Genius of a Unique Lineage Chapter 200

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200. The compatibility is not good.


The number 4 hitter is a shotgun, but he could also be a great shield.

The bloody blade struck the side of batter number 4.

In return for blocking the attack, the opponent had to be hit by my fist on the chin.

simplicity and honesty.

The jawbone was split, and the bear-headed shapeshifter’s eyes returned, leaving only the whites.

It is a fist struck with the skill of an iron arm. His feet flew off and his body spun in the air.

I half-turned my body around.

With a thud, the bear-headed shapeshifter fell to the floor, trembling and foaming at the mouth.


The other person, whose face was full of wrinkles, groaned when he saw that.

Even though his chin was shaking, he didn’t seem to have any intention of backing down.

The test object blocking my path was over ten.

They are all old. He was a mixed race shapeshifter with a face full of wrinkles.

I opened my mouth, casting my gaze at Park Hyuk who was standing behind him.

“… … Is it the silver industry? “Are you an ambassador for finding jobs for the elderly?”

Why do you make people feel like immoral people?

For me, who was born and raised in the country of courtesy in the East, beating up an old man was something that felt repulsive.

He opened his mouth for a moment.


An old man in the lead rushed forward.

I tripped the charging opponent, grabbed him by the neck, and threw him to the side.

The test subject flew away with a thud, fell and rolled on the floor.

I threw two hand bullets at the timing of the fall.

Because I lost my balance, I couldn’t even think of dodging the trajectory.



The test subject with both thighs pierced clenched its molars and suppressed a scream.

The blood he shed turned the white crosswalk mark on the asphalt red.

“You crazy bastard. “He is merciless in what he does with his hands.”

One of the old people said.

“Grandpa, what should I do if you do this when I go home and watch my grandchildren play?”

“I’m eighteen.”

“… … “How on earth have you lived for eighteen years to have a face like that?”

“I lived as an experiment.”

It leaves people speechless.

“Would you like to come out quietly, little brother? “I have some business to attend to with the health of the friend who made you like that.”

“Don’t be funny, you monster.”

Conversation is possible. However, he fights for the person who made him an experiment.

It was incomprehensible.

So I didn’t understand.

What do you know?

Well, among the test subjects, that person named Park Hyeok may have his own story.

Would I change if I knew that story? It won’t change. I will still beat that Park Hyuk to death.

Then there was no need to know.

Ignore it and take a step forward.

After hesitating, the group of presbyopic subjects took a step back.

There was no hope for them.

The battle has already been decided.

The joint work of the Immortal Special Forces and the Transformation Special Forces dominated the venue.

Occasionally, super-powered transformations would run amok. The scene I saw during the fight came to mind.

When the test subject opened both hands, the bodies of the two shapeshifters who were running towards them were tied up.

“It’s telekinesis.”

The bound shapeshifter said.

Binding of gold power is a technique commonly used by telekineticists.

The principle was simple.

Telekinesis is an intangible power. Rather than simply pushing or grabbing, training with a set pattern resulted in a stronger binding force with the same force.

Therefore, tying the power is a technique created through repeated training by embodying the image of a rope.

The two bound shapeshifters had already transformed into wolf form.


The two howled at the same time and gave strength. There was a crunching sound of bones meeting together, but the strength that bound the body did not loosen.

Yeah, that’s great.

A combination of superpowers and transformation, it is one of the most popular test subjects.

If you fight one-on-one, even a shapeshifter with a level of physical exhaustion will have trouble.

The problem is not simply the difference in power. The variable called superpower affects the direction of battle.

But what good is that?

Thunk, thump.


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Superpowers require concentration. In particular, telekinesis was not an ability that could be maintained while being interrupted.

It’s impossible to maintain telekinesis while taking a bullet to the head.

The guy who got hit in the head rolled on the floor.

Blood flowed from my temple.

He didn’t die. It seemed like she barely managed to avoid it by turning her head.

Still, the telekinesis was resolved.

It was the work of the Immortal Special Forces who occupied the sniping point.

Although it wasn’t as powerful as the gunner’s Cash Hippo, there were enough bullets to suppress the shapeshifters.

There were people who got hurt, though.

The situation was very favorable.

It was correct to say that the plan was well planned.

Transformation blocks the way, and immortality supports.

