Helmut: The Forsaken Child Chapter 245

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Episode 245

The first arrow hit the exact center of the target.

10 points. And the second arrow broke the first arrow and hit the exact spot.

Then the same thing happened one after another. Everyone just stared at Helmut’s skills, unable to take their eyes off him, until all 10 arrows hit the target.

It was such a miracle that I couldn’t help but believe my eyes.

Even though no vis was used, the power to pull the bowstring contained tremendous power.

Enough to shatter the previously pierced arrow. The moment Helmut released the last arrow and pulled the bowstring, the target, which was standing precariously, fell backwards with a thud and rolled around.

The servant ran and checked the arrow in the target and shouted.

“10 points!”

The total is 100 points. Silence immediately fell everywhere in response to this incredible action.

It was an overwhelming moment that could not simply be described as great workmanship.

“I think I won.”

Helmut cast an indifferent gaze towards Michael.

Michael smiled as if he had drawn a smile on his pale complexion.

“Your bow skills are amazing. “It’s a good thing I didn’t bet.”

It’s a coveted skill, no, it’s more than that. It was too good. As if alive.

A person like this is not a person who should stand under anyone. A person who cannot be a sword to be wielded as someone handles him under him.

It was a matter that had nothing to do with how big the owner’s vessel was.

Helmut was something that could not have been like that in the first place. Michael clearly felt it.

Helmut nodded. Charlotte also belatedly offered her congratulations.

“Senior Helmut, you are truly amazing.”

“Helmut wins.”

Grand Duchess Linosa, who was watching Helmut in surprise, was soon smiling.

Her eyes toward Helmut were filled with calm affection. If she was a sensitive person, it was a change she could feel.

“What should the award be?”

The Grand Duchess, who had been silent for a moment and was deep in thought, was about to open her mouth again.

“Her Highness the Grand Duchess!”

A loud shout rang out. A knight rushed in from the other side.

It was the uniform of the Black Wing Knights. His appearance was so unusual that no one criticized him for his rudeness.

“This is an urgent message!”

“Is there a problem.”

Grand Duchess Linosa raised her eyebrows and responded gracefully. The driver glanced around.

The outsiders, Leon and Helmut, were standing unharmed. It was a sound that should not be heard by outsiders. It was faster to bite someone than to move places.

The Grand Duchess ordered the winners to leave their seats, saying they would think about awarding the winner later.

The archery competition she hosted ended with that.

Helmut and Leon left immediately.

Of course, Leon didn’t think anything of it, but Helmut listened.

You can listen to conversations from a distance by using vis.

“Please report. “What’s going on?”

Just a few minutes. The driver, who could not hide his nervousness during that short wait, finally opened his mouth.

“His Majesty the Archduke has gone missing!”

“what… … ?”

At that moment, turmoil appeared on the Grand Duchess’s face. As if I heard that the palace had collapsed.

Michael and Charlotte’s faces also froze.

Helmut looked back at his mother for a moment. The Grand Duchess opened her mouth with a pale complexion.

“Let’s go in and talk.”


“There was an attack.”

Grand Duchess of Linosa, Charlotte and Michael. The report continued with the three people giving off a serious mood.

Grand Duke Linosa did not usually inform the Grand Duchess of his whereabouts in detail.

Approximately where we will inspect and how long it will take, so please take a good look at the palace.

This was all I could say.

The Grand Duke of Linosa cared for the Grand Duchess, but he cared for Linosa even more.

Because he was a rare monarch who carefully observed every nook and cranny of Rinosa, there were always many variables in his schedule.

This was also a result of that variable.

“There have been reports of something strange happening in the mountain range extending from the Empire to Rinosa. While inspecting a nearby mine, His Majesty decided to take a look around the mountain himself. Before this happened, that was the most recent report. and… … .”

The knight continued gloomily.

“Something happened there.”

“What happened?”

“His Majesty the Grand Duke moved lightly with only a small number of elites. However, after a while, a signal went up from the mountain and the troops waiting nearby headed there.

Until then, I didn’t think anything special would happen. Because His Majesty the Archduke was with fifteen members of the Black Wing Knights.

But when they got there, all the soldiers could see was the dug up ground and corpses. The torn bodies of members of the Black Wing Knights.

A total of 7 people have been confirmed. This happened just a few hours ago, and since this information was relayed to the palace a little while ago, I had to report it to Her Majesty the Grand Duchess. The fog is so thick that a search is impossible. “Please give me orders on how to do this.”

