Genius of a Unique Lineage Chapter 278

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278. Using revenge as fuel (1)

Special types of superpowers emit special energy called aura.

Wizards say that mana is the core component of their spells.

It is said that there is something called mana floating in the air, and when such a story first came out, the scientific community laughed at the wizard.

Mana seemed like the slogan of some crazy religious group.

But the wizard proved it with a spell.

So, isn’t there something like that for shapeshifters and immortals?

So what is the source of the strength of the shapeshifters?

What is involved in the rebirth of immortals?

Energy, bioenergy.

It is also called energy or vitality.

A special species whose physical strength, mental strength, and everything have reached their peak experiences that power.

What in the world of madmen they call V energy.

I too have felt that many times.

When I transformed, I felt it growing explosively.

And what I just ate was a huge chunk of V energy.

It was all lumped up in my lower abdomen. Soon the broken fist regenerates. Close to ultra-fast playback.

The energy mass does not stop at healing wounds.

Ah, a brief realization hit my head.

The energy bar was still digesting.

It was such a large lump.

The energy mass that was soon digested promoted changes in the body.

The blood is running.

The blood in my body started racing like a mad horse. Blood vessels swell and blood rushes.

Allies, veins, capillaries, and every blood vessel in the body responded.

I raised my hand.

Among the black fur, blue patterns shone like light bulbs.

It was a strange phenomenon that occurred as the blood in the blood vessels accelerated.

Let’s look at my body as if appreciating it.

“This is my first time seeing a friend who can completely handle that.”

Uncle Ho-eung opens his mouth.

It wasn’t said to me. Her mother shrugged her shoulders and opened her mouth before turning her body.

The Blue Knight did not leave us talking leisurely.


The thrusters on its feet emit flames, turning its body into a blue line.

For a brief moment, I reflected on what I had done after my transformation.


We fought and fought again.

Destroyed the Wheel Knight and tightened the Living Armor.

I divided the guy’s troops.

It was inevitable that minor injuries would occur.

It’s not like I’m wearing some kind of rigid crocodile skin.

The clothes I was wearing while transforming were all ripped away.

After fighting and fighting, I was beaten by the Blue Knight.

One hit caused a nosebleed.

Just a little while ago, I countered the guy’s energy blade thrust and my fist was split in half.

Regeneration reduces stamina. I also strained my muscles quite a bit.

But what did I eat today?

I didn’t eat anything until my uncle gave me an energy bar.

Battles tend to cause fatigue.

To put it in a good way, my body takes advantage of being mixed race, but in a bad way, it is a body with terrible fuel efficiency.

The energy consumed is too much compared to the time.

The more strength you use, the more the bottle containing energy falls over.

Fighting like that was completely inefficient.

The Blue Knight’s energy blade falls aimed at the mother’s head.

My uncle takes a step forward and raises his shield. slow. She had to stop it, but if her mother didn’t dodge, it looked like her left shoulder would be cut off.

Mother leaned to the right.

The Blue Knight is fast, but this one is also an elite shapeshifter and a legendary shapeshifter named Hwarang Elite and Rebirth Witch.

The blade scratches the tip of the adamantium shield. Kagak! The end piece of the shield broke and fell.

Even while watching that, my mind doesn’t stop thinking. As the blood rushed to my brain, my thoughts continued again.

I overworked my muscles and lost quite a bit of stamina.

So what now?

The energy of a tiger rose from deep within my entire body, deep in my lower abdomen.

Therefore, it is 100%.


Let’s cheer up.

Taking two steps forward, the blue knight lowered his sword and stabbed the other blade. It’s a stab between the eyes.

Instead of nodding my head and avoiding it, I concentrated and placed my palms side to side.


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match! Perfect!

The Blue Knight’s Blade was caught between my palms.

* * *

Kang Seul-hye saw the blue knight storming in and thought this was not good.

Low energy blades are a problem, but it is also a problem that the opponent is too fast.

As I let go of the slashing blade, I felt like I would sacrifice a few fingers.


