Genius Regressor Makes Mythic Items Chapter 3

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Episode 3

Episode 3. Tutorial (1)

Parts side.

Sparks flying nonstop.

The sparks that flowed from the white stick stuck in the floor instantly disturbed the inside of the studio.

However, Shimun was not surprised by the sudden appearance of this bar.

To be exact, it would be more correct to say that there was no time for that.


[The constellation Hermes takes notice of the sudden appearance of the lightning bolt from Olympus.]

[The constellation Athens suddenly appeared on Olympus… … .]

[The constellation Ares suddenly… … .]

Because phrases I never could have imagined came to mind one after another.

‘Seo, constellation?’

Shimun’s eyes widened.

‘Why are the constellations suddenly showing interest in me?’

The problem is that this is not the end.

[You are astonished at the traces the constellations of Olympus have left on you.]

[The constellations of Olympus hastily move through the streets.]

[Only three kings remain calm.]

[Among them, the ruler of Olympus, the constellation Zeus, shows great interest in you.]

The message windows that appeared one after another were so shocking that Shimun couldn’t help but be shocked.

It was natural.

Constellations are those who have been active since they were incorporated into the regular arena.

Previously, only a few players received the attention of the constellations.

There it is.

‘The constellations of Olympus retreat at the traces left by me?’

Shimun couldn’t help but tilt his head at the constellations’ reactions.

Olympus itself is made up of constellations of relatively high rank.


‘No way! Is it because of that title?’

I realized what influence the title ‘The One Who Receiving the Gaze of the Other Side’ had.


The title only shocked the constellations and made them retreat.

There was another reason why Olympus’ attention was drawn.

Parts side!

A bar that shows off a strong presence at the launch.

That lightning rod that appeared with the lightning bolt was the cause of all this.

‘What on earth is causing this chaos?’

Like CG in a famous movie.

Blue and white lightning flashes ceaselessly.

But Shimun was not afraid.

The strong sparks are destroying what little furniture there is.

Because it didn’t have any effect on Shimun.

Shimun went straight over and grabbed the lightning rod.



As I pick up the stick, a thrill runs down my arm.

It wasn’t a pain, but rather a very subtle thrill.

‘That’s why there’s such play in SM… … Ah, no! Let’s not have strange thoughts.’

Shimun shook his head sharply and stared at the white stick in his hand.

And to the information that comes to mind.


Grade – Counterfeit (10%)

The spear of Zeus, the ruler of Olympus.

He can control lightning, but for some reason he can’t use it to his full potential.

“Hey, crazy! Astraphe?!”

I was astonished.

It was natural.

Astraea, the weapon of the constellation Zeus.

This is a promising Greek player who entered the high ranks as a latecomer like Go Mal-sook when the regular season began.

Isn’t that the brain of Alexander the Great’s main weapon?

‘Of course, Greece was destroyed and they fled to America… … .’

Brain Emperor Alexander, just like Cheonma Gomalsuk.

He was a strong man who maintained his position as a high ranker even after losing his affiliation.

‘The attack power in particular was tremendous.’

Even though it is a combat system that handles windows.

Equipped with Astrape, a mythical weapon granted to him by Zeus.

It boasted an attack power that rivaled the brain attribute magic of a magic world ranker.


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Such a fool.

“I linked this?”

It is now in Shimun’s hands.

Of course, it wasn’t a real astrape.

Because Shimun clearly remembered the Astraphael of the Brain Emperor Alexander that he had seen on TV.

‘Just by equipping it, it destroyed everything around it.’

A brain machine that cannot even be encountered unless you are at the ranker level.

The real Astrape was constantly spewing out such brain energy just by existing.


Shimun looked at the fake, which gave off a pitiful spark in comparison.

“So this is a counterfeit product in the end, according to its grade?”

Zeus only shows interest for now.

Aren’t you offering to sponsor yourself?

‘Well, there’s nothing strange about it.’

Astrape is a mythical weapon used by the constellations.

Even if you forged it with the Philosopher’s Stone, you would never be able to perfectly create the real thing.

“for a moment.”

Shimun, who had been fiddling with the fake, suddenly stopped moving.

‘I’ve definitely scaled down the magic to my level.’

In addition, he had spent 500 achievement points on the Philosopher’s Stone and his lack of affinity.

