He’s the Legendary Guard, Isn’t He? Chapter 234

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Episode 232

“I came here on my own in search of a place to die, saving me the trouble of finding it.”

Even though there were two more enemies to face, the emperor seemed more excited.

The Emperor’s gaze first glanced at Rachel.

An archangel’s wings and a spear filled with divine power.

There was no need to even think about this person’s identity.

It was clearly Iria’s first sword, the Divine Spear.

This time his gaze turned towards Sihyeon.

This one was a bit unusual.

The sword worn around his waist was clearly the Acurate, and the weapon he was holding in his right hand was a dagger.

It also had a slightly unusual shape.

However, in the emperor’s memory, he remembered seeing a dromedary of that type.

Poachim, the lord of the prison castle, was the man’s favorite disease.

“Acurerts and Gansubon, what a terrible hybrid.”

The emperor opened his mouth with an interested smile.

“Are you curious about its identity?”

Sihyeon spoke in a deliberately provocative tone.

At the same time, I straightened my body as much as possible and tried to maintain my composure.

This was my first time meeting the emperor face to face.

And he was just as rumored, no, he was even more than that.

Even though he was just standing in place, a tremendous sense of intimidation was conveyed.

It was hard to believe that it was the energy emitted by a human being.

He is truly a tremendous figure.

I had no choice but to honestly admit it.

However, Si-hyeon himself survived all kinds of life-and-death crises and came this far.

My face wouldn’t stand up until I was pressured by energy or something.

Anyway, there is only one answer.

No matter what level of power he had reached, there was no choice but to defeat him here.

“What if you say so?”

The emperor asked back.

“Would any fool give his information to the enemy?”

Sihyeon answered right away.

It was an obvious provocation, but the emperor did not seem particularly provoked.

Instead, he twisted the corner of his mouth and smiled.

“I see. Well, it doesn’t matter whether you are the Sword Emperor or the Iron Blood Guard. It won’t change the fact that you will die here anyway.”

“Well, it looks like you can’t even see the battle situation properly, right?”

With a gesture of his chin, Sihyeon pointed to the rear of the Allied Forces, where the prisoners of the prison castle were pushing forward like fire.

It was clear to anyone that the Allied forces were being pushed back.

And that was the reason why Sihyeon was able to have some composure in front of the emperor.

“Your army is over now. And you, who are left alone, will soon be over too.”


The emperor, who was listening to Sihyeon’s words, suddenly burst into laughter as if he could not hold back his laughter.

Si-hyeon seemed to have a puzzled expression, as if he couldn’t understand the sudden laughter.

Rachel and Hiris also had similar expressions.

“Why are you smiling all of a sudden?”

Sihyeon asked, frowning slightly.

Only then did the emperor stop laughing.

“You seem to be mistaken in thinking that Jim was driven by an outsider… but you are such a fool.”


“It’s about time.”

As soon as the emperor finished speaking, the rear of the American camp became very commotion.




“Destroy the enemy!”

There was a loud cheer.

The shouts alone indicated that a significant number of reinforcements had arrived.

They were the troops initially divided by the emperor to attack the rear.

We finally arrived at the battlefield.


Sihyeon’s face hardened.

It was noticeable that the rear of the American army began to collapse rapidly.

In this case, it could not be said that the war situation was absolutely favorable.

They are caught in a situation where they are biting each other and cannot foresee even an inch ahead.

“What does it feel like? I feel like I got hit in the back in the same way.”

The emperor said with a cold smile.

Instead of answering, Sihyeon tightly grasped Seongju’s guards.

There was no time to waste now.



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The emperor had to be defeated as quickly as possible.

“Honestly, I’m not used to joint attack… I’ll try my best.”

Hyris stood up, shaking off the dust.

“I will help you with all my might, even if it is only my weak strength.”

Rachel lowered her posture and raised her holy spear.


The emperor shouted in a furious voice.

As if it had just begun, Sihyeon finally made the first move and rushed at the emperor.

The battle that will decide the fate of this battlefield has finally begun.

◈ ◈ ◈

The archangel’s wings flapped ceaselessly.

Rachel spun freely in the air and used a flash-like stab at the Emperor.

The holy energy that formed throughout the spear rushed like a gale with each thrust.

It wasn’t just fast.

The tip of the holy spear continued to wriggle like a snake, drawing strange lines.

Her spearmanship was absolute, reaching the pinnacle of two realms: prong (速) and hwan (換).

However, the emperor dodged the seemingly unavoidable, fast and varied attack with incomprehensible ease.

One strike, two strikes, three strikes, shooting… .

The emperor used a clever divine technique to ward off a barrage of sharp, fast stabs that took his breath away.

“For a dog from Iria, it’s really quite good.”

The emperor sneered.

And finally, Leiter moved.

Leiter drew a very perfect line in the air.

Soon the energy of death contained in it collided with the holy spear.


There was a loud noise that was hard to believe was a collision between weapons.


Rachel’s new model shook greatly.

She gritted her teeth as she lost her balance and bounced.

It was the moment when I touched the ground and tried to stand up again.

