How To Survive As A Dragon With Time-Limit Chapter 251

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Episode 251 brother? (One)

The Duke of Heidel confidently visited the Tower of Desire.

However, unlike when he entered, he had to be dragged out by the hands of the Tower of Desire disciples.

“Lord Tower! “Please let me talk to the tower owner again!”

Even though there were guard warriors dispatched from the royal family by his side, all they could do was watch.

They also have eyes and ears, so how could they not know what happened in the reception room?

Even though the person I was supposed to guard was being dragged around, I couldn’t stimulate the Tower of Desire any further, so I had no choice but to let go.


The Duke of Heidel, who had been pushed out of the tower, looked in vain as he looked at the tightly closed door.

It was a harsh treatment unbecoming of a position as prime minister and duke, but that didn’t matter now.

‘What can I do with this?!’

It was the worst situation.

The plan they had prepared to tie down the Tower of Desire was useless and ended up only irritating them.

From now on, we had to use any means possible to change their minds about the Tower of Desire.

However, the problem was that I couldn’t think of a good way.

While the Duke of Heidel was chewing his lips.


The front door opened slightly.

At this, the Duke of Heidel’s complexion brightened.

This is because I thought maybe the top owner would give me one more chance.

And what appeared beyond the door was Meister Delphina.

She smiled as she looked at the Duke of Heidel, who looked like he was looking at a savior.

“The tower lord had something to tell you.”

“Ho, maybe… … .”

“What I am saying from now on is a message from the tower owner, so I hope there is no misunderstanding.”

“Oh, no problem! “What did the tower owner say?”

“Hum hum.”

Looking at the expectant look in the Duke of Heidel’s eyes, Delphina lightly cleared her throat.

A deep voice soon flows from her mouth.

“Let’s not see each other again after this time.” If you have anything to say from now on, don’t send people like you, but tell the king to come directly. Come and buy politely. crime. Do it. “Then I’ll at least share a story with you.”

“… … ?!”

The Duke of Heidel’s mouth dropped open, and the royal guard Musa’s gaze became harsh.

However, as if such reactions were not scary, Delfina just said what she had to say and entered the tower.

There is silence among those who were kicked out the door.

“… “What do you plan to do now?”

Heidel answered the guard warrior’s question in a feeble voice.

“first… “Let’s go back.”

Now I needed time to organize my thoughts.

Just like that, Heidel and the royal guard warriors turned their steps.

Meanwhile, Royce and the rest of the Desire Tower are watching through the window.

Floria asked a question carefully.

“Are you sure you want to move the tower?”

“Half and half.”


“I feel like I want to leave without looking back, but it would be a waste of time to settle down somewhere else.”

“… “Yes, that is true.”

“And I also feel uncomfortable leaving my hometown where I have lived since I was Dexter’s grandfather. So it’s half and half. “I’m half thinking about leaving, half thinking about staying.”

“ah… … .”

In other words, he also meant that he was really going to move if he had to.

Lois turned around as she watched the Heidel group walking away.

He said while looking at the Grand Meister and the Meisters.

“Listen carefully. “As long as we have the knowledge and technology we have built up, we can give up this foundation and build a new one.”

“… … .”

“But if the value of the name Tower of Desire is destroyed, it cannot be built again. Why are nobles so obsessed with honor? This is because honor once lost cannot be easily recovered.”

“… … .”

“The Tower of Desire will become the strongest tower. If there’s anyone who gets in the way, I’ll get rid of whatever it is. “Keep that in mind.”

“… “I will keep that in mind.”

The Meisters bowed their heads towards Royce.

Douglas looks at this happily.

“Hehe, it would be nice if I could see a little more of the Tower of Desire led by the tower owner… I don’t have much time left to live… … . Still, I think the owner of the tower will come and I can close my eyes without any worries.”

Douglas is nearing the end of his life.

The atmosphere became solemn at the sound of his faint voice.

But there was a voice that immediately broke that atmosphere.

“what? “Who wants to die?”

“… yes?”


As Douglas was asking this question, a bottle flew in front of him.



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A glass bottle containing a dark red liquid naturally landed in Douglas’ hand.

“What is this?”


“oh! This is an elixir! Hehe, I will see Elixir in my life… for a moment… Eh, elixir?!”

