Helmut: The Forsaken Child Chapter 1

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# One



It was a pitch-black night.

Shoot! The cold wind made a chilling sound and shook the tree branches. The sounds of animals roaring together echo together.

Five men, hiding their presence in the noise of nature, were approaching somewhere through the grass. Five pairs of menacing eyes flashed like the eyes of an animal.

There was a soft light at the end of their gaze.

A bonfire that has almost completely burned down and softly lights up the surroundings. And a sleeping bag next to it.

Looking at the sleeping bag’s inflated shape and no movement, it seems like the owner of the sleeping bag is sleeping without a care in the world.

‘He’s a kid after all.’

One of the men smiled inwardly. How dare you sleep in a place like this! It would be a pain if a talented guy rebelled, so it worked out well.

Five people exchanged hand signals. They quickly surrounded the sleeping bags as if narrowing the siege.

The man in the lead pulled out a dagger. As soon as the blade flashed in the air, the dagger plunged downward.

Kwasik! The leather sleeping bag was hit by a dagger and was crushed to the floor. As if it had been empty from the beginning.

The man opened his eyes wide.


It sent shivers down my spine.

At that time, a voice fell from above.


Immediately the gaze moved. A boy on a tree lightly raised his hand.

Was it sixteen? Her young face was as handsome and neat as that of a noble family.

However, I felt an unusual energy from him.

On a face that shined pure white in the moonlight, black eyes stood out like an abyss.

I didn’t feel any presence at all. Goosebumps appeared on the men’s bodies.

“Since we attacked while armed, it wouldn’t be a crime to kill them all, right?”

The boy thought about something for a moment and then blurted out. The number of attackers looking up at them with bristling eyes was five. There is no doubt that it is many-to-one.

“So this is self-defense.”

The boy, who came to a clear conclusion, broke a tree branch next to him. The boy, who placed a tree branch on the bowstring, calmly aimed the bowstring at them.

“Try to avoid it.”

At the same time as those words were said, an arrow was fired.

‘Are you kidding me?’

What are you doing with those twigs? Before I could even think about it, an arrow flew at the speed of a beam of light and struck a man.


A wave that felt like a rebar flying and colliding resonated in the air. The results were shocking.


The bloody smell spread. A man writhed on the floor with one of his arms completely ripped off.

A shock bordering on panic struck them. If shooting a tree branch could cause this much impact, that would be it.

“It’s Bisda!”

A man shouted in shock.


The boy responded and leisurely hung a branch on the bowstring again. Almost as soon as I pulled it, the next arrow flew out.

Kwasik! You can’t avoid invisible arrows. Another man fell to the floor. There was no moaning this time.


The faces hidden behind the masks of the remaining three people turned pale.

I don’t understand what’s going on. Overwhelming strength that will make you feel dizzy!

Fear consumed them.

“If you avoid it, I’ll save you.”

Shall I give you some hope? The smile of a fierce predator spread across his face. The boy hung another branch on the bowstring.


I slowly pulled the bowstring while watching the men screaming and running away. The boy’s lips moved.

“one two… … three!”


The arrow was fired with tremendous power and cut through the darkness of the forest like a wild bird. And soon,


It pierced the neck of the fleeing man. The boy’s lips moved again as he continued to pull the bowstring. one two three four.


Tinnitus and the eerie sound of death tore through the air.

One arrow, one life.

A series of blunt arrows pierced the darkness.

“Save me… … .”

The boy said coldly, looking down at the fifth and final man who was kneeling and pleading with the Shinigami.

“If you were thinking about killing, you should have been prepared to die.”

The last arrow was fired.

After killing the five attackers on the tree, the boy jumped to the ground.

chin! A light gesture where the sound of stepping on the floor is barely audible.

The boy slowly approached the cooling bodies. Cold black eyes look down insensibly at faces distorted with fear.

“You’re as weak as a bug.”

It was a voice that even had a hint of absurdity.



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The boy frowned slightly and clenched and unclenched his hands. A hand that didn’t have a single ounce of blood on it, putting the slaughter just moments ago to shame. This is not even light gymnastics.

The humans ‘outside’ were weak. They have no instinct to protect themselves. Blinded by greed, they cannot even recognize the other person.

He knew long ago that the attackers were approaching from afar. A sharp sense alerted me to the enemy’s approach.

All he has to do next is wait and take them down. The fact that the opponents were five trained people was not a problem.

