He’s the Legendary Guard, Isn’t He? Chapter 121

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Episode 119


Sihyeon stared at the gray-haired man with an observing gaze.

Now that I think about it, the man from earlier used the word ‘burden’ when referring to himself.

That was the word the king used to refer to himself.

But what kind of king is this?

King of the orcs?

It didn’t seem like it.

Then what?


Cheolhyung called out to Sihyeon in a nervous voice.

It was Sihyeon’s first time hearing his voice filled with such emotion.

“I think the reason I wasn’t feeling well today was because of that guy.”

“is it so?”

“Yes, I get a very sinister vibe from that guy.”


Sihyeon was also feeling the same way.

It seemed like the man himself was giving off that kind of energy.

The monster orc I had just defeated was an extremely strong enemy, but that man felt like an enemy with much stronger power than that monster orc.

Sihyeon bit her lip and glanced at the watch on her wrist.

Then he turned around and looked back.

“Does anyone know for sure when the rescue team is coming?”

Sihyeon was unable to hear the exact time the rescue team arrived because he was busy blocking the orcs outside.

“I know, brother.”

Kang Baek raised his hand.

He was at a level where he could not get involved in the fierce battle just now, so he stayed back.

Because I knew it wouldn’t help at all.

“When will you come?”

“Well, since there were 20 minutes left… I think we’ll arrive in about 10 minutes.”

Kang Baek glanced at his watch and answered.

“10 minutes….”

Sihyeon muttered.

It was a very short time.

Unless this is the case.

The current 10 minutes are a time that feels like an eon.

Will I be able to endure it?

If, as expected, the man was much stronger than the monster orc, it would be difficult to even last 10 minutes.

It would be nice if it were possible to somehow kill time, but the only way that immediately came to mind was to kill time by talking.

However, that was only possible if the man accepted it.


Dong-il said in a trembling voice.

All of the prisoners were extremely nervous as they saw the man create a wall of blades in an instant.

Just as Dong-il said, the man was walking slowly.

They do not have a huge body like orcs.

He had an average physique, even among humans.

Still, I felt a suffocating pressure every time the man approached me.

Even A-level hunters Cheolhyung and Mujik were sweating coldly.

Fortunately, the vision that activated the executioner’s coldness was the most intact.

Sihyeon took a step forward toward the approaching man.

It was a step that required tremendous courage.

The moment the man opened fire, he was in a position where he could die first.

If I hadn’t been ruthless, I probably wouldn’t have come forward.

“Who are you?”

Sihyeon opened her mouth.

The intention was to waste time by saying what I had in mind.


The man twisted the corner of his mouth and let out a sneer.

“Some insignificant person is asking Jim without even knowing the subject.”

“Does that mean you’re not human?”

Sihyeon asked even though he already guessed it.

I was planning on continuing the conversation somehow.


The man let out a cold voice and stamped his foot hard.


People felt dizzy as the earth shook.



From where the man stamped his foot, the ground began to split left and right.



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At the same time, black flames rose from the cracked area.


“Well, what is that?”

The startled people screamed and stepped back.

The ground continued to crack and spit out flames, heading towards where Sihyeon was standing.

“Tongue, brother!”

“Dodge quickly!”

Kang Baek and the prisoners shouted in surprise.

However, Si-hyeon did not move, no matter what he was thinking.

It seemed as if the ground where Sihyeon was stepping would split at any moment and the billowing flames would burn Sihyeon.

Cheol-hyung, who was worse off, tried to save Si-hyeon by flying.

However, his reaction was a little late because he did not expect Sihyeon to avoid him.

In the meantime, the flames reached a very short distance from Sihyeon.

Kangbaek closed his eyes tightly, as if he couldn’t bear to see what would happen next.

That moment.

As if it were a lie, the cracking of the ground stopped.

Right in front of Sihyeon.

The people watching heaved a sigh of relief.

I thought it would just be swallowed up by the flames.

“Hmph, this guy has guts.”

The man said.

Sihyeon stared at the man in silence.

It wasn’t that I stayed still because I had any special intention.

This is because the man’s sincere intention to kill was not felt in this attack.

And that guess seemed to be correct.

“Jim likes guys with guts. But there’s one condition: You must be absolutely loyal to Jim. If you tell him to lick, he licks. If you tell him to bark, he barks.”

The man continued.

“I think you might be of some use. Swear your loyalty and become my subordinate. Then, you will be able to live.”

“You can’t do that.”

For some reason, Si-hyeon felt a strong sense of discomfort and immediately cut off the man’s suggestion.

“You really don’t know the subject. You don’t even know how glorious it is to be my subordinate. Then you should just be a slave.”



Suddenly, the story he heard at the inspection bureau came to Sihyeon’s mind.

The humans we encountered at the Winter Castle Gate said that the humans on the Leiter Continent had been reduced to the slavery of monsters.

I felt like this man and his story were somehow related.

“Haha, rejoice. Originally, I was going to kill them all as an example, but I will make you a slave in particular.”

“There is everything to be happy about.”

Sihyeon glanced at his watch as he roughly received the words.