Let’s think about it that way.

One possibility crossed my mind.

‘You clearly didn’t say that the system wasn’t flexible, did you?’

The first message box that came into view when I tried to connect was definitely.

[The ductility is absolutely insufficient to achieve the required ductility.]

It was.

There was absolutely no mention of the fact that Yeonseong was an ‘impossible subject’.

And isn’t there a number that says 10% next to the counterfeit product?

‘Then that excruciating pain was a rebound.’

A pain so vicious that it made my soul leave my body.

A backlash that occurred because the Philosopher’s Stone was in an unstable state and an attempt was made to combine it with something that did not match its level.

The rebound that often occurs in alchemy was evident.

That means the opposite.

As long as the softness requirements are met properly.

‘I might be able to create a real Astraphe.’

When I thought about it, it wasn’t impossible.

The basis of alchemy is equivalent exchange.

Even though he had only level 1 magical power, he was able to create elixirs and philosopher’s stones.

Isn’t it all because of the establishment of this equivalent exchange?

“ha ha ha…….”

Before I knew it, the strength in my legs had left me.

It’s also surprising that he recovered from his magical inability and returned to where he was 11 years ago.

Now, if you just establish an equivalent exchange, you can even create mythical weapons?

“Alchemy, this is a really crazy ability!”

Potions, repair bugs, the only trap in the magic world, etc.

Who would have thought that alchemy, which encompasses so many negative adjectives, could have such potential?

But the joy of poetry did not last long.

Breaking news.


The weight of the Astrape has been lightened.

As I lowered my gaze, I saw the astragalus slowly disintegrating into particles.

There was only one case where the soft substance would react like this.

“I see. It’s a rebound from the soft material.”

Rebounding wasn’t just a phenomenon that occurred to the soft-spoken.

Because complete ductility or equivalent exchange does not occur.

The filament itself could also rebound and disintegrate or explode.

Because it was a common occurrence when making low-level potions.

Any alchemist with some experience should be able to get through it easily.

“Wait a minute! What about my achievement points?”

It was a bolt from the blue for Kim Si-moon, who had accumulated 500 achievement points.

500 achievement points wasn’t as much as I thought.

Only level 1.

It was a big point for Shimun, who hadn’t even been assigned an arena rank yet.

But, cruelly.

Tsk tsk.

Astraea disappeared into a halo without a moment’s delay.

“… … I cancel what I said earlier.”


This is a crazy ability in another sense.

At that time, a feeling of emptiness was creeping in.

[Philosopher’s Stone minimizes rebound.]

[You will receive back 50 achievement points that were spent, in proportion to the grade and level of the Philosopher’s Stone.]

It’s not like it’s a payback or anything.

‘You’re giving back the achievement points for the soft material?’

A message window that could not be overlooked appeared before Shimun’s eyes.

Shimun hurriedly opened the status window and touched the Philosopher’s Stone with the possessed trait.

[Philosopher’s Stone]

Attribution: Kim Si-moon

Level: 1

Grade: F

A mythical product of alchemy.

Anything can be connected as long as equivalent exchange is established.

-Receive absolute correction in all areas related to alchemy.

When I forged the Philosopher’s Stone in my previous life.

There was clearly no level in the initial status window, and the rank was only displayed as ‘?’

Well, I guessed the reason.

“Is it because of the presence or absence of belonging and return… … .”


As if responding to those words.

A faint tinnitus rang in my chest.

“Philosopher’s Stone, let me ask you two questions.”

Shimun said, looking down at his chest.

“If this is a change that has occurred due to your attachment, then your growth is influenced by me?”


The sound of positive intent resonates.

This means that.

This means that, like so-called growth-type items, the Philosopher’s Stone also becomes stronger as the poem grows.

A small smile appeared on Shimun’s lips.

“Is that so?”

Change your stance immediately.

It seemed unnecessary to just criticize alchemy.

* * *

Ah, warm.

The sound of fingers snapping.

With that.


A small flame rose inside the studio.

The protagonist of this speech.

Kim Si-moon looked down at his hands with a satisfied face.

‘I didn’t know that it would be this efficient to draw a line without drawing a contour line.’

I understand why the Philosopher’s Stone was considered so primitive for drawing a yin yang.

‘It’s on a whole different level from being connected through a single wire.’