The tip of the adamantium shield is cut off.

How long will that last?

‘If only I had time to gather my strength.’

Then, I was confident that I would be able to feed him at least once.

During the time when she was called a rebirth witch, Kang Seul-hye’s fist could be compared to a cannonball.

It was worth saying that his fists had tremendous strength and near-perfect body control.

I may have put all my energy into that one shot, but I was still able to get one shot.

However, time was needed, and there was no opportunity to gain that time, so Kang Seul-hye thought this battle would be difficult.

At that moment, my son jumped out from behind.

Before he could open his mouth to say anything, the Blue Knight held the outstretched sword with his palms facing each other.


The son muttered. It’s a small voice for a spirit, but its resonance is so deep. It is a voice full of energy, that is, life.

Twist both arms. The Blue Knight quickly drew back his sword.

My son’s eyes shine. The red light came together and formed two long red lines in the air.

fast. At least on the same level as the Blue Knight.


Starting from your raised toes, rotate your body to your ankles, knees, and waist. After turning, the thing that extends is a fist.


The son’s fist stuck in the blue knight’s stomach.

Kang Seul-hye had to be spellbound by the sight she saw for the first time in her life.


Swing the energy blade, extend your fist, and swipe your feet.

Experience speaks. Now the Blue Knight was struggling.

* * *

Yoo Yeon-ho held the white phosphorus sword.

I was just putting my wife and son in front of me.

You can’t just sit back and watch.

I was going to join in there whenever I got the chance.

It was like that. It was like that until a little while ago.

“Well, um, you’re the team leader’s son, right?”

A teammate asked if he was his father.

“that’s right.”

Yoo Yeon-ho answered and opened his hand that was holding the white phosphorus sword.

My son was going crazy.

The Blue Knight is pushed back. The thruster’s flame moves backwards rather than forwards.

“I don’t think anyone would have come forward if they had just backed off, but shouldn’t they have used it from the beginning?”

Behind. Commander Yuil approaches and asks.

It was Yoo Yeon-ho’s responsibility regarding the Blue Knight.

How can you hide a knife like that and only now take it out?

“I know now too.”


“My son is like that.”

Yoo Yeon-ho reflexively looked at his son with the sense of an immortal.

Still, a thought occurred to me.

‘It’s a bit excessive.’

My son’s movements are full of unnecessary details. Still, it was surprising that it overwhelmed the Blue Knight.

Thanks to this, things started to change strangely.

No one can even cheer. I just swallow my saliva and watch as one special species overwhelms humanity’s nightmare.

* * *

“If I’ve forgotten something, give me a punch.”

Kang Ho-eung threw his shield aside and said.

It’s good for blocking energy blades, but it’s too heavy.

It was like fighting with one’s greatest strengths tied up.

Throw away your shield and transform.


The chest muscles grow and the thigh muscles become several times thicker. Its legs grow longer and horns grow.

The transformation form in response was a gazelle.


“Sister, Gwangik won’t last long.”

Hoeung called his nephew’s name in a friendly way without even realizing it.


My sister turns her head.

“What I gave was a booster effect. “It’s amazing to be able to do it like that, but there’s a time limit.”

“how much?”

“Three minutes at most.”

These were the words of someone who clearly understood the situation.

Kang Seul-hye soon realized that too.

This is a son who has trained to use everything in his hands, feet, elbows, knees, and entire body as weapons.

But now I’m just pushing back with two fists.

“Sister, I want you to forget all the old tunes.”

As he spoke, Hoeung kicked the ground several times.

Gazelle’s breccia.

His kicks are ranked among the best among domestic shapeshifters.

There was a time when a kick thrown with all his might crushed a rigid shapeshifter.

There was also a time when he left a mark on adamantium.

He is also wearing customized boots to match. These are boots with a stud on the end.

This gong is made from a new material recently developed by the gallery’s proud research team.

There was not just one person who prepared to take down the Blue Knight.

Kang Ho-eung also prepared. Hwarang also prepared.


“I didn’t forget.”

I leave one important moment to my sister.