Almost two minutes had passed.

It would be nice if I could continue talking to the man like this and pass the time… .

“Hmph, even stupid slaves who didn’t know what they were talking about at first end up saying thank you while being whipped. You will soon be like that too.”

The man continued speaking with a cold smile.

“Well then, from now on, I will personally establish the majesty of the king.”

Sihyeon’s frown frowned when he heard those words.

It seemed like the man had no intention of continuing the conversation.

“Come out.”

The man said, moving his left hand lightly.

Then, suddenly, a black light flickered in the empty space.

People looked there with tense faces.

This is because I felt an unusual energy.

Soon the black light disappeared and something inside it revealed itself.

It was a dog that looked like it was over twenty.

No, it was too alien a being to be called a dog.

It certainly looked like a dog, but its body was as big as an ox.

The eyes were menacing and the teeth exposed were as sharp as a well-honed blade.

The figure was not a dog, but a ferocious beast.


“Mo, isn’t it a monster?”

People retreated, as if frightened by the appearance of a wild animal dog.

At first glance, I felt that it was a very dangerous creature.

“The people I called go over there and stop those guys!”

Sihyeon quickly called out the prisoners’ names and gave instructions.

Dividing personnel in front of a strong enemy could have been a dangerous instruction.

However, Sihyeon knew well from the beginning that numbers were meaningless when dealing with such a strong enemy.

Therefore, without hesitation, we sent five Class B inmates there.

There are Hunter guards among the people, so if we work together to deal with them, we will be able to stop them.

“Tsk, you’re struggling pathetically.”

The man clicked his tongue.



The wild dogs rushed at the people all at once.

Those who were powerless stepped back with fearful faces, and those who were awakened gritted their teeth and stepped forward.

“Hit the wall!”

“You must never let me go!”

The prisoners shouted.

Hunter guards also took up arms and joined the ranks.

It was definitely a strange sight to see prisoners blocking the way to protect the guards.


“These guys are strong!”

“Get your mind straight!”

The prisoners who engaged in combat with the wild dogs first warned their allies.

Still, perhaps because they were B-class hunters, they maintained their formation well even during the first clash.

The Hunter guards would also risk their lives in this situation, so it seemed possible to hold out if they cooperated well.

Sihyeon pursed her lips and turned her head towards the man again.

What happened behind the scenes, I had no choice but to believe.

Now I only had to worry about the internal side.

Because the most dangerous thing is this man.

Sihyeon’s eyes looked towards the clock again and then back.

Another minute passed.

It was a desperate and heartbreaking moment, but time was clearly passing.


“Surround us like before!”

Sihyeon instructed.

Soon, except for the inmate sent back, the remaining inmates surrounded the man.

However, the side that seemed to have more freedom was actually the side that was surrounded, and the besieged side was crushed by the pressure.

“You insignificant humans. You can’t even touch Jim’s clothes.”

The man looked at Si-hyeon and the others with a condescending look, as if he were looking at an inferior creature.


Suddenly, the man’s new form disappeared as if evaporating.

“100 million?!”

Mujik, who was holding a spear and carefully keeping a watchful eye on the man, shouted in horror.

Suddenly, a man appeared before my eyes.

No one felt the man’s movements at all.

It moved as if it had been teleported.


The man stretched out his hand and grabbed the unemployed man’s neck.

“Knock, gag…!”

With that alone, Mujik was unable to move as if his body had been completely subdued.

The spear suddenly fell to the floor from my hands that lost strength.

“Damn it!”

Dong-il moved.

“We have to save it!”

Cheolhyung also rushed towards the man.

Their swords had a blue tinge to them.

But the man didn’t care.

At some point, something like a circular black film appeared on the man’s body.

“Die, you bastard!”

Dong-il put all his energy into the short sword and stabbed the man in the back.

It seemed as if it would pierce the man’s back at any moment.




Dong-il’s attack was so easily blocked by the black membrane surrounding the man.


Next, Cheolhyeong made a downward slash with a longsword that raised much clearer sword energy than that of Dongil.


However, this time too, the attack was blocked so easily that it was ridiculous.


Cheolhyung muttered with a dark face.

The attack doesn’t work.

“Are those eyes that dared to look into my precious eyes?”

Meanwhile, the man stretched out his finger and stabbed Mujik’s right eye.


Mujik screamed in terrible pain.

The man’s finger burst his eyeball.

Blood trickled down from under the eyes.

“Are you the one who dared to listen to what Jim said?”

This time the man grabbed his left ear and ripped it off.

The torn ears were scattered haphazardly on the floor.


Mujik let out a scream that seemed like he was going crazy.

It would have been easier to lose my mind.

But I couldn’t do that.

Boom! Tooung!

Meanwhile, Dong-gil and Cheol-hyeong tried to attack the man with all their might, but they were unable to break through the black membrane.

“The attack doesn’t work?”

Sihyeon came running with a distorted face as she watched the man commit a cruel act on an unemployed person.

“…I can’t pierce it with a sword.”

Cheolhyung answered with a dejected expression.