The poem felt like it was the first time mankind had discovered fire.

‘This is alchemy, no, a revolution in the world of magic.’

One of the drawbacks of the magic world is casting.

There were exceptions, such as battle mages and spirit mages.

Most magic players have definitely gone through casting.

Even for alchemists, aren’t transmutation circles and materials for transmutation essential right now?


‘It would be different if you ended the relationship with just a snap of your fingers.’

Shimun looked around the room, which had now become clean.

It is said to be a fake of Astrape.

Sparks from the lightning rod can travel to desks, chairs, wallpaper, etc.

They even completely destroyed the furniture that was already scarce.


“Thanks to you, I was able to practice the new method properly.”

Alchemy is a field that is so good at restoring objects that it is nicknamed the repair bug.

Of course, this was limited to simple objects without any special abilities.

It was a very easy task for Shimun, like repairing furniture or wallpaper.

Shimun smiled happily as he looked at the clean interior of the studio.

“With this level of alchemy, the tutorial should be no problem.”

Practicing this method of melody was no different.

“It was definitely 5 o’clock this afternoon, right?”

I had memorized the date and even the time exactly.

It can’t be helped.

January 17, 2030. 5:00 p.m.

Because it was the day I received my first summons in the tutorial that would make me recognized as a true arena player.

‘How ironic.’

The day I returned was the day the tutorial summoning took place.

“The tutorial event was probably… … Conquest?”

A battle of conquest where you win by occupying a certain area.

Usually, tutorials are about offense, which involves breaking through a certain objective, or defense, which involves defending.

And it was mostly survival games that were within a certain ranking.

Unfortunately, Kim Si-moon was caught in a conquest battle where only Gold or higher Arena ranks were matched.

The reason was simple.

‘It must be because my magic stat is 10.’

Galaxy Arena is a game that uses what is commonly referred to as MMR (Matchmaking Rating).

Because we used it to match players with as similar levels as possible.

Of course, this is the case with poems from previous lives.

Even though he had a magic stat of 10, he was eliminated like a sword because he was incapable of using magic.

‘I couldn’t even set foot in the occupied territory, and my head was pierced by an arrow.’

Because those in the magical realm who couldn’t use magical powers were essentially no different from ordinary people.

‘Well, if the equipment was good, then maybe that would be different.’

It was an absurd idea to me at that time.

But now I wasn’t afraid.

Rather, it became an expectation.

‘Because I have alchemy.’

Shimun smiled confidently and picked up the phone.

[January 17, 2030. 4:40 p.m.]

[Kim Si-hyuk: Unconfirmed message +99]

The corners of my mouth, which had been drawing a line at the notification window that floats up under the time, freeze.

‘Yeah. If you think about it, Sihyuk, from this point on… … .’

Until the day phones disappear from the Earth.

This smart little brother guy contacted me every single day without fail.

Eventually, they met again and even gave each other the elixir that could cure magic powerlessness, but at this time, he was not himself.

“Looking at it this way, it’s a bit embarrassing. Even though he’s called my older brother.”

My younger brother had nothing wrong with that incident.

The poem opened with a message from Kim Si-hyuk.

[Kim Si-hyuk: I entered the Awakening Academy! Haha]

[Kim Si-hyuk: I reached Diamond Rank and gained one more trait. Now I have three traits? But I don’t know how to use them.]

[… … .]

[Kim Si-hyuk: Did you go see the sunrise, hyung? I’m a senior now, so it’s hard for me to go anywhere.]

[Kim Si-hyuk: I was assigned a class today, and I’m in the same class as Yoo-jung. Did you really hate her? I hate her too… ]

“You sent a lot, kid.”

Still bright and cheerful.

It’s not because of innate ability.

Kim Si-hyuk himself was such a bright guy.

That’s why I didn’t know.

How much this bright guy’s insides were rotting away.


‘Not anymore.’

I know that I saw the guy’s status window.

The goal of Galaxy Arena is because of this bright, innocent, and, to put it in common parlance, stupid little brother.

‘You can change it from now on.’

First of all, I think I should improve my relationship with him.

Shimun put his finger on the phone.

Then it froze for a while.

‘But what should I send? I have nothing to say.’

Before we even consider whether brothers have anything to say about exchanging messages with each other.

