He’s the Legendary Guard, Isn’t He? Chapter 168

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Episode 166


Arthur momentarily doubted his eyes.

This is because, like before, I once again missed the opponent’s move.

The guy had already been beaten so badly that he was completely devastated. I’m not in a state where I can move that quickly.

Still, I missed it.

I couldn’t help but think that it was a special skill that Poahim possessed.

‘What kind of skill is this?’

As I was thinking this with displeased eyes, I heard Max yelling from behind me.

“Welcome, you bastard!”

Arthur looked away.

The Geomje was standing in front of Max.

He seemed to be thinking about something for a moment while lowering the tip of his sword to the ground.

“Don’t interfere this time!”

Max declared to Arthur.

Since the guy walked in on his own feet, there was no reason to give in.

Arthur also folded his arms as if telling him to do whatever he wanted.

I didn’t think it would be a bad thing to see someone being a bully to others.

Max raised his iron club high. Then, without any delay, she poured out her strength and struck down the head of her sword.

This was because the desire to smash the guy’s head like a watermelon rose before Arthur interfered.

Even though Max was making a brutal attack, Geomje still remained silent with a thinking expression.

‘What are you doing?’

Sihyeon, who couldn’t see anything, shouted urgently.

-I am wondering how to kill you in the most painful way as you wish.

‘yes… ?’

After Sihyeon’s embarrassed reaction, Geomje’s sword finally moved.

The blade rose vertically as if hitting an iron club falling like a wall.

That movement.

It was slow but fast.

That was the only way I could express it.

It certainly seemed slow at first glance. So it felt like my head would be smashed by the iron club falling at a much faster speed.


The blade, which seemed slow, had suddenly reached the iron club and blocked the attack.

It was a move that contained the trick of starting first, where an attack launched late would arrive faster than an attack launched early.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that this was a movement that truly demonstrated the essence of upward swordsmanship.

However, no one could tell that it was the iron club that had the strongest power.

One side is an iron club covered with a brightly burning steel.

The other side is just an ordinary slash.

It was as obvious as seeing fire what would happen.

The strength that only a master could wield was capable of tearing any material apart like a sheet of paper.

So, it was like well-known common sense that the only thing that could stop a strong force was a strong force.

Therefore, it seemed only natural that the long sword would be cut into pieces and the sword emperor’s head would be smashed.

Even Sihyeon, who knew that the one doing the action was Geomje, looked at the scene trembling with tension.

And finally, the iron club and the long sword collided as if intertwined in the air.

The result is.


Something broke in half and flew through the air.

At the same time, Max unconsciously took a few steps back.

“This is ridiculous…!”

Max shouted, his face dazed in shock.

What was cut into pieces and blown away was Max’s iron club filled with strength.

In his hand was an iron club that had been cut cleanly and had had half of it blown off.

“What is this…!”

Arthur, who was watching their fight, also widened his eyes with an expression of disbelief.

It was clearly a clash of strength and simple cutting.

However, a simple cut shattered the strength and severed the weapon.

It was something that went beyond common sense.

It was a sight that Arthur, who had experienced numerous battles on numerous battlefields, had never seen before.


Max, who belatedly recovered from his shock, felt great shame.

In front of his worst enemy, whom he could not help but hate, he retreated without realizing it.

Even if it meant losing my life, I shouldn’t have done something like that.


Max shouted loudly as if to cheer himself up.

He saw clearly.

The way he got beaten up by Arthur.

Having been beaten like that, it was clear that his physical condition must have been terrible.

Even now, bright red blood was flowing from the corner of his mouth.



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All parts of my body were torn and red and swollen.

No matter how much I thought about it, there was no chance of being defeated by a guy in that physical condition.

Cutting down his weapon was probably his last effort to muster up all his strength.

Max convinced himself that.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t have understood the situation just now at all.

Meanwhile, Max held the weapon cut in half and looked at the opponent as carefully as possible.

Earlier, I tried to attack first and got hit.

So this time, I decided to take a firm defensive stance and wait for him to come in first.

Max stood there like an iron wall of Venus, pumping up all his strength and waiting for the Geomje to move.

“Right arm.”

The Geomje cast a glance at Max’s right arm and muttered.

It was after some time that I understood what it meant.

“…What, what? You crazy bastard!”

Max shouted, his face turning red with anger.

The guy had already declared that he would attack his right arm.

That was something a strong person with a huge difference in skill would do when he toyed with the weak and killed them.

‘No, no.’

Max bit his lip and managed to calm himself.

Since they had no chance of winning, it was clear that they were trying to sway him by making such a provocation.

Max suppressed the urge to attack first and glared at the Geomje.

‘Come, you bastard!’

The Geomje finally moved as if he heard Max’s swearing.

The Sword Emperor’s sword slash cut through the air and cut off Max’s right arm.

Although it was an accurate movement, it was a very obvious movement.

Plus, the speed wasn’t fast.

It was clear that he had lost strength. That kind of attack wasn’t threatening at all.

‘진짜 오른팔을 공격하다니, 이 개새끼!’

Cursing under his breath, Max took a step back and pulled his right arm back.

For some reason, what happened earlier made me feel uncomfortable, so I decided not to clash weapons this time.

Just doing this was enough to get out of the attack range.

And if the loophole was exploited after the attack missed, the guy would be stuck and would have no choice but to suffer.


Max smiled in remorse after seeing that the sword had moved upward.

