Heavenly Inquisition Sword Chapter 207

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Episode 207. The Golden Guard is scary.

“Oh my! There’s a passenger here.”

Dong Yu-su, a warrior in disguise, approached Hyojaam while whining.

Nokdampyeong opened his eyes blankly and watched the man in the flower suit approaching.

If this was the territory of the Sambobang, the six characters would have popped out. However, since he himself was being held captive by Yeonjeokha, he did not come forward.

Just watching was the same as Yeonjeokha.

He didn’t care who came or left because Hyojaam wasn’t his.

Dongyusu was a bit cautious, but when everyone else turned around, he stepped onto Hyojaam.

Then, finally, he quickly climbed up onto the rock.

“The view here is the best. Look, what kind of hut is that?”

Nokdampyeong answered the intruder’s question curtly.

“Is that a decoration hanging from your forehead? I am in mourning for three years here.”

Since the other person looked to be in his late forties, Nokdam-pyeong reluctantly paid him a courtesy. If Yeon-jeok-ha hadn’t been by his side, he would have told him to get lost.

“When did Nok Il-chwi die?”

Dongyusu looked at Nokdampyeong intently.

Only then did Nokdampyeong lower his eyes in a creepy feeling.

Judging by the fact that he could easily mention his father’s name, the middle-aged man was no ordinary person.

“That’s for the sake of Prince Yeon’s parents.”

“Aha! The young man is doing a good job.”

Dongyusu, along with the horse, naturally approached Nokdampyeong.

Nokdampyeong felt intimidated for no reason and turned her face to the side like a young bride.

Dongyusu lightly tapped Nokdampyeong’s shoulder as if to encourage him.

“Hmm… … .”

With a strange snorting sound, Nokdam-pyeong fell to the side.

When Yeonjeok-ha saw his eyes wondering what kind of trick he was talking about, Dong-yu-su spoke naturally.

“I couldn’t kill him because I had to perform three years of mourning in place of Prince Yeon, so I put him to sleep for a while.”

“Sir, what business do you have with me?”

Dongyusu laughed out loud at the word ‘uncle.’

“Mister, it’s been a long time since I’ve heard that title. I’m from the Royal Guard.”

For a moment, a slight tension passed across Yeonjeokha’s face.

He also knew that the Imperial Guard was an organization directly under the Emperor and had utmost authority.

“Why? I didn’t do anything to warrant meeting the people in the Royal Guard.”

Wouldn’t the Ministry of Justice or the Inspector General know?

There was no reason for the green forest to be entangled with the golden guard.

This is because the main targets of the inspection by the Royal Secretariat are government officials and aristocrats.

“Haha! I came to see you out of personal interest, so don’t be nervous.”



Dongyusu looked at Yeonjeokha with deep eyes.

I came to you on a matter that required such confidentiality that I even had to change my clothes.

Of course, the other person wouldn’t have guessed.

Yeonjeokha’s face relaxed a little.

Although he was a little puzzled, he took it at face value as he had little experience.

At that moment, the corners of Dongyusu’s mouth rose slightly.

It seemed like the young thief wouldn’t know whether it was poop or soybean paste until he put it in his mouth.

“I am very interested in the older generation.”

“What interest… … .”

No, why?

Why would a man guarding the Emperor be interested in himself?

“I know that Prince Yeon is one of the Five Fengs and Ten Heroes. I also know that he became a green forest because of his difficult family circumstances.”

“… … .”

In that part, I felt uneasy about the relationship.

He didn’t know him, but he knew so much about him.

Dongyusu didn’t mind because he was used to the other person’s timid reaction.

“The original job of the Royal Secretariat was to investigate, so that’s what it was supposed to be.”

“Why would someone who works for the government investigate me… ?”

“It’s not because Prince Yeon is the general patrolman of the Nokrim.”

“You’re saying it’s not because it’s a green forest?”

“Yes. It’s more because Prince Yeon went around killing the Ten Horsemen.”

“Huh! I heard that a famous monk frequented the imperial palace. Is that why you were caught?”

