Heavenly Inquisition Sword Chapter 103

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Episode 103. A Generation, Maybe More


Haewon Sangbang.

There are three escort units for the Haewonsangbang. They are Hamwoldae, Wonmyeongdae, and Cheonkyungdae. The three escort units that were originally supposed to be mobilized for the Sanghaeng are on standby at the gun platoon under Bangju’s instructions.

Around lunchtime, the acting chief Yang Seung-won called the guards into his office.

The man and woman looked at Yang Seung-won’s mouth with slightly nervous eyes.

Yang Seung-won put down the ledger he had been looking at and met the eyes of the shareholders.

“Everyone, it seems that Geumseon Sangbang will not give up on Jinan Night Market. Recently, they brought in Pungga and Takga from Waryongjang. You must have heard the rumors about Yonghui-ru, so I think you know who they are without me having to explain it to you.”

The two men turned their gaze to the seat next to them.

The only woman in attendance, the speaker, looked perplexed.

They say ‘Pungga’ and ‘Takga’, but I’ve never heard of those surnames.

‘If I had known this would happen, I should have known the names of the ronin who came as my disciples… … .’

When I was at Waryongjang, I only wandered around outside and never thought about hanging out with them. Even if I had wanted to, the result would have been the same. My mother wouldn’t even let me go near my disciples.

‘But if I see your face, will I recognize you? … .’

If you are a disciple who has sweated at Waryongjang, you may have seen it on your way there and back.

At that time, Hamwol-dae Daeju Galhong asked.

“Yeon Dae-ju, if you’re a master of that level, you’d probably be somewhat well-known within Waryongjang. Isn’t that right?”

“Honestly, I’m not involved in the operation of Waryongjang… … But I might know them just by looking at their faces. But does it make any difference if I know them?”

“Even if they are ronin, don’t they have some basic morality? I think those two might be able to give in to Yeon Dae-ju.”

Gal Hong glanced at Wonmyeongdae Daeju Sangam as if asking for consent.

“I think that’s highly likely. There’s something called martial arts morality.”

Sangam took Galhong’s side.

In fact, it was an unwritten rule in martial arts not to fight among fellow students.

Galhong nodded with a satisfied expression.

“… … .”

The speaker felt burdened, but he felt bad about insisting that he wasn’t alone, so he just kept his mouth shut.

Then, Yang Seung-won, who had to get results somehow, went one step further.

“Yeon Dae-ju, how about meeting those two people secretly? I’m not asking you to give in, but I’d like to at least confirm their intentions.”

“Yes, I’ll try to make room for you. But don’t expect too much. They say that former ronin think very differently from regular disciples.”

The speaker reluctantly decided to meet Pungga and Takga.

While I am proud that those from Waryongjang are receiving attention from the higher-ups, I am also worried about the relationship between myself, the first disciple, and those who will surely become my second and third disciples.

‘I hope it’s a good relationship… … .’

It was also embarrassing when people from the same sect fought each other to the point of bloodshed.




Baekgajang Jangju Mucheongeom Baek Seungho glared at his daughter Baek Miju who had just returned from her marriage. Baek Miju faced her father’s fearsome gaze head-on.

“So, I’m going to rebuild Waryongjang in Jeongju. Can you provide me with funding?”

“Yes. You know that, Father. Waryongjang’s swordsmanship is real. Even Namgung Se-ga was jealous of it. If you give him just a little support, he can quickly establish himself. It will also be good for Baekgajang. His grandson will become a strong ally.”

“… … .”

Baek Seung-ho, who had been thinking about something for a while, opened his mouth.

“What are you going to do about Wolhaseonja? If that woman starts making a fuss, it’ll be bankrupt again.”

“I’m going to send that witch a separate gift. If I dug up my husband’s bones and built a church on top of Waryongjang, wouldn’t my revenge be complete?”

“Does that mean you’re going to enter a famous church?”

“No. I’m just trying to tie things up by settling our debts. I don’t think he’ll take issue with it if we don’t hold him accountable for what we did to him.”

