Genius of a Unique Lineage Chapter 59

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59. Today is a beef dinner.

Money & Save.

It is the second financial sector.

It is a loan company, a private lender, and a bank.

It was also a financial company established by the terrorist group Prometheus.

There are a total of three branches in Seoul.

One of them was between Hapjeong Station and Mangwon Station.

The walls were made of open glass, so the inside was clearly visible.

[We do not hide it.]

Was that one of the catchphrases?

That is why all Money & Save points are said to have glass fronts.

Contains the meaning of not hiding anything… … .

That’s bullshit.

I looked at the thick cloth in my hand.

It is a tool that has two holes that make it difficult to breathe when used on the face.

In other words, it is a mask.

These days, they say there are even masks made with magic.

They say optical camouflage is also possible.

What I need right now isn’t something that big.

You can get it anywhere.

It is important that it is untraceable.

In other words, standard off-the-shelf equipment.

What does this mean?

The point is that you can’t guess the opponent’s affiliation just by looking at their equipment and clothes.

If you add accelerated tutoring to it.


This is the birth of a perfect criminal.


I wore a mask. I felt like I could do anything because it made my existence anonymous in the world.

Then let’s try something.

“Code Rover, operation begins.”

Let’s open our mouths and speak.


I could hear the panda’s voice through the in-ears I put in my ears.

I killed the sight and got out of the van.

If people around me aren’t watching, there’s no need to pay attention to me.

So I walked leisurely into the bank.

Glock 17 on my waist.

A pump shotgun was hidden in the long bag in his hand.


The automatic door opened and I went inside.

There are eleven customers.

There are four employees working at the counter.

I read the inscription on the inside.

There are three more.

Total number of people: seventeen.

“Stop power operation.”

As he spoke, he took out a shotgun from his bag.

“Let’s start by subduing the steamer.”

The shooter knew the people in the back alleys well. very well.

Among them, there was a great person who would give me strength lessons.

I took that lesson.

“… … ah.”

The moment an employee at the counter opened his mouth in surprise, I immediately rushed at him.

Then, he grabbed her by the collar and pulled it out of the window, like pulling radishes from a field.



At the same time as a short scream.

After putting the shotgun barrel to his head, he opens his mouth again.

“Everyone stop moving, don’t even talk.”

I lowered my voice.

The security guard responds to my voice.

I was aware of everyone around me. He couldn’t miss the strange behavior.


He lowers his left hand, grabs the pistol, draws it, and shoots. It is a shooting done as one movement without a single second gap.

It was easy for me, who had the senses of an immortal, to put a bullet into the exact hitting point in one go.

Boom! Boom!

A pistol equipped with a silencer fired two bullets.


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Two bullets pierced the guard’s thigh.

It was easy to understand the other person by seeing, hearing, and sensing.

The opponent is a transformation type.

Therefore, just suppress it before it transforms.

“You crazy bastard.”

The shapeshifter endured the pain and kicked the ground as he tried to get up.

As it ran, tearing through the air, its pupils tried to split vertically.

I hit the guy’s head with the handle of a pistol.


Its pupils dilate, revealing the whites of their eyes.

One guy finished.

When I turned back and took aim again, another guard fired at me.

Bang, bump! Three pistol shots.

Two of the three shots pierced my side.

It hurts, but it’s bearable.

At the same time, an intangible pressure presses down on me. He is a telekinetic person.



Superpowers require concentration. It’s unlikely that someone with great abilities will be able to handle things like bank security.

Therefore, you cannot maintain telekinesis after being hit. The pressure pressing down on me disappeared.

It was within expectations. Instead, the private security forces that will be dispatched after this will be at a different level.

Therefore, I have to finish my work and leave before they come.

After subduing the security guard.

“No need to press the button.”

As I said that, my eyes went behind the window.

He is the branch manager. His hands were under the table. At my words, the hand that was reaching for the emergency button stopped.

“I’ll press it for you.”

I raised the muzzle of the gun toward the ceiling and pulled the trigger.


A noise several times louder than the sound of a pistol rang my son-in-law.

Ouch! Argh!

Are you questioning men and women out of embarrassment and fear?

A startled scream broke the boredom of the late afternoon.

A woman who was shaking her hands and a man of the same age who must have just turned 20.

All kinds of people were gathered together.

Crushed limestone dust fell on their heads.

“Everyone gather together.”

This is a scenario planned by the team leader and the panda.

And the main character is me.

He gathered the trembling people together and spoke.

“Throw all your phones here. practice.”

