Helmut: The Forsaken Child Chapter 396

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At that time, the golden-eyed paladin servant was facing someone.

Since he was in regular contact with the temple, he rushed to leave as soon as the competition ended and was soon surrounded by people from the organizers.

“You should go together.”

A tone of voice that refuses to accept rejection. This place is practically an enemy camp.

I was alert for a moment, but since it was a call from someone I couldn’t ignore, I had to follow it.

If the person he defeated earlier was only a member of the royal family, then the person who called him was not only a member of the royal family, but also the host of this tournament.

‘Even if you knew my identity, how could you raise a sword against a temple?’

The Servant was sure. Even after the crown prince’s assassination, they were unable to attack the temple with their troops.

Head-on conflict is something that even empires avoid. Moreover, even if he was surrounded by enemies, he had the confidence to break through and escape.

As soon as I entered the room, a sonorous voice rang out from beyond.

“You showed my brother a lesson.”

The way he called Asuka his younger brother was quite friendly. An elegant blonde in a gorgeous gown.

He was a picturesque nobleman who would be praised in social circles. The servant rested his chin and lowered his eyes in disapproval, and immediately knew who the person was.


Because it was an unpleasant call, the servant answered without even saying hello.

“He’s not even my biological brother, is he?”

The Crown Prince did not find fault with his attitude. Like you already know who he is.

“Since I don’t have many brothers, a cousin is no different from my biological brother.”

It was a shameless act considering he had declared that he was going to steal the woman of a guy who was like his own brother.

“I understand that Archduchess Farnese studied at the academy and only recently showed up in the empire, but I had no idea that their friendship had grown stronger during that time.”

“As expected, the information from the temple is fast. “I can’t believe you know so much about the empire.”

The corners of the crown prince’s mouth slowly lifted up. His eyes were as cold as ice.

This situation had already been anticipated. When dealing with Archduke Farnese, he used a little bit of divine power. A sensitive person would have guessed what that power was.

‘You’re calling me like this.’

The room was quite spacious, but it wasn’t far away. Recently, the crown prince almost lost his life in a secret attack by temple forces.

Because of that, the Servant thought it was imprudent for him to call her out like this.

No matter what measures he took, it wouldn’t take even a single breath for the crown prince to die right here.

‘But you can’t do that. ‘It’s not right.’

It’s a secret attack. It is not honorable and it is not something a paladin chosen by the Holy Sword should do.

The Servant never thought that the prayer meeting that attempted to assassinate the crown prince was Lumen’s will.

Doesn’t the fact that it ended in failure prove that?

If the crown prince was someone who should die, he would have died according to Lumen’s wishes. The death of the crown prince is not his responsibility.

“What do you mean?”

“According to what I found out, neither the current Holy Knight leader nor any of the Holy Knights who have appeared publicly have the golden eye. “The temple wouldn’t have sent anyone, so are you a confidential member of the temple?”

A sparkle appeared in the Servant’s eyes.

“Your Highness the Crown Prince also knows everything about the temple.”

“I did some research because something happened to me.”

There was a tense atmosphere. However, the Crown Prince soon changed his voice as if to relax the atmosphere.

“Why did the paladin of the temple participate in the martial arts club?”

“There was no rule saying it couldn’t be done.”

“That’s right, but I have the power to eliminate you even if it means changing the rules. In the meantime, I am willing to endure the criticism that will follow.”

His eyes became more intense, as if telling him to answer straight. The crown prince is not very patient.

His eyebrows furrowed, as if he was annoyed at me talking back.

“Mutuhoe is a good opportunity to prove your skills as a prosecutor.”

A calm tone of voice flowed from the Servant.

“I have no other intention, I came here to win the martial arts competition.”

“Are you sending a paladin with confidential military power and telling us to believe that there is no other intention? Even though you know why this martial arts festival is held, right? Even the temple must remember why there is no priest here.”

Since there are times when healing magic is needed in a martial arts club like this, several priests are often requested to the temple to prepare.

The sacred magic of an average priest was better than the healing magic of an average wizard.

Because divine power is a power optimized for healing and restoring the body.

However, for this martial arts event, temples were completely excluded.

The competition was held without temples on purpose. The organizers cannot help but be displeased that a Holy Knight with a hidden identity is participating.

The Servant answered standardly.

“No matter what unfortunate situations happened in the past, I have no other purpose than winning the martial arts competition.”

Of course, if he wins the martial arts competition and reveals himself, it will bring about results that the organizers do not want.

‘I also have a part of faith.’

Helmut’s image flashed in the crown prince’s mind.

It was not a perfect faith. But it was better to wait and see what their plans were than to cut interest here and force the temple to do something else.

Because they are not easy enough to manipulate something on stage.

The crown prince asked interrogatively.

“Then swear. In the name of Lumen, I promise that the temple will not be involved in this martial arts competition in any way other than your participation in it. “I don’t know if I have the authority to make such an oath.”

When he let out a hint of ridicule, the Servant’s eyes gained strength. The light shining from the golden eyes was intense.

