Helmut: The Forsaken Child Chapter 429

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Episode 429

[I came here of my own will. Lumen trapped me in the Forest of Pahe, right? But it’s more boring than I thought. Do you think Lumen will protect you if you are in it?]

Menacing eyes pouring out magical energy. The flickering tongue lazily licked around the lips.

A purring sound escaped from the giant leopard’s throat.

In front of this leopard, humans were just rabbits, and it was a sound that rabbits had no choice but to be afraid of.

Humans are also one of the beasts, so they cannot help but feel the strength of their opponents.

However, Levina remained in her position with a pale face. Her staff was pointed steadily at Elaga.

“You monster. What do you wish for? “Are you seeking revenge?”

[What on earth are you going to do with that skewer?]

Elaga snorted. Soon he confidently declared:

[I will destroy this place. By stepping on the shattered stone, I will erase all traces of Lumen from this place!]

I hesitated for a moment, but I had to threaten like this for the guys who went to Rinosa to come back.

Elaga bared her teeth and howled loudly once again.


The roar filled with demonic energy struck the barrier again. The whole place trembled with the waves.

In a short moment, Levina had many thoughts.

The temple’s army went to Rinosa to carry out the crusade. You can’t bite them carelessly.

It was their sacred duty to eradicate those who possessed the germ of darkness.

How could Lumen’s army let go of its goal and retreat?

However, this was an unexpected situation. A monster that broke the barrier and invaded.

That monster was so powerful that it stormed into this place with ease.

There is an altar to Lumen here. We could not allow this place, the center of the temple, to fall.

Levina soon finished calculating. She still opened her mouth with a calm face.

“You evil monster. I don’t know how I knew, but the temple army is not here. “If they return, they will defeat you.”

[Yeah, it’s not here. It’s important that there isn’t one. If you want to stop it, try stopping it!]

However, Elaga, who had been leaning back as if she would jump out of her seat at any moment, stopped for an instant.

The staff was shining in Levina’s hand.

The staff upon which the high priest’s divine power was poured radiated holy light in the air.

‘Is it attack magic?’

Just avoid it. Elaga watched her movements. But she soon lowered her wand, which had lost its light, and struck her floor with the tip.

For the first time, some intense emotion appeared in her eyes.

It was anger. Anger at one’s own powerlessness in not being able to follow Lumen’s will.

When someone with the sprout of darkness appears, the temple puts forth all its efforts to subdue him.

But it won’t happen this time.

They will defeat the army. It seemed like defeat. It was humiliating.

“Although the temple has been postponed, that does not mean that Lumen’s will has been broken. “The time will come again later.”

She muttered and glared at Elaga while holding her staff tightly.

She informed the ministers who had gone out to battle a little while ago. The temple has been completely destroyed by monsters, and it is a serious crisis, so we must return quickly.

As a result, what Elaga and Area intended worked.

[Elaga, the enemies have begun to retreat. They will come soon.]

When Alea’s voice was heard from somewhere, Elaga looked around in the air.

However, Area, who used the stealth magic, was not seen.

[what are you talking about. Now, all we have to do is destroy that building.]

[You must leave immediately without delay.]

I’ll be back really soon. You must open the gate to travel to Rinosa, but returning to the temple is much easier.

Lumen’s minions need very little strength to return to Sanctuary.

If I wanted to erase all traces of Elaga and Area and get them out of here, it would have been better to do this.

When I came, I rode Latona’s movement magic circle, but to return, I would have to use the space movement magic several times.

However, when she saw the center of the temple rising behind Elaga’s back, Area’s fingers twitched.

‘Finally, if you use attack magic.’

Since Elaga’s magic energy is the ultimate in divine magic, his attacks are not as powerful as the amount of magic energy he emits.

Because divine power can offset a large amount of magical energy with only a very small amount of power.

But magic was different. The most powerful attack magic that Area knows can break through the barrier that Elaga knocked on several times and destroy it.

Because she is a wizard who has reached the level of an archmage.

‘Is there any reason not to do that? Me too… … .’

If he had a grudge, it was against him, not Elaga. For the first time, Area was surprised to discover the strong desire for revenge sleeping within her.

It was quite difficult to suppress the urge to respond to that feeling.

But if she does so, she will definitely leave her mark here.

A wizard controlled a monster to attack the temple. There is sufficient reason to be nominated as a public figure of the temple.

This is giving legitimacy to the temple that murdered her parents by claiming that they are related by blood to Heike.

As the granddaughter of Heike, the temple’s hero, she is said to be a sorceress who invaded the temple by commanding demons.