Her body trembled.


Then he spat out a handful of red blood with his face turning white.

The energy and blood had been distorted by the collision just now.


Sihyeon called out to Rachel in a worried voice.

Rachel waved her hand as if it was okay.

However, even at first glance, it did not appear to be in very good condition.

It was the same with Hiris.

She seemed quite tired as she was breathing heavily.

‘As it is… .’

Sihyeon bit her lip hard with a dark face.

He also felt it clearly because he had clashed with the emperor.

The power contained in the emperor’s strike just shown was not an exaggeration to say that it was a fatal blow containing all the power of his body.

However, the emperor had the power to use such a blow over and over again.

It was a skill that could never be measured.

Moreover, the joint training did not go as planned.

Hiris had already said that he wasn’t used to joint work, but that was the same for Rachel.

In fact, there would be no situation where top-notch powerhouses like the silent archmage or Shinchang would join forces.

So it wasn’t breathing well and it was creaky.

‘I can’t help it.’

The joint venture was not easy, and the emperor could not see any loopholes at all.

So there was no room to take a chance. In this case, we have no choice but to just decide the outcome.

Finally, a power that can be used only once.

By using Yeokcheon’s divine skill.

Sihyeon slowly stepped forward as if to block Rachel, who was lying down and coughing up blood.

“You’re taking a little rest.”

After hearing that, Rachel realized that Sihyeon was trying to do something.

And that was probably the blow that cut off the demon’s life in an instant.

“…May Iria’s blessings be with you.”

Rachel put her hands together and opened her mouth as if praying.

“If you die, I will never leave you alone.”

Hyris spoke in a casual voice.

However, Sihyeon could feel that her voice was shaking a little.

Since the opponent is the opponent, it has no choice but to be like that.

“I will never die.”

Sihyeon smiled lightly at the corner of her mouth.

I made that kind of expression out of nowhere so as not to worry her.

Sihyeon rushed at the emperor without hesitation.

“Hybrid, please come as often as you like.”

The emperor looked relaxed.

Since the battle broke out, his expression has not lost his composure even once.

Even when charging into enemy territory alone.

Even when we were suddenly attacked from the rear.

This probably means that he never felt that things were not going well under any circumstances.

Sihyeon moved the guard pole to his left hand and tightly clenched his right fist.

Now was the time to break that leisure.

Sihyeon constantly measured the distance between himself and the emperor.

The duration of the Reverse Heavenly Art was only 30 seconds, and not a single second could be wasted.

And the opponent is the emperor.

It was not possible to deal with the emperor simply by using reverse heavenly magic.

I had to pull up all the strength I could muster.


When Si-hyeon almost reached the emperor’s close range, his eyes widened.

Then he shouted as if he were spitting out a lion’s hooves.

“You are a prisoner!”

The first thing to do was to stamp the opponent with the prisoner’s brand, which could dramatically amplify one’s abilities.

Although he was branded, the emperor seemed not to be affected in the slightest.

Rather, an amused smile appeared on his lips.

“Jim is the emperor.”

“The monarchy collapsed a long time ago!”

Sihyeon exploded a reverse heavenly attack.

A force much stronger than when I defeated Igni swirled around my entire body.

A tremendous power that I had never felt before surged out of me.

It felt like it could even collapse a mountain.

“I’ll drag you down!”

Sihyeon swung with more force than ever before, as if putting all of that explosive power into her fist and exploding it all at once.

For a moment, the emperor’s eyes took on a different look.

This is because I felt a tremendous power within it that could not be ignored.

“Wow, this is really fun.”


The emperor stepped on the ground with all his might.

At the same time, the black flame of destruction burned fiercely not only from Leiter’s blade but also from the emperor’s entire body.

For the first time, it was the full release of true power.

The energy was infinitely dark and filled with endless destructive power.

“I never thought it would be like this….”

Rachel groaned with a dark face.

This was not a power that humans could unleash.

It is a power that threatens God.

Even though I was far away, my whole body was shaking as if there was an aftershock.

‘Prison warden… .’

However, the energy felt from Sihyeon was definitely tremendous.

This was the reason why I could not lose a glimmer of hope.

For now, the only thing she could do was pray for God’s blessings upon him.


Hyris clasped her hands together.

The moment the emperor released his energy, I got goosebumps.

My whole body was shaking from worry about Sihyeon.

The emperor’s sword once again drew a perfect line in the air.

It was a blow filled with tremendous power that seemed to tear apart anything that stood in its way.

Sihyeon’s fists collided with that blow.

The sight looked so dangerous in Hyris’s eyes, like a moth jumping into a flame, but she tried to calm herself down.


If you don’t believe in yourself, who will believe in you?

“Let it end!”

Hyris shouted with all his might.

Sihyeon heard her voice clearly.

At that moment, I felt like my nerves, which had been extremely tense, calmed down a little.

Okay, what are you nervous about coming all the way here?

Anyway, it’s a judgment call.

Whether you die or me, let’s give it a try!

Si-Hyeon did not feel intimidated by the extremely powerful blow coming in front of him, but instead punched his fist vigorously.

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