Heavenly Inquisition Sword Chapter 308

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Episode 308. One point is infinite

It was a time when Yeonjeokha and Gucheonno were at a loss and didn’t know what to do.

Namgung Yeon, who had never seen a battle before, ran out shouting.

“The center of the earth gate is a stone man! We must get rid of the stone man!”

The sword energy of the Great Sword Technique ‘Jungcheongeon’ extended to the stone man’s legs.

Three dragons wrapped around one of the stone man’s legs.

Sparks and dust flew in all directions.



The stone man staggered, but soon straightened up.

As she continued to perform ‘Geonwicheon’, three more dragons wrapped around the stone man’s legs.

As all six dragons wrapped around the stone man’s legs, the stone man tilted to one side.


The scorpions were crushed by the body of a stone figure that was ten jang (about 30 meters) long.

Late, Yeonjeok-ha threw a dagger.

The dagger flew with an eerie ‘slash’ sound and was embedded in the stone man’s face.


A crack about three feet (about 90 centimeters) in size appeared centered around the dagger.


Boom bang!

The stone man struggled, striking all around with his fists as if he were a human.

Only the innocent scorpions were killed by the stone man’s fist.

Namgung Yeon and Sim Tong used their lightness technique to dodge the stone man’s fists and hurled their swords and swords.

Phew! Phew!

Stone dust flew ceaselessly from the head of the stone man, which was as big as a house.

As Yeonjeokha pulled back the sword, the dagger came out of the stone man’s body.

Only then did Seok-in come to his senses and turn his head to Yeon-jeok-ha.

In that moment, the black ink of Yeonjeokha pointed to the stone man’s eyes.

Then, the dagger that had been circling in the air flew straight into the stone man’s eye.


But Seok-in didn’t just take it.

He clapped his hands together, each about 1.5 meters long, as if he was catching a fly.


The dagger disappeared with a clap of thunder.

Yeonjeokha’s face was distorted.

He thought the dagger had been crushed in the stone man’s huge palm.

Seok-in must have thought so too, as he quietly spread out his hand.

But the dagger was floating in place as if nothing had happened.


A color came to Yeonjeokha’s face.

As he moved the sword again, the dagger flew into the stone man’s eye.



The head of the stone man who had been screaming suddenly turned towards Yeonjeokha.

From then on, Seok-in only bit Yeon-jeok-ha and hung on.

He pressed down with his fists and palms, and trampled with his two huge feet.

Boom! Boom! Thud! Thud!

I avoided the palms and soles of the feet like a loach that is in love.

But avoiding the damage wasn’t easy.

Because there are too many scorpions on the ground.

The stone man, free from the scorpion’s venom, moved as he pleased, but Yeon-jeok could not.

After about 15 minutes, the lover started getting tired.

The same was true for Namgung Yeon and Sim Tongdo.

They could not cut off the tail because of the venom contained in the scorpion’s body fluid.

Given the circumstances, there was no choice but to strike with a sword, just like Yeonjeok-ha had done the first time.

In the midst of the fierce battle, Namgung Yeon and Sim Tong glanced at each other.

Avoiding a scorpion and throwing a sword at a stone man is not something that can be done with ordinary skill.

Both of them couldn’t help but be inwardly impressed by the other’s profound skills.

Namgung Yeon tried hard to maintain an indifferent expression.

‘Simtong, who was at the peak of his power a few years ago, is now at the peak of his power? What on earth happened?’

It is very difficult for an old madu to reach the peak of his power.

But at the end of the climax, you are looking at the realm of incarnation?

Common sense would dictate that it was impossible.

But I can’t help but believe it when my heart is beating wildly right before my eyes.

Like the martial arts of the Nine Heavenly Women.

‘Leading Madu, who was at the peak of his power, to the realm of incarnation… … .’

Currently, the only people in the martial arts world with similar abilities are the famous Sidduma Soldiers.