“Do you think Mu-Baek and Seung-Baek would agree with your idea?”

“It doesn’t matter. There’s no reason for Waryongjang to attack Yumingyo anyway. Even Chilpaimun can’t do it, so how can Waryongjang fight them?”


A slurred voice came out of Baek Seung-ho’s mouth.

In other words, it is true.

As long as Yuminggyo doesn’t touch him again, Waryongjang will not be hostile to Yuminggyo.

“First, settle your grudge with Wolha Seonja. And don’t even dream of joining hands with Yumingyo. Baekgajang, Yanggajang, and Waryongjang are all blood allies of the Chilpai Clan.”


“Let’s discuss this again once the matter of the Wolhaseonja is settled.”

“Leave it to me.”

Baek Mi-ju had a confident face.

Recently, it seems that the famous sect is actively avoiding conflict with the Chilpa sect. There are even rumors that even when the disciples of the Chilpa sect provoke them, they do not escalate the situation and just quietly deal with it.

Some said, “He is avoiding small fights because he has already achieved a solid position,” while others said, “He has no choice but to reduce noise because he is close to the royal family.”

I don’t know which is true, but it is true that the famous religion has softened a little.

Of course, I am not being optimistic based on such vague guesses.

‘Because he said he would grant my wish if I just brought him the eight-legged eagle.’

Lim Hae-soo, the agent of Jungwon Sangbang whom I recently met, clearly said that.

It is an open secret among grave robbers that the famous cult collects the Eight-Ju-Ryeong. If you take it to the famous cult, they say they will grant you at least ten thousand nyang, or if it is not money, they will grant you a wish.

It is said that he thought about it for quite some time after he happened to obtain the Paljuryung. However, he just kept it because he had nothing that he could receive from a famous church.

Later, he confessed his true feelings, saying, “I held back because I thought it would be difficult if Chilpaimon found out.”

So, later on, he decided to pay the silver coin worth ten thousand nyang and kept it.

Of course, I plan to convey it secretly myself.

The fewer people who know a secret, the better.



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If it is something that the famous religion holds so dear, it can be exchanged for silver.

For Baek Mi-ju, who wanted to build a martial arts world with her own hands, receiving favors was a luxury. She had absolutely no intention of becoming obsessed with something that was realistically impossible.

It may have been because she had no remaining affection for her dead husband.



The two families.

In the guest room, Yang Yi-seon, the sogaju jade dragon, and Yeon Mu-baek, the waryong swordsman, are sitting across from each other and talking. Neither Yang Yi-seon nor Yeon Mu-baek have bright expressions.

“Brother, these days, Jeongju is in chaos just like Luoyang. The upper classes have become too aggressive. The Chilpai clan that used to balance things out is silent, so it feels like we’re watching the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.”

“Does the Yang family also receive requests?”

Suddenly, Yeonmu Baek remembered the time he had jumped into the fight between the upper classes at Baekse Sangbang’s request. Could it be that Yang Ga Jang was also following in the same footsteps?

“The superiors that the disciples belong to are continuously sending people. However, they are still politely refusing. Since the history is long, there are many superiors that are related to the disciples.”


“The problem is the stores that the disciples are running themselves. They have been protected by the two families and have not belonged to any one group. But recently, some factions have been claiming to be their guardians.”


“They want us to pay a bribe because they’ll protect us. It seems like they think it’s time to fight the Yang family. In the past, if you messed with us, the Chilpai clan would naturally come out, but now they’re quiet.”

“Haa! When on earth will the Seven Paimon Gate show its former form? It seemed like it was completely closed after the bloody calamity of the Milky Way last year… … .”

“They won’t even be seen outside of the famous religious sects right now. The enemy is too strong, so they don’t have the luxury of getting involved in the conflicts of the small factions.”

“But isn’t the famous religion secretly involved in a power struggle?”

“… … .”

Yang Yi-seon was speechless at Yeonmu Baek’s remark.