The Grand Duchess’ lips trembled. Charlotte and Michael also had astonishment in their eyes.

Michael, in particular, had completely withdrawn his usual conscious smile.

When have they ever faced this type of crisis?



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Charlotte shouted as if she were vomiting.

“Who on earth would do that!”

“I told you that a strange phenomenon is occurring. In a nearby village, there was a hunter who was barely alive, and he is said to have called it a ‘monster.’ “I wonder if some kind of terrifying monster has appeared climbing the mountain range.”

The driver in charge of the report lowered his head as if he had committed a crime.

“Is that why the safety of His Highness the Archduke has not been confirmed?”

“yes. Because it is often foggy, searching is not easy. Several soldiers who had already been deployed toward the mountain went missing. “I think we need elites.”

All members of the Black Wing Knights who protect Latona are deployed, including the Black Wing Knight Commander.

It was a confirmed fact.

But that alone wasn’t enough. What is missing now is the monarch of Rinosa. Grand Duchess Linosa touched her forehead and shook off her shock. He had to think calmly.

“Not only will we need elites, but we will also need people who can judge the situation. “I don’t know what happened to His Highness, but I can’t just wait here.”

The Grand Duchess opened her mouth resolutely.

“I will go myself.”

Michael and Charlotte looked at their mother at the same time. They were surprised in a different way than before. Michael refuted first.

“Now that His Majesty the Archduke is missing, it would be out of the question for my mother to leave the palace.”

“That’s right, it’s right for your mother to guard the palace.”

Charlotte also agreed. But the Grand Duchess shook her head.

“Someone has to go there. This could get dangerous. In that case, I think it is right for me to go, not for you, who will inherit Rinosa.”

Magritte was also a mother. Neither Charlotte nor Michael can be sent.

If she had to go, Charlotte should go, not Michael, who doesn’t know how to use a sword.

But Magritte could not tolerate even that. Marguerite could not risk losing either of her two children. It was nothing short of an obsession.

Also, now that Helmut’s existence cannot be revealed, if Charlotte dies in an unexpected accident, Michael will be left alone to take over Linosa.

The succession structure was succinctly organized under the assumption that the Archduke had died, but it was extremely unfair.

The Archduchess, although she may have acted as if she supported Michael, could not support that being the case.

She made a decision worthy of the Grand Duchess of Rinosa.

But if she couldn’t take risks for her children, Charlotte couldn’t let her mother take those risks either.

Charlotte was a prosecutor. Strong prosecutor. He is a swordsman who does not back down no matter what enemy he encounters and is willing to risk his life to fight.

A swordsman holds up a sword to fight and win, to protect with his own hands, and to achieve what he wants.

No matter how noble she was as a grand duchess, it was the same.

Charlotte declared firmly.

“Mom, I will go. Mother, please protect Latona with Michael.”

“That can’t be possible. “It’s too dangerous.”

“I know how to use a sword. My skills and stamina are pretty good. You will be able to run away in dangerous moments. “But not my mother.”

Charlotte pointed out the facts. Charlotte was the most suitable person to become a commander.

Michael was just like his mother. His physical strength is not much different from that of the Grand Duchess. He was helping by not going and lying down sick.

Michael was cool-headed and well aware of his limitations, so he did not step forward.

He was good at distinguishing between what he could and could not do.

It is true that he was able to avoid danger because of that, but he couldn’t help but feel bitter about not being able to step forward at a time like this when he could solidify his position as a successor.

If Charlotte successfully completes this mission, her status as a successor will increase.

From Michael’s perspective, that was more of a concern than the fact that Archduke Rinosa might have died.

The Grand Duchess shook her head, even though she knew it was most appropriate.

“If I lose you too, what will I do then?”

“There is a way.”

Charlotte did not act recklessly. It is important for him to save the Archduke, but he must make the minimum sacrifice.

She calmly tried to find a way in her own way.

A thought flashed through my mind.

“There is senior Helmut in the palace. The senior is a great senior. I will go with Senior Helmut. “I think if you tell the truth and ask for help, they will help you.”

Somehow I felt like I would be safe if I was with him. Helmut was the strongest swordsman Charlotte had ever seen. Perhaps even more so than her teacher, the Black Wing Knight Commander.

The Grand Duchess’ expression wavered. She soon nodded, saying there was nothing she could do.


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