Douglas was so shocked that he almost missed the bottle in his hand.

His reaction was natural.

“Eh, elixir?!”

“Was that real?!”

There are many different medicines in the world, but the elixir that is considered the best is elixir.

A legendary elixir that is said to give those who take it immortality.

It was a medicine whose existence was not certain, but such elixirs were just inventory items that were difficult to dispose of, piled up by the dozens or hundreds at any dragon’s rare.

This is because the main ingredient of the elixir was dragon blood.

From the dragon’s point of view, all you have to do is draw some blood to make it, so there is a saying among dragons that ‘a dragon that hasn’t made an elixir as a child is not even a dragon!’

Of course, dragon blood itself is a substance that cannot be obtained through common sense, so it was natural that elixir was treated as a legendary medicine in the human world.


Lois smiled at Douglas, who was trembling and swallowing.

“It’s not as great as a legend.”

“… sure?”

“Hey, where is the elixir that gives immortality? The efficacy of slowing down aging and increasing lifespan has simply been exaggerated. With just one bottle of that, you could live about 100 more years, right? “If you get the medicine right, even 150 years is possible.”

A look of bewilderment spread across the audience’s gaze.

Slows down aging and extends lifespan.

Isn’t this a benefit that rich people only dream of?

The audience’s attention was focused on the elixir in Douglas’ hand.

Then Lois said.

“What are you doing?”


“Aren’t you drinking?”

“Hehe, this… “How can I drink something so precious?”

“are you okay. “I have a lot of those.”

“Well, still… … .”


“yes… … .”

“Don’t be silly.”

Douglas flinched and shook his shoulders.

Lois’ eerie voice follows soon after.

“We are already short on manpower because we have eliminated the bad guys among the meisters… “Who wants to die and rest as they please?”

Didn’t you say that King Sejong kept suppressing the resignation of Hwang Hee, who wanted to stop working, until the end?

Lois also had no intention of letting Douglas go easily.

“If you don’t work, who will? Shall I do it?”

“… … .”

“I have a lot of elixir. Let me know if your health gets worse. “I’ll get you a few more bottles.”

Only then did Douglas realize.

What was in his hand was not an elixir.

This… … .

‘It’s poison!’

It is a terrible poison that the moment you eat it, you will fall into an endless cycle of working without rest.

Douglas hesitated and walked away from Lois.

At that moment, there was someone who stopped him.


“Bird, bird head?”

Erica touched Douglas’ shoulder with a sinister look.


“What are you doing? “Don’t eat it.”

With a happy face, Floria personally opened the cap of the elixir bottle and put it to Douglas’ mouth.

“Wow! Let go! Let go! “Let go!”

“Uh huh, stay still. “You can’t spill this precious elixir, right?”

“Ah, do it. Oh~.”

Lois left the three fighting among themselves and looked at the Meisters.

“I have something for you to do from now on.”

“Please speak.”

“Spread the word in Cyron.”

“What kind of rumor are you talking about?”

“What happened today.”

“yes? Why… … ?”

“Why, I’m trying to make you realize how scary angry public sentiment can be.”

As Lois said that, a cool smile spread across her lips.

* * *

That afternoon.

A rumor began to circulate in the already chaotic atmosphere.

[It is said that the Tower of Desire is leaving Siron!]

A rumor that started somewhere caused an uproar throughout the territory.

As a result, whenever two or more residents of the territory gathered together, news of the migration to the Tower of Desire always came out.

“Hey, the Tower of Desire isn’t really leaving, is it?”

“well… Maybe it’s true. “When I saw it this time, the tower owner’s personality was fiery.”

“It’s already been hundreds of years since the Tower of Desire took root in Cyron. Are you giving up that base and going somewhere else?”

“Didn’t you hear what I said? “Didn’t you say that someone from the kingdom came out during the day and threatened the Tower of Desire?”

“Threat? “What kind of threat?”

“If you don’t release Lord Siron and his son right away, I won’t allow you to bury them. Even if it were me, I would go somewhere else because it was dirty. Tsk tsk.”

“What? “Is that true?”

“know? My brother’s friend’s nephew is an apprentice at the Tower of Desire. “What he said was true.”

“Huh, you idiots! Why are you treating the quiet Tower of Desire so badly? … .”