‘It’s clear that this is a martial art beyond compare.’



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If the famous 12 horse soldiers became like that through human sacrifice, Simtong became like that through scattering.

The processes were polar opposites, but the results were similar.

Namgung Yeon suddenly felt thirsty in front of studies that could not be measured by worldly knowledge.

Meanwhile, Sim Tong was amazed by Namgung Yeon’s sword skills, which were outstanding for his age.

‘Wow! How can someone like that be so young and so innocent?’

Yeonjeokhaya – of course I still don’t completely believe it – but I guess that’s how it is since he learned martial arts directly from Gucheonhyeonnyeo.

However, Namgung Yeon, who has no such luck, is on par with Jang Moon-in of Chilpa-ilmun.

‘I can’t lose to a kid like that.’

He was gradually losing his strength, but he gritted his teeth and held on.

It was the old man’s stubbornness that he could not leave before the young Namgung Yeon.

Namgung Yeon persistently targeted only one of the stone man’s legs with the Daeyeon sword technique.

The ‘Jungcheongeon’ and ‘Geonwicheon’ of the Daeyeongeombeop are sword techniques that summon three dragons each.

The six dragons that emerged in this way gnawed at the stone man’s legs without stopping.

The fight ended with the victory of the six dragons.

One of the stone man’s calves was completely destroyed.


With one leg broken, the stone man sank to his knees on the sand.

But Namgung Yeon could not continue his attack any longer.

Having exhausted all her energy in breaking the stone man’s legs, she ran away up the sand dunes.

The scorpions did not follow her, but rather flocked to the remaining Simtong and Yeonjeokha.

A triumphant smile appeared on Simtong’s face.

Unlike the desperate Namgung Yeon, he had been beating the stone man cleverly, so he had a history.

From then on, Simtong swung his sword at Seok-in with all his might.


When the potter struck one of the holy legs, a piece of stone flew out.

At that moment, the stone man who had been staring at Yeong-ha all along suddenly turned his head.

And then he opened his mouth wide as if he was yawning.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Red flames poured out from the stone man’s mouth.

Simtong flew to one side at the unexpected stone man’s flame attack.


The sand turned black from the fire that fell into the empty space.

But Simtong couldn’t breathe a sigh of relief.

It was because I fell in the middle of scorpions.

Charruk. Charruk-.

The scorpions raised their tails with a loud noise.

“Eww! Help me!”

Simtong ran wild like a madman, swatting away a dozen tails that were rushing in from all directions.

But that was just the beginning.

Hundreds of scorpions swarmed toward him like waves.

When Simtong was cornered, Yeonjeokha stepped back and swung a dagger at him.

The dagger stopped on the top of the heart.

Simtong, who discovered the dagger floating above his head, flew into the air.

He spun around in the air and landed on the dagger.

As soon as his foot touched the dagger, Yeonjeokha moved the sword blade.

The dagger flew quickly to one side.


Simtong, who lost his balance due to the sudden movement, fell down with a ‘Huh?’ sound.

But as if he had foreseen it, Simtong reached out and grabbed the handle.

The dagger with the heart attached flew over the sand dune.

I pulled it out to tell it to stay out of the way.

Simtong smiled bitterly and jumped down next to Namgung Yeon.

In fact, the reason I couldn’t come out of the scorpion field was because I didn’t have the ability to practice the art of repentance.

Even if Namgung Yeon were to return to the battlefield, he would have to rest.


The stone man’s fist fell onto the sand.

I avoided the dagger with ease as it returned to the sword that was being used.

The attack by the stone man who lost one leg did not pose much of a threat.

Even so, it’s because he’s just standing in place, turning his upper body and swinging his fist.

The dagger was caught in Yeonjeokha’s hand.

“What a pity, what a pity. I wish it had been just a little longer.”

A dagger would be no better than a toothpick to a stone man ten meters tall.

For a moment, the dagger shuddered.

