Genius Regressor Makes Mythic Items Chapter 22

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Episode 22

Episode 22. The Hurricane (1)


Deep sigh.

The owner, Shimun, cooled his pounding head by touching his forehead.

The number of viewers, which started out as three constellations, had grown to three thousand without anyone even knowing.

Even before the massacre of the black goat, it is said that there were 4,000 men running.


Shimun turned off his voice transmission for a moment to reflect on the current situation, which was making him feel uneasy.

“The person named Don King who was with me was the first to be rude, and the person named Hou Yeon Ryong agreed with him?”

[Constellation Zeus nods with a solemn expression.]

“I tried to ignore it, but then Don King’s viewers started flocking in and the level of criticism increased?”

[The Black Goat constellation nods, pouting.]

[The constellation Black Goat gnashes its teeth, saying that if you donate achievement points, you will be able to defeat ‘Don King’.]

Shimun immediately shook his head at the black goat’s opinion.

“That won’t do.”

I guess you wouldn’t have thought that the constellations would be your managers.

If the constellations intervene before the regular arena begins, there is no way the Galaxy Arena can remain silent.

Even more so if the driving force behind the intervention is the achievement points that you yourself have given.

‘If we simply ignore the complaints of the black goat, the pick stats of the kings will fly away.’

All stats +3 might end up becoming +2.

Because it was a stat of 4 levels including strength and flexibility.

“Come on, Black Goat. Let’s catch our breath for a bit.”

Shimun soothed the black goat in a soft tone.

“I know what the situation is, so I’ll reopen the manager authority and chat. Don’t worry too much about this chat continuing in the future.”

[The Black Goat constellation says that he doesn’t care about humans.]

“Yes, yes. But I’m always grateful that you care about me.”

A poem that is always gentle and soothing with a smile.

Fortunately, it worked.

[The constellation Black Goat blushes slightly at your words.]

[The Black Goat constellation nods its head shyly.]

[The constellations Zeus and Aria laugh in vain.]

‘Phew, luckily I got through it.’

Is it because I already experienced a bold woman named Go Mal-sook?

Shimun, who was used to dealing with this type of thing, let out a sigh of relief and told me the script he had just written.

“And I hope your existence is still unknown.”

Those who receive the attention of the constellations even at this time of year.

And it has tremendous value in the previous life as well.

Of course, the ending often didn’t end well.

‘If I can’t have the representative thing, I’ll destroy it!’

It is a world where national power is evaluated based on a single player chosen by the constellation.

Naturally, all sorts of tricks, persuasion, and even assassination were carried out against the patrons of the constellation.

Now that they are ranked, it’s clearly impossible to sustain them.


“So what I’m saying is, the layers are like this… … .”

I don’t know about anything else, but I absolutely had to keep the constellation thing a secret.


[The constellations nod their heads in agreement with your opinion.]

Are you well aware of the complex relationships in human history?

The three constellations all nodded to the scenario Shimun had laid out.

“Then I’ll ask all three of you. I’ll turn the broadcast screen back on.”

Shimun, who took a deep breath, turned back on the manager status of the constellations that had been stripped away earlier and the broadcast screen that had stopped.


-What? Where did the screen go?

-I see you’re giving real education to the managers right now.

-Huh? Wasn’t this something the manager told the managers to do?

-Then would you have turned off the screen with such a serious expression? It must have been the managers’ own doing.

-Is it true that wherever you go, there are always fans?

-Hey! It’s on!

A chat room filled with them talking amongst themselves.

“Dear viewers, there seems to have been a momentary misunderstanding.”

The poem turns on slow mode in the chat window.

“The managers prepared this for me, who was bored… … but it got twisted like this. I apologize.”

I wrote a hypothetical scenario and ended it neatly with an apology.

To him.

-Ah, that was the most aggro I’ve ever had. It was also kind of fun.

-What’s the fun? Is it fun to draw aggro with the constellations?

-Is it fun for me too? If you’re a rookie broadcaster, you should have this kind of aggro.


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-I’ve got one more piece of bait. I’m so pissed, managers.

Public opinion in the chat room quickly turned to favorability.

Of course, there was definitely some negative public opinion, although it was a minority.

-Jjl! Where can you find such a crazy broadcast?

-Even if you get excited about aggro, it’s only for a moment. How great is it, lol.

-This kind of aggro broadcast special) Can’t escape from the deep sea. It’s real.


-What the hell are you talking about, not being able to get out of the deep sea? Don’t you know that Don King is a real dog?

-There are even kids who are more innocent than this. Are the judges going to be stricter?

-Really ㅋㅋ. If you watch other broadcasts, the criminals are so innocent. They got in trouble for just trying to cause aggro ㅋㅋ.

-Then, since they are real people, they can’t take a joke as a joke.

-Managers, I had so much fun!

-Wow! He’s carrying this as his manager. His character passes!

-Haaang~! Goat eyes, I’ll hit you too!

Unlike other players who usually boldly draw a line and cut out the parties involved when a controversy arises.

I was deeply impressed by the sight of Shimun dragging his own people.

Negative public opinion was quickly suppressed.


