Genius of a Unique Lineage Chapter 274

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274. Blue Knight (2)

When a group of scientists gather together, there is bound to be someone who is half crazy, if not completely crazy.

And because the half-crazy guy wasn’t completely crazy, he lived in the sun.

There was such a group within the Dangun group.

To be exact, it is a research team supported by the group.

One day, the director of the research institute proposed a proposition.

“Maybe we could talk to the Invaders? So, wouldn’t it be possible to communicate with humans?”

The scientific group and research team ‘Scientific telepathy’ includes experts who read the intentions and emotions of wild animals through their body language and cries.

The director devoted himself to research in earnest.

There has never been any success. When I tried to have a conversation with the Invader, I just heard him call me crazy over and over again.

It’s like that.

I came across information that Invaders used strategic tactics.

It happened in the Other Side, Mud Desert, owned by the Immortal Special Forces under the Old Force.

What a unique species did.

Dangun Group paid a large sum of money to buy information.

That information became a great asset to the research team.

“Using tactics means communicating with each other. Even if it’s not human-level conversation? Right?”

These are the words of the director.

“Orcs talk too. “Even if it means yelling.”

The director spoke again.

Unfortunately or fortunately, the director’s personality was excellent.

Even though I sometimes turn a blind eye to this kind of crazy research, the people were really nice.

Thanks to this, no one around me left.

The Dangun Group, which valued this, also did not spare any research funds.

Not all research teams produce results.

In things like this, there are sunk costs.

This research team belonged to the sunk cost side within the Dangun group.

However, in terms of marketing, it was a quite significant achievement.

They said they would support this type of research, so they hoped that various research teams would join hands with the Dangun group.

Regardless of what the outside world thinks, the Eisim Jeonsim team devoted themselves to research.

It took time and resources.

It is a series of failures.

Continuous failure was bound to lead to boredom.

They were disappointed and fell into mannerism.

At that time, a junior researcher changed his mind.

“How about we check in advance whether this can be successful or not?”

The warden listened intently.

The director was a man of great character.

I knew how to accept fresh opinions.

He wasn’t an old man.


“If we’re just trying to confirm the conclusion, isn’t there a need to solve it through science?”

The opinion of a junior researcher slightly changed their direction.

Thanks to this, we achieved some small success.

Among the super-powered special species, there were some who could read the emotions and thoughts of animals.

Mind reading is a superpower.

It is impossible to read all complex human thoughts.

No super-powered special species has succeeded in reading the thoughts of a mentally strong person.

Sometimes, secret information is taken out through mind-reading techniques after giving drugs through expedient means, but this was not a normal method.

Mind reading is not a common ability, but the director repeatedly requested it and received support.

Although not at the master level, a moderately level mind reader joined the research team.

“Read the Invaders’ thoughts? It looks like it’s easy to activate the ability. If you look into the monkey’s head incorrectly, it can do a lot of the opposite. It’s not easy. that is.”

The talented person tapped my head and said.

What he said was valid.

Still, the Isimsimsim team did not give up.

“Why not just read the surface of your thoughts? “Something like an expression of emotion, or just the surface of intense consciousness?”

Another junior researcher stepped forward.

The director thought this friend would become big later.

My thoughts were unique.

Those words became a breakthrough and led to results.

What he said was the foundation of mind reading.

Reading emotions and the surface of thoughts, that is, reading simple words that are associated with a goal.

Mind Reader put quite a bit of effort into it.

The research team reached a conclusion after several trials and errors.

“It won’t work as a sloppy guy. “High-ranking invaders have an advantage.”

The lower level the person was, the more difficult mind reading was. I don’t know why. It may be so simple to guess that you don’t even think about it.

Otherwise, their research might have been wrong from the start.

In fact, Invaders may be a species that does not think and is unable to communicate.


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They targeted a special species. He frequently went on business trips to places where high-ranking Invaders appeared.

The warden went further than that.

‘Wouldn’t it be possible if it was named?’

Every name emits a unique frequency. Although that frequency causes communication paralysis.

Conversely, I wonder if that means something can be read on their frequencies.

What started with a word from a junior researcher has reached this point.

They came here after hearing the news that the Blue Knight was coming to Korea.

“It’s possible.”

And since I heard it.

“I can feel it.”

These are the words of a super-powered special species, a mind reader.

In the meantime, while eating and sleeping together, I even became romantically involved with a researcher.

It was nice to call them family.

Although I am not a researcher, I have become someone who puts all my effort and energy into this research.

“Anger, anger, frustration.”

The mind reader was absorbed. Blood welled up on his forehead.

He categorized his emotions.

Even if it is anger, not all anger is the same.

There are different types of fire.

Some anger is accompanied by sadness.

Some anger is accompanied by irritation.

Now the Blue Knight was irritated.

It’s like waking up in the middle of the night to a buzzing noise, turning on the light, and getting angry because you don’t see any mosquitoes.

Or like I saw someone break something precious to me.

Yet, a cold flame is visible.

What should I say about this?

I’m angry, but I’m also cold.

It’s different from human emotions, so I don’t know if it’s right to read it this way.

Still, I was able to read the Blue Knight’s thoughts. Powerful words come to mind.

“Word association, reading.”

The talented person said.

Even though the blood on his forehead had grown so thick that it seemed as if it would burst, he did not stop using his abilities.

Just seeing the figure of the blue knight floating arrogantly in the distance gave me goosebumps.

To him who had no fighting ability, Named was truly an object of fear.

Overcome that fear and activate your abilities.

This is possible because we are committed to research.

