Genius Regressor Makes Mythic Items Chapter 179

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Episode 179

Episode 179. The Real Culprit (1)

World Federation of Awakened Ones.

An organization established by leaders and player forces representing each country.

From the enactment of the Awakened Law to the designation of villains, outbreaks, etc.

A place that exerts global influence in all areas related to the Galaxy Arena.

The conference room of that federation is today.

“Now that everyone is here, let’s wrap up the agenda we discussed yesterday.”

It created a rather solemn atmosphere.

That would be the case.

“This is the disposition of the Korean ranker, the iron-walled saint, Lee Yu-jeong.”

Because it was a day when decisions were made regarding rankers, not just ordinary players.


An elegant beauty appears in the center of the circular conference room.

Next to it were details about her listed in English, the common language.

“As you all know, Lee Yu-jeong is currently under suspicion of murdering a non-awakened person.”

As soon as the host finished speaking.

“Are you talking about a charge? Isn’t it true that he murdered someone?”

An Asian man sitting in the front seat raises his hand.

At his seat was a plaque with a red flag and a dragon design.

“I heard that he confessed to the murder himself?”

“I also agree with what the Chinese side said. The party involved admitted it, but the expression ‘allegation’ doesn’t seem right.”

The blond man sitting next to me also nodded in agreement.

Next to it.

“We, Pakistan, also agree with China and Russia.”

“Our Serbia too… … .”

The agreement of representatives from each country, one after another.

To him.

“I’m sorry. I’ll correct it.”

The host bowed his head slightly and corrected his speech.

“We will proceed with the final discussion and judgment regarding the punishment of Lee Yu-jeong, who killed the unawakened.”

“Well, is there anything else we can discuss?”

The Russian representative shrugs and looks around.

“You killed a non-Awakened person out of personal resentment, and that was my grandfather.”

“Didn’t you all see the data from yesterday? You headed to the chairman’s office without any hesitation.”

“Even when I watched it on video, I could feel the cruelty.”

Representatives responding one after another.

Most of the representatives who had earlier demanded a correction to the expression ‘allegation’ were like that.

The Chinese representative, who had been nodding quietly, put an end to it.

“First, we should designate Lee Yu-jeong as a villain and then punish her accordingly.”

The atmosphere is such that Lee Yu-jeong is instantly labeled a villain.

at that time.

“You all seem to be in such a hurry.”

A low-pitched voice echoed through the conference room.

Like the previous delegates, he sat at the front row of the conference room.

“It’s a matter of designating someone as a villain. Do you really need to make a decision so hastily and without any procedures?”

He was a middle-aged black man with bald head.

A plaque bearing the American flag sat on his desk.

“Marcus. What do you mean?”

When the Serbian representative asked again:

“It’s true. Classifying someone as a villain is like branding them a public enemy of the world. Matters like this should be dealt with through proper procedures.”

Marcus answered with a gentle smile.

The Pakistani representative frowned sharply.

“Haven’t you already confessed everything? Besides, Lee Yu-jeong is a ranker. The risk of crime is significant!”

“I am well aware of the dangers of crimes committed by rankers. In fact, no country knows this danger better than the United States.”

“That’s… … that’s right.”

The Pakistani representative paused for a moment and then nodded.

Desperado, the world’s greatest villain organization.

The incident that brought their notoriety to its peak was,

“Aren’t these people, who can even terrorize the White House without hesitation, rank-level villains?”

Wasn’t that the terrorist attack at the White House in the United States?

Of course, it was a worldwide shock at the time.

It was one of the biggest events since the founding of the World Awakened Alliance.

Because I know it well.

“Even though you know that… … you still discuss the procedure?”

The Pakistani representative did not come out as strongly as before.

“Please speak comfortably. Well, isn’t this an incident that can be brought up as a joke now? It was even mentioned on a talk show yesterday.”

Marcus nodded his head with a hearty laugh.


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“You can’t ignore the procedures just because the risk is high. Isn’t this something that is recognized as public good by the world?”

Marcus speaks with a calm, businesslike look in his eyes.


“I agree. Besides, Lee Yu-jeong was quietly detained by the regular police.”

