Genius of a Unique Lineage Chapter 191

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191. Bastard

‘The target came together.’

It was quite far away, to be exact, outside the realm of the immortal’s senses.

Shin Joo-ho captured Yoo Gwang-ik and his mother in the lens with a telephoto camera, kept his eyes fixed on the lens, took out his phone, and pressed the send button.

Shin Joo-ho works as a freelancer in sunny areas and runs a crime report office in shadows.

His job was to provide information along with photos.

The name of Shin Joo-ho’s criminal investigation office is ‘Special Parachi’.

This is a group that specializes in special types of work.

Although it required a high commission fee, Special Parachi was a fairly reputable company.

In other words, the job is done properly, up to the commission fee.

The work of a criminal investigation office takes a lot of work. This is especially true when dealing with special species.

It wasn’t something worth doing alone.

Shin Joo-ho and his wife, his own younger brother, and his wife’s younger brother.

To put it bluntly, it was a family business.

‘No one would know that, though.’

While I was lost in thought while taking pictures with the silent shutter, the ringing sound stopped.

“Please speak.”

It was a client.

It was a man with a voice that made you feel sleepy if you kept listening to it.

His tone of voice was soft and gentle.

“The subject of the request brought a companion.”

“You came together?”



The other person seemed to be lost in thought.

Shin Joo-ho waited calmly.

Because it’s obvious that’s what you’re going to do anyway.

All you have to do is watch and listen secretly, organize the contents, and pass it on.

“All right. Just do what you do.”

“There will be an additional charge due to the number of people.”

Normally, I would get ripped off after completing a task, but this time, the person I was dealing with was not that easy.

It’s just a guess, but he would spare no money and resources to uncover everything about the target, including himself.

This was a group with such venom.

So we talked about money first.

“Never mind the cost.”

“Yes, then.”

Shin Joo-ho hung up the phone and concentrated.

His superpower is ‘bat ears’.

It was a unique superpower that allowed him to hear the conversation of the other person if he could see them.

Although it is as precious as Medusa’s eyes, it is not specialized in combat, so it was a bit difficult before setting up a crime report.

His superpowers soon caught the conversation between Gwangik and his mother.


I never once doubted my abilities.

When his superpower activated, it felt like the conversation was entering my head rather than actually hearing the other person’s voice.

The conversation between the two captured by the telephoto camera is stuck in my mind.

“These bastards are turning.”

The target’s mother speaks.

“calm down.”

The target speaks.

“I’m not excited. You, stay next to the director for a moment. Mom, I need to do some exercise. “I just happened to be lacking in exercise these days.”

“Do you want to do it yourself? I guess I have experience with this… … .”

“career? Ah, you also worked ‘for a while’ in the special forces, right?”

“Wait a minute, no.”

“How can a son who hasn’t played in less than three years have any luck with his career? You spend money. “Mom will use the body.”

“… … “My father and mother are a match made in heaven.”

“Do you know that now?”

Shin Joo-ho was one of the people who knew the current situation best.

Because he did his own research.

Because he was the one who dug up everything about Yoo Gwang-ik, his family and relatives, and reported on their movements.

‘Wasn’t the original plan to kidnap my mother?’

right. The client hoped for that.

That’s why it happened today, and I decided to check the kidnapping situation and report it.

I wondered why they bothered to film the kidnapping scene, but there was no reason to refuse when the person giving me the money offered to give it to me.

But what is the conversation between those two right now?

‘Lack of exercise?’

Shin Joo-ho’s ability is good at grasping facts.

Because the conversation just sticks in my head.

However, it did not convey the tone or nuance of the words.


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However, this does not mean that it is impossible to understand the meaning. The work I had done all this time went nowhere.

Experience, special forces, 3 years, match made in heaven.

After removing useless information and putting together what was left, I came to a conclusion.

The camera showed the mother bending her neck left and right and turning her wrist.

It’s a stretch.

It felt like he was protesting to really use his body properly.

‘You’re going to let my mother in?’

To that Magulo?

The military force sent by the client is scary. I got chills just looking at it.

Even when I saw it from afar, it was eerie.

But you let your mother in there?

‘Are you a bastard?’

It was a valid question.