Helmut, the only human who survived the monster forest, chanted with dry eyes.

“Darian, contrary to what you say, the human world is very boring.”

Helmut calmly searched through the raiders’ chests to collect useful items and dug a deep pit near the bonfire.

After completely erasing the existence of the five men, he packed his bags and left the scene as if nothing had happened.

Episode 1

Chapter 1 Forest of Digging

Both high status and powerful parents were useless. A cursed being, a trace of the devil who once almost destroyed the world.

Under cold gaze, the newborn baby born with the ‘sprout of darkness’ was pointed out as someone who would be reborn as something evil.

Either die or be sent to the dead. With the mother’s screams, the baby was thrown into the forest of Pahe.

The reason I didn’t kill him right away was because he was going to die anyway.

A magical world where no one came out alive, the forest of digging remained dark and deep even after countless lives were swallowed up.


Huge forest, dig. A cursed magic scripture that gives off an ominous feeling just by mentioning it.

This forest, soaked in the thick magic energy and dyed a soft black color, was as dangerous as it looked.

The lush bushes and trees changed places secretly, making me lose my sense of direction, and the beautiful flowers contained a poison that could instantly kill even a large man.

And monsters. Destructive and powerful predators who have been mutated by receiving demonic energy.

If these evil things that infested the forest had poured out into the human world, disaster would have come.

However, because the sacred barrier blocked the forest of Pahe from the outside world, no being could escape this place.

Beings with demonic energy cannot cross the border. It was an absolute proposition.

On the contrary, no one wanted to head to Pahe Forest.

Because of that, over a long period of time, Pahe’s Forest became a distant, magical scene that only exists in legends.

Although people were reluctant, they did not consider Pahe Forest to be a real threat.

Some creative writers have even found ways to utilize the forest of digs.

‘If it’s a place where no one can come out alive, wouldn’t it be okay to send away those who shouldn’t come out alive?’

‘I can’t believe there is such a way!’

While everyone was in admiration, a cruel decision was made. In this way, the Forest of Pahe became a place to dispose of those who were difficult to kill but should not live.

Aside from the death penalty, the most fearful punishment for criminals was being sent to the forest of Pahe. Anyone who comes out of this place alive is free from all sins.

However, among those who were randomly dropped somewhere in this forest by divine magic, none came out alive.

Not a single genius scholar, a brave general, or a fearsome wizard.

The Forest of Pahe was a place of exile from which no one could escape alive.


Thanks to the demonic energy that filled the forest, the baby who had just escaped the blood clot did not die.

“wah wah.”

The baby cried quietly and eventually became exhausted and fell asleep soundly, breathing hard. The cold and hunger in the forest were harsh for the weak baby.

However, a strange power welled up from the round lump that formed inside the body, near the heart, like a seed, and enveloped the body.

Not being able to eat or drink was enough to kill the baby, but the baby tenaciously survived for 10 days and nights.

If I had been discovered by a monster, I would have died, so I should say I was lucky.

Finally, on the tenth day, the loose swaddling cloth came off, and a hot breath came through and a bright glow came into my eyes.


Four pillar-like feet with thick claws sprouting from beneath the flexible spine were firmly stretched out. The thick leather with cloud-shaped stains doesn’t seem like it would be able to handle much of a sword. The teeth of the beast that roared its neck fiercely gleamed white in the moonlight.

A huge leopard shining white. However, its size was large enough to cause those who witnessed it to faint.

The long, outstretched fangs were threatening enough to tear apart and swallow the tender, soft piece of meat in front of me in one go.

However, even when faced with prey that could be killed in one bite, the leopard hesitated.

It was a baby. There was no trace of fear in the black eyes that opened and wriggled. It was surprising that he didn’t burst out crying when he saw a leopard the size of a house.

Innocent eyes. The leopard stuck out his tongue and tasted the baby.

The rough tongue grazed the delicate skin. The baby was surprisingly calm. As the fragrant and savory smell filled his nose, he quenched his appetite.

After hesitating for a moment, he lifted the baby up by the tail. Instead of crying, the baby burst into laughter.

It is unclear whether the leopard was taking the fresh delicacy to taste, or whether he had other thoughts, but that sealed the baby’s fate.

Elaga, a huge leopard that occupies part of the Pahe Forest as its territory, leisurely returned to its home with the harvest on its tail.

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