He’s the Legendary Guard, Isn’t He? Chapter 159

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Episode 157

Inmates on the second and third floors did not cause any problems.

Sihyeon and his group, who had been worried internally, sighed in relief.

However, Sihyeon thought there was no way the inspection could end without incident like this.

Considering what happened on the first floor, it was quite possible.

When they came up to the 4th floor, Sihyeon and his group looked a little surprised when they saw the triple locking mechanism.

Korea also pays attention to the security of awakened prisoners, but not to this extent.

“This is where Class A prisoners are imprisoned.”

Sihyeon and the others nodded as if they understood Dean’s explanation.

Meanwhile, the guard next to Dean began to eagerly open the lock.

‘Not here.’

Sihyeon thought.

Before entering this building, I felt an unknown, unpleasant sensation.

And I wondered if I would feel it again here, but I didn’t.


Sihyeon thought of something in her head.

Unless there is an A class, there is only S class above that.

This was not yet the top floor of this building.

There was a good possibility that there was another Sadong above.

If there is an S class there.

Sihyeon had never met an S-class inmate in person yet.

So I didn’t know how effective the Iron Blood Guard’s abilities would be on an S-class inmate.


If you reached the S level, even if you were an inmate, there was no doubt that the government would give you special management.

Common sense dictates that there is no way to show it to outsiders.

I probably didn’t need to think about that.

So, there was a need to really put pressure on the Yankees here.

That way, they would no longer be able to take them lightly and manipulate them.

“Let’s go in.”

When the door was fully opened, Dean said with a smile on his face.

Sihyeon, who was behind the group, quietly came out and walked next to the director and the security manager.

Then, a look of relief appeared on the faces of the director and the security manager.

The other party members also seemed relieved.

‘indeed… ‘It’s worth knowing.’

As we approached the cell, Sihyeon nodded slightly with a knowing look on her face.

This is because the seasoned guard’s insight was busy.

[Warning: An extremely infamous person has been detected nearby.]

[Warning: Another extremely infamous person has been detected nearby.]

[Warning: Nearby… .]

Warning windows for the infamous Class A awakened person appeared one after another.

After gaining insight, I have never encountered so many infamous people at once.

This is because not all awakened criminals are notorious figures.

But at least this Alcatraz seemed to have a fairly high rate.

Sihyeon slowly turned his gaze to look at the American prison guards.

I could sense that they were expecting something from them and that they were nervous, knowingly or unknowingly.

It was easy to see why.

The expectation is that the inmates here will be scolded in a nice way.

And the reason for being nervous was obvious.

The most difficult inmates for prison guards to deal with were the notorious ones.

Needless to say, it is at an ‘enormous’ level.

Even if he was behind bars, the killing power of an A-class awakened person could itself become a threatening weapon capable of damaging the opponent’s spirit.

It’s a shame because the prison guards are also enlightened, but if an ordinary person were exposed to such a murder, they could have suffered psychological trauma.

So, Sihyeon came out and stood next to the warden.

Unlike the head of the security department, the director was a member of the public.

And since at the level of a warden, you rarely come into contact with prisoners in the field, you would not take it seriously even if you heard about this risk.

“No problem this time.”

The senior prison guard muttered quietly.

Bell also nodded as if he agreed with that statement.

Class A inmates were difficult to deal with even with long experience.

It was a ferocious beast itself.

But, like Class B, you can take it down right away?

It was an absurd sound.

Even if it were not the hero prison guard but the hero prison guard’s grandfather, that would have been impossible.

‘What will it be like… .’

Jake thought, staring intently at where the vision was.

He was half-infatuated with Sihyeon because of what happened on the first floor.

As a fellow prison guard, the sight of vicious inmates being taken down in an instant felt very cool.

I imagined that a lot.



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The sight of a prison guard who dares not allow inmates to pray just by looking at them.

But it was just an imagination and reality was just a gutter.

However, a prison guard who made that fantasy a reality appeared before my eyes.

Jake secretly hoped that Sihyeon would show the same side this time.

“Tsk tsk tsk.”

The snake tattoo in the cell crossed its arms and let out an unpleasant laugh.

This was the same inmate who openly asked Belle for a p**nographic magazine and openly harassed Jake.

“Good. Very good.”

Snake Tattoo muttered.

Before Sihyeon’s group came up, a message had already been delivered to the prisoners on the 4th floor through the prison guards.

Inmates who can properly discourage Asians coming into Sadong will be given special consideration for their detention for the next month.

The deputy director said this was what he said himself.

Special consideration, those were very sweet words.

Special meals, cigarettes, alcohol… He said he could do anything he wanted.

It was a very possible story, as it came from a deputy warden and not just a prison guard.

So we have no choice but to move.

The snake tattoo looked at Si-hyeon and the others with eerie flashing eyes.

Those were the eyes of a wild beast stalking its prey.

‘What, they’re just idiots?’

The snake tattoo showed its teeth and grinned.