I throw my phone away with trembling hands.

Count the number of people and the number of cell phones gathered.

“We all put our heads between our knees and just breathe. “If I hear you screaming, yelling, whispering, I’ll punch a hole in your head.”

Control your emotions when speaking.

Act quickly and without hesitation.


Just pulling the slide of the pump shotgun made people flinch and tremble.

“Do nothing, don’t think about anything. “I just hope and pray that this will pass.”

After saying that, I turned around.

The branch manager appeared.

“Let’s go.”

It felt so natural.

It was as if he had done this countless times.

You should also take intensive tutoring for about four days.

They say they are very prone to crime.

He was also a top-notch writer in this field.

Did you say you elevated safecracking to the level of art?

The moment I opened my mouth, the shooter hit my muzzle.

Anyway, he was a famous writer.

Thinking that he was a man who should have been imprisoned a dozen more times, I asked him how he was still walking around in the sunlight.

He has now retired from the front line and is working as an advisor.

The word was torture, but it meant being an informant for the Immortal Special Forces.

He could not refuse the gunner’s request.

In other words, he taught me faithfully.

“4 minutes left.”

Deputy Panther said through the communicator.

The team leader draws the overall picture, and the self-proclaimed safecracking artist weighs in on the reality of the operation.

There was a panda there.

We calculated everything, time and place.

“Guide me.”

That’s how I became a robber.

Well, as I live, I end up doing all sorts of things.

“open it.”

In the face of an overwhelming threat, there was nothing the branch manager, an ordinary person, could do.

I opened the safe.

This branch is not that big.

Still, if you add up the money here, it’s in the billions, right?

Just the two of us can’t run away with money within 5 minutes.

After 5 minutes, private security comes and it is not easy to get out.

Still, the blow had to be delivered.

What should I do to escape while still inflicting damage within the time limit?

It’s like bank robbery. I’m not really a robber, am I?

So, you just have to change your purpose.

Not by stealing money, but by destroying it.

“come out.”

He pushed the branch manager back, cracked open two grenades, placed them inside, and closed the door.

The safe was sturdy.


Even when the bomb exploded, causing the entire building to shake and tremble, no grenade fragments broke through the vault door or wall.

When I opened the safe door, the inside was a sight to behold.

He twisted the lids off the two lighter oil cans and threw them away.

Chick, pong.

I lit a cheap Zippo lighter and threw it away.


The inside of the safe quickly caught fire.

The sound of crackling and burning banknotes was heard more clearly than any other campfire.

All of this happened at once.

My hands didn’t rest except for a few seconds when the grenade exploded.

There was a lot of noise and screams.

I ignored everything and handled the job like a professional.

“… … “Are you crazy?”

the branch manager asked.

If you’re not going to steal it and just destroy it, why bother doing this?

I said, holding up the two bundles of money with Shin Saimdang on them that I had taken before throwing the grenade.

“I only take one hundredth of the money I won.”

f*ck, I actually want to take half of it.

Burning this much money makes me feel like a crazy person.

But what can you do?

No matter how unofficial the operation, the robbery itself cannot be approved.

However, it cannot harm civilians.

That is the condition under which the head of headquarters approved the operation.

Although it is a robbery, there should be no civilian casualties.

So we focused thoroughly on the material.

They decided to smash and burn the money.


He left those words and ran out.

I ran barefoot.

CCTV blind spots have already been identified.

All you had to do was avoid the black boxes of nearby vehicles.

I controlled my breathing and ran.

The human figure blurs like an afterimage and is pushed back. It went over to the next town at that speed.

After entering the alley, I took off my clothes in a place where cars couldn’t pass.

I took out a folding shopping cart and put all the clothes I took off.

After that, grab your shopping cart, exit the alley, and head to the large supermarket.

“It’s a little hot now.”

He said and walked into the supermarket.

“Dakgalbi time sale! Just ten minutes! “This price is for just 10 minutes!”

Regardless of whether the bank was robbed in the neighborhood next door, the supermarket was peaceful today as well.

I’m pretending to buy groceries and only buy one drink.

“Meeting in 5 minutes.”

I heard Deputy Panda’s words.

As I headed toward the underground parking lot, I immediately heard a rumbling sound.

I thought about this for the first time while doing this job.

“get on.”

The shooter rode a bike.

That’s well over 3,000 from BMW.


I quietly got into the back and hugged her waist.

The gunner pulled the bike accelerator.


A modern beast running on the road screamed.

Personally, I prefer cars, but isn’t a bike a man’s dream?