Certainly, while the famous sects have been steadily active behind the scenes, the Chilpae sect has been stagnant.

“The world is in chaos. At a time like this, the Chilpaimon should be standing up and taking action, but I don’t understand why they are staying silent.”

Yeonmu Baek was angry that Chilpaimun remained silent even though Yumingyo had swallowed Waryongjang. How could this be the treatment for the blood alliance that made great sacrifices in response to their martial arts conquest?

“You’re right, little brother. At times like these, the two heads of the household should be there to support their disciples… … That’s why I’m saying. Could you help me out a little?”

“What’s wrong?”

“As I said earlier, Sapa is demanding protection money from the disciples of the Yang family. The problem is that they are scattered, so it is difficult to provide help in a timely manner. If things happen simultaneously, it will be impossible to handle.”

“Ah! Please tell me anytime. Seungbaek and I will lend a helping hand, even though we are lacking.”

“Thank you for saying so. And how can you say that it is not enough? How can the world’s greatest swordsman, the Dragon Swordsman, speak with such modesty? It will be of great help to the disciples of the Yang Family. I will not forget your kindness.”

“Grace? No, it is not. Are we strangers?”

“Haha! Thank you for saying that. I think our Ewha has found a good husband.”

“No. Rather, we are grateful that you accepted us, even though we had nowhere to go.”

Yeonmu Baek did not attach much importance to Yang Yiseon’s request. In fact, even a guest would help with something like that. He didn’t even have to think about Yang Gajeong’s wife’s family.

“Oh! I heard that Madam is working hard to rebuild Waryongjang these days… … . Do you know?”

For a moment, a bitter smile appeared on Yeonmu Baek’s face.

“Yes, he came to me a few times. He said he wanted to settle things neatly with Wolha Seonja.”


Yang Yi-seon tilted his head.

If you bury your father’s remains in the back room, you can say that he is your mortal enemy.

Are you going to settle that favor?

“Since revenge is realistically impossible, let’s just forget about it.”

“Wow! What do you think, brother?”

In martial arts, it is said that “A gentleman’s revenge is not too late even if it takes ten years.” But it was shocking that he forgot about his opponent in just one year because he was strong.

“Ha! My thoughts don’t mean anything. No matter what anyone says, you do as you please.”

“But if Waryongjang is rebuilt in the future, won’t it be your younger brother? It seems like it’s something your younger brother will decide.”

“… … .”

Yeonmu Baek only sighed deeply and did not say anything.

To be honest, he was half and half.

When I think of my father’s honor, revenge is the answer, but when I think of reality, I want to compromise. I can’t reveal my true feelings because I know that I will be criticized.

After a long time, Yeonmu Baek asked.

“Brother, who do you think is the current ruler of the martial arts world?”

“Hmm. Now, you could say that it’s leaning towards a famous religion.”

“How long do you think the famous church will last?”

Yang Yi-seon’s face darkened.

It is a world where everyone, from the royal family at the top to the merchants at the bottom, is desperate to establish relationships with famous religions.

“If things continue like this, it will take a generation? Maybe even more… … .”

“So I can’t blame my mother for her choice either. I can’t see any other hope. I really hate the Chilpai people. I hate the fact that I can’t find any hope in them, as much as I trusted and relied on them.”

At that moment, Yang Yi-seon tried to stop him by saying, “Why don’t you think about becoming that hope?” but held back.

He himself had no right to criticize him.

Because he himself didn’t think of becoming a source of hope for others.



Dajeong (茶精) tea house.

Around noon.

The head of the Haewon Sangbang Cheon Kyung Dae Department Store, Yeon Seon Joo, took his seat in advance and waited for the guests.

The people she was trying to meet now were ‘Pungga’ and ‘Takga’ from Geumseon Sangbang.

The speaker held the warm cup of tea in his palm.

I feel my spirits rising with just the right amount of tension and excitement.

Who are they?

Should I treat myself as a monk?

As her imagination ran wild in her head, the door opened with a clank.


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