The loss of contact over the past few years was the situation at the time.

The poem was in great distress.


“Tsk. Why do I have to worry about this? It’s annoying.”

The tongue-licking poem captures my current feelings as they are.

[Kim Si-moon: Okay. Okay.]

After sending a reply, I closed Kim Si-hyuk’s message window.

Then below that.

I saw the exact same number of messages as Kim Si-hyuk.

Shimun’s face hardened in an instant after confirming the name.

[Lee Yu-jeong: Unconfirmed message +99]

“Yeah. At this point, you’re still alive.”

Reason: Lee Yu-jeong.

The more I looked at that name, the more my hand holding the phone began to tremble slightly.


Shimun bit his lips tightly and covered his phone for a moment.

“Let’s calm down. This hasn’t even happened yet.”


It hasn’t happened yet.


“I can change it.”


It must be changed.

Lee Yu-jeong’s fate had to be changed.

Because I can’t lose my affiliation and become a refugee again.

The moment I made that promise.

[Congratulations! You have been selected for the Arena Tutorial.]

[Please prepare yourself, as you will be summoned to the tutorial shortly.]

[09:59 seconds until summoning.]

[If you have an arena connection device, you must equip it before using it.]

Is it time?

Shimun stared at the message windows that appeared before his eyes.

“This time for sure… … .”

The life of a person who cannot use magic was also miserable.

And all the misfortunes that will happen in the future.

‘I’ll tear it all apart and fix it.’

Shimun jumped up and shouted into the air.

“I would like to apply for early entry.”

[You have requested early entry. Please wait a moment.]

[Approval complete. You will be summoned to the tutorial.]

A pure white light enveloped Shimun’s body.


It disappeared with a single flash.

* * *

[Welcome to the tutorial.]

[The event for this tutorial is ‘Occupation War’ and the number of participants is 100.]

A warm humidity soaks my whole body.

My body couldn’t move, but I could at least turn my head.

Shimun looked around carefully.

“As expected, it’s the same jungle map as before.”

The humidity and heat unique to the tropical jungle, and the dense forest blocking the view.

‘I feel like I’ve returned once again.’

The same environment as the tutorial you first encountered.

It was a very strange feeling to experience this again.

[Get points from occupied areas or kill other players.]

A square outline appeared a little way off, along with a message box.

It was a mark of the territory of the occupied territories.

[The tutorial begins.]

“It’s been a really long time since I participated in the arena.”

It’s not like I’ve never experienced real combat because I was incapable of magic at level 1.

Because there have been numerous outbreaks due to the risks of the official arena.

Even if it’s level 1 and you can’t use magic.

It was a world where if you didn’t fight, you had to die.

‘Let’s buy moderately and just aim for the rankings.’

However, my participation in the arena itself was limited to the tutorial and the first few rounds in my previous life.

Kim Si-moon tried to do the tutorial slowly.

[The gaze of the constellation Zeus, who is watching you, becomes more intense.]

[Constellation Zeus gives you a mission.]

Unless it’s just a window floating in front of your eyes.

[The mission window becomes active.]

[The sponsorship window will be activated.]


Missions and sponsorships that were originally activated after passing the tutorial are already open?

Shimun opened the mission window and checked the mission Zeus had given.


-The constellation Zeus expresses deep curiosity towards you who has caught his gaze.

Achieve first place in this tutorial ‘Conquest War’.

Reward: 1,000 Achievement Points

‘I wonder who will be the ruler of Olympus.’

Is this it? If it’s not number one, it won’t be treated?

Still, I didn’t think it was an unreasonable mission.

Rather, it was good.

‘It’s just a tutorial, but it gives me 1,000 achievement points.’

In my past life, wasn’t the reward for completing the tutorial only 50 achievement points?

‘This is a must-do.’

Achievement points were essential for crafting replicas of mythical weapons.

Plus, if you want to buy stats that will open in the achievement shop later, it’ll be really backbreaking.

‘I will definitely be number one!’

The poem, which had been burning with enthusiasm, paused for a moment and glanced up at the sky.

“But Zeus? It would be more fun if you could give me just 100 more points… … .”


“Haha! I said that to make you laugh. Use it.”

The poem, which made people laugh heartily, whetted their appetite.

As the so-called ruler of Olympus.

‘You’re more stingy than I thought.’


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