually exchanged abusive stories, Lois’s mind was extremely complicated.

‘A foreigner who knows Gwangryong Genelocker?’

Is that a coincidence?

‘No, it can’t be a coincidence.’

Lois asked with a stern face.

“When did the guy who said that leave?”

“Outlander? “I’m not sure?”

“What is your name and age?”

“I don’t even know that.”

“… “What do you know?”

“no… We just went to hang out yesterday and asked about this or that or if anything special happened, and that’s what I heard… … .”

When Khan hesitated, Kani scolded him again.

“Look! “Roy is worried because you talk nonsense!”

Khan scratched the back of his head at Kani’s nagging.

Meanwhile, Lois’s worries deepened.

‘I guess I should go to the village sometime… … .’

If what Khan and Carney say is true, the identity of the outsider who visited the village would be Elvis.

Other than him, is there anyone else who knows the name Gwangryong Genelocker?

If so, it would have been nice to find out what he was doing here.

To do that, I had to stop by the village, but Ariana’s presence was on my mind.

We can’t just leave them like this, and no matter how many people don’t recognize the dragon, they still take Ariana with them in public.

also… … .

‘I can’t leave Ariana in their care.’

Lois looked disapprovingly at the twins lounging around Ariana.

“Ugh… … .”


Ariana twitched as if she was tickled by the soft breath Lois let out.

Lois muttered as she patted Ariana’s head.

“I can’t help it.”

Although the situation was not favorable in one way or another, it did not mean that there was no way.

Ariana tilted her head cutely at Lois’ muttering.

* * *

In preparation for dinner, each household smoked from their chimneys.

This was no different from Leah and his wife’s house.

Lia’s house is bustling as usual.

However, there was one thing that had changed compared to the previous dinner preparation scene.

The cause was a guest who entered their home just a month ago.

“Mom, I’m done!”

“so? You worked hard. “I’ll finish it, so you go and get some rest.”

“No, it’s okay. “I just do it because I want to.”

“How… … .”

Lia’s face was filled with emotion and admiration.

To exaggerate a bit, would you say that affection is overflowing?

‘I heard he’s the same age as Kendrick… … .’

Ravina, whom I had watched over the past month, was a bright and talented child.

Ravina treats herself and her husband Aaron kindly.

Especially since he was so good at housework.

Look at it now too.

Little spirits, like fairies under Ravina’s command, were going around the house cleaning hard.

Cleaning, laundry, and all other miscellaneous household chores.

Ravina accomplished what would have taken quite a bit of time if she had done it on her own, so easily.

Thanks to Ravina, Lia was enjoying some leisure time for the first time since her marriage.

‘It’s so true… … .’

Lia’s eyes looking at Ravina were full of satisfaction and greed.

The moment Lia’s gaze turned to the living room, it suddenly changed.

“What are you doing while customers are working! “Come and help too!”

“yes… … .”


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Kendrick, who had been lying down due to his mother’s yelling, stood up awkwardly.

Now I have enough martial strength to face the ogre, but I could never beat my mother at home.

You just have to say ‘yes, yes’ and do as you’re told.

Just as Kendrick got up and was about to head to the kitchen.


“Yes, I’m coming!”

Kendrick quickly turned around at the sound of a knock coming from outside the door.

Rather than being called into the kitchen and being scolded, it was more convenient to welcome guests outside.

The moment the door was opened wide, Kendrick’s eyes widened.

“uh? teacher?”

The guests outside the door were none other than Lois and the twins.

And Kendrick’s reaction spread throughout the house.


First, Lavina called Royce’s name.

“Oppa Lois!”

Lia also welcomed Lois warmly.



The sound of something breaking was heard from one side of the room, and the door burst open.

“Stop, teacher!”

Tania runs up in anger at the random appearance she had been waiting for so desperately.

Step by step, Tania’s running speed gradually slowed as she got closer to Lois.

In the end, Tania came to a complete stop with about five steps left from Lois.

“… uh?”

Tania’s gaze… No, the eyes of everyone in the house were focused on the small child in Lois’ arms.

A girl of about 1 to 2 years old with clear and pretty features.

It was amazing that Lois was carrying a child, but what was even more surprising was the girl’s appearance.

Chubby cheeks and white hair.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that she looked exactly like Lois, if not for her light blue eyes.

“ah… … .”

Tania looked back and forth between Lois and the child in her arms.

At the same time, the information from so far began to mix in her mind.

A girl who looks very much like Lois.

And the story of Lois, who said that she would be away for about a year due to circumstances.

By combining the two facts, one answer was derived.

“Uh, how… … .”

Tania covered her mouth and had tears in her eyes.

And Kendrick shouted on behalf of his younger sister.

