Genius of a Unique Lineage Chapter 180

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180. Hitting and hitting again (1)

The moment I felt pressure, I kicked the ground.

Suddenly, my thigh muscles swelled as if they were going to explode.


As I drank heavily, a hole appeared in the floor I was stepping on.

Blades and fists passed by where I was.


The cry of an animal passes through my ears. I quickly lowered my head. The bulldog slashed my head with its elbow.

There was no time to take a long breath.

I took a short breath and spit it out.

Everything in front of me blurs and moves like an afterimage.

Even in that gap, I read the opponent’s attack.

As I turned my body half a turn, the spiked pole, barely a piece of paper, grazed my shoulder.

The wind pressure soon turns into pressure and weighs down. While shaking off and dodging, I observed and grasped the things that appeared as blurry afterimages with my eyes.

Although it was a workshop where there was not even a cold sweat, it did not interfere with the senses of an immortal.

The realm of the five and sixth senses.

The opponent’s movements are captured. She put that in her head.

phut! phut!

Bulldog used his fists well. The punch that breaks is excellent. There are various types of combinations, such as cutting the elbow, but the basic is the fist.

Doberman used an axe. His feet were so fast that he swung his ax without even having time to blink.

Saint Bernard was good at pressing.

I took over the space, suggesting my range of movement.

I hit the player in advance where I needed to stand.

I swing my weapon towards a place I need to avoid.

It was an area of ​​sensibility and a clever strategy based on many years of experience.

The guy used a pole the size of his forearm, studded with short spikes, and it looked like it was made entirely of metal.

And the last bull terrier.

This guy is the biggest problem.

His fighting spirit was extraordinary.

None of them have reached the level of agreement, but only this one has stepped up to the level of agreement.

His whole body was a weapon.

Biting, clawing, kicking, cutting with elbows.

If you see an opportunity, you will spit. 이 개새끼가.

Cursing came naturally, but there was no time to curse.

It doesn’t focus on attack or defense. We put everything into the attack.

I gave in to my fighting spirit and abandoned all thoughts.

The reason why that happens is that the four dogs got along well.

Using a weapon even after transformation means that I have honed my skills well.

Honing your skills means that you also diligently practiced fighting formations together.

Therefore, they were well trained.

The four animals unleashed their wild spirit without hesitation and put pressure on all directions.

They were my lime orange motherf*ckers, giving generously to live.

Thanks to this, it was difficult to find gaps.

Well, if there was no gap, it was enough to make it.

If a trained body is a gun, then skills are a cannonball.

When technology was added to a trained body, it was the perfection of power.

Of course, it takes time to acquire both physical strength and skills.

Time to train your body and refine your skills.

Normally, this would have taken several years.

That was the goal of my transformation training.

One year, that was the initial training plan.

Even he said it was time for basic training.

“He’s my son, but really.”

My mother was impressed.

“Nephew, you didn’t take drugs, did you?”

My uncle was suspicious.

“I was born with hardware in the first place.”

The log teacher was perplexed.

I remember it was the day when the stocks the teacher bought hit their lowest price.

What I’ve been doing all this time is not just ignorantly training my shapeshifter body and increasing my strength.


All cracks start from small things.

I saw four dogs running wild, leaving only afterimages.

The immortal’s senses clearly read the opponent’s movements.

My head is hot. I felt like my brain was heating up.

It’s the same as when catching a no-fielder.

This is not sparring.

You can kill your opponent.


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There are some things that are different from when fighting No Pil-du.

At that time, my body did not have the power of a shapeshifter.

The speed at which you hit the ground, the pressure to survive, and all kinds of weapons attack you.

A threat pierces my entire body. My sixth sense warns me.

Everything is gradually accumulating in my head.

He predicted the future, the direction of the fight, just an inch away, and moved accordingly.

Ignoring the warning of my sixth sense, I got punched by the bulldog.

It just wasn’t right. It hit her in the shoulder, and when it hit her, she turned her body and let her fist go.

Minimize shock.

Even though I shed water, my body was pushed back.

I stumbled as if I had lost my balance and could not take the steps properly.

He appeared to be hesitantly taking a step back.

At that time, the Doberman’s ax, aimed at an opening, flew to the top of his head.

A brief gap, I thought.

The four limbs, which had hitherto fit like machines, were twisted for the first time.

I feel like I’m hearing a dissonance.

The Doberman did not follow the movements of the three and went first.

A very short gap, a slight gap.

That was enough.

Just before the ax blade split the top of my head, I moved my body according to the inspiration that passed through my mind like lightning.

Corrects the center of gravity of the body that was swaying. I immediately leaned forward.


The ax blade aimed at the top of the head did not do its job. Because before that, his forearm was caught on my left shoulder.

