Genius of a Unique Lineage Chapter 227

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227. Kill.

Kang Seul-hye received offers from both her father and son at the same time.

Everyone come to their company.

And he chose his son.

She was quite serious.

I returned to the front line after a long time. She wanted to show that she did a good job.

More than anything, the conversation I had with my husband encouraged those feelings even more.

“Are you okay? I haven’t done this type of work before, so you don’t have to do it if you don’t feel like it. If necessary, I can step in and help Gwangik… … .”

“are you okay. “I’ll take care of it.”

It’s not that her husband ignored her. Kang Seul-hye wasn’t stupid enough to misunderstand her words of concern.

Even so. It’s not that I’m not disappointed.

‘Honey, I can do it well too.’

It’s not for nothing that she got the nickname “Rebirth Witch.”

The shapeshifters are fierce.

In particular, shapeshifters who cannot control their instincts are literally living weapons.

It was my job to rehabilitate it.

It was not by luck that he became the greatest instructor produced by the Dangun group.

This was possible because the living weapon was handled and made straight.

This was possible because of the backing of skills.

I had no intention of being pushed back even if I got stuck with a son who was nicknamed “Se-choe-teuk” or something.

The youth of special species is long. It could not be said that she was acting young, but Kang Seul-hye thought that she was still young.

Even if you look at it objectively, it was like that.

It’s safe to say that those who are under the age of 50 are young.

The princess’s guard suddenly turned around and attacked her.

Seulhye Kang reacted.

If you attack yourself for any reason, you are an enemy.

She thought like a shapeshifter.


A blade passed over my head.

A guy grabbed two knives and crossed them, so I lowered my head to dodge them.

After tricking her by pretending to step back, she took a step forward and turned her body.

After completing centrifugal force and weight transfer, extend your left fist. It was a strike somewhere between a jab and a straight.


The princess who was hit by the fist heard the sound of air exploding from her abdomen, her waist was folded in half, and her body exploded.


The friend who flew away with a single scream fell to the ground with a thud.

The limbs of my fallen friend were trembling.

“… … “Kids these days are weak, it wasn’t like that back then.”

An experienced person who had stepped down from the front line came back and corrected her posture after saying a common phrase.

As a matter of fact, I wanted to finish my first task neatly after joining my son’s company.

Thanks to this, I felt like I had a little more strength.

Still, he didn’t die.

Isn’t the shaking trembling proof of that?


My friend collapsed and vomited blood.

“are you okay. Don’t die. “Why do you have to die like this?”

He opened his mouth as several of the princess’s guards looked at him.

“I wore a suit… … .”

Someone muttered.

Now that I think about it, the taste was a little different.

I thought it was because it’s been a while, but it wasn’t.

It was an opponent wearing a strike defense suit.

And now the result is a fist that ignores the suit’s defense power.

“… … what.”

The female escort opened her eyes and muttered.

After a brief lull, Kang Seul-hye heard the radio.

“Oh my, are they attacking me?”

Shouldn’t we report it first?

After finishing the walkie-talkie, Kang Seul-hye maintained her transformation-like attitude. She just ran with me again.

The woman with wide eyes opened her hands.

I thought there might be a monsoon blowing.

Seulhye Kang had a wealth of experience. Didn’t she once go on countless missions?

I threw myself to the side.

Thin and thin things were stuck on the asphalt floor.

It was a needle.

Kang Seul-hye ignored it.

Avoiding it once was enough.

Before you know it, a female escort is within reach.


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It was only natural that he kicked the ground while activating his strong kick.

Extend your fist. This is before our faces meet.


My body stopped working.

It was telekinesis. Intangible pressure weighs down my entire body. Kang Seul-hye still maintained her transformation-like attitude.

I ignored it and extended my fist.

Phew! Wow! Boom!

A fist stuck on top of the helmet.

The body of the female escort, who was struck in the face, flew to the side and crashed into a parked car.

It was unrealistic strength.

“You blocked it and gave it more strength.”

Kang Seul-hye muttered, looking at the female escort who had been stuck in the car, she approached and checked her breathing.

The method of confirmation was also radical.

I cut open the half-broken helmet and inserted my finger to check for breathing.

“I survived.”

Okay then?

He looks back with that expression.

That in itself was a horror.

“f*ck, you’re crazy.”

“It’s a monster.”

Some of the escorts were talking. I couldn’t understand them because they were talking in my own language.

It didn’t matter.

“Let’s do more.”

Kang Seul-hye’s blood boiled after a long time in practice.

Most of the time, I wanted to deal with it alone.

