Genius of a Unique Lineage Chapter 208

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208. Rear support

Park Hyuk was a crazy person.

He was ready to sell his soul for research.

For money?

At first it was money. But as time went by, he wanted more than money.

If fortune telling, surrounded by beautiful women, is a simple dream.

The true wish was something that went beyond human expectations.

So, you cannot covet things like money, wealth, or power.

The emergence of black holes and the Other Side made that possible.

Park Hyuk was faithful to the task.

They caught special species and experimented with them, and poured time and money into black hole research.

They also tried to transfer the characteristics of the Invaders to humanity.

It was crazy.

He knew it too.

Because I repeatedly did things that only a mental patient would think about.

I didn’t have auditory hallucinations, and I wasn’t under the influence of drugs.

Did you say that it is scary when an ignorant person has beliefs?

Park Hyuk was even worse than that.

He was a capable researcher.

He was an exceptional human being with high intelligence compared to anyone else.

However, the belief is wrong.

A knowledgeable person had wrong beliefs.

He hoped to escape the human mask.

First, the wish of the Immortal Church was explored.

Immortality religion discusses eternal life.

Just because you’re immortal doesn’t mean you live forever.

Park Hyuk thought as he looked at them.

‘There is no law that says only immortals want eternal life.’

Eternal life and immortality.

It was one of Park Hyuk’s research areas.

One of those branches was a hybrid experiment with the Invader that Yoo Gwang-ik discovered while working for the Immortal Special Forces.

There were three subjects of the experiment.

A mix of Invaders and Invaders.

Mixing invaders and ordinary people.

Mixing Invaders and special species.

An experiment that changed direction after repeated failures in combining special species with special species.

It was a side road.

Since the regular method didn’t work, all the side work I tried to do, of course, all failed.

It was trash that could have been taken away because it was discarded research.

Even if you delve into it countless times, you will never be able to become what you are now.

However, that was the starting point.

I am where I am today thanks in part to the results of that research.

So, it’s a combination of coincidences and coincidences.

‘You idiots.’

Although he lost his eyes, Park Hyuk was able to see.

The outside situation, a group of humans forming a group.

An army made of special species.

‘can see.’

Realization came quickly.

Once I realized I could see, my other senses began to awaken.

Soon, I could hear it.

“Power on.”

The voice of the writer standing at the forefront was heard through the whole body.

Can I even speak?

It seemed like that might be the case.

But there was no need for that now.

Thoughts bite one another. Park Hyuk faced his current situation.

The torn body was sucked into the black hole crack.

Although all traces of his body disappeared, Park Hyuk felt that he was alive.

I also guessed the reason.

Just before being torn apart by the black hole, several experiments had been performed on Park Hyuk’s body.

In the experiment, the work of replacing the body with another substance was carried out.

The body that was torn apart by the black hole became tattered, but on the contrary, the mind became more upright and upright.

It is a world of joy and pleasure.

Park Hyuk felt an or**sm.

Of course, nothing came out of that.

Because his body is gone.

Since only my mind remained, it would have been better to call it a mental or**sm.


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He couldn’t become one with the Invaders.

However, he was one step closer to what he wanted.

He took off his human mask and became one with the black hole.

The special species in front of me started to look like an insect.

At the same time, Park Hyeok, who had lived his entire life as an irregular hunter, came up with an efficient fighting method, which was soon transferred to Hall.

After seeing the formation, let your guard down and hit the vulnerable spot.

Coming up with a strategy and moving the hole accordingly were done at the same time.

Park Hyuk thought about his dream and knew that it would soon come true.

‘New world.’

Now that we have escaped the human mask, we will erase humanity from this earth and move on to a new world.

To a world that no human or anyone has even dreamed of.

That he would become ‘something’.

The beginning was now.

The hall opens.

The hole containing Park Hyeok’s will was divided into holes.

One above ground and one underground.

* * *


At the same time as the thoughts that came to mind, I collected and organized the information coming in through vision.

Tentacles, underground, tunnels, stealth, vibrations.

Sometimes that happened.

This is the case where Adari is correct.

When a flying invader emerges from a black hole open in the sky.

When an Invader comes out digging a tunnel in an underground black hole.

That was the case now.

Adari was the perfect fit.

Number 27, Silence Worm, Quiet Earthworm.

A guy who spews toxic substances similar to hydrochloric acid from his mouth and body, and digs tunnels while killing anyone in sight.

It was an Invader with the modifier ‘quiet’ because its presence was not easy to read.

I thought as the tentacles wrapped around Ratbeard’s ankles.

Just before the old man’s body stumbled and was dragged away, I grabbed the handle of the jungle road.