“Everything I do is the will of Lumen, and the will of Lumen is the will of the temple. As far as I know, such a thing does not exist and will never happen. “I swear in the name of Lumen.”

“Then I believe you.”

“I’ll just go. Good luck.”



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The crown prince stared with cold eyes at the servant’s back as he turned away, leaving only a cold greeting.

‘As expected, I don’t like the servants of the temple.’

Look at that upright and clear attitude. Isn’t it similar to the high priests in the temple?

Those who, with Lumen on their backs, always claim that what they did was God’s will and therefore justice.

Then, when something goes wrong, they can just deny that it was not Lumen’s will and that it was some deviation.

‘They easily get rid of the sins they committed with just their faith.’

But you can’t even break your oath. Lumen made a mistake.

In the end, they are just humans who cannot help but fall.

“Now is the time to change the world.”

With a small mutter, the crown prince stood up.

As we welcomed the author, we prepared our own defenses.

If that paladin had pointed a sword at him here, it would be a perfect justification. Justification to declare war on the temple.

But then again, they didn’t want that either. Now that I had avoided the trap, I had to face it head on.


At that time, the contestant wearing the iron mask, the strong candidate for the championship of this martial arts competition, and who was highly expected to crush the temple’s contestant, was engaged in a fierce struggle.

With a very fierce white cat.


[Let go of this, hold on somewhere!]

Elaga exposed his claws and scratched Helmut’s arm. I’m scratching so hard that I’m about to tear a hole in my clothes.

Helmut grabbed Elaga’s back and pushed her down, whispering.

“Calm down.”

It is not easy to hold onto it with pure grip strength, as the essence of Elaga is not going anywhere.

However, if I used Vis, Elaga, who instinctively felt threatened, might break the spell and reveal her true face.

If it had happened at home, it would have been resolved, but as it happened, this was on the street.

There were people who saw them arguing and started whispering. It was a group of women who came to watch a martial arts show.

“Oh my, look over there! “A martial arts contestant is harassing the cat!”

“How can that cute little cat! “What on earth did you do to hate me so much?”

“I was keeping an eye on him because he had good skills. “Aren’t you a criminal when you wear a mask?”

“They might be trying to eat me! “In small countries in the east, cats are said to be good for arthritis.”

“oh my god! That pretty child. How scared! “Shouldn’t we help?”

Looking at his appearance alone, Helmut, wearing a mask and wearing black clothes, looked like a criminal who would only fit in with Black Hawk. He ended up causing misunderstanding.

“hey! “Please let go of the cat!”

In the end, one cat owner courageously came forward. Helmut exhaled as he hugged Elaga, who was screaming and making a fuss, into his arms.

“This is my cat. “I do this because the cat doesn’t want to take the medicine.”

“But if you treat that little child carelessly… … . “Is this really your cat?”

It was a look of suspicion. Helmut doesn’t care much about what others think, but he doesn’t like being treated as an abuser of small animals.

Helmut covered Elaga’s body with a cloak and locked her in his arms. He spoke firmly into Elaga’s head.

“Let’s go back in first.”

Elaga had an impatient personality, and as soon as she felt the manifestation of divine power somewhere, she rushed out of the dorm. Like a cat that hears a bird chirping, it was blinded by its hunting instinct.

Helmut chased after Elaga as she jumped out of the window and caught her.

Elaga, who was thrown to the floor by her tail, resisted with all her might as a cat.

I was so used to the cat body that it was fortunate that it didn’t return to its original form.

“It’s true that I own a cat. He said he didn’t want to take medicine and ran away, so he was very excited. “It must have looked a little rough.”

Area, who appeared late, spoke to the woman who was a cat.

Everyone there was immediately persuaded by her unusually beautiful and mysterious appearance.

Those who were casting accusatory glances at Helmut, including her, reluctantly turned around.

Helmut was struck by the feeling that something unfair had been done to him.

“Let’s go in.”

While returning to the shelter, Elaga’s seizures did not stop. The inside of her cloak is probably tattered.

As soon as Helmut entered the windowless room, he closed the door and released Elaga. Elaga, freed, sharply scratched Helmut’s leg with his claws.

Helmut frowned at the stinging pain.


[Why are you stopping me? Coward! Are you now afraid of the temple?]

I wasn’t afraid of the temple, but I was a little afraid that Elaga might cause an accident.

“I wonder why you’re so excited.”

Both Helmut and Area knew that the person Asuka was going to face was a Holy Knight. Seeing that his divine power was revealed like this, it seemed like he had to show his true skills if he was going to face Asuka.

[Someone is giving off dirty energy in my territory! In my area!]

Area, standing next to her with her arms crossed, asked as if she were dumbfounded.

“… … “Since when did this become your territory?”

[I’ve been walking around and covering up the smell! It’s my territory!]

Elaga’s aggression was ultimately due to the hostility of a predator whose territory was being invaded.

Helmut and Area looked at each other in shock.

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