Fortunately, no one else intervened.

No, there was no time to intervene.

The original plan was to hold on to Se Choi-teuk to waste time and subdue the prince’s helpers from this side.

The leader of the escort stepped forward.

“You can’t decorate the end like this.”

As she spoke to her colleague, she took off her helmet. This is a woman with her hair cut short. Her eyes sparkled yellow.

While full of life, there was a strong will in the eyes.

The will to neither back down nor give up like this.

Even though he is not immortal, his power is visible at a glance.


With shining eyes, the leader announced his name.

“Kang Seul-hye.”

Kang Seul-hye, who saw that, also opened her mouth.

It was fun to take off the helmet and set out to stick together properly.

It was more fun because the other person seemed to be doing quite well.

Soon their eyes met.

Light emanated from the woman’s eyes. Electra showed off her superpowers to the fullest.

It is a single master ability recognized by the Psionics Association.


The air trembles.

Gravity control.

Kang Seul-hye felt like someone had placed a lump of rebar on her shoulder.

Immediately I felt a sharp pain.

At the same time, the pleasure is doubled.

‘It feels like I’m lifting weights.’

With that thought in mind, Kang Seul-hye moved.

Still like a transformation.

I ran without even thinking.

I felt so much better.

The situation was different from when I visited Hwarim for my son.

There was no need to hide myself now.

The woman who had hidden herself from her husband and son was no longer there.

Only the rehabilitated witch remains.

* * *

If there was no need to take a long time, it was right to do so.

As the princess’s three guards blocked her path, she flexed her thigh muscles with all her might.

The power of the swollen muscles explodes at once.

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.

The sound of the ground breaking and exploding behind me continued to ring out.

The place where my feet touched the asphalt exploded.

I jumped left and right.

It’s so fast that you wouldn’t be able to catch it if it weren’t for the shapeshifter’s visual acuity.

In the eyes of the opponent, it was as instantaneous as a teleportation spell.

No matter how much a super-powered special species trains itself, it is difficult to capture the movements of a pure-blooded shapeshifter.

Moreover, I was born with a lineage of great strength.

Just jump left and right to get out of sight.

The talent of being able to hit an invisible enemy is not common.

All three escorts missed me.

After narrowing the space, I struck the first opponent’s neck.

Take a look.

Although I wore a suit to protect myself from blows.

This is too much.

It’s a body that smashed the Living Armor with its bare hands.

Mother said.

“The more the shapeshifters fight, the stronger they become. So come on.”

When I was young, I thought you were joking.

Now that I look at it, that seems to be true.

In the midst of thinking, I kicked the second escort’s ankle.

I grabbed the opponent who lost his balance and threw him to the ground.


He planted his head first on the asphalt and the third opponent grabbed his back.

“where are you!”

The other person shouted fiercely.

A new voice rang out.

I guess the voice itself had power.

The sound wave becomes a wave and spreads forward. The wave becomes a physical force and breaks apart broken stones.

It is a wave spreading towards the prince.

There was no need for me to protect him.

Al isn’t really a fool, is there any way he can just trust me and go on like that?

The hidden escort came out.

It was a friend with a red mask on his face.

He blocked the prince’s path and spread out his hands.

Soon, superpowers activate and create a barrier.

The barrier trembled as it blocked the sonic waves.

I could see the translucent curtain trembling.

I strangled the friend who shot out the sound waves from behind.

The choke was applied with a force that ignored the suit’s defense power.

I developed my senses and felt the other person’s breath.

I held on just long enough to faint.

Slurp slurp.

The last escort collapsed and flowed, leaning against my body.

I quietly placed her next to me and got up.

There was nothing stopping me and the princess.

The princess raises her hand and presses the radio in her ear.


It’s a surprised voice.

“For one person?”

I watched him speak again.

The princess’s eyes widened.

“Does that make sense?”

As I opened my mouth, I made eye contact with the princess.

I don’t know what kind of radio they’re using, but I can’t hear the other person’s voice even with immortal hearing.

“I heard you were attacked by one person?”

So I asked.


“You’re a shapeshifter, right?”


“Well, I didn’t mention it, but among the people who recently joined my company, there is someone who is doing something.”

I said and pretended to punch the air.

“So you can take down the teenager by yourself?”

“Because the three of you are here.”

“There was also a teenage leader there.”

I scratched my head at the princess’s words.

“is it so?”

What’s surprising about that?

Uncle Geungnak says that even the crocodile from Prometheus is kind to his mother.

“… … “You expected it.”

“Yeah, whatever.”

