Genius Regressor Makes Mythic Items Chapter 441

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Episode 441

Episode 441. Aftermath (2)

Green dream.

A soft, greenish light appears, as if symbolizing it.

I was momentarily lost in that mysterious sight.


As if tickling the cheek.

Shimun came to his senses at the refreshing sensation of the skin being brushed against him.

‘Simdrasil… … .’

Most of this grass-like texture.

‘I long for a piece of Mother Earth.’

I realized that I was gathering around a hand holding a greenish-brown piece.



Aren’t most of the translucent light green rays pointing towards Shimun’s hand?

Also, the gift from Yeo-wa that he was holding in his hand.

A fragment of the Earth Mother Goddess as well.


As if responding to the call of such a Simdrasil.

I was slowly being led towards Simdrasil, spitting out a small sound.

As soon as he released the strength from his hands,

Swish… … .

Like dissolving a spoonful of sugar in water.

A fragment of the Mother Earth goddess melting into the giant body of Simdrasil without a trace.


[Simdrasil has made contact with a fragment of the Mother Earth.]

With a single ray of message emerging.



An enormous pressure weighs down Shimun’s entire body.

But surprisingly.

‘What, what is it? It’s definitely incredibly heavy… … .’

A weight that cannot be described in words.


For example, the real Astraphe and Levatein.

It’s exactly the same feeling as when I first held them.

‘It’s nothing?’


The pain or pressure caused by it, etc.

That means I don’t feel any negative feelings.



Only after the refreshing sensation I felt earlier swept through my entire body.


The poem could be understood.

This indescribable feeling of heaviness right now.

‘It’s not you who’s weighing me down.’

Not weighing yourself down.

‘I… … have become this weight itself.’

That the poem itself has become this mysterious weight.

The moment you realize this clearly.


As if waiting, a light green color engulfs Shimun’s field of vision.

And it unfolds.

Hwaaaa …

A vast and endless world.


The endless land that could be called just like that spread out endlessly.

As if running over it.


Can you express it as running?

As if it were one wind.


As if sweeping through this wilderness.

The tremendous sense of speed and liberation stimulated the poet’s five senses.

And as the poem goes.


Only after feeling the plants growing with the fresh sound of the sun.


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‘A fragment of the Mother Earth and the World Tree… … .’

The poem was able to accurately grasp the current situation.

‘We are becoming one through me!’

The plants and trees that blend in with the land that is constantly growing.

That is to say, a new world is being created based on the existence of poetry.

As if to prove this.

[Simdrasil has successfully absorbed a fragment of the Earth Mother Goddess.]

A single ray of message floated before the poet’s eyes like the wind.

All of a sudden.


A view of the city skyline soaring into the sky.

How high did it rise?

Even the gigantic Simdrasil looked like a sapling.

The vast wilderness through which we had been running gradually comes into view.

A small flower pot containing a seedling.

I saw the realm of Simdrasil that could be expressed in that way.

The poem felt instinctively.

‘This is God’s… … omniscient point of view… …!’

This is probably how God feels when he looks down on his world.

Between that poem and Simdrasil.

[The divinity of the earth contained in Simdrasil reacts with the characteristic stigmata.]

Another message comes to mind.


An indescribable vibration shook Shimun’s entire body.

Shimun instinctively moved his enlarged hand.

Ah, warm.

I snapped my fingers as if I was making a sound.


[Confirmed to be the creator.]

[Please name the dimension you created.]

A message box asking for a name.

The poem that was looking at this for a moment.

“Emerald Tree… … .”

The moment I said that name without realizing it.

[The name of the dimension has been confirmed as ‘Emerald Tree’.]

[The creation begins.]

As a poet who has handled truly mythical weapons.

“iced coffee!”

Enough to make sighs flow naturally.


A sacred and magnificent sensation flows through my mind and body.

Is this what it would feel like to become a god?

I felt an omniscient sense to the point of wanting to know everything, but that was it.

It feels like I’ve become a god.

Because he didn’t actually become a god.



Following the sensation of surprise, a somewhat sharp sensation strikes.

[The qualifications for creation are not complete.]

[The size of the creation is reduced according to the growth of the qualifications held.]