Grasp, pull, and cut. The adamantium jungle sword, which specializes in foot swords, passed through the middle of the tentacles.


Tentacles are cut off. The back of the cut tentacle bounced like a rubber band and disappeared through the hole it came from.


Mr. Ratbeard screamed.

I grabbed the guy by the back of his neck and threw him.

As soon as I was able to throw it, several more tentacles rose up from among the ruins of the collapsed building.

The ground under my feet was collapsing in real time, so I felt uneasy about my stepping stones.

My eyes scanned the collapsing concrete pile and debris.

Even without anyone telling me, I could tell which things were anxious and which ones were okay.

Is this the sense of an immortal, or just an innate instinct?

It moved.

He kicked some of the remaining intact debris for balance, and the jungle surrendered to the weight of the blade.

I regain my balance by swinging the blade in the empty air. The body tilted crookedly, creating an incline with the floor.

It’s okay though. The balance does not break down. In that state, I turned my body like a top.

I repeated the swing, surrendering to the weight of the blade.

Soon, the blade created a gray line extending in all directions, centered around my body.


Air pressure surrounds the whole body. Soon, a sound like a hood attached to a gas stove erupted as air was sucked in.

The blade I extended struck away all the flying tentacles and cut them off.

It all happened in just a few seconds.

I put away the knife and took a step forward.

The moment I stepped on the next chunk of rubble, the concrete collapsed with a crash.

In that state, he launched himself into the air.

It was a spot that overlapped with the fall movement of the rat-whiskered man who threw it earlier.

He caught the old man in the middle, pulled out a wire knife, and threw it into a building that was still intact.

The knife crashed into the wall of the building.

As I was falling, I wrapped the wire around my palm with my hands wearing compression hardening gloves. She strengthened her arms as she felt a heavy weight being placed on them.

The bottom is getting closer. I measured my timing, stepped on the floor, and bent my knees to relieve any remaining shock.

I stepped on the ground once and walked forward a few more steps.

Thanks to the moderately distributed fall energy, there was almost no impact.

When I dropped him off, I saw his hands shaking.

“What, what, what, what is it?”

Your chin is also floating.

How embarrassed I was, this is a very polite way to say it.

“A quiet earthworm.”

“No, not that one.”


It is an anomaly on the scale of Hughes Gate. This is not normal.

“No, not that one.”

The man repeated the same thing.

At that moment, a light flashed right next to me, and my super sniper friend appeared.

“Heouk, huuuu, haaak.”

He appeared next to me and immediately knelt down and continued to catch his breath. Before she knew it, she was drenched in sweat, and sweat was dripping all over the floor.

Then he looked at me, and his pupils were shaking violently.

He seemed quite surprised.

Well, the same goes for Mr. Ratbeard.

I can see an earthquake in my pupil.

Why are the rabbit’s eyes so surprised?

Anyway, this guy’s abilities are rare.

Seeing his whole body flashing, it was a body transformation type superpower.

It is also a very rare optical series.

Instead, the physical limit seemed clear.

I barely managed to light-convert and run on top of a five-story building, but my whole body was soaked in sweat and my breathing was heavy.

“who are you?”

I answered the uncle’s question.


After thinking for a while, the man asked again.

“… … Se Choi Teuk?”

Instead of answering the question, I turned my gaze towards the floor.

It’s faint, but feels definite. If you didn’t know, you wouldn’t know. Only when you are aware of it, you can know for sure.

Silence Worm.

A monster that uses tentacles as its main weapon and spits out bodily fluids that melt the ground through its mouth.

Because his movements are so secretive, he is given the nickname ‘Underground Assassin.’

Feel the vibration throughout your body.

The sense differentiation and skills that the pureblood Jeongga brothers used well were the same.

It’s a method I just came up with, but it wasn’t that difficult when I tried it.

Although I couldn’t see or hear it, I felt it with my sensitive senses and naturally pictured it in my mind.

Its shape, weight, mass, and movement.

It is an invader that crawls underground and targets people.

Rumble, boom.

As the building collapsed, as if it were ping-pong, concrete as big as my body split and fell right next to me with a thud.

Gray dust rose.

Shards flew and hit my clothes.

Vibrations are mixed.

I placed my left palm on the ground.

The vibration was felt more clearly.

In that state, I spread my legs, bent my knees halfway, twisted my waist, and pulled my right shoulder toward the sky.

Immense physical force can create shock waves.

If only there were enough mediums to convey that impact.


A slight vibration penetrates the ground, and the creature approaches right at your feet. The bodily fluids spewing from his mouth and body would make the ground runny.

Pull your left palm, turn your waist, and extend your fist.