-Even with this kind of aggro, I’m happy. I found a real deep-sea powerhouse, not a bus-bug.

-Okay. I’ll learn a lot from watching Shimun’s broadcasts in the future!

-I’m a local from Simhae and I was very impressed by this arena.

[I am Yagold who sponsored AP 100.]

=Hyung, please turn on the broadcast often from now on! I am also loyal!

Even receiving AP sponsorship for the first time.

[You have achieved the achievement ‘First Sponsorship’.]

[You earn 100 achievement points.]

As the achievement notifications appeared one after another,

“Thank you for your support, I am Yagold.”

Shimun smiled gently and expressed his deep gratitude.

Of course, my gratitude was sincere.

‘They’re already sponsoring the broadcast!’

The patronage of the constellations is certainly great.

In the long run, the support and interest of general viewers were absolute.

Wasn’t the main way for Kim Si-hyuk and Ko Mal-sook in their previous lives to earn achievement points through broadcasting?

As evidence of that.

[You have achieved the achievement ‘Exceed 5,000 viewers’.]

[You earn 500 achievement points.]

Before I knew it, an achievement window popped up saying that the number of viewers had surpassed 5,000.

‘Okay. As the broadcast grows, I’ll earn achievement points periodically.’

Is it some kind of salary?

Shimun was naturally pleased with the steady achievement point earning that would unfold in the future.

-Mom. What’s with that smile?

-But this guy. Now that I look at him, he’s handsome.

-Yeah. He’s smiling faintly, and I’m laughing too.

-I’m a cheater, but I can do it.

-Ah! I can do it too!

A chat window that responds immediately to Shimun’s smile.


[The constellation Black Goat expresses discomfort in many chats.]

As the silent constellation Black Goat shows signs of intruding again.

“Oh! The arena isn’t over yet, so I’ll focus on the entire match.”

Shimun quickly changed the subject.

“I’m still new to broadcasting, so I’ll turn off the chat window. Everyone, please be polite when chatting.”

The poem naturally turned off the chat window.

Ah, warm.

He snapped his fingers, linking [Moon Aul’s body tissue] to his eyes and quickly moved to find the remaining survivors.

* * *

Let’s take care of the last remaining player and return home.

[You have successfully cleared the arena ‘The Cooled-down Mine’.]

[You achieved an overwhelming score of 25 kills in the final match.]

[Clear rewards increase depending on your performance.]

[You have completed the mission of the constellation Heavenly Horse.]

[You earn 500 achievement points.]

A welcoming system window greeted the poem.

[The attached trait ‘Philosopher’s Stone’ receives a certain amount of experience points.]

[Level increased by 5.]

[Philosopher’s Stone level increased by 3.]

[You will receive the ‘Powerless Mining Core’ as a clear reward.]

‘Hiya! The reward is huge.’

It’s just a placement test, but I got 5 levels up?

Considering that the Philosopher’s Stone has been raised by 3 levels, this means that you have gained approximately 8 levels of experience points.

Plus, the success of Cheonma’s mission and the acquisition of valuable materials.

But Shimun didn’t start celebrating right away.


-Huh? The screen turned off again.

-The arena is over, right? I think that kid from earlier was the last one?

-I’ve never seen a player run through a mine like this before. Can you see ahead?

-It really should be called a closed mine run. It’s so annoying.

That’s because the broadcast is still on.

Is it for the player’s privacy?

Arenia’s broadcast screen will stop transmitting as soon as it returns to Earth.

-But this guy, I guess he didn’t do anything like a waiting screen commission.

-Yeah. I guess there aren’t any memes.

Fortunately, the location of the studio was never revealed.

Shimun, who saw the chats continuing one after another, felt ashamed.

‘Now that I think about it, there’s nothing that can fit on the broadcast standby screen.’

Another screen shown when the screen is not being transmitted.

Since this is the first broadcast, these parts haven’t been set up yet.

For that reason, all viewers saw was a poem floating on a black background.

“I haven’t been broadcasting for long. I’ll prepare and set up the standby screen soon.”

– Sir, I think it would be okay to just upload a selfie instead of an illustration.

-That’s right. Even if you take a selfie, just upload it. That would be fun.

-If you have trouble finding it, please email me. It’s not enough, but I’ll work hard to make it for you!

-Ah! It’s possible!

Is it because the number of 5,000 people did not decrease even after the arena ended?

The chat window kept popping up.

At that sight, Shimun felt his heart swell with emotion.

‘This is the first time I’ve received this much attention from so many people… … .’

There are some sharp chats here and there though.

Basically chats full of goodwill.

It was a situation that Simun, who had lived his entire life at level 1 due to lack of magical power, could never enjoy.

‘I was one of those viewers back then.’

That may be why I was more impressed.

Put your true feelings into it.

“Thank you all for watching my poor broadcast. I will come back with a better version of myself!”

-Brother! If you keep laughing like that and being self-indulgent, what will happen?

-You deceiver! Mosaic your face!

-Ah! It’s possible!

Shimun smiled faintly and ended the broadcast.

All that happened was that one chat window disappeared.

“… … .”