This is a collaboration between transformation and immortality.

Panda’s brother is nice. Because he was the one who made the decision.

Either use telekinesis or make my body invisible and target my back like now.

The situation was overwhelmingly favorable.

I pretended to go forward and then turned around.

He placed the number 4 hitter on the floor, pulled out a knife and cut him.

Suddenly, suddenly.

It feels like I’m being caught on a blade, it’s an anti-blocking suit.

I raised my knees with the knife drawn.

rice cake.

The opponent blocked it.

I hit my forehead towards the face of the opponent who blocked me.


A heavy shock remained on my forehead. It felt like I was stabbed by something sharp.

Only then did I see the shapeshifter whose invisibility had been removed.

A pointed snout and bulging eyes were visible.

The transformation was clumsy, so half of my skin was human and half was scales.

The one with blood flowing from its snout trembled and spoke.

“Invisibility… … .”

I cut him off.

“I could see right through it. How could you not know when it was approaching while breathing so heavily?”

Don’t you know that I also have immortal blood?

I asked, looking at the other person’s skin and appearance.

“Is it a lizard?”

“It’s a chameleon.”

The guy said and got up. My body began to blur again, assimilating with the surrounding objects.

“I’ll hold my breath this time.”


The guy disappeared, but a trace remained.

Once it sticks, a smell and a trace remain. Do you think you’ll miss it?

There was also a trick there.

Act like you’re going to attack him and then back away. To be exact, she headed to Park Hyuk’s side.

I wanted to run over and kill them all at once, but there was a group of shapeshifters with wrinkled faces and their eyes shining brightly.

I bit my left little finger.


Blood flowed.

I focused my imagery and woke up the wearable gear.

Activated by a drop of blood, reloading bullets by a drop of blood.

The gear that pierced my arm created a red muzzle at the tip of my index finger.

The bitten little finger has already finished regenerating.

I drew a virtual picture of an invisible opponent.

I drew a mental image of what I saw a moment ago, and aimed and shot.


A bullet made of my blood pierced the air.

With a thud, red blood began to flow through the empty space.

“… … crazy.”

Someone muttered.

While all eyes were focused on the guy who had lost his invisibility, I ran to kill him.

After quickly passing by the Noan unit and Park Hyuk standing next to me, I spoke.

“You make a really bad impression. “I’m studying there. Would you like to talk about it after getting a few hits?”

Park Hyuk, startled, waved his hand.

Seeing this mess while arguing with the test subject shapeshifter, I almost sighed.


I dodged and reached out and tried to grab Park Hyuk’s collar.

I stretched out my right hand. By the time my hand reached the nape of the other person’s neck.


It was the realm of sixth sense and intuition.

It felt ominous, and I didn’t ignore it.

This is the moment to shift your center of gravity and lean back.

Park Hyuk, who was showing clumsy movements, took out the blade and slashed with restrained movements.

Fit, the blade grazed my fingertips.

Drops of blood spattered from the tips of my fingers.

I ran five steps in one go and retreated.

“I have a good feeling.”

I saw Park Hyuk raise the corners of his mouth.

A strangely shaped knife appeared in his hand.

It is a knife with a sharp blade with a two-pronged tip.

“Did you think I survived by hiding so well? “You clumsy little boy, I have lived in the same generation as the first generation of special species.”

what? I straightened my posture and looked at him.

I felt a sense of discomfort from the other person.

“It’s nice to be older.”

As I spoke, I tried to figure out the identity of the sense of discomfort felt in the other person’s attitude.

While blinking a couple of times, I finished my thought.

The way he spoke was annoying.

It was as if the odds were in the balance.

I tilted my head.

Just barely grazing your fingers?

So I felt uncomfortable. Isn’t it a little too much to act like you’ve won?

“If the medicine doesn’t work, I’ll have to pickle it with something else and take it with me.”

I quickly understood why he said that.

Fingertip, no playback. Blood continued to flow.

Before I could even finish assessing the situation, its eyes glowed green.

At the same time, I threw my body to the side.

I looked at where I was. Nothing happened.

No, something happened. It’s just not visible.

“You have really good instincts.”


“I don’t have a good feeling about it.”

“I was the special ace of the Immortal Special Forces.”


It was worth it.