“That’s what I said, Lord Cyron and other nobles. Seriously, what have these guys done for us? But look at the Tower of Desire! In other words, who is this Siron making a living from?”


The residents of Siron were anxious when they heard the news of the migration coming from the Tower of Desire.

Sairon is called the Holy Land of the Transcendental Period, but this means that it is a city without anything without the Transcendental Period.

What if the Tower of Desire escapes and other workshops follow them?

Immediately, the income of the residents of the territory who make a living by doing business with the guests of the territory who visit the Tower of Desire and the workshop will decrease drastically.

Moreover, if everyone involved in the workshop leaves, the population will decrease drastically.

In other words, the relocation of the Tower of Desire was directly related to the livelihood of the Cyron Territory residents.

As time passed for a day or two, something happened that triggered the anxiety of the people of the territory.

“Well, is that really true?”

“That’s right! The bachelor next door is an apprentice at the Tower of Desire, and he packed his bags this time? When I asked, he said he was preparing to move in advance at the tower owner’s order! “I heard that the apprentice who lives in another house also packed his bags the same way!”

“I heard that too, what are you talking about… “Over there, in a place called Connera Kingdom, they begged the Tower of Desire to come to their country and returned!”

“It seems like you were really leaving Cyron.”

As there were many people involved in the Desire Tower in Cyron, their actions spread quickly.

Residents of the territory decided that this could no longer be done and took action themselves.

“If this continues and the Tower of Desire fails, we will all die.”

“We have to stop it somehow!”

“How can we stop it?”

“It looks like Lord Cyron’s family is hiding somewhere. How about we help them catch them?”

“Well, is that okay? Still, he’s a lord… … .”

“The lord will be fried to death, what a bastard lord!” “It’s all because of them that this Sadal was born!”

“That’s right! “If I catch those bastards, won’t the tower owner think a little differently?”

“Hehe, what on earth is happening because of the nobles!”

In fact, people began to search the estate to find the lord’s family.

Day by day, dissatisfaction with the lord and the kingdom grew in Cyron.

And the Duke of Heidel’s face, who was watching this in real time, became increasingly dark.

‘This can’t go on…’ … .’

Public sentiment eventually spread to distrust of the kingdom and royal family.

Although it was limited to Cyron for now, there was no guarantee that this distrust would not spread to nearby territories.

In addition, public sentiment was popular, but a bigger problem was the envoys of other countries who visited the Tower of Desire.

There are four countries that the duke has confirmed so far.

It was obvious that it would increase further as time passed.

If the Tower of Desire were to move to another country, the Kingdom of Meldenik would suffer a huge economic and military blow.

A decision was needed.

“Prepare the airship immediately… “I have to go to the palace and see His Majesty.”

On that day, the Duke of Heidel and the royal guards left Cyron and returned within a few days.

He was accompanied by more warrior guards than before.

And at the head of them was a young man riding a white horse.

As the long procession arrived at the main gate of the Tower of Desire, the Duke of Heidel shouted.

“Go and tell the tower owner. “His Majesty Lacronia Meldenik, the heir to the first throne of the Meldenic Kingdom, has come to talk.”

The guards, surprised by the prince’s arrival, hurried into the tower.

After a while, it was Douglas who came out.

He said he had become surprisingly full of vitality in just a few days.

“The tower owner said he has nothing to say to you.”

“… … .”

There was silence for a moment because I didn’t expect the prince to ignore me so blatantly even though he came.

After biting his teeth, the prince stepped forward and spoke.

“… Our royal family recognizes great responsibility for this incident, and we intend to accept all the demands of the Tower of Desire along with an official apology. His Majesty the King has delegated full authority to me… Please make a place for me with the tower owner.”

A declaration by the Meldenic royal family that is almost humiliating.

A smile spread across the lips of Lois, who was looking down at this from the window.

The smile of a winner.

“Ask them to come in.”

With that one word, the main gate of the Tower of Desire, which had been tightly closed, opened.

The procession of the Kingdom of Meldenik finally entered the Tower of Desire.

An hour later, they left the tower again.

They all had sad faces.

And Prince Lacronia remembered this day as the most humiliating day of his life.

The members of the Meldenic royal family, full of anger, bit their lips and left Siron… … .

After that, time passed quickly.


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