For a moment, silence came.

At that, Shimun smiled and shook his head.

“This could easily become addictive.”

-Don’t get too addicted. You’re mine.

Was it because you were dissatisfied with only looking at the chat window?

To the fresh voice of the philosopher’s stone.


Shimun gently stroked the boy.


‘Right. I need to finish checking the system window.’

I brought back the system window that had been pushed to one side.

[As previously announced, player Kim Si-moon’s rank placement section has ended.]

[Platinum rank is suitable based on MMR. However, additional adjustments are made based on level and stats.]

[Adjusting… … .]

‘Fortunately, it’s not a direct route to platinum.’

Even though he recorded overwhelming results in every game, it was only three games.

Looking at the average level of the Platinum rank.

It didn’t make sense to be assigned to the Platinum rank in this state.

Fortunately, Galaxy Arena seems to know that too.

The phrase “under adjustment” persisted for quite some time.

Did about 10 minutes pass like that?

[Adjustment completed.]

[Player Kim Si-moon is given two choices.]

[1. Assigned to Gold Rank. After that, 10% additional experience and rewards will be applied until promotion to Platinum Rank.]

[2. Assigned to Silver Rank. Experience and rewards reduced by 30% until promotion to Gold Rank.]

[Please select (1 / 2)]

Shimun tilted his head at the unexpected condition.


The very idea of ​​a ‘two-choice option’ was meaningless in the first place.

Anyone can see that they would choose number 1.

Because it was wise to reach Platinum rank as quickly as possible.


‘Why did you split the items into two?’

Shimun, who had already experienced a past life, knew this system well.

‘Galaxy Arena wants me to reach Platinum as quickly as possible.’

It was clear from the condition of ‘10% additional experience and rewards’.


‘Why did you have to make the same thing twice?’

Doesn’t it seem like a choice that would only result in a penalty?

The system that the poem knows does not do such inefficient things.

The past arenas are proof of that.

I don’t care at all about the personalities of those I’m matched with or whether they’re intentional trolls.

Aren’t you only matching based on objective data like MMR?

If there is such a system, there is no need to divide the selection items like this.

‘You just have to give me one condition that applies.’

In severe cases, it could be thrown into the Platinum rank at this level 12.

And the system.


You have achieved the achievement of becoming the first player to reach Platinum Rank at Level 12~.

‘I guess so.’

The system was really what was left over.

But why did you specifically create item number 2?

The poem was stared at twice.

‘Even if I choose number 2, it won’t be a huge loss for me.’

Even if the experience and rewards are reduced by 30%.

Since the nature of the poem is that it doesn’t have much to do with items anyway, there was no need to be obsessed with rewards.

Of course, the experience part may feel quite painful thanks to the Philosopher’s Stone that shares experience points.

‘That’s all as long as you keep doing well in the arena like you are doing now.’

It should be reduced by 30%.

It’s just barely comparable to the level of compensation that others receive.

There wasn’t much difference from now.

‘In the end, it’s almost like there’s no penalty for me… … .’

There’s no way this damn system doesn’t know that.

So why did you even bother to offer this option?

Into the ears of the poet who was so troubled.

-Brother, what are you staring at like that for? We need to check that quickly!

The Philosopher’s Stone’s complaining voice was heard.


A possibility flashed through his mind.

‘What if the system has no choice but to put me in Silver?’

That sword-like system is different from when this arena started.

What if there was a ‘reason’ that forced you to assign yourself to Silver?

“no way?”

In the current situation, there was only one variable that could be expected.


The poem was hastily opened in inventory.

What came out in his hand was a piece of ore that was too bright to be silver ore.

Is it because it’s outside and not a mine?

The uniqueness that the silver ore contained seemed extraordinary.

It was natural.

This mineral is none other than.

[Mithril Ore]

Rating: S

A metal whose strength surpasses that of steel despite its lightness.

High horsepower conductivity.

Because it was a S-class material item, Mithril.

Mithril is a precious mineral that is occasionally used not only in the manufacturing industry but also in the magic industry’s technology.

Of course, it was an extremely valuable material to alchemists as well.

-Oh my! The purity is pretty high? At this level, it should be good for most places… … .

“Philosopher’s Stone, let’s examine this.”

The poem was unwavering.

-Huh? The information window is already open, so is there any need to exert effort?

“I have something to check.”

-Okay, I see. But even though the content is low, it’s still Mithril ore, so it’ll have a lot of ductility.

“It’s okay. Go ahead and do it.”

Mithril is a substance that is closely related to alchemy.

Thanks to this, the Philosopher’s Stone, which was capable of sensing Mithril’s emotions, began to sense them right away.


The mithril ore shook faintly, with the feeling of its ductility draining away.


[Doria’s Mithril Ore]

Attribution: Kim Si-moon

Rating: X

Mithril ore from the Doria Mountains, once a sacred place for dwarves.

-When used during arena matching, enter as ‘Nightmare of the Heated Mine’.

-Limited to 1 person.

Looking at the information window for the changed Mithril Ore.


Shimun looked down at the changed mithril ore he was holding carefully.

“So that’s why it was like this.”


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