The outstretched fist touches the ground.


A loud noise erupts.

Asphalt etc. breaks. Debris flew in all directions, causing the dirt underneath to rise like a fountain.

Green fluid was scattered between the fountains.

White smoke rose from where the sprayed bodily fluids fell.

The Silence Worm’s skin and body are weak. The body fluids are colorless and odorless and can be used to make poison, but the skin is useless.

That’s how weak it is.

If you can spot it in advance, it’s one of the easier guys to deal with.

There is a nucleus in the body, and if the nucleus is shocked, it dies.

In some ways, it is an invader similar to a slime.

Of course, finding the core was quite difficult, but if the impact could shake the whole body, it wasn’t that difficult.

This is the principle of a penetrometer.

I interpreted it from the martial arts magazine and wrote it in my own way.

If you hit it hard, it’s natural for the inside to receive shock.

“… … “What did you do?”

I opened my mouth, looking at the Ratbeard man’s surprised face.

“I hit him. Harder.”

This is correct. Actually, it’s not a penetrometer.


The end of the building we were in behind me finally appeared.

It collapses and creates smoke and dust.

“Huh, are those three specials?”

These are the words of a super-powered special species with a light conversion body.

“Yes, those three specials. This is my first time seeing that guy, but these are the three special features he mentioned. And that Se-choe-teuk, who likes women but has never gone to a bar.”

He said something and turned around.

We weren’t the only ones attacked.


The screams of an immortal being dragged by tentacles pierced my ears.

“Number 27, Silence Worm appears, rear defense power required. “Each agent responds immediately.”

The gunner on the radio sent the entire transmission.

What was conveyed over the radio was clear.

The rear was attacked.

How did this happen?

Is this even possible?

There was no need to think about such things. What I had to do was clear.

“I’ll go first. “Pull yourself together and provide some support to those around you.”

“Let’s go together, together.”

The light conversion superpower special species said out of breath.


His eyes became gloomy at the firm words.

It’s not because I don’t like it. This is my friend.

“Can you please protect this instead of following me?”

There is no way to use the equipment properly these days.

I put down my heavy gear, including my sniper rifle.

A suit and fists are enough for now.



There are a lot of expensive things. In particular, you can’t get the Adamantium Jungle Blade even if you want to.


This friend responded to the word please. She turned her gaze to see eyes that held sparkle instead of gloom.

I made eye contact with the rat-whiskered man.


The old man suddenly hiccuped.

I said while looking at it.

“Aside from pretending to be friendly, what is a bar chat?”

“… … “Because spheres have to have a sense of reality.”

You are very detailed.

“Please stop it.”


The man took an unmoving stance, so I shook my head and took my feet away.

First, start with the closest place.

Slam, kick the ground and throw your body. The speed increased, tearing through the air.


The screaming sound is my navigation.

Quiet earthworms appeared on the ground, on top of buildings, and in all good sniping positions.

I recognized all the points and ran.

When you arrive, you feel the vibrations, determine the location, and then go up to it and punch it.



The immortal being dragged by the fluttering tentacles stumbled in the air and fell to the ground.

I saw the immortal fall headfirst and barely able to get back on his feet.

Boom, it ended up falling from my shoulder.

Wow, I said as he looked at me and swallowed a moan.

“Get your body together and support those around you.”

And ran again.

There were more than 20 points that were attacked.

The story was that there were many places to stop by.

* * *

“Wow, shit, it was really that Yoo Gwang-ik.”

“Hehe, you’re a scoundrel.”

Rat Whisker laughed at what the superpower rookie said. After surviving, I couldn’t help but smile.

Luck is also a skill.

“But do you need support?”

In his eyes, he saw Gwangik running towards a nearby sniping point.

Flashing to the east, flashing to the west, as if it had a detector attached, it immediately located the Silence Worm and punched it.

Boom, boom.

Dirt fountains and bodily fluids splatter. The Invader dies. Same as before. It was a repetition of the scene I saw before my eyes.

“Right now, yes, I don’t think it’s necessary. “I’m not saying you shouldn’t chase me, but I guess I’m saying you can’t chase me.”

The super-talented rookie said.

‘Are you chasing that thing?’

It wasn’t Sechoeteuk for nothing.

He did something ridiculous right in front of my eyes.

He imitates Hong Gil-dong and appears everywhere to catch the Invaders.

The speed, boldness, and power of action made me roll my tongue.

It was a monster.

Among the special species I have encountered so far, this is a monster outside the standard that I have never seen before.

“Aww, I’m getting goosebumps.”

Rat Whisker said and stroked his arm.

As I continued to look at it, my whole body started to tingle and goosebumps appeared.


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