“That’s right. If she was truly a villain, the number of deaths in Korea would not have ended with Lee Soon-chul alone.”

“There were many questionable aspects to the fact that she confessed in the first place.”

“That’s right. It doesn’t make sense to have all my actions exposed on CCTV in the first place.”

“Without giving up on life… … But isn’t Lee Yu-jeong the sole heir to Seongsam in the ranks?”

“That’s right. In any case, why would she, who is from the top class, give up her life?”

The representatives nearby added their comments one after another.




Green lights began to turn on one by one above the seats of the representatives who had been quietly watching.

It was a signal of agreement with the current opinion.

Even if you roughly calculate it, it’s a number that’s more than half.

To him.

“Oh, no!”

“Why are you guys acting like that all of a sudden?”

“Yesterday, wasn’t everyone in agreement on designating him as a villain… … ?”

Representatives who supported the designation of Lee Yu-jeong as a villain, including Russia and Pakistan, are quietly muttering.

The Chinese representative just sat there with his arms folded.

Yuan Hong frowned slightly and asked.

“Isn’t it all just speculation in the end? And what evidence is there that Lee Yu-jeong will not commit additional crimes?”

“According to reports this morning, Lee Yu-jeong was imprisoned in a Korean association.”

“Marcus, I tell you again, she’s a ranker.”

“I know. And the head of the Korean Association is also a ranker. Doesn’t the Chinese side also know well who the Iron Wood King is?”

“… … I know very well.”

“If you know him well, wouldn’t it be okay to proceed according to procedure?”

Marcus smiles slyly.

Yuan Hong bit his lip and sighed.

‘Why did you have to mention Kim Moo-yeol…?’

Iron King Kim Mu-yeol.

It is a well-known fact here that he, the president of the Korean association, has close ties with China, or more precisely, the continent.

Now that Kim Moo-yeol is mentioned.

‘If we go any further, we will end up ignoring Kim Moo-yeol.’

If I continued to rant here, it would be tantamount to ignoring Kim Moo-yeol’s abilities.

Although it is not particularly known to the public.

‘It was the same during the reinforcement mission. It seems like they’ve been distancing themselves from us since the failed assassination last time… ‘

Recently, the Continental’s interactions with Kim Moo-yeol have become noticeably less frequent.

‘His Majesty is also concerned about improving his relationship with him.’

Even the Continental Master, Jongli Chu, is keeping an eye on improving his relationship with him.

Here, it was impossible for him to tarnish Kim Moo-yeol’s reputation.

‘You’re such a sinister nigger!’

Yuan Hong cursed inwardly.

“Okay. Let’s proceed as planned.”

On the outside, I could only nod.

“You are indeed wise. Then, Mr. Host? Let’s proceed according to procedure.”

Marcus looked at the host with a grin.

“All right.”

And the final vote on Lee Yu-jeong’s villain designation.

“I will conclude the agenda of the Lee Myung-bak Party due to majority opposition.”

It ended with a majority ‘against’.

* * *

After the meeting of the World Awakened Alliance.

“Marcus. Thank you for your hard work.”

“Thank you for your hard work, Andrea.”

The representatives exchanged brief greetings and left.

As I sat at the innermost part of the circular conference room.

Marcus was the last to leave.

The same was true for Yuan Hong.

so that.

“What on earth are you planning, Marcus?”

Yuan Hong could ask.

“Ah! Mr. Wei. What are you asking?”

“Don’t pretend you don’t know. I’m talking about the Lee Yu-jeong issue.”

About the only agenda item that I had a conflict with Marcus on today.

With Marcus from the beginning.

There had been frequent conflicts and friction with the United States since the early days of the alliance.

“Why did you suddenly change your mind?”

This time, I couldn’t help but have doubts.

That would be the case.

“Until yesterday, didn’t you agree with designating Lee Yu-jeong as a villain?”

Until just yesterday.

Because Marcus, the representative of the United States, was in favor of designating Lee Yu-jeong as a villain.

It wasn’t just Marcus.

“Canada, Europe, the Middle East, even Japan. Everyone is changing their tune?”

Yesterday, when Lee Yu-jeong’s agenda was brought up.

Except for a few countries including Korea.

Almost all of the representatives have expressed tacit approval for Lee Yu-jeong’s designation as a villain.

