He’s the Legendary Guard, Isn’t He? Chapter 108

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Episode 106


Sihyeon was sitting in the living room, spreading out her table and writing something in her notebook.

I wasn’t writing down a household account book.

It was to write down the list of prisoners.

There were names and contact information listed in order.

These were not ordinary prisoners.

They were all prisoners with hunter licenses who I met at a special detention center.

They were also members of the Yangji Guild or prisoners who would become members in the future.

In particular, the prisoners who wrote with purple pen were special.

They were prisoners on the 6th floor.

All of them were B-level or higher hunters and were scheduled to become the core force of the Yangji Guild.

So far, I have met all 20 inmates on the 6th floor.

Among them, there were prisoners whose sentences were so heavy that they could not be helped.

However, such people were not excluded from the interview because it was necessary to meet them anyway to establish acceptance order.

Anyway, everyone was as they thought.

Except for one person.

Kim Cheol-hyung.

Inmates in 10 rooms of 1 company on the 6th floor.

He was an awakened human being who did not forget even the smallest grudges and repaid them all with blood, earning him the title of ‘Avenger of Blood.’

Of course, he was a notorious figure.

But it was different from before.

The attitude of acceptance was exemplary and he did not commit a serious crime such as murder.

So I thought he was the type of person who hides his sword behind his smile.

But when I met him in person and talked to him, he wasn’t that type of person.

It was not a wolf in sheep’s clothing, but a sheep with the appearance of a wolf.

In a word, he was a normal person.

“I think it’ll be okay.”

Sihyeon muttered.

Currently, Lee Hae-chang, a D-class hunter, was temporarily serving as the guild leader.

It didn’t really matter at the moment.

However, as the guild grew larger and the number of high-level hunters increased, it became difficult for him to become the guild leader in many ways.

I had to replace it anyway.

But when I thought about it, a man named Kim Cheol-hyung was perfect.

First of all, he was a class A hunter, a level comparable to that of the guild leader of any other guild.

His tall height and handsome face would also help the guild’s representative image.

Most of all, I liked that my head was set straight.

No matter how much they paid for their crimes, it was a bit uncomfortable to use people who committed heinous crimes such as s*xual assault or robbery as guild leaders.

“Okay, I’ve decided.”

Sihyeon mumbled again and wrote guild leader next to Kim Cheolhyung’s name.

◈ ◈ ◈


The door opened hard.

Someone rashly opened the door to the Director of Intelligence’s office and entered, but Wayne’s expression did not change at all.

It was always evaluated as cold-hearted.

What came in was a beautiful woman with cat-like eyes.

She was Lin Xue, an awakened person from Hailis who returned from New Zealand.

“Did you have a good trip?”

Wayne said in a dry tone.

“I heard Kasir is dead?”

Lin Xue asked without answering the meaningless greeting.


“It’s a good death. I hope you feel good too.”

Lin Xue smiled brightly.

She walked over and sat down on the sofa with her legs crossed.

“Can I smoke?”

“as you please.”

Lin Xue took out a menthol cigarette from his pocket and asked.

I didn’t take out the lighter.

Strangely enough, when I snapped my fingers once, a small fire lit up in my index finger.

She lit a cigarette with it.


I took a deep breath of smoke and exhaled it.

Wayne, who had been watching this silently, opened his mouth.

“There is one more person dead.”

“I know. Bayan, I heard that bastard got kicked too.”

“That’s right. The vice president had a huge grudge against me because of that.”

“Do you hold a grudge? Anyway, the bastard would have gone astray and tried to commit murder, which is why he ended up like that.”



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Lin Xue took another deep breath of cigarette smoke and exhaled it.

“I guess I haven’t heard the details yet.”

Wayne said.

“What are you talking about?”

“Who killed Kasir and Bayan.”

“If he died in Korea, wouldn’t he be the only one? Is there anyone else in that country who could kill Kassir?”

Lin Xue narrowed her cat eyes and looked at Wayne.

It seemed like I didn’t hear it either.

Her relationship with the Geomje was so famous that most people in the Intelligence Bureau knew about it.

So it seems like he didn’t say it on purpose.

“It’s not Ryu Geon-woo.”




At that moment, Lin Xue’s eyes shook greatly.

She paused for a moment, as if frozen, and then threw the cigarette she was holding on the floor.

Then I crushed my butt with the heel of my high heel.

“Say it again.”

“I said it was Geomje.”

“Chang Zhe, if what you say is not nonsense… is it really him?”

“According to the information I received, that’s true. I heard that he was carrying Accurates and even used Hellfire. Wouldn’t that be correct?”


Lin Xue sighed.

She had a complex face filled with a variety of emotions.

“That person is in Korea?”

“That’s not true.”

Wayne explained to her about the incident in Korea.

Lin Xue rested his chin on his hand and just listened quietly.

When Wayne finished explaining, her mouth opened.

“Have you found your whereabouts?”

“I still haven’t got a clue.”

“I guess so.”

Lin Xue stood up.

“Are you going?”

“Yes, if the vice president asks, tell him you went to Korea.”

“Even if I go, there won’t be much gain.”

“I know. I’m just going to see it.”