Even though it hit my forearm, the heavy impact started from my back and spread to my whole body.

I straightened my crouched body. The process of crouching and straightening took place in the blink of an eye.

Since the Doberman has never shown this level of reaction speed while dodging in the first place, the Doberman’s reaction was very slow.

I stuck my fist in his solar plexus.

It is a short upper that rotates half a turn around the left foot and is inserted heavily.

Boom! Wood clatter!

“… … Turn it off.”

My moans were so crazy that I couldn’t get them all out.

I plunged my second fist into the solar plexus of the guy whose feet were floating upwards.

Before I could even moan, I turned my body the other way and lifted it up again.


The sound of a tire exploding rang out.

That guy has a really strong body.

I was planning on making a hole in my body.

That doesn’t mean it’s normal.

The ribs and internal organs would have been split.



Blood poured out from the mouth of the guy who fell to the floor. There were pieces of internal organs inside.

Now two.

“A modified work.”

The bulldog stopped and rolled its eyes when it saw what the Doberman had done.

It’s the fault of the person who was deceived.

Controlling reaction speed, tricking to look like you’ve been tricked.

Of course, for this to work, you need strength comparable to those of those bastards.

I was sure.

The difference between the five shapeshifting dogs and my physical strength is small.

I take a moment to be thankful for the lineage that my mother passed down to me.

With strength comparable to that of a shapeshifter, I am a shapeshifter gangster.

If there was no difference in strength and speed, the completeness of the technique could determine victory or defeat in the fight.

Moreover, I have more sensitive senses than these people.

It might have been a natural result.

He pretended to get hit by a bulldog and showed his weakness. Since they were well-trained, the Doberman’s ax flew into the gap.

The Saint Bernard took the position where I could avoid the axe.

The other two were ready to bite me as soon as the ax blade brushed against them.

On the contrary, I dug into my arms.

It’s not like I really lost my balance in the first place.

It was just made to look like that on purpose.

The result is this.


A Doberman fainting with blood foaming at the mouth.

The Dalmatian that was first greeted by dancing the Sonata of Temptation with clumsy movements also broke its neck and was barely breathing.

So, now there are three left.


The bull terrier blinked.

“Don’t let your guard down.”

said the Saint Bernard.

Will the outcome change if I don’t let my guard down?


As I took a step forward, the three guys shrugged their shoulders.

The muscles behind my left shoulder and back felt sore as if they were damaged.

After glaring at each of the three guys, he twirled his left arm. He turns it a few times, and the pain fades away.

The immortal body is the best.

The highest level of physical strength among the transformation group.

Recovery is complete.

“Let’s finish it.”

I said, and this time I ran first.

I figured it out after trying it.

Guys, it’s not that difficult. He is neither as skilled as No Pil-du nor as tough as a crocodile.

But he’s not as sneaky as the f*cking team leader.


“I’ll kill you, I’ll kill you.”

The Bull Terrier muttered.

Unlike the first time, the things in front of me looked like three stupid dogs that couldn’t tell the difference between the front and the back.

* * *


I kicked the stubborn Saint Bernard’s jaw off with my toe.

There was a sound of metal hitting. She bent and straightened her knees and released her Shoryuken.


The St. Bernard’s body exploded from the fist.

When I saw the eyes of the guy who fell to the floor with a thud, they rolled back and only the whites were visible.


Take a breath.


I fixed my broken arm bone.

It was the spot where I was hit by a bulldog.

Thanks to the flying knee kick to the face, the guy was lying down next to the St. Bernard, unable to breathe properly and fuming.

I couldn’t even use a number 4 batter, coat, gloves, or even an adamantium wire knife.

Because I can’t advertise that I’m Yoo Kwang-ik.

So it was the result of purely body contact.

Whether it was dog fighting or five mutts, they were all lying on the floor.

I could confidently tell my mother.

Five shapeshifters were caught with their bare bodies.

Are you surprised?

I don’t think you will. Because it seemed like I had to do this from the beginning.

You raised your son to be very strong.

All five of them had injuries that could not be recovered unless they were immortal half-breeds.

It was a moment when I was thinking about going to get Marina while looking at the writhing guys. My sixth sense kicked in.

be used to. It was an auror reaction seen in a special species of superpowers.

I turned my attention to the subject of the reaction.

It is empty space without anything.

The air trembles and ripples form. I felt intangible ripples spreading in concentric circles.

After that, a person suddenly jumped out from the center.



hmm? Teleportation? There was clearly no sign of her, but Marie popped out of thin air.

The gate wasn’t even open, it just appeared out of nowhere.

“Have you awakened your psychic powers?”

Reasonable doubt, Kingly’s Godsim.

“no. The last guy I dealt with stuttered, and suddenly I was transported in space. “He believed in supernatural powers and attacked them.”

Marie shook her head.