“Teacher, do you have a daughter?! “Is that what the teacher said?!”

And the answer to that cry was light retribution.



Kendrick fell backwards holding his forehead.

Lois said to him in an awkward tone.

“What about your daughter? “She is my sister.”

It was thanks to Lois that Ariana took on human form.

Ariana was unable to transform on her own because she was still too young.

The solution to this problem was the necklace Lois created.

At first, this object was born simply out of curiosity, ‘Can beings other than dragons transform?’

However, transformation that changes the species itself, not just the simple form, was exclusive to dragons.

Other dragons could transform with the power of the necklace, but other races could not.

Also, the time to maintain the transformation solely with the power of the necklace is about half a day.

Because of this, it was an object that I had forgotten and buried in subspace, but thanks to Ariana, I was able to remember it.

Ariana’s appearance, transformed by the transformation necklace, surprisingly resembled herself.

Enough for others to mistake her for her daughter.

Kendrick stood up, rubbing his forehead.

“Do, younger brother?”


“Your real brother?”


As soon as Lois’ story ended, Tania quickly ran away.

“Oh, tell me right away!”

Tania looks at Ariana with bright eyes as if she has been filled with tears at some point.

“Are you saying this is the person who will be my lady?”

“… “It’s the beginning again.”

Kendrick shook his head at Tania’s sudden change in attitude.

Meanwhile, Aaron, who had been out, returned.

“her? “Aren’t you Lois?”

Aaron also expressed his happiness at meeting Lois after a long time.

Thanks to this, people gathered in front of the door.

At this, Lois opened her mouth.

“How long do you want to stand here? “Let’s go in first.”

“ah! Please come in quickly. Did you eat? “I’m already preparing dinner. Would you like to join us?”

“no it’s okay. I came because I had something to ask. “I plan to go after just hearing that.”

“still… … .”

Leah and Tania expressed their disappointment at seeing Lois, whom they had not seen in a long time, leaving so soon.

Leaving that atmosphere behind, Lois entered the house.

Ariana rolled her eyes at the unfamiliar environment and was squeezing Royce’s collar.

After everyone had settled down, Lia asked.

“You want to ask me something?”

“huh. “I heard that a stranger stayed at your house not long ago?”

“yes that’s right.”

“What exactly happened?”

“Why is that suddenly… … ?”

“That’s because it’s quite important to me.”

“hmm… Lee knows that better than I do.”

Leah’s gaze returned to Aaron.

“Hmm, I know something about that guy. “He went out hunting and found him lying at the mouth of a mountain.”

“Fell down? why?”

“They said he wandered into the nearby mountain range without proper preparation and got lost.”

“What is your name and age?”

“I said Elvis. I don’t know your age… “He looked to be in his mid-twenties.”

When Lois heard those words, a look crossed her eyes.


As he expected, the stranger’s identity was Elvis.

But, he was found by Aaron and brought to him?

‘Are you saying you didn’t stop by this town to look for Kendrick, but just happened to wander in?’

Elvis may not have heard in detail about his real hometown from Kendrick before returning.

The original village where I lived with my parents, not the village where I was moved after being attacked by an ogre.

‘Still, the fact that I was wandering around this area probably means that I heard something from Kendrick.’

Lois, who had organized things in her mind, then asked a question.

“When did he come?”

“see… “It’s been about three or four months.”

“Why did you leave the village?”

“It’s been a couple of months.”

It had been a month since they had returned to the Spring Continent, so they narrowly missed meeting Elvis.

“Did you notice anything unusual?”

“There were a lot of unusual things.”


“I talked to myself every day like a crazy person. The eyes were bright and looked somehow gloomy. Besides, as he was leaving, he said he was grateful and said that he would tell him the truth about the world in return, but he didn’t say anything nonsense.”

“… … .”

“Some crazy dragon will appear and lead the world to destruction or something.”

By the time Aaron’s grumbles had faded away.


Lois’ shoulders twitched slightly.

Lois was probably the first to notice this, more than anyone else inside.

Terrible anger and resentment.

and… … .

‘this… what?’

A killing intent so intense that it makes your bones tingle.

Moreover, the problem was that the energy was coming towards where he was currently at a fast speed.

As a result, the twins and flame siblings also belatedly noticed the ominous energy and jumped up from their seats.


“Oh my god?!”

The closer it gets, the closer it gets.

I could clearly feel how huge and terrifying it was.

At this, Lois ran out the door, followed by the twins and the flame siblings.


The door bursts open.

At the same time, everyone could see.

“… … ?!”

A little distance from the village.

A huge being floating in the air with its back against the setting sun that dyes the world red.

A black dragon with red eyes.


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