He’s the Legendary Guard, Isn’t He? Chapter 53

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Episode 51

The security chief was a man in his mid-50s with gray hair.

“sit down.”


Sihyeon sat on the floor facing him.

The security chief spoke bluntly.

“You’ve been working for over 3 years and still don’t know how to live in an organization?”


“Is this where you work alone?”


Sihyeon was silent for now, but her eyes were staring straight at the security chief. He had no reason to bow his head to his superior’s reprimand. Because he wasn’t there to agree.

The security chief’s eyes were not kind, as if he didn’t like it.

“Do you really want to stand out on your own like that? Will the organization be able to work properly if all the stones are thrown around? Will the organization work properly then?”

“If a problem arises due to my mistake, I will admit it and apologize at any time. However, if you admonish me for legitimate behavior according to the regulations, that is not acceptable.”

Sihyeon answered in a calm voice. It was a potentially exciting situation, but since it was in front of my boss, I was keeping the line I could.

“Huh, what?”

The security chief furrowed his eyebrows as if he was shocked by Sihyeon’s answer. His voice rose.

“You’re the only one who pretends to be very clean.”

“I’m not pretending to be clean, I just did my job according to the regulations.”

“Are you going to talk back to me all the time? How have you been in the organization so far?”


A reprimand from a superior is something that subordinates must naturally endure. People who had been in public office for longer tended to have such thoughts. This can also be more severe in organizations with a strong hierarchy, such as prison guards.

The security chief also had similar thoughts.

“If you want to maintain order, grab the dog hairs hard. Don’t mess with the tiger hairs for no reason.”

“Whether they are dog-haired or tiger-haired, they are the same inmates.”

“Are you the same? You and the Minister of Justice are the same civil servants? You and the President are the same? That’s ridiculous.”

The security chief continued.

“The same goes for inmates. Is the fur of a dog the same as that of a cat? Our status is different, our status is different.”

I knew there were a lot of people who thought that way. I could understand why he thought that.

However, Sihyeon’s thoughts were always the same. No matter what background a prisoner has, he or she must adhere to the basic principles of being a prisoner. I couldn’t allow it to collapse. And ignoring it meant that Si-hyeon’s faith as a prison guard would also be destroyed.

“Are you saying we should provide unfair convenience because our status is different?”

Sihyeon said. Even while receiving a harsh reprimand from the security chief, his expression did not waver in the slightest. This is because he had already somewhat expected that it would turn out like this.

“Isn’t that against fairness? You’re welcome. We just treat you accordingly based on your status.”

If it comes out like that, it is already a parallel line. No amount of logic can ever convince one another. Even trying to do that is a waste of energy.

“I understand what the manager wants from me, but I have no intention of turning a blind eye to the inmate’s selfish practices. That’s all I can say.”

The security chief also clicked his tongue when he saw Sihyeon’s expression, as if he knew that she would not give in to this level of pressure.

“If this continues, life as a prison guard may not be comfortable in the future.”

“I will try my best.”

“You speak well. Okay, we’ll see. Let’s see how well we get along.”

The security chief stood up first. Then he slammed the door and left without even saying hello.

‘You must be tired.’

Sihyeon twisted his lips into a bitter smile.

◈ ◈ ◈

There is a saying called meeting the emperor. This meant that some wealthy inmates were abusing their right to access lawyers. At most, it could be as many as 4 or 5 times a day.

The difference was stark compared to the fact that general inmates had less access to lawyers due to financial burden. The reason why I did so many defense meetings a day was because during that time, I could kill time by talking comfortably in the lawyer’s reception room rather than in the prison cell. So, it was reported several times in the media that it was unfair.

Scholarship was no exception, and as usual, I met with a lawyer about 2 or 3 times a day. This was possible because the family of his wife, the daughter of a former president, was quite wealthy.

In any case, it wasn’t a violation of the law in itself, so even if I was dissatisfied in my heart, I couldn’t say anything about it.

“Did you get a scholarship?”

“Yes, earlier.”

Doyeon answered Sihyeon’s question.

“There are no more encounters today, right?”

“Maybe so?”

“How about a scholarship?”

“Huh? It was just like usual. What’s going on?”


The past few days, I’ve intentionally left work about 20 minutes late. This is because I am concerned that there will be another case of adding private meals. However, I could not be sure that there was no fraud involved. You can also delay the time and put it in after you get off work. No, it was clearly fraudulent.

So, the scholarship period goes on like usual. It was a scholarship period where I had a communication channel with the director, so if I had any complaints, I would have done whatever it took to express them.

“Stay here for a while. I’ll go see Jang Hak-gi and come back.”

“Oh, yes, I understand.”

Si-hyeon left the office to Do-yeon and went to the first room where Jang Hak-gi was. I approached her slowly, deliberately keeping my footsteps quiet to gauge her sympathy.

When I approached the third room and took a quick look, it seemed like Jang Hak-gi was engrossed in something. Feeling puzzled, Sihyeon took a step closer and looked inside closely.


Sihyeon opened his eyes wide. This is because I saw something that should not have been entered into Sadong.

Jang Hak-gi was talking on the phone in a low voice, holding the cell phone to his ear. I heard from the training center that there are vicious inmates who take advantage of the guards’ weaknesses and bring in and use cell phones.

But it was my first time seeing it in person. And that too in the company he manages.

I felt like my blood was rushing upwards and I became angry. You can’t act like that unless you blatantly treat the person in charge as an asshole.

Sihyeon walked quickly and opened the door to the first room.

“What are you doing now?”



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Jang Hak-gi hung up on Si-hyeon’s reprimand.

However, even though illegal activities were caught on site, he remained calm and calm. Rather, he stared as if asking, “What is he staring at?” Seeing such a shameless attitude, Sihyeon almost released the energy of an iron-blooded jailer without realizing it, but he forced it down.