I came back like this in order to walk the right path. I couldn’t ruin it now.

Area pressed her heart with will and exhaled.

[Leave back to where you came from earlier. Let’s go quickly.]


Elaga glanced back with regret and pulled away.



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Tudadadada! He ran like he was flying and got out of there. If you’re lucky, you’re lucky.

Because killing someone who looks like Susan is a bit uncomfortable.

Moreover, it hurt when touched by divine power. whopping.

A pain as if my flesh was being torn apart came on me.

As it turned out, he didn’t want to fight against the temple’s forces either.

You may win, but as a result, your fur will fall off.

Elaga was too injured and didn’t want to fight.

The reason Naho fought to the death was only because of Helmut. The reason I left him alone even though he was annoying me the whole time was surprisingly simple.

He was far from a fighter who would fight at will.

Elaga quickly revised his assessment of the temple.

‘Is it because I’m a monster? ‘They are not as weak as I thought.’

It was okay when I first conquered the temple. Even if a small amount of divine power is tapped little by little, it cannot pierce Elaga’s magical energy.

However, a large chunk of divine power pierced his demonic energy and injured his true body.

The wound was small but painful and did not heal well.

It was definitely a threatening force for Helmut, who had sprouts of darkness.

‘What happened to Latona?’

The entire temple, including most of the high priests, were there. I had doubts about whether Helmut and the humans of Rinosa would be able to cope well.

That question will be confirmed when we return to Linosa.

Anyway, they achieved their goal and left the temple.

* * *

The power of the scorching holy sword made my whole body hot as if it were burning.

It seemed as if divine power had turned into blood and was flowing through his entire body.

Embracing divine power as powerful as the sun, the sword of Levant was swinging towards the enemy.

His enemy is black, as if he was born and raised in the dark, and possesses both vicious strength and cunning.

Helmut. Linosa’s successor?

Neither he nor the temple could allow a person with unclean power to be revealed to the sun. By the will of Lumen, I will burn him.

But at that moment, Helmut’s body disappeared before my eyes.

It wasn’t long before Levant was able to wield such divine power.

In order to wield enormous power, you have no choice but to become somewhat dull in your reactions.

‘There’s no need to soak yourself in lava.’

Helmut rushed forward without missing the gap.

Holy magic was flying in from all directions, but not all magic contained the same power.

I launch my body in the direction where the weakest magic comes from and cut it with my sword.

Maximum efficiency with minimal maintenance. That is the principle.

If you try to face the enemy’s attack ignorantly, even Darian, who has no restrictions on dealing with divine power, will get seriously hurt.

Quasak! The magic broke from his blade and scattered.

Helmut cut down the paladin next to him and rode his horse.

He no longer knew where his words were. But all you have to do is take him where he wants to go.

Helmut knew the order. As long as the High Priest supports the Paladin from behind, and as long as the Paladin has the skills to withstand Helmut’s sword strike, this side is at an absolute disadvantage.

The high priests would pour holy magic on Helmut, restore the paladin’s body and strength, infuse him with strength, and help in various ways.

That was because they had the same attribute of power.

Wizards can defend against holy magic and keep the temple in check by pouring attack magic into it, but they cannot help Helmut in the same way.

The role of a vessel to exercise divine power.

‘That guy is the perfect fit for that.’

Unlike other paladins, they cannot be killed in one go. In that case, it would have been better to postpone the order for now.

You can deal with them after catching and killing the high priests one by one.

He had already defeated this guy once. He made it clear that his sword skills alone were superior.

He shamelessly awakens the power of the Holy Sword or something and rushes at him, so why would he bother to confront him head-on?

There’s no way there’s no limit to that level of divine power, so if you try to avoid it, your power will drop.

Lately, Levant followed Helmut.

“Where are you running away to?”

Anger filled his face.

He began to chase after Helmut furiously, but the distance did not get any closer as there were many obstacles in the way.

Helmut completely ignored his presence and rode on. When he encountered an enemy, he cut down the paladin who was running towards him and immediately snatched his horse.

And in the same way, he penetrated into the gap between the enemies. Before setting up camp, break through as fast as possible.

A little while ago, I found out the location of the high priests. They were the ones in command during this battle.

Helmut advanced without hesitation, squeezing through the pouring holy magic, cutting and blocking with his sword.

He was already an army on his own. There was no one watching his back.

It was a moment I couldn’t back away from.

If you dig deep, you will meet the wall called the Great Hall.

And I will break that wall to pieces.

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