If I can afford it, I will get one too.

Soon the bike left the parking lot and rode on the road through the early summer sun.

While I was running, I put the earphones in the other ear and turned on the radio.

“This is breaking news. “The Money & Cash Hapjeong branch suffered a terrorist attack.”

Phew. Ah, it feels cool inside.

A terrorist group carried out an attack.

“There are currently two people presumed to be the culprits, but considering the scale, it is presumed that a special species was involved… … .”

There was no need to hear the rest of the bullshit.

These guys must be feeling half out of their minds right now.

I was once again curious about the mind of the team leader who planned this strategy.

“There’s no rule that says you have to do just one thing a day.”

I was able to see for myself how crazy the team leader was who was determined to take revenge.

The shooter’s bike passed through the inner ring road and headed toward Suyu.

Here was the next goal.

Money & Save’s headquarters was in Gangnam.

There were two branches: Suyu and Hapjeong.

Among them, I rob Hapjeong.

I came here quickly before the sun had even set.

I just thought about robbing a bank.

I didn’t know it would all burn down.

I didn’t know that I would be working in two places in one day.

The team leader is truly a crazy person.

It was extremely efficient.

Who would imagine that the same day one branch was robbed, another branch would be robbed?

I changed my clothes again in a car-free alley and burned the folding shopping cart.

This time too, it is a quick decision.

I ran with my thighs strong and kicked the door in one go.


The automatic door opened only 1cm and collapsed.

Bang bang bang!

He entered and fired three shots into the air.

“Stop power operation.”

It’s a repeat of the same thing as before.

This time, as soon as he saw the guard, he rushed at him and struck his neck, knocking him out.

There were two: mixed blood and immortal.

Both of them probably intended to attack without sparing their bodies.

I am someone

This is Seong Si-kyung, an immortal who sent me to dreamland countless times during Hwarim OT.

After slapping the backs of the necks of two mixed-race immortals and wishing them good night.

Ugh. Wow. Help me.

I thought as I heard all kinds of screams.

That bloody private security guard, the guardian of this bank, would have been dispatched to Hapjeong.

You probably didn’t expect to hit this side at the same time, so you should have more time than before.

Still, there was no time to think about anything else.

“open it.”

I opened the safe and prepared a Molotov cocktail instead of a grenade this time.

I felt like I would be disappointed if I brushed it off in the same way.

Boom, boom.


Throwing lighter oil is bad manners.


When it was burned properly, the branch manager who saw it from the side opened his mouth and could not speak.

“… … “Are you crazy?”

“About half.”

I admitted it honestly.

I also think that money is a waste.

“Do you know where this is?”

Oh, look at this.

Does this bastard know that this is Prometheus?

“Isn’t it breastfeeding?”

I blink and ask.

“He definitely seems like a crazy person, but he will regret it. “In less than two days, you will be crying and crying and begging for help.”

You idiot, whenever you open a safe, do you always release such venom?

“I guess the gun in front of me right now isn’t scary.”

He asked innocently and put the pistol to his forehead.

“… … “It’s scary.”

Well, are there all these honest bastards?

“Then put your mouth on me.”

“You should be careful.”

He is a friend who changes his stance quickly. He couldn’t kill someone who didn’t resist.


Take a look.

I only broke his shin with a low kick.


The screams were as exciting as idol music.

Okay then.

Come out and it’s a repeat of what happened before.

I ran to the next town and this time I burned my clothes.

It was a place I had already seen.

At the construction site, there were traces of a drum being set on fire, so they burned it there.

After that, I leisurely took the bus and subway to return to work.

“I went to work outside.”

“Go quickly.”

The team leader said.

“Good job.”

Assistant Manager Panda tapped me on the shoulder, said, and walked by.

I took out the in-ears, broke them into small pieces, put them in the trash, then went to the company break room and took a shower.

Unless you’re a shapeshifter, you probably won’t be able to track me by the scent on my body, but you never know.

So, I thoroughly washed every inch of my body using deodorant.

After that, I had a cup of cocoa, sat down, and opened the Internet search bar.

Real-time search terms were worth seeing.

Money & Save Terror

Money & Save Hapjeong Terror

Money & Save Breastfeeding Terror

Simultaneous terrorist attacks at two locations

special type of crime

Korean terrorist group

terrorist group emergency

special type of crime

And so on.

“It’s a beef dinner today.”

The team leader said while rolling the mouse wheel.

I was sure. The team leader is looking at the same screen as me right now.

And you’ll be laughing inside with me.



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