The desire to submit so gracefully has disappeared far away. I really wanted to make him suffer and push that shameless face to the floor.

The fever rose to that level.

“You wouldn’t know it if you saw it?”

Jang Hak-gi said that again. The side that was at fault actually lost momentum.

“Don’t you know that it’s illegal to bring in a cell phone? Who gave you this?”

Sihyeon raised her voice a little. That much is enough to endure.

“I told you. What have you got to do with this minor topic? What are you going to do?”

“I’m in charge here. Please tell me how you brought it in.”

“Call the warden. I can’t talk about things like you. Let’s talk when the warden comes.”


Jang Hak-gi dug out his ears with an expression of annoyance. The phone is still tightly held in my hand. Treating someone like an asshole to their face.

Sihyeon quickly stretched out his hand and snatched the cell phone.

“Huh? This bastard is using force as he pleases again? Is it in the rules? Is it in the rules? Will he come to his senses if he gets sued?”

Jang Hak-gi, who had actually committed an illegal act, shouted at the man, citing the regulations as a red flag. Shihyeon felt like things would turn upside down if he continued to see things like that, so he slammed the door and turned around.

“Oh, look at that bastard? He’s slamming the door again without making a fuss.”

Jang Hak-gi’s unlucky voice came from behind me.

◈ ◈ ◈

Sihyeon first went to the provincial office with his cell phone and reported to the district chief.

“What cell phone is this?”

The district chief also looked surprised. The issue of illegally importing mobile phones was never easy. It was enough for the person involved to be disciplined.

Looking at the reaction, it seemed like the district chief had no idea that Jang Hak-gi had brought in a cell phone.

“I found an inmate using a cell phone in his cell. So I took it away and am reporting it to you now.”

“Who the hell are you? How did you bring it in?”

“I don’t know how it was brought in, but the prisoner who used it is Jang Hak-gi.”


When he heard Jang Hak-gi’s name, the angry expression on the head’s face changed drastically. He suddenly closed his mouth and seemed to be thinking about something.

Sihyeon also waited in silence.

After a while, the district chief spoke again.

“Who else knows about this?”

“I’m the only one who knows right now.”

“Okay, just keep it to yourself. I’ll report it to the security manager right away.”

◈ ◈ ◈

It was around 5 o’clock when the security manager was contacted.

Si-hyeon left everything to Do-yeon regarding dinner distribution and went down to the security office.

As soon as I entered the security manager’s office, the security manager signaled to close the door.

Sihyeon closed the door and approached the security manager.

“Sit down.”

After saying that, the security manager sat down on the sofa first, and Si-hyeon also sat across from him.


The security manager poured tea into a cup and handed it to me.

“thank you.”

Sihyeon received it.

“I heard about it.”


“Um… what should I say?”

The head of the security department paused a bit, as if he was thinking about how to speak. Then he took a sip of tea and opened his mouth again.

“To be honest….”


“I don’t feel comfortable either. No matter how big a person he is, I don’t feel comfortable providing convenience.”

It seemed to be part of the personality of the security manager who was strict about rules and liked things to be organized.

The security manager continued.

“by the way.”


“There are things in the world that cannot be helped. It would be great if you could live in the world only according to your own good or bad. But that’s not the case.”

The head of the security department smiled as if he had guessed something.

“This teacher.”


“Do you think I’m incredibly high up? I think I can handle security and work as I please? But that’s not true.”

The Korean prison was a large prison, so the rank of the head of the security department was correctional secretary, level 4. If it were an average-sized cow, it would be a rank that could have been a director.

From the perspective of Sihyeon, an 8th grader, it was an incredibly high position. The head of the security department was pouring out his inner thoughts to Sihyeon.

“Inmates like Jang Hak-gi. They can be said to be even more difficult to deal with than the head of the Correctional Headquarters. To a correctional officer, the correctional organization seems like the whole world, right? But the correctional organization is not the prosecution. It is an organization without power that is not even independent of the government. “And the prosecution does not treat influential figures in society such as conglomerates and politicians the same way as ordinary people.”


“Do you know why the law has changed to become easier for prisoners and harder for prison guards? Because human rights groups are going crazy? You’re welcome. They’re not the ones to change the law just because of that. It’s only because the National Assembly members got involved.”

Sihyeon moistened her mouth with tea and waited for the security manager’s next words.

“Are there quite a few members of the National Assembly who ended up in prison? Is it because their lives are more uncomfortable than expected? That’s why they get out and change the law. They can do this because almost all of their connections are members of the National Assembly. Also, they too will end up in prison someday. “Is it better to be comfortable when things happen? That’s why only the prison guards are becoming more and more uncomfortable. That’s why I don’t really like the National Assembly members either. But I said, you can’t live according to your good or bad. There are things that can’t be helped.”


It wasn’t the first time I’d heard the security manager’s words. Among the senior chiefs who had such thoughts, there were also those who scolded members of the National Assembly. Of course, the chief ministers also became ministries in the presence of members of the National Assembly.

“Anyway. The director was furious. He told me to send you to another building.”

“…Is that so?”

Sihyeon said calmly.

But deep down, it wasn’t like that. I felt anxious. If you are transferred to another company, your chance to give that damn human being a proper blow will disappear.

“So I managed to calm the warden down. I said I would try to talk to you nicely.”

“thank you.”

Sihyeon spoke with sincerity. It was fortunate. The opportunity has not yet passed away.

“If you’re grateful, you’ll take better care of yourself from now on.”

“All right.”

This time, Sihyeon also obediently backed away. Here, if you say something that contradicts your beliefs, your real position could change. I thought it would be wise to take a step back to secure a scholarship.

“Okay, watch over me.”


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