After looking at the remaining three of the princess’s teenagers, I decided that no harm would happen if I woke up from sleep.

Moreover, the two tutors were just watching while sucking their fingers.

“It’s scary power.”

The princess said and nodded.

The nod now seemed like a nod of relief.

Well, what should I do now?

There was no need to look back.

The prince’s voice pierced my ears.

“Kill me.”

The prince, holding the masked guard aside, took a step forward and stood next to me.

“He is an obstacle to the succession to the throne. This is my request. “Kill the princess.”

The prince spoke again.

Did you say it was a favor I could do since we were friends?

It’s not like I have tears in my eyes.

There is no water mixed into the tone of speech.

Al was calm.

Of course, it has to be done, so do it.

Well, if it interferes with my succession to the throne, I guess I’ll have to do that.

When I heard about it, I heard that there is a place like a council of elders in the kingdom, and that the final step acknowledged there is the uniqueness of the heir to the throne.

So, for the surviving royal family to recognize it, they have to kill all the remaining royal family members.

That is the majesty of the supreme king of the superpower nation.

They say shit.

“right now.”

The prince spoke again.


I answered and turned around.

I made eye contact with the princess. The corners of the princess’s expressionless mouth rose.

The princess laughed.

It was a very pretty face.

This is the princess that Al tried hard to set up on a blind date.

And here I found out the identity of my second discomfort.

The princess is not serious. That’s why I feel a sense of discomfort.

This was one show.

The princess really had no intention of killing Al.

She came to visit the grave.

So why did this happen?

Because Al doesn’t want to kill his sister with his own hands?

That’s why I came here to lend a friend’s help.

I thought of a 11-year-old friend I knew.

Is that really the case?

I do not know. If I really kill you, I might feel at peace.

I am not a god so how can I know other people’s intentions?

However, I just do what I think.

“Die well.”

So he said hello and strangled the princess.

It wasn’t a technique, it was tightened with both hands.

The pulse is transmitted through the palm.

The princess closed her eyes.

It seems like he has a stubborn personality.

Not shedding a single tear. I persevere with my mouth shut.

The veins in my sleepy neck burst and congestion developed.

The princess’s breathing became lighter without even moaning.

He hugged the fallen princess.

“The reason I came to Korea and killed him was because I planned to end everything here, right?”

I asked, having just strangled a woman who did not fight back.

Al nodded.

“We will burn everything. We prefer makeup. “I’m burning it in my friend’s country, so it’ll be okay.”

A few thoughts crossed my mind.

“Yes, of course.”

As soon as I answered, Panda’s voice came through the radio.

“Did you kill him? “No one saw it.”

Before starting the day, I asked my panda brother to take care of the people around him if something happens.

I’m told he’s a perfect person when it comes to getting things done.

good night.

It was in the middle of Hongdae, but people were being cleared away.

It seemed like they mobilized some personnel from the Immortal Special Forces and the police.

“Marie can fight too.”

Marie muttered behind her.

I rushed in and killed it on my own without wasting any time, so I think Marie was a little disappointed.

“Let’s fight next time. “It’s Marie.”

“Yes, brother.”

Why am I so anxious that I can’t fight because I’m afraid someone might be a shapeshifter?

“Let’s go.”

He spoke to the prince and held the princess’s body in his arms.

As I held the princess in a princess hug, I thought it was ironic.

The princess’s rebellion was easily suppressed.

Al was still calm.

Just a little less talking.

We went back to the hotel.

I took charge of the body. I said I would do it because I personally became a friend.

In fact, it is said that among the customs of the Superpower Kingdom, when a prince’s brother or sister dies, the prince’s closest friend takes charge of the funeral.

That’s me.

That’s why I came to Korea.

The excuse was amazing.

“I made a reservation at Seunghwawon.”

Panda said as he entered the room.

“Al says he will escort the princess together.”

“You didn’t kill them?”

“It did.”

“You’re going to burn me alive?”

“I want you to kill me and burn me.”

It’s hard, our prince.

Well, of course I don’t mean it. It’s all just to make things look good.

“Are you awake?”

I opened my mouth as my immortal senses caught the change in the breath coming from behind.

There, the half-dead but revived princess made eye contact with me.

“… … why me?”

Well, I survived because I ended up killing him.

“It’s a good night. Sleep more. “There’s still a lot to do.”

I don’t know what Al’s intentions are, but this is what I accepted anyway.

If the prince truly wanted to kill the princess, there was no need to put on a show like this.

So I decided to take it my way.

He said he would grant Al’s request not as a real murder, but as a social murder.


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