Shin Joo-ho did not know Yoo Gwang-ik’s mother.

* * *

“Inside, inside… … .”

The director cried desperately.

It was a woman who looked to be in her sixties, with grizzled hair and a wrinkled face.

Just as I was about to open my mouth to say something, the kids came rushing in.

These are the kids who have been playing outside since the car arrived.

“Wow, what is that car?”

“It looks expensive.”

Some of the kids with thick hair are amazed when they see the car.

Some even watched without saying a word.

There are people who ask who I am.

There were also kids who avoided my gaze for no reason.

Perhaps because we saw each other often, a boy suddenly came up to my mother and hugged her.

“Oh my, how have you been?”

The mother picked the child up without thinking about it and gave him a shout before putting him down.

Meanwhile, I approached the director and said.

“I am your son.”

“yes? I don’t have a son. “I only have a daughter.”

… … Could it be your son?

I was in a state of panic.

I think I saw something terrible inside.

It won’t be a robber or a thief or anything like that.

There are many things that can be inferred just by looking at the situation as it unfolds.

This situation was not conveyed to the children.

The director was confused, surprised, and terrified, but not the children.

It wasn’t something that could have been resolved by just coaxing him out.

If I had known, I would have immediately panicked. So you probably didn’t tell me.

“Everyone, you know? “We were supposed to go on a picnic!”

One of the daycare workers shouted in a particularly trembling voice.

The kids are rushing around like that.

I opened my mouth to the director.

“That’s the man’s son over there.”

“ah? Ahhh.”

You understand.


You apologized.

I said it was okay, asked what was going on, and told him the whole story.

A group of people suddenly came in, and they looked terrible just by looking at them.

“Do you know the movie Alien?”

The director who was explaining the appearance of the group asked.

Since my father is a classic movie fanatic, I went beyond what I knew and watched it with him.

“An alien monster?”

“It’s worse than that.”

A scene from a movie flashed through my head.

Worse than that?

Even in the alien monster class, an ugly man and an ugly woman appear to be a couple.

More than ten strange-looking attackers.

What they wanted was the safety of the volunteer who would arrive soon.

As soon as the director heard that, he gritted his molars and told the children not to come in today because the entire orphanage building would be disinfected.

Meanwhile, I coaxed the kids into going on a picnic.

This was something that only one or two of the employees knew about and the rest did not know.

Director Lee doesn’t have an ordinary heart either.

At that moment, I endured it alone to avoid panic.

There must have been a lot of people shaking their feet wondering what to do about this.

During the conversation, the mother who joined us looked at the two-story orphanage building and muttered.

“These bastards are turning.”

“calm down.”

First of all, it was dried. It wasn’t something that happened suddenly.

I heard that two volunteers who came early in the morning were already caught inside.

But it’s not like they’re taking hostages, they’re just occupying it?

The back of my head was itching.

It seems like they were deliberately targeting me.

“I’m not excited. You, stay next to the director for a moment. Mom, I need to do some exercise. “I just happened to be lacking in exercise these days.”

“Do you want to do it yourself? I guess I have experience with this… … .”

Mother interrupted.

“career? Ah, you also worked ‘for a while’ in the special forces, right?”

“Wait a minute, no.”

“How can a son who hasn’t played in less than three years have any luck with his career? You spend money. “Mom will use the body.”

My father told me to buy some liquor, but my mother told me to spend my money on this.

You two really look alike.

“… … “My father and mother are a match made in heaven.”

I said.

“Do you know that now?”

My mother answered and bent her neck from side to side.

The crunching sound of bones meeting together rang out cheerfully.


The director called my mother with trembling lips and tried to hold my mother’s collar with hands that were as trembling as his lips.

said the mother, holding the approaching hand.

“are you okay. I’ll save someone. I’ll take care of the kids inside and send them back. “Nothing will happen.”

My mother hates lies.

It seems like this has become more true since my father and mother’s secret was previously revealed.

So even now, I only tell the truth.

Because I didn’t say anything about verbally reprimanding.



I wrapped one arm around the director and hugged him. It seemed like it would collapse if left as is.

As I hugged him, I felt my whole body shivering like a person suffering from chills.

“Mr. Seulhye? “She goes in there?”

“Yes, no.”