With just one look, he immediately realized that the opponent was a flock of sheep.

They were the very weak humans he had trampled on countless times throughout his life.

‘You’re lucky.’

There was also a cell on the other side, but they were coming exactly this way first.

The sweet fruit of special consideration flashed before my eyes.

All you have to do is hold out your hand, twist, and pluck it.

The snake tattoo slowly got up and walked towards the bars.

I could feel the Asians being startled by that action.

‘Jerk the.’

The snake tattoo showed blatant mockery.

The nervous gaze of the Asian people turned to the one standing in front.

It was as if that was the only place he could rely on.

‘What is that guy?’

Snake Tattoo burst into laughter.

He was probably a bit stronger among them, but no matter how I looked at him, he didn’t smell like a strong person at all.

‘Tsk tsk tsk tsk.’

Snake tattoo decided.

Let’s take a picture of that guy first.

There are few things as fun as seeing that look on your face at the moment when something you believe in is completely destroyed.


He looked at the snake tattoo with laughable eyes and shouted at Sihyeon.

Sihyeon raised his hand to the group and indicated that there was nothing to worry about.

Then he cast a cold gaze and approached the cell with the snake tattoo.

“What? Look at you crazy guy, frowning at me and making fun of me. Why don’t you clear your face quickly? Smile, you son of a bitch! Make me grovel and laugh!”

Snake Tattoo scolded as if he was shocked.

It wasn’t just a scolding. She was screaming fiercely with all her energy.

Even those watching from afar could feel their skin trembling.

However, Sihyeon approached the iron bars without the slightest agitation.

Then he stretched out his hand, grabbed the iron bars, and came face to face with the snake tattoo.

“You should smile too.”

Sihyeon spoke in a cold voice.


The snake tattoo made an expression of bewilderment, but then its eyes widened in a murderous manner.

“Ana, you bastard!”

A breathtaking murderous force exploded from the body of the snake tattoo.

Sihyeon and the others looked a little worried, while Dean and the American guards smiled as they looked forward to the future.

It was that moment.

Sihyeon let out a loud noise.

“I told you to smile, you bastard!”

‘… Another loud noise.’

Jake thought as he looked at that figure.

Certainly, a loud and intimidating voice was a basic skill of prison guards.

However, there were people for whom it would work and there were people for whom it would not work.

The snake tattoo was, of course, the latter.

On the contrary, there were many prison guards who went out so strongly and were scolded to the point where they couldn’t come to their senses.



Jake’s eyes widened as he discovered something.

This is because I saw the snake tattoo’s eyes shaking wildly as if scared when Sihyeon shouted.

It was a sight so unreal that Jake thought he had seen something wrong.

There was no way a class A felon could make that kind of expression.

Even the director wouldn’t be able to do that.

Jake shook his head and took a step forward to get a closer look.

“…Hehe, hehehehe….”

Suddenly, the snake tattoo started laughing with an expression like a gentle sheep.

It was a smile so innocent that a stranger would not have guessed that he was a murderer who killed several people.

“Baby, you laugh a lot.”

Sihyeon sneered and blurted out.

“Hehe, that’s right. That’s right. Hehehehehe. Ever since I was little, I grew up hearing that I laugh a lot. Hehehe.”

Snake Tattoo gently rubbed his hands together and continued to smile slyly.

“Well, what is that….”

“What the hell….”

The American prison guards looked speechless with their eyes wide open in shock.

It was shocking to see a Class A awakened person, and a vicious killer at that, groveling as if his liver and gallbladder were going to be taken out.

It was something I had never imagined even in my dreams.

But that was just the beginning.

“Isn’t it nice to laugh?”

Sihyeon said with a smile on her face and a provocative look at Dean.

He deliberately revealed his true feelings without hiding them.

I planned to use this opportunity to give back to the Yankees what had been done to them.

So that I don’t do anything again.

Dean looked very shocked.

He stood there blankly, as if he didn’t know what to do right now.

“It looks like you’re so happy that you can’t speak. Hmm… Well, then, shall we try to make this neighborhood into a place of laughter through service?”

Sihyeon smiled and turned around.

Then they started banging on the cell doors one by one and shouting.

“Come on, you guys smile too, okay? Smile.”




Every time Sihyeon passed by knocking on the cell door, the inmates started laughing.

“Ha ha ha ha ha!”



The sight was truly grotesque.

Among the American prison guards, there were quite a few who shuddered with horrified faces.

Sihyeon and his party also looked very embarrassed by the unexpected scene.

bang! bang!

“Now, smile, smile. They say that luck will come if you smile?”



The prisoners’ laughter became a strange chorus and pierced my ears.

As a scene unfolded that they could not even imagine, or even imagine, people could only stare in fascination with dumbfounded faces.

‘iced coffee… .’

Jake thought with his eyes trembling from great shock.

That person is also right.

Hero is right.

Impressed by this wondrous sight, Jake’s body trembled involuntarily.


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