“ha ha ha!”

Dongyusu laughed for a long time, seeming cheerful.

“It’s the exact opposite of what you think.”

“You object?”

“This is not known to the public. Are you aware that His Majesty the Emperor has strict regulations on eunuchs?”

“I’m not interested in royal affairs… … .”

“Good attitude. Don’t be interested later. Anyway, I will continue. Since the previous dynasty, there have been eunuchs who have been in charge of the palace affairs. One of them clung to the empress and brought Yu Myung-gyo to the palace.”




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It is said that a famous Buddhist monk frequented the palace, and it seems that he did so under the protection of the empress.

“In the Northern Jin Dynasty, by order of His Majesty the Emperor, they attempted to kill Monk Yumingjiao, but failed. As a result, ten of the Northern Jin generals and minor bannermen were killed. After that, the affairs of Monk Yumingjiao passed from the Northern Jin Dynasty to the Southern Jin Dynasty.”

“Tsk! If the wizard’s escort had been ten horsemen, he wouldn’t have been able to handle it.”

“That’s right. In Namjin, we were going to ask the Justice Alliance to deal with the Ten Horsemen. In the meantime, Prince Yeon killed the Ten Horsemen of the Green Forest.”

“… … .”

I glanced at the middle-aged man I was dating.

Could it be that he came here with a request to kill a famous Buddhist monk?

I wouldn’t accept a murder request, but it would be different if the target was a famous person.

Because they have given up on being human, they are just monsters in human skin.

“Now do you understand why the King of Gold is interested in Prince Yeon?”


“In the meantime, we have thoroughly robbed Waryongjang and Baekgajang. Perhaps we know more about Yeongongja than Yeongongja himself.”

“Hey. That can’t be.”

I thought the royal guard was bluffing.

Dongyusu snickered as he looked at him.

People don’t believe in the power of the Golden Guard until they experience it firsthand.

“Did you know that you have blood ties to Prince Yeon?”

“Brothers and sisters? Of course I know.”

“I am talking about the maternal side of Prince Yeon.”

“A hundred thousand?”

“Haha. Why is Baek Ga-Jang the maternal relative of Prince Yeon? I am talking about Prince Yeon’s real maternal relative.”

“Is it really true? Wasn’t my mother an orphan?”

“If Yi Bu-yong was the biological mother of Prince Yeon, then she was not an orphan.”


“Her parents sold her to Baekgajang when she was five years old. No wonder. There are still many people who sell their children to avoid starvation. Yeon Gongja’s biological mother probably thought she was an orphan.”


“Why would I say something that doesn’t exist?”

“Why do they treat children like…?”

“It is common for a girl to be taken away to be used as a servant by her mistress later on.”

“… … .”

The taste of the wine was bitter.

I feel bad that my mother was sold to Baekgajang by my maternal family.

I wonder how bad the hunger must have been, but it’s still unsettling.

“If the Duke of Yeon wants, I can tell you where they live.”

“Of course it won’t be free, right?”

A bitter smile spread across Yeonjeokha’s face.

Still, through a lot of hard work, I learned that there is no such thing as a free lunch in this world.

Are you asking me to kill a famous Buddhist monk?

But Dongyusu said something unexpected.

“Can you tell in advance which side Nokrim will be on in this battle of the martial arts world?”

“… … .”

Yeonjeokha looked at the middle-aged man with a puzzled look.

He seemed to not care whether Nokrim was on the side of the Yumyung Church or the Justice Alliance.

Didn’t Geumuiwi hate Yumingyo?

“That’s what the lord wants. How would I, who’s stuck in the guest house, know?”

“There is a rumor in the martial arts world that this matter is up to the patrolman Yeon Gongja.”

“Oh, the Chief of Staff said that as a joke, but how could that work? Why would the Chief of Police make such a decision when there is a Chief of Staff?”

“Even if it’s a joke, Pacheonma-gun is a man who keeps his word. If he gave Yeon-gongja the authority, then Yeon-gongja will be the one to decide.”