[The Dimensional Emerald Tree switches to a ‘Temporary Dimension’ state.]

Ss …

The world, which was like a small flower pot, is reduced by nearly half.

It was quite a sad sight, but that was it.

[You created your own dimension.]

[The divine power of creation contained in the title ‘Yongshin’ responds.]

[The divinity of creation is re-tuned.]

The divine power of creation that resides in the title Yongsin.

With the welcome response it brings.

Ah, no no no!!

A woman’s venomous scream rang in my ears.

‘It feels good to clear my throat.’

With her sweet screams echoing as background music.


The omniscient poet’s vision flashed with a greenish light.

* * *

As if ground emeralds were sprinkled.

A soft, light green glow fills the surroundings like fog.

In that dreamy color.


I was amazed, but that was it.

[You acquire the title ‘Creator of the Emerald Tree’.]

[Detailed information on the Dimensional Emerald Tree can be found through the title.]

In the messages that follow.

‘A title?’

The poem with sparkling eyes was immediate.

“Status window.”

I opened the status window and checked the title.

[Creator of the Emerald Tree] – Growth Type

A title given to the creator of the Dimensional Emerald Tree.

Due to the Creator’s lack of conditions, it could not become a complete dimension.


Land – 7%

-Connected dimensions: Spirit realm, Heaven, Insectia

Temporary Dimensional State – Requires 1,000,000 Achievement Points

And then.

“What is this!”

Round eyes.

It was natural.

Even though I’m not qualified.

Somehow I managed to create my own dimension.

Aren’t those options just drawn in a line?

Before regression.

Just like back then, when the status window was completely locked due to the loss of the country and the loss of magic power.

‘Is this what you mean by temporary dimension?’

Incomplete Creation Qualifications.

Shimun’s eyebrows furrowed deeply as he personally confirmed the meaning of the temporary dimension.

It was natural.

Of course, it reminds me of the dark days before the regression.

“The required achievement points are 1 million… … .”

Aren’t you asking for ridiculous achievement points?

Of course, it wasn’t that I didn’t understand it at all.

‘No matter how much the creation of dimensions is the realm of the gods… … .’

Create the world.

This is something that reaches the realm of the gods, no matter what dimension it goes to.

Even the modern Earth today does not have an arena element.

Doesn’t it cost a lot of money to build just one artificial island?

Let alone the creation of a single dimension.


‘1 million points is a bit harsh.’

Reaching 1 million achievement points was breathtaking.

As I have reached the Grand Master rank,

The amount of achievement points I’ve been earning lately has been significant.

Wouldn’t it be around 100,000 points at most?

A situation where the belly button is bigger than the stomach.


‘If this is the case, I won’t be able to receive proper compensation for using the adoption rights… … .’

The qualification of a constellation and the level of personal ownership.

Wouldn’t it be impossible to fully receive the compensation for the right to adoption that requires these two conditions to be satisfied?

Even if we exclude the constellations, it is impossible even with the current poetry.

‘At least one must be satisfied, so that you can receive at least 50% of the compensation.’

This dimensional creation must have been satisfactory.

at that time.

“for a moment.”

The deepening wrinkles in the poem suddenly stop.

The only way to increase the reward ratio for adoption rights in this creation is none other than this.

Isn’t that the opinion of the philosopher’s stone?

‘It was meant to be like this from the start. There’s no way Hyuna didn’t know.’

That’s because he’s such an elusive guy.

There was no way the Philosopher’s Stone didn’t know that it would be converted to a temporary dimension.

That’s right.

‘I’m sure you would have expected that the achievement points needed to unlock the temporary dimension would be 1 million.’

This is the philosopher’s stone that allows you to create mythical weapons.

There’s no way I wouldn’t be able to get a quote like this.

‘Then how can I get 1 million points right now… … .’

Let’s think about it that way.


The poet’s two eyes twinkle slightly.

In response to this.

-Haha. As expected from my brother. You noticed, didn’t you?

The cheerful voice of the Philosopher’s Stone is heard.

-That’s right. Your brother has quite a lot of connections, right?


Shimun, who raised the corners of his lips, nodded his head slightly.

I looked up at the sky filled with green.


[‘This is truly amazing!’]

[‘Hehehe… … Even though Yeo-wa gave up my divinity… … .’]