Yeonjeokha, startled, looked at the dagger from side to side.

It would take a lot of force to vibrate a sword like that.

But he didn’t even load the air power.

“Are you angry because I said it was a shame?”

The dagger did not react.

He scratched his head with an embarrassed expression.

“Am I crazy to talk to a dagger?”


Once again the dagger trembled.

This time it was so strong that it even made a sound.

The shocked Yeon-jeok screamed ‘Ah’ and swung his dagger.

“What is that!”

The dagger that fell on the red sand did not move at all.

“Oh, you’re surprised. I’m not usually this timid. Why am I like this these days?”

As Yeon Jeok-ha, who was making excuses with an embarrassed expression, reached out his hand, a dagger suddenly appeared.

At that moment, Seok-in opened his mouth toward Yeon-jeok-ha.

Whoosh whoosh-.

The flames surged in a straight line toward the smokestack.

Yeonjeokha, who was caught in the dagger, avoided the flames using the technique of Noryeotagon.

Yeonjeokha, who rolled around and barely escaped the flames, jumped up.

His face was filled with regret.

If only the dagger were longer!

If that were the case, we could have handled it in one go!

In that moment, a strange energy arose from the dagger and penetrated Yeonjeokha’s hand into his dantian.


The enemy flinched in surprise when an outside force intruded.

Fortunately, however, the Nine Heavenly Spirits in his dantian did not reject the dagger’s energy.

No, rather, he actively accepted the dagger’s energy.

In the dantian, the energy of the nine heavenly energies and the dagger fiercely swirled around, biting each other’s tails.

Soon, the two energies formed the Supreme Ultimate.

But that was only for a moment, as the dagger’s energy seemed to melt into the Nine Heavens and then disappeared.

‘Did the nine heavenly creatures eat them all?’

On the one hand, I felt fortunate.

Just think of an unknown, unfamiliar energy floating around inside your body!

He held the dagger tightly and raised his voice.

It’s been too late.

Now, I had to somehow put an end to that stone man.

It is when the nine heavenly energy that arises in the dantian reaches the Shaoshang point (少商穴) at the tip of the thumb along the acupuncture point of the Suyangmyeong Daejanggyeong.

Suddenly, the thought of ‘one point is infinite’ occurred to me.

Even if the ‘Cheon-dun-geom’ is invisible, can’t the same principle be applied to a short dagger?

It seemed like it would be easy to beat up a stone man if it got bigger.

‘Yes, it’s a pointless sword. I don’t even want to go as far as the Thousand-Tun Sword. Let’s just increase its size a little. Let’s turn a mere pointless dagger into a pointless sword!’

It’s easy to focus on what you see.

He unconsciously recalled a part of the sword blade of the Cheondun Sword.

-The innate energy has existed since before heaven and earth were distinguished. Although it is only a single grain of sand, it can encompass heaven and earth [包羅天地].

The nine heavenly spirits reached the dagger through the small blood vessels.

Then the dagger vibrated with an intensity incomparable to that of before.


At the same time, seven-colored flags stretched out in succession.

If it weren’t for my previous experience, I would have been so surprised that I would have thrown it far away.

But Yeon-Rik looked at the dagger calmly.

No, I tried to look.

But that thought didn’t last long.

The dagger in his hand fluttered like a fish pulled out of water.

It was different from the vibration of a normal sword.

I had no choice but to let go of the dagger, as the force was too strong.

As if it had been waiting, the dagger flew into the air.

I stared blankly into the empty space.

As soon as I put the nine heavenly energy into the dagger according to the principle of ‘one point and one weight’, I was the only one doing that.

Although the history continues, it cannot be called a victory sword because it is a movement unrelated to one’s own will.

‘What is that?’

As the seven-colored sky grew darker, the dagger was no longer visible.

Immediately afterwards, a sound that shook the heavens and the earth rang out from within the seven-colored books.


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