Didn’t I say it with my own mouth?

It is said that they have lived in the same generation as the first generation of a special species.

And if he had survived this far, it was natural that there would be at least one person who believed in him.


“You’re out of luck.”

“It’s too late to regret it.”

No, not me.

The compatibility is not good.

If I were just a shapeshifter, this might have worked.


I cut off my finger without hesitation.

The knife blade was very sharp.

I’m glad I took off my gloves with Galaxy Field and put them away.

I can’t let this get ruined like my coat, right?

Thanks to that, I wasn’t exposed to that blade.

It would be a shame if the gloves got damaged for no reason.

Fingers are better.

Because I am immortal.

I also received poison resistance training.

There is something like that during immortal training.

The funny thing is, it’s also happening during transformation training.

The most important thing in training for the two special species is to figure out what type of poison I was exposed to.

Of course, I learned this quickly too.

That’s why.

It only took a moment to find out what poison was invading my body.

What invaded my body was poison mixed with magical treatment.

It’s a very unique poison that combines curse and supernatural powers.

It was the type that penetrated and eroded the entire body, causing it to lose its function.

The tips of my fingers couldn’t move, as if they were paralyzed.


The guy’s eyes widened when he saw me cutting off his finger.

“Why are you so surprised?”

It’s the tip of your finger. Not a single word was cut. It’ll take less than a minute to play, right?

Turning on the green light in your eyes is probably the poison that gives you superpowers.

You have to experience it to find out.

Is there any need to suffer?

“you… … .”

He shrugged his shoulders at Park Hyuk, who was speechless.

“This is a secret, but immortal blood also flows through my body.”

Words like mixed race, deviant, etc. made me into attractive bait.

Of course, the other person knew that well.

I walked with long strides and narrowed the distance again.

The opponent’s blade can reach me.

Then my blade will also reach the opponent.

I asked, twisting the knife in my hand and holding it backwards.

“Do you want to attack me?”

Park Hyuk did not give up.

A blade with a two-pronged end was aimed at my neck.


I deflected it with the blade and fired a jab. As he rhythmically extended his fist and knife from side to side, Park Hyuk’s hands also became busy.

His eyes were also busy.

It looked at me with a green light, but I easily dodged it.

A fighting combination between the blade and the gaze.

Park Hyuk was also an excellent fighter.

He even has the superpower of using poison.

If I were a decent immortal, I think I would have been defeated by this author’s skills.

This is one of the best movements I’ve ever encountered.

However, if the opponent is a shapeshifter, the story is different.

When it comes to using his body, he has the best motor skills of a special breed.

The shapeshifters have the strongest single combat power.

Anyone with even a certain amount of immortality or superpowers will be killed if they try to attack them.

If you fight me like this, you’re fighting well.

After playing a few times, I cut my opponent’s wrist tendons with a knife.


Blood spattered from Park Hyeok’s wrist, who was not even wearing an anti-blocking uniform.

The blood splattered on the floor.

As I took two steps back, Park Hyuk also stepped back as if he had been waiting.

“Huh, huh.”

Then I take a deep breath.

“it’s hard?”


“Is it difficult? f*ck, what are you? “You monster.”

Park Hyuk took a deep breath and said.

This keeps making me shrug my shoulders.

I often hear the word “monster,” so it’s like my nickname.

Like Yeonam Park Ji-won, the monster Yoo Gwang-ik, this is what it feels like.

“A young shapeshifter is this good at fighting?”

“Even if I praise you, you won’t appreciate it.”

I said.

Poison is fatal to everyone.

That’s the same for me too.

So what?

What if it doesn’t work out?

Then there is no answer, the difference in physical abilities is too big to begin with.

Of course, if I were a normal shapeshifter, I would have won on the first knife hit.

So, the compatibility is not good.

To me, a shapeshifter and immortal.

The opponent’s hand was useless.

Dokdo, with skills trained over a long period of time and seasoned experience.

It’s all meaningless.

“Let’s go nicely.”

I said.

All the hunter in charge of the test subject or whatever had to do was run out and meet him.

I was aiming for that.

The other person didn’t know that.

He probably believed that he could catch me even if I didn’t get mad.

Illusion is freedom.

Everyone has a good plan. A plan that only works until you get hit.


Park Hyuk swore.


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