But at that moment.

A single red blood line was drawn on Max’s right arm.

Almost at the same time, fresh blood spurted out like a fountain.


Max screamed in pain.

The severed arm fell helplessly toward the ground. The half-cut iron club that fell together rolled on the floor.

What on earth?

What on earth?

What the hell?!

Max couldn’t understand what was happening or come to his senses.

“Left arm.”

The Geomje muttered again.

“…You bastard!”

Max rushed at Geomje as if he had lost his mind.

As if he had even forgotten about defense, he loaded up on a lot of magical power and fired a kick near the Geomje’s heart.

It was almost like Dong-Gwi Jin’s method.

It was his intention to somehow burst the Geomje’s heart even if he was defeated.

The Geomje moved his sword without blinking an eye.

This time toward Max’s left arm.

Just like before, a slow but accurate sword strike was struck with the left arm.

Soon Max’s left arm began to separate, spewing blood.

But instead of screaming in pain, Max’s eyes flashed.

The blow with all his might came almost to the sword emperor’s heart.

This can never be avoided.


Max shouted with blood-red eyes.

At that moment, silver energy quickly enveloped the Sword Emperor’s body.

It was a sword curtain.

However, it was so thin that it seemed like it would break at any moment.

I had no doubt that Max would tear it apart like a piece of paper.

It was an all-out attack that brought up all of the mana.

It was not at a level that could be blocked with that much of a sword.

Soon Max’s feet touched the sword screen.



Max let out a scream that was a bizarre combination of shock and pain.

His feet were sharply cut and blood spewed out. The moment it touched the sword, it was chopped off like a sharp knife.

An absurd thing happened where Geommak, a defensive technique similar to a shield, cut down the opponent.

Max flopped down on the floor with a completely stunned look on his face.

His whole body was covered in blood from the bleeding coming from the cut wound.

“Left foot.”

The Geomje looked at Max’s healthy left foot with indifferent eyes and muttered.

To Max now, those words sounded like those of the Reaper.

Goosebumps appeared all over my body and I was shaking.

“Oh… oh, don’t come!”

Max hesitantly dragged himself backwards using his only good left foot.

Max muttered with a look of horror on his face.

“This, this… monster, monster…··.”

The word “monster” came out of the mouth of an S-class and worst criminal.

It looked unbelievable.

But the vision was understandable.

‘… It’s really scary.’


‘Oops… Can you hear me?’

-I’m just doing as you wish.

Geomje slowly approached Max.

Max struggled to escape, but it was only a pathetic gesture.

The Sword Emperor’s sword fell again.

This time too, it was a slow but honest cut.

But now everyone who watched this fight knew that the attack was more terrifying than anything else.


Max’s left foot was cut and fresh blood spurted out.

“…Kill, kill, kill me! Kill me quickly!”

Max instinctively realized that he could not live, but rather begged for death.

I just wanted to get away from this terrible pain as soon as possible.


Max, who heard those words, showed an expression of relief despite the pain.

The Sword Emperor’s sword moved again.

But this time it was fast.

It was too fast.

So much so that even Arthur, the strongest among the S-Class, could not see the movement clearly.


His sword, which cruelly tore off Max’s neck, ascended into the air and red blood splattered on the ground.

The Sword Emperor’s eyes turned towards Arthur, who was watching the fight blankly.

The moment our eyes met, Arthur instantly flinched.

‘This me…’ ? I, the true king, was overcome by force… ?!’

Arthur wanted to deny reality.

However, his body was clearly trembling slightly due to tension.


The Geomje looked at Arthur and opened his mouth.

“You go, Sowang.”

There was no life.

I just looked at it indifferently.

However, it oppressed my whole body more than any other living thing.

Arthur smiled at his lips.

But his smile seemed forced.

“…Haha, Poahim. You did a good job killing Max. I honestly praise you. But this cow king….”

“There are quite a few weapons.”


Geomje ignored Sowang’s words and began taking out weapons from his inventory and throwing them on the floor.

These were the weapons that Sihyeon kept in his inventory for fear of another incident like the Ganghwado disaster.

Sword, sword, spear… .

Various weapons fell to the ground.

Arthur frowned and looked at the Sword Emperor, wondering what he was doing.

It’s no joke, is there any reason to bring out so many weapons?

I couldn’t understand his behavior at all.

It was just absurd.

Moreover, this place was now a tense battlefield.

But they are doing this in their leisurely manner. It felt like I was being mocked.

The discomfort in Arthur’s smile deepened.

However, I was not hasty in making the first move.

This is because I clearly watched Max suffer.

“This is enough.”

Only after putting down dozens of weapons did Geomje stop taking out weapons.

Then he lifted his left hand, spread it out, and squeezed it lightly.

That moment.

The weapons that had been placed on the ground began to rise into the air at once.

The sight of so many weapons floating in the air was truly a frightening sight.

“Huh… Um, is that…?!”

For the first time, the smile disappeared from Arthur’s face.

The technique that Poahim was currently using was the Igigeo sword.

Arthur could use that technique too.

But that… The dimension itself was different.

A normal Igigeom sword could only move a few weapons at most.

However, dozens of weapons are moving at the same time.

It was an absolutely unbelievable sight. I never imagined that such a person existed.

But Poahim… ?!

No, that wasn’t what mattered now.

“…Leave Jeomyeong Palace alone and come this way right away!”

Arthur shouted urgently with a white face.


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