Soon the Blue Knight’s thoughts were read.

kill. That one.

kill. That one.

kill. That one.


I had a headache and felt like my head was going to explode. It felt like someone was sticking their fingers into my head and plucking it out.

To activate his ability, he was looking at the Blue Knight through a telescope.

On the way there, I heard about the battlefield situation.

I also saw the blue knight turn into a thunderbolt and slam his spear into the ground.

The tip of that spear.

The person who became the target of that anger.

The end of the murderous intent would be heading there.

“What do you say?”

The director urgently asks: There was concern in his voice, as well as a desire to know the results of my research.

Mind Leader saw it as pure passion.

“It is full of murderous intent and murderous intent towards Se Choi-teuk.”

Just reading some of the thoughts made me feel like I was going to suffer from migraines for almost a month.

Nevertheless, Mind Reader went further.

Over the years, I have made it my business to break the Invaders’ minds.

Thanks to this, his abilities developed dramatically in that direction.

That remarkable reading ability brought out a few more fragments of the Blue Knight’s thoughts.

“The unit, the plan, it’s all about you, the reason, the cause, I’ll kill you.”

When you turn a piece of thought into words, it looks like this.


The warden asked again, but he was unable to finish his sentence and lost consciousness.

A few researchers caught him as he fell down.

The director was both happy and embarrassed.

First of all, reading thoughts means that the Invader can think and communicate.

I was happy about that.

On the contrary, I was embarrassed because it was difficult to easily understand the connection and meaning of the words that came to mind.

There was only one thing that was clear.

The Blue Knight’s murderous intent is clear.

He was anxious to kill Se Choi-teuk.

* * *

It’s strange.

I think that guy’s eyes are so cruel.

I feel like I’m facing my mother and the log teacher together, unleashing a wild killing spree.

I felt like I was naked in front of him.

I was transformed into a shapeshifter, and my mind was more upright and stronger than ever.

Still, I felt that way.

“Would you mind coming down from the sky instead of being so mean?”

I tried saying something.

It’s meaningless. Invaders and humans do not communicate. There is no communication channel between us.

Still, I think I can understand what the Blue Knight is saying.

The strange frequency he emitted touched senses beyond the five senses.

It might have been a coincidence.

Before the Blue Knight stood tall in the sky and fell again, I had the illusion that he was speaking.

“You ruined my plan.”


“It’s a mess because of you alone. “Lower servants.”

Is this right? Am I hearing this right?

No, I think I felt it rather than heard it.

“I will kill them all.”

This was clear. To me, who was trained to live in the wild, his murderous intent was clear enough to touch my skin.

It was a short moment. A time of less than 1 second that would only be a moment if anyone saw it.

I felt like I connected with him for a short time.

And soon it was ignored.

“Who let you go easily?”

I opened my mouth, and barely finished speaking.

The Blue Knight rushed at high speed again.

It’s scary fast.

But it was better than before.

My eyes got used to his movements a little.

avoided. I kicked the ground and jumped to the side.


As soon as it hits the ground, it flies upward.

Although it was blurry unlike before, you could also see it kicking off the ground and flying up.

And I didn’t even get hurt.

Put your feet on the ground and raise your head to the sky.

The light seen through the visor of the floating blue knight’s helmet turns towards me.

Unlike before, I couldn’t hear any meaning in the frequencies it was emitting.

Was it a mistake?

I do not know.

What does it matter?

It is only certain that that bastard is called the Invader and is the nightmare of humanity, especially Korea.


I spat.


The blue driver starts the engine again.

This time it was different from before.

Now, it looks like he’s making preparations before making a high-speed dash.

The propulsion light crackles, the wings flap faster, and the body leans forward.

When the tip of the blue spear points towards the target, it disappears as if moving in an instant.

Because my sensitive senses read the guy’s prior movements.

This time I dodged it more easily than before.

Before he hit the ground, I kicked the ground.

There was no need to kick hard. While I was avoiding kicking the ground, I gently placed my foot on a chunk of a building that was rolling around and kicked it.

Hung. Ssak! Boom!

The timing of the strike was determined, and a lump of cement the size of a cold head hit the guy’s shoulder and broke into pieces.

It didn’t fly back to the sky this time. Instead, it spewed flames into the thruster and flew in low, horizontal flight.

I’m heading straight towards the place I avoided.

The tip of the spear becomes a dot and flies away.

If I hadn’t seen it, it would have happened again.

Strangely, each time it repeated its attack, it became more visible.

The blurry body of the guy was seen approaching as if it were splitting into frames.

I pulled out my fingernails.

I dodged to the side and drew.

Deeudeeudeeudeuk! Tidding!

The spear he was holding grazed the spot where I was, and my fingernails cut his forearm.

Blue sparks fly in the air, leaving behind an afterimage.

Two nail blades came out.

The child’s skin is very thick.

Since that is supposed to be a metal creature, should I call that armor skin?

Although there are no internal organs in there.

I pulled out my nails with the sharp ends.

Mugwort, mugwort.

It hurt. The pain of regeneration follows. Nails grow again.

Named is humanity’s nightmare.

But somehow, it seems like it might be worth a try.

The guy who hit the ground and then flew horizontally at a low altitude and hit me is up in the sky again.

I looked at him and bent my neck left and right.

I think it’s worth a try. That thought came to me again and again.

“What did I see?”

With my sensitive hearing, I could hear muttering behind me.

No matter how much I did, there was no time for me to turn my senses elsewhere at this moment.

It was time to focus on that blue tortoise with all five and six senses.


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