Sihyeon’s face also darkened.

The sword technique used by Cheolhyeong was the most powerful attack among the allies.

If that didn’t work, they couldn’t even offer the slightest resistance and would have no choice but to wait for death.

Sihyeon bit her lip and used the Gansubong technique.

It was a technique that caused a huge blow to the monster orcs.

Boom! Tooung! Boom! Boom! Boom!

However, this time, the sword failed to penetrate the membrane and bounced off.

“Damn, damn!”

Sihyeon put in the guards and took out Accuraerts.

A famous sword with tremendous cutting power.



However, Acurate’s attack also proved futile.

“Which side should I do next… Left eye? Right ear? Ah, yes. I’ve decided. I’ll also pull out your useless tongue.”

The man didn’t care at all what was happening around him.


The man forcibly opened the unemployed person’s mouth and put his hand in.

“You damn bastard!”

Sihyeon couldn’t hold back his anger and screamed.

“Get out of here right now!”


“Get out of here right now!”

Following Sihyeon’s instructions, the prisoners, including Dongil and Cheolhyeong, moved to the side.

Sihyeon planned to use Hellfire.

The man is letting down his guard now.

No, I wasn’t paying attention to this at all.

He was just focused on causing pain to the captured humans and enjoying himself to the fullest.

It seemed like there would be no chance if it wasn’t now.

It was clear that the man’s ghost-like movements would easily be avoided if Hellfire was used from the front.

No matter how much you think about it, the only opportunity is now.

Anyway, if I couldn’t break this damn block even with the last resort, Hellfire, it was all over.


Sihyeon calmly took a deep breath.

Then he straightened out the Acurelust.

The man didn’t pay any attention to this and was just about to pull out the unemployed man’s tongue.

Unemployed people will probably get caught up and die.

But there was no way to save it.

If you leave it like this, you’re likely to die anyway.

It might have been better to let them go at once without any more terrible pain, which would save them from being unemployed.


Sihyeon shouted the starter word.

At the same time, a white flame burned with stifling heat.

Soon the fire engulfed the man and the unemployed person.

And at that moment, a similar phenomenon occurred when it hit the Human Butcher’s river curtain.

When the unidentified black film collided with the flames of Hellfire, a large explosion occurred on the spot.


There was a loud noise and an explosion like a huge bomb exploding.

Fortunately, the explosion occurred forward, as if protecting the spell caster.

Otherwise, I would have been caught up in it.


“what’s the matter?!”

People looked up in surprise at the sudden explosion.


“oh my god….”

The inmates also looked surprised.

Sihyeon pulled out his sword and seemed to be doing something, then an incredible explosion occurred.


Sihyeon looked at the place where the explosion occurred, praying in his heart.

The cooldown was 24 hours, so Hellfire could no longer be used.

I just hoped that the man was dead or seriously injured.

However, there was no trace of the man where the explosion occurred.

So where?

It was when Sihyeon was looking around with a curious gaze.


A voice filled with great anger was heard.

It was towards empty space.

Sihyeon’s eyes quickly turned to where the voice came from.

There was a man there.

It looked like every part of his body had been scorched by fire.

My clothes were burnt and torn, and my flesh was burning red, as if I had been burned here and there.

However, there did not seem to be any serious injuries as expected.

Sihyeon’s expression darkened.

“How dare an insignificant human hurt me! I’ve changed my mind! I’ll kill you right now and tear you to pieces!”

Letting out a murderous voice, the man rushed towards Sihyeon straight out of the air with the force of a storm.

Sihyeon grabbed Acurelust tightly and tried to throw himself backwards.

I could never give up until the end.

however… .


A terrible pain that I had never felt before came to me.


Sihyeon lowered her head and looked at her chest, wondering what was going on.

At that place.

There was a hand stained red with blood.

And soon I realized that it was a man’s hand.

The man’s hand had penetrated his chest and reached his back.

… This is the end.

The moment I was about to die, I suddenly burst into laughter.

Have you lived so desperately to meet this end?

In the throes of pain, my body’s strength quickly drained away.

My hand lost strength and I lost my grip on Acurelust.

My vision became blurry and my mind became increasingly faint.

mother… father… Hayoung… sorry… .


… what?

A sharp female voice seemed to be screaming and calling someone.

At the same time, the feeling of the creepy man’s hand touching my chest disappeared.

I don’t know how I pulled it out of the man’s hand, but it felt like someone was holding me.

It wasn’t a man.

This is because a woman’s voice was heard along with the fragrant body scent.

“What is this? What is this!”

“How dare you…what are you doing again?”

A man’s voice full of anger was also heard.

“You piece of trash! I’ll kill you in no time, so just shut up!”

The woman also seemed very angry.




… what?

Three huge explosions were heard in succession.


At the same time, for the first time, I heard the man sound like he was embarrassed.

“You… you damn bitch! What are you?”

I heard a man shouting.

What on earth is going on?

Sihyeon wanted to know what was going on, but his blurred vision did not return.

I couldn’t hear properly either.

My consciousness was fading away.

In the end, Sihyeon completely lost his mind.


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