Dongyusu stared intently at Yeonjeokha.

As if his true feelings were revealed on his face.

“By the way, I’ve been curious for a while now. Who are you in the Golden Guard?”

“I’m late in introducing myself. I’m Dong Yu-su, the Southern Jinmusa of the Geumuiwi Gaebong branch.”

“Oh, you’re the same age as me.”

Yeonjeokha looked at Dongyusu with new eyes.

If he was the Southern Warrior of the Golden Guard, he was the highest ranking official he had ever met.

“You’re traveling without an escort?”

“I am originally a military officer who roamed the northern battlefields. This one embroidered spring sword is enough for me. Prince Yeon is also the chief patrolman of the Green Forest, but isn’t he running the inn alone?”

Pride was evident in his words and expression.

I was curious about the level of skill he had honed on the battlefield, but I didn’t ask.

“So where will the Green Forest Sword be aimed?”

“Is that really all you want? Don’t you have any other requests? Like, kill the wizard?”

“The Imperial Family’s interest in the Dharma Master has cooled due to the recent conflict between the famous religion and the Justice Alliance. Of course, the Golden Guard will seek revenge, but the immediate priority is not the Dharma Master, but the goal of the Green Forest.”

“Is that really all you need to know? You don’t want me to do anything for you?”

“Haha! I don’t think you can ask for something like that based on information about Prince Yeon’s maternal family. Are you willing to do that?”

“No way. The green forest.”

“What about the green forest?”

Dongyusu looked at Yeonjeokha’s mouth with an impatient face.

“I wonder if you’ve ever heard the saying, ‘The highest good is like water.’ It will go on like a flowing river.”

“… … .”

Dongyusu muttered with a somewhat deflated face.

“So you’re saying that nothing has been decided yet?”


“Even if the path is set, it would be better to avoid going towards the Justice League if possible.”


I thought I had misheard.

If you said you were going to get revenge on the famous church, why are you telling me not to go to the Justice Alliance?

“Haven’t the Green Forest and the Justice Alliance been enemies for a long time? Once the famous religion is sorted out, where do you think the Justice Alliance’s sword will point?”


Although I agreed with Dongyusu’s words, I felt strange.

Shouldn’t people in government hope that justice and equality will prevail?

I was a little embarrassed when Geumuiwi told Nokrim, “Don’t join hands with Jeonguimaeng.”

“Yeon Gongja’s maternal family lives in Seokjangchon, west of Jeongju. Since the maternal uncle’s family members are still alive, if you have time, go and visit them. The maternal uncle’s name is Lee Woo-seok. Then, if you have the chance, let’s meet again next time.”

Dong Yu-su, who had said everything he wanted to say, turned around without any regrets.

Yeonjeokha asked Dongyusu, who was about to leave, on the back of his head.

“Aren’t the Golden Guard and the Yuming Church enemies? What if I help the Justice Alliance?”

“To be exact, the one who has a deep grudge with the famous religion is Bukjin. We, Namjin, don’t have any particular grudges yet. If Yeon Gongja helps the Jeongui Alliance… … Well, I haven’t thought about that yet. Okay, that’s all for now.”

Dongyusu waved his hand at head height without looking back and then disappeared.

He collapsed onto the folding chair he was sitting in.

Even though it was a short period of time, I felt tired as if I had practiced for about two hours.

“Wow! The Golden Guard is scary.”

An organization that knows me better than I do!

A burden came over me that was incomparable to what it had been like when I met the police.

“Because I’m an uncle… … .”

I think my maternal grandparents are dead, since my maternal uncle’s family is still alive. I didn’t feel sorry for them, since they were the ones who sold my mother.

Suddenly, I saw Nokdam-pyeong sleeping with one cheek against the rock.

As I looked at him, it felt real that the Southern Warrior of the Golden Guard had been there.

“Brother Green! Wake up! If you sleep in the cold, your mouth will turn red!”

Yeonjeokha kicked Nokdampyeong’s buttocks with all her might, making him look dull due to his clothes on.

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