Some bastard is groping someone else’s precious little brother.

Marie added.

“So Marie broke her wrist, broke her ribs, and was about to split her neck.”

If that cub were a special species with superpowers, he would be knocking on heaven’s door right now.

It looks like they had the ability to force escape, but what good would that do?

I think I couldn’t even activate it properly, so I dropped Marie in front of me.

“Target cleared, retreat.”

Just then, Panda spoke through the communicator.

“Shall we go together?”

Speaking calmly.

“Yes, brother.”

Marie answered.

It would look really strange if we held hands.

When I looked outside, it seemed like a helicopter had arrived and the siren was loud from earlier.

“Surrender calmly!”

I can hear the words of a man who appears to be a police official or a commando commander.

Normally, when something like this happens, negotiators would be prepared to keep the hostages safe.

The hostages were all sent away immediately.

Right now, the special forces are just trying to figure out when to go inside.

I left before they came in.

I kicked down the front door and left.


As I broke the glass door with my body and went out, my eyes were dazzled.

Gorgeous lights surrounded me. I narrowed my eyes and checked the front.

There will be gun barrels, police cars, commando cars, drones hovering overhead, and even snipers in nearby buildings.

It’s not just the police.

Basically, when something like this happens, reporters come as quickly as the police.

To them, I had to be a crazy shapeshifter.



Then Marie, who followed, joined in the rhythm.


After that, he suddenly kicked the ground and ran.

“uh? uh?”

If you want to chase me, try chasing me.

Try sniping.

If you can hit a shapeshifter running erratically between buildings and alleyways, you are the best sniper in Korea.

If I run like this, I won’t be able to hit it.

Moreover, Marie and I are not running at a slow pace.

Ganggak and Nana Marina learned the vision of physical training of the transformation tribe.

Boom! Boom!

It was difficult for an ordinary person’s visual acuity to catch up with him just by kicking off the ground and running.

Just like that, Marie and I were thrown out.

* * *

Reporter Kim Cho-myeong of Jangtile Ilbo entered the media with a sense of calling.

He prepared a special article saying that terrorist groups had infiltrated Korea two years ago and that they should not be left alone.

Of course, I was criticized several times. It is the capital of a terrorist group that has already deeply infiltrated the political world. It was something that a single reporter could not do.

‘It’s rotten.’

It was something I had given up on halfway.

Still, I didn’t give up completely. That couldn’t be possible.

However, it was just blocked by the wall of reality.

It was that kind of time.

An anonymous tip came.

The idea was to attack money and save points.

‘There are a lot of idiots in the world.’

That’s what I thought.

Although there was a message that Prometheus would be punished, hitting them was an act of suicide.

So I listened and passed it on.

Something real happened.

Kim Cho-myeong was now in front of the Money & Save branch.

It was just in case.

To be honest, it was also an evening with nothing to do.

For him, who had no girlfriend and few close friends, work was everything.

Since the company treated him as if he was already dead, there were few people who would hang out with him.

“You took a picture, right?”

Because the police started to control it, I couldn’t take pictures right in front of my nose.

But I couldn’t miss it.

A junior camera reporter installed a tiny camera inside and filmed it live.

Not only them, but broadcasting stations also broadcast it live using cutting-edge equipment.

In their eyes, they saw two suspects who had just run out of it.

‘What are those crazy people?’

It looked like he was wearing a mask or something on his face.

It was only visible for a moment.

He shouted, “Uh-heung!” and then disappeared.

Kim Cho-myeong looked at it blankly and his mind was confused.

‘Is the anonymous report true? No, coincidence? What are those shapeshifters? Why did you wear a mask? Was the safe stolen? Are you targeting Prometheus? So shouldn’t we say so? Now it’s just robbery… … .’

“Cho-myeong hyung, that tip.”

The junior opened his mouth. My complicated mind was cleared up in an instant.

“Where is the car?”

I had to move.

Anonymous tip, they didn’t say they only play Money & Save.

It may have been difficult to broadcast live what would happen next, but the scoop was a given.

“song. “I think we hit the jackpot.”

The junior ran first.

“driving me crazy. Okay, let’s go.”

Chomyeong followed suit. Chomyeong thought while running.

‘It’s an opportunity.’

The anonymous tip was contacted via two emails.

One is what will happen today.

The other is the identity of Prometheus.

However, I am worried.

‘Do you want to give me permission?’

If you ask at the desk, there is no answer.

“Hey, do you have any proof? Do you have any proof? Are you going to make a fuss? Are you going to write an article based solely on suspicion? What if you get a backlash? Is this your company? If you really want to use it, bring proof. “If you don’t like that, save your salary and buy this company.”

They say they will post an article if there is evidence.

‘The proof.’

It was in Kim Cho-myeong’s email.


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