It had to be that way.

Ho-eung knows when his sister was in her prime. The rehabilitated witches of those days were a wall that no one could overcome.


My sister clenches her fist.

Then it was clear what Ho-eung would do.

‘My nephew whose booster is over.’

After reflecting on his thoughts, Ho-eung realized that he had called Gwang-ik his nephew.

It’s all because of Geungnak.

Gwangik was so proud.

I can’t let my nephew die here like that.

When that booster finished, that was the gap.

* * *


A shout comes out of nowhere. I’m not short of breath.

I thought it was 100%, but it was 120%, no, it was more.

The tiger energy rises. It springs up like crazy. From the arms to the legs to the stomach to the head.

The Blue Knight swings an energy blade. I looked at it and slapped it away with my palm.

Just right.

My palm is cut. It heals faster than a cut.

“It hurts, bastard.”

There is also room to speak.

There was even room for talking and hitting. Two steps forward, closing the distance, one-two.

The blue knight falls to the side. A one-two that was expected, followed by a left-hand hook combination.


The flames of the thruster flared up and obscured my vision. The guy who sprayed the flames in front stepped back.

I ignored it. I closed my eyes and pierced the flames.

My fur is singed. I ignored it.

Extend your fist. The guy’s shoulder was estimated.


One punch left a dent in my shoulder, leaving a trace of the fist.

Rush again.

The Blue Knight swung his energy blade randomly. It was so fast that the afterimage of the blade it swung looked like a large sphere.

When I saw that, I put my left foot on the ground. Rotate your left foot, ankle, knee, and waist and load it into your fist. Put your strength into your outstretched fist. The shapeshifters, overflowing with energy, used all their physical strength to hit them.


A burst of drinking broke out.

My body was pushed back. It is the aftereffects of an explosion. It was a mystery created with fists.


I started laughing without realizing it. Still, I didn’t drool.

I was just happy.

That guy’s name is Blue Knight.


Humanity’s nightmare.

And Invaders.

I am the one who will kill you.

How could I not be happy?

He is incomparable to Wheel Knight or Living Armor.

So so so so so.

A small crack appeared on one of the Blue Knight’s blades.

It was a knife in his left hand. Light streamed through the small cracks, and the blade cracked and cracked.

There is only one sword left.

The blue knight charges again.

Yes, come.

Today, let’s grab you by the hair and pin it down.

Of course, the Blue Knight has no hair. So, when he tried to rip off his helmet in place of his hair, the bastard swung his sword fiercely.

avoided. He dodged and extended his fist.


Raise your left fist to block.

Instead of the broken blade, use the back of your clenched fist as a shield. I hit him again and again.

Then, a crack appears on the back of my hand.

When I hit him again, he steps back. He runs away. Activate the thruster.


I took a deep breath and moved my shoulders. This is a trick.

This is a trick created just for this one shot.

I hit him with my fist countless times. No matter how stupid he was, if he was beaten like this, he would be wary of my fists.

Therefore, my foot bends for just a moment and I miss the exit.

Just before activating the thruster, raise the left arm you were about to extend, use it as a guard over your face, and step on the ground with the tip of your right foot facing outward. Soon my left foot bent and I kicked his shin.


Underneath his right foot, the thruster was half broken.


At the same time, its blade also hit my upper left hand.

It was right. The blade was stuck halfway into his arm. I dove out of the way as if falling to the right, and thanks to the only half of the propulsion machine left, the guy lifted himself up and fell to the side.

The Blue Knight fell.

Who could have imagined?

A scene like this.

Joy fills me. Waves of joy hit her chest. My heart is pounding.

“Kill the Blue Night!”

I cry out in joy.


Cheers erupted. The moment you face that guy again.


I suddenly felt like my limbs were losing strength.

My breathing becomes heavy, like someone who has just finished running a marathon.


At that moment, someone hugged me from behind.

“Now leave it to me. done.”

The person embracing him speaks again.

“Good job. nephew.”

He was an awkward uncle who couldn’t even exchange greetings properly.


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