It was natural.

“Wouldn’t it be beneficial for you if Lee Yu-jeong disappears?”

“Oh my! Mr. Wee. You are being too talkative.”

Rankers are the pinnacle of players.

In other words, it could be said that it was the best human resource that a country could have.

If I could just get rid of one of those rankers.

Naturally, the power of the country in question was bound to weaken.


“There are only two of us, so let’s be honest, Marcus. Compared to the Galaxy Arena, isn’t Korea too big now?”

Before the advent of Galaxy Arena.

As in the case of the number of nuclear weapons.

“Lee Yu-jeong is one of the hottest rankers in Korea right now. If she disappears, you won’t have anything to lose, right?”

“Mr. We. We exist for world peace. As a member of the Federation, such remarks… … .”

Despite Marcus’s careful mediation.

“Isn’t it even a just punishment? I can’t help but ask why you suddenly changed your mind.”

Yuan Hong cut him off and spoke without hesitation.

Marcus, who was silent for a moment, quietly looked at Yuan Hong.

“I guess I haven’t contacted you.”

He smiled broadly, revealing his white teeth.

“… … What do you mean?”

Leaving behind such an unknown message.

“I have an important meeting coming up soon. Please excuse me.”

“Hey, hey, Marcus!”

He waved his hand and left the conference room.

There was a faint joy in his double-lidded eyes.

‘It looks like the countries that opposed the villain designation earlier didn’t receive any offers. Well… … .’

That’s why they were so opposed.

The corners of my mouth go up involuntarily.

Marcus heads straight to my office with a smile on his face.

It wasn’t just the joy of things working out well.

‘Given her personality, she’d probably be there by now.’

As Marcus expected.

“You’re here.”

Let’s open the office door.

Blonde hair tied neatly back with a sophisticated office look.

And a cold-looking beauty greeted him, pushing up her thin glasses.

“Ah. Olivia. You must be very busy. But you came all the way here.”

“I just happened to have some time. I wanted to stop by to say thank you.”

In that regard.

“Haha! Who wouldn’t say you’re a legend in the recruiting department? You speak so well.”

Marcus burst into hearty laughter.

“Don’t you know the personality of the famous Winter Queen? You must have come to see for yourself whether things have gone well.”

“Well, that’s also a bit of a mixed bag.”

Marcus bursts into laughter again at Olivia’s lack of denial.

he is.

“I guess I didn’t like this at all?”

“He has represented the United States since the founding of the Federation. How could I dare do that?”

“Haha! It’s always nice to hear compliments from a beautiful woman. I knew you’d come, so I made a reservation at a fancy restaurant. What do you think?”

Winking playfully.

“How about we have a leisurely chat over a meal?”

I dared to ask the Winter Queen for an after.

“I have to prepare to receive my compensation now.”

Olivia, without a moment’s hesitation.

“I think you’ve resolved it well, so I’ll excuse myself now.”

He kicked it away really hard.

* * *

[Shock! The murderer of Chairman Lee Soon-chul is not Lee Yu-jeong?]

[Association side: ‘There is a high possibility that Lee Yu-jeong is not the culprit’]

[So who is the real culprit? Chairman Lee Soon-chul’s murder case, a full-scale reinvestigation begins!]

[Why did Lee Yu-jeong admit that she killed him? Question]

Articles are pouring into various portal sites.

That wasn’t all.

[More than 70% voted against! Lee Yu-jeong is not a villain]

[World Awakening Federation, opposed to designating Lee Yu-jeong as a villain?]

[The reason why the Federation’s decision is more trustworthy is that Jeong-i Lee is innocent!]

[Association President Burning with Will: ‘Lee Yu-jeong is a Valuable Talent for the Country, We Will Never Give Up’]

The reason everyone is paying attention is whether or not Lee Jung-eun will be designated as a villain.

As the article spread that it failed with over 70% of the votes against it.

-What the f*ck is going on?

-Who’s saying it’s true? Is it true that Lee Yu-jeong didn’t kill him?

-That’s right, so the Federation must have opposed the designation of the villain.

-But why did you say you killed him?

-So you said you were going to reinvestigate it to find out. Is it difficult to read?