I answered the director’s question.

There is no need to surprise me by saying this.

“If you’re over there, I’ll call the police and take care of it.”

“They said if I called the police, they would kill all the hostages inside. Even if they hear the siren, they will kill everyone… … .”

“Then I’ll tell you to turn off the siren.”

“No, that’s not what I said, it’s a metaphor, I just said I would do it as long as I saw police signs.”

I know. I said I thought he was panicking, but why did he suddenly seem so fine?

“If you told me to bring all the volunteers, you would know that my mother and I have arrived. “Didn’t you say you would kill the hostage even if you didn’t let them in?”

If you think about it a little, you will understand.

The opponent used his head well.

I gave the director a choice that took him hostage and restricted his actions.

The director would not have been able to resist in any way.

It was a psychological fetter.

It’s a device that makes you feel guilty that your actions will kill people.

“They would have said that if we let all the volunteers in, they would all be sent safely.”

The Immortal Special Forces also offers training courses to learn negotiation principles and understand the other party’s psychology.

That’s what I learned there.

“yes that’s right.”

The director doesn’t seem to believe those threatening people.

I can tell just by looking at what you say.

However, there was no real choice.

“I wondered if I should come out and report it right away. But the radio waves didn’t work.”


I glanced at the phone and saw that it was real.

It was a departure from the currency zone.

Phone and data were all blocked.

It’s jamming.

He was by no means an attacker who just came to have fun.

Did Prometheus go out and come back?

No, that’s too unlikely.

You can’t do this kind of work while avoiding everyone’s eyes.

Now, in order for Prometheus to sneak into the metropolitan area, he had to avoid the eyes of at least three organizations.

First of all, the intelligence agency of the Ministry of Public Administration and Security’s Special Leased Unit and the Immortal Special Unit.

Next is the radar of the Dangun Group private intelligence team.

Lastly, even the intelligence agency under the National Police Agency.

It was never easy to get in.

There was no such omen.

My sixth sense seems to tell me that’s right.

I think it has something to do with that blonde guy from before.

I need to find that blonde quickly and screw him.

Then the answer will come out.

First of all, support your mother… … .


My mother assumed a sprinter’s pose and ran. She galloped, broke through, and charged.

This is the gangak that taught me.

A moment shorter than the blink of an eye.

The mother entered the daycare center by breaking down the door with her shoulder.

“… … “Uh, huh?”

The director was surprised so he lightly massaged the back of my neck.

At the same time as I relaxed the tension, I applied force with appropriate pressure.

Soon his eyes opened and the director collapsed.

As I held it in my princess embrace and headed outside, I saw the surprised staff teacher from earlier.

“Can I ask you a favor?”

I said and handed the director over.

“yes? Hey, what’s going on? “What happened?”

He is a sturdy male teacher.

“We’re talking now.”

Actually, the angel boy Nettie went to scold him.

And not with a magic wand or anything like that, but with your fist.

I’m sure. It’s obvious even if you don’t look at it.

However, it would be absurd to bring this up here.

“Don’t come any closer. From now on, this is an operational area.”

I didn’t eat the Immortal Special Force Jjambap through my nose.

This kind of improvisation is nothing.


“This is the team that came after receiving the case. “Don’t worry, please keep your distance and wait.”

“Ah yes.”

The male teacher turned around, holding the director and groaning.

I also turned around.

Even if my mother does it on her own, will she be able to use it if she leaves it alone?

I also headed into the orphanage.

The kids and other people have already left for a long time, but that doesn’t mean they can just go on a rampage… … .


My thoughts couldn’t continue.

Something jumped out of the second floor window and landed with a thud on the floor.

As he was trembling, he went over and saw that he was a three-eyed dog-headed shapeshifter with a face that resembled a dog and an extra eye on his forehead.

When I saw him biting the blood bubbles, he looked like he was in a lot of pain.

It’s not dead, but it’s not like it gets up and starts running rampant either.

There was no sound part of my body.

The limbs are broken, and the snout is bleeding profusely as if it had been hit so hard. Fainting was natural.

Well, mother, please be gentle.

I also went into the building.

As soon as I entered, the smell of blood hit my nose.

I could see the devastation after my mother had caused such a mess.


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