[‘Huh? Creation was possible under those conditions?’]

[‘I think the influence of the World Tree might be significant.’]


[‘It was definitely thanks to the World Tree. (The World Tree had dimension-related abilities to begin with…)’]

Lots of heat and seriousness.

The reactions of the constellations come to mind one after another.

What’s strange is that it’s different from the reactions of the constellations I’ve seen so far.

‘What? It doesn’t say who is who?’

Which constellation spoke?

The point is that there is no record of what kind of reaction was shown.

of course.

‘Well, I have a rough idea of who is who… … .’

As a poet who has been in contact with the constellations for a long time.

I could tell exactly who was who, though.

Let’s recognize that.


With that sharp sensation I felt when I created the world.

Above the green sky.

Srrrr… … .

From the blue-white brain to emptiness, magic, and holy power.

The eyes that had the unique aura of the constellations began to reveal themselves.

at that time.

[‘Huh? Huh?’]

Among the seven eyes, the dark purple one is the most prominent.

It was writhing, with a rim of pulsating flesh or tentacles.

[‘Hey! Everyone shut up.’]

A voice was heard that was both somewhat harsh and authoritative.

To him.

‘Can you hear my voice now?’

Without even a moment to be surprised.

[‘Oh my… … Our baby too.’]

In contrast to the strange shape of the eyes.

[‘You created the world with just that level of difficulty… … Now, I guess you can even hear our voices?’]

A softly curved gaze.

It is obvious to anyone who sees it that it is a black goat.

[‘Yes, baby. I know what you want even if you don’t say it.’]

Just like when I was summoned to the realm of the black goat in the past.

[‘Haha. Don’t worry.’]

Just hearing it makes my eyelids close on their own.

[‘I’ll take care of everything…’]

He whispered in a warm and affectionate voice.

Even the current poem is not easily resisted.


So much so that my eyes closed on their own.

If there is one thing that is fortunate, is it fortunate?

[‘Hey, Galaxy Arena. Are you listening?’]

Suddenly, my whole body was torn apart by flying objects.

[‘I’ll give you 10 seconds. If you don’t want to disappear, get out now.’]

A cool voice was heard.

Thanks to that, the drowsiness that I couldn’t fight off disappeared for a moment.

Beyond cool.

[’10. The end. These X-bastards… … !’]

Enough to burn your soul black.

The moment a poisonous high-pitched voice was about to be heard.


The space before my eyes splits apart.

“I’m going to retire soon! Even the falling leaves… …!”

A robed man rolls out with a scream.

Although I pressed the robe deeply.

A being that is so familiar.

“Ah, ahahaha… … Oh my! This is the lowly First Palace Aries meeting the great God Kings!”

He quickly bowed his head and gave a polite greeting.


[‘Throw away the greetings that you don’t mean.’]

Do you not care about such trivial greetings?

[‘The sponsorship that the two dragon pups walked. Let’s pull it in advance.’]

A black goat that gets straight to the point.


“I… … As you know, Black Goat, we also have rules… … .”


However, Aries clearly expresses his refusal.

It was natural.

“It’s even an adoption right, right? This is an item that is used not only by players, but also by the constellations.”

Also uses constellations.


Wouldn’t it be no exaggeration to say that the right to adoption was originally created for the constellations?

Compensation for such adoption rights.

“But in a situation where the qualifications are not met, the precedent of paying compensation in advance to meet the qualifications is problematic in many ways.”

For the convenience of players who are not qualified, advance payment is made.

Even that precedent is left?

From Galaxy Arena’s perspective, they had no choice but to refuse.



This is only Galaxy Arena’s position.

[‘Because of the other bastards. Are you going to ignore the opinions of our new kings now?’]

From the perspective of the new kings who reign as kings of the constellations.

Those reasons didn’t matter to me at all.

[‘Aries, you. As an administrator, have you become oblivious like mortals?’]

of course.

[‘Like back then, every hole had its tentacles stuck in it… ‘]

The black goat’s actions pour out without hesitation.

“Eeeeeeeeeee!! I’ll contact the council right now!”

Aries hit his head on the light green floor with a thud!

“So just a moment! Please wait just a moment!!”

I took pictures over and over again.

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