-There’s no way our saint would do that.

-Haven’t you seen Lee Yu-jeong’s broadcast? She’s definitely not the type of person to commit unfilial acts.

All kinds of communities, both domestic and international, were in an uproar.

And the poem that saw all this situation.

‘It’s going as expected.’

He flicked the screen of his phone with a faint smile on his face.

‘There are almost no opposing articles. Well, you must have seen what happened to the opposing forces last time.’

Wishing for the Scorpion Guild.

The forces that created controversy and unfollowed in the national platinum division.

They were swept away in large numbers starting with the confession video of Kim Jong-jun, the vice-minister of the Scorpion Guild.

In particular, the media just didn’t notice.

Given the personality of his uncle, Kim Moo-yeol, he would have ended it completely.


‘I don’t think I could come up with the courage to publish an opposing article unless I’m crazy.’

Even in the face of blatant attempts to control public opinion.

It would be difficult to raise questions or publish opposing articles.

Of course, since humans are creatures of forgetfulness.

After some time, it will raise its head again.

‘You can take care of it when you get there.’

Shimun put his phone away with a brisk movement and started walking again.

“Brother. What on earth did you do?”

A refreshing voice catches those brisk steps.

Shimun turned around and asked.


“I’m talking about the World Awakened Alliance.”

Kim Si-hyuk looks back and forth between his cell phone and the poem he is holding with wide eyes.

The reason he was surprised was simple.

“What on earth happened? There were 70% of votes against it in the federation?”

Kim Si-hyuk also saw the news that Shi-mun just saw.

The same was true for Park Jin-wook, who followed suit.

He had already followed the poet’s instructions and was aware of what was being discussed.

Shimun glanced at Park Jin-wook, who was following him silently, and said.

“I boiled it moderately with a growth buff.”

“… … The World Federation is being boiled with growth buffs, is that the place being boiled?”

“Well, it depends on the chef.”

“… … .”

A poem with a slight shrug.

To him.

“I’ve always felt this way, but you tend to make surprising things seem like no big deal.”

Kim Si-hyuk shook his head and laughed heartily.

Shimun raised one eyebrow.

“Hey, Kim Si-hyuk. Is that a compliment?”

“of course!”

“Okay then.”

Soon, a mischievous smile appeared on his face and he continued walking.

How long did it take to walk like that?

The poem is surrounded by a police line.

So I stopped in front of a door with yellow tape drawn all over it.

“I’ve been waiting.”

Two suit men sitting next to him.

The men in suits who appeared to be Awakened bowed their heads respectfully.

“I received a call from the president of the association.”

“Please take a look as much as you like.”

Association officials who cleared the police line and personally opened the door.

“thank you.”

Shimun gave a small thank you and entered Seongsam’s office.

As expected from a crime scene.

There were yellow license plates everywhere, but that was it.

The preservation of the site was perfect.

In fact, there was no such thing as on-site preservation.

“It’s neat.”

There was nothing that could ruin the scene.

Because this is the scene where Chairman Lee Soon-cheol’s head was blown off.

The poem was delivered to Chairman Lee Soon-cheol’s desk.

To be exact, I headed towards the place where the white chalk outline was drawn.

The luxurious chair was stained with dried blood.

There was a circular outline drawn on the side of the chair.

‘This must be where the head fell off.’

The poet’s gaze naturally turns to the opposite side of where his head fell.

A huge, half-open window was visible.


The poet’s eyes sparkled when he saw that place.

Shimun slowly walked towards the large window, sweeping the air from the head of the chair.

At that sight.

“Brother. What are you doing? Have you figured something out yet?”

Kim Si-hyuk asked with a face of incomprehension.

The poem reaches up to the huge windows.



He nodded and knocked on the half-open window frame.

“It’s exactly what I expected.”

With that being said.


A sinister, dark purple aura swept through the empty space.

It continued all the way to the head of the chair.

“That, that!”


A line drawn in emptiness.

Kim Si-hyuk and Park Jin-wook were shocked when they saw it.

[The Black Goat constellation’s eyes widen as he exclaims, ‘Isn’t this the aura of that damned chaos bastard?!’]

Along with the shock of an unexpected existence.


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