◈ ◈ ◈

The 6th floor has changed.

It was hard to believe, but I had to admit it.

The workers were still bewildered by the atmosphere in the company building that had changed so much in a short period of time.

“Every room at attention!”

The morning inspection proceeded like water.

There was absolutely nothing to point out.

This is because the inmates tidied up the living room like people suffering from organizing disease.

“Thanks for your efforts.”

“Thank you for your hard work, Chief.”

The way the chief in charge looked at Sihyeon also changed.

The eyes were looking at something strange.

It looks like it’s a bit burdensome.

However, Sihyeon was used to it by now and faced those gazes without any problem.

“Security Manager, did you hear the instructions?”

“Ah, yes. Please clean up the warehouse.”

It was a cumbersome and troublesome job, but the chief in charge looked okay, as if he thought that since there were two assistant managers, it would be okay to order them to do it.

“Check the items as well. Make a list of items that are lacking or missing and apply for them.”


“It must be a hassle to manage the inmates and organize the warehouse, but please do your best.”

“all right.”


When Si-hyeon opened the door to the second building and tried to move on to the second company, the supervisor in charge saw it and opened the door first.

Although it was a custom, it felt a bit burdensome and useless to Sihyeon.

It wasn’t that he didn’t have hands, and it still felt awkward for the old chief to be so polite.

So he said he would do it, but he kept opening the door, probably because he thought it was just a once-in-a-lifetime thing to do out of courtesy.

I thought it would be best to just get used to it.

Sihyeon finished inspecting the second company and went into the provincial office to rest for a while.

It was an awkward space at first, but now it felt like home.

I made some coffee and drank it leisurely.

The idea was to relax the body a bit before starting work in earnest.

I don’t know if it was just a feeling, but starting work like this felt like less fatigue than just doing it.

Sihyeon drank coffee and organized in his head what he had to do today.

There was no major change.

Similar daily routines were repeated not only by prisoners but also by prison guards.

Still, I liked the fact that it was Friday.

There was nothing good about Friday for the night shift guards, but the day shift guards had a different look on their faces when Friday came.

Sihyeon was no exception.

◈ ◈ ◈

Before lunch time, I stopped by Company 1 and took a look around to check on the conditions of the inmates.

Since the inmates’ meals start before the guards, there were several inmates who had already finished eating.

Kim Cheol-hyung from room 10 was also reading a book after finishing his meal.

He was clearly a scholar.

Whenever I had free time, I opened a book and read.

Also, unlike other prisoners who read interest-oriented genre novels, they read humanities books in their entirety.

He looked like an elite graduate from Princeton University.


As Sihyeon approached room 10, Cheolhyeong closed the book he was reading and gave her a strange look.


“I’m not feeling well today.”

He said in a serious voice.

Sihyeon stared at Cheolhyung at the sudden remark.

It seemed like something only fortune tellers would say.

I was a bit worried about how to react to these words.

“I have a bad feeling.”

Cheolhyung spoke again.

It didn’t seem like a joke because he had a straight face.

“Do you feel bad?”

Sihyeon eventually asked that question.


“What does that mean?”

“I mean this literally. On days like this, without exception, something bad happens.”


Sihyeon laughed as if it was absurd.

During the interview, Cheolhyung said that he had a good sense of humor since he was young.

At that time, I thought it was just a rumor.

But now that I see it, it seems that he has a superstitious personality, despite his level of education.

That’s all I could think of with that serious look.

“I know what you’re thinking, but please don’t take what I say lightly.”

“No, you mean to be careful in case of an accident?”

“I don’t know either.”


Sihyeon’s expression became astonished.

I didn’t know this side existed.

I was planning on making him the leader of the guild because I thought he was not a violent criminal and smart enough to get things done well, but I even thought that I should think about it one more time.

“Well, um… okay.”

Sihyeon answered roughly and walked away from room 10.

When he came out of Sadongmun, he had already blown away Cheolhyeong’s words without paying any attention to them.

◈ ◈ ◈

Lunch was bossam and ssam vegetables.

This is a food that does not originally appear on the menu.

However, there were times when employees added special foods to the menu as a thank you for taking care of family events.

It was mainly food such as meat, fruit, and rice cake.

This time, it was prepared by an employee to express gratitude for coming to the wedding.

On days like this, the atmosphere in the restaurant was better than usual.

If the food was delicious, it would naturally be that way.

“This chief.”

While I was concentrating on eating, the head of the security department opened his mouth.

I raised my gaze and looked at the head of the security department, and he was looking this way.

Sihyeon quickly passed the food he was chewing and answered.

“Yes, Chief.”

“Recently, rumors about this chief have been spreading throughout the community.”

“Is that so? What is the rumor?”

“I heard you’re not human.”

“Cluck, clack….”

Sihyeon covered his mouth and coughed violently, as if the food he couldn’t finish was stuck in his throat.

After some time had passed, Sihyeon seemed to have calmed down and apologized.

“I’m sorry. The food went wrong….”

“No, it can happen if you eat it.”

“Thank you for your understanding. What kind of rumor is that?”

“They say he’s not a human, but a monster.”


“Here, water.”

The security manager held out a cup of water.


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