Genius of a Unique Lineage Chapter 125

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125. When I see Mr. Gwangik sometimes, he seems like a fool.

Split it. This is the face of a monster confident of its own victory.

I’m excited. that.


Something similar to a shout of victory was also let out.

I also pounded my heart.

He even raised his finger and pointed at us.

Invaders like orcs and trolls tend to be intelligent.

The same goes for goblins and ogres.

Bipedal Invaders usually do things like think. In particular, that particular species was intelligent enough to use tactics.

That doesn’t mean the words made sense, but the meaning was definitely shared.

It’s a sign that he won.

Looking at the ogre’s twisted smile, I clenched my left fist.

Blood vessels protrude. The needle of the vampire gear was inserted into it.

The inside of the vambrace becomes warm. The vampire vambrace on my left arm twists and stretches, taking its proper shape.

The muzzle of the gun sticks out in front of the index and middle fingers, and the trigger is held over the outstretched left thumb.

The head of the man caught off guard was visible.

As I concentrated more, the head appeared several times larger.

There was no need for a magnifying sight.

Encourages the sense of immortality. See, hear and feel.

Predict its movement and calculate the speed at which the bullet reaches it.

Everything happened in an instant.

A drop of blood changes shape.

Two drops of blood are bullet loading.

It is as written in the manual. Of course, I fired a few shots before participating in the operation, so I know its power.

The bullets of the vampire gear are similar to 50 caliber ones.

Therefore, there is no problem in exploding the ogre’s head.

As soon as I aimed, I pressed my thumb down.

The moment I felt resistance against my thumb, my left shoulder was pushed back with a dull popping noise.

I withstood the recoil by slightly bending my elbows.

As soon as the thumb was pressed, a bullet exceeding the speed of sound hit the target.


The ogre’s head explodes and blood sprays out. The splattered blood appeared darker black in the darkness.

The head flew over the lower jaw.

Ogres are not trolls.

If your head flies off, you die.

A group of orcs were shouting loudly.

A blind dog barking.

A stone beast slamming its head into the ground.

Goblins and trolls settled in between.

The Invaders gave blank stares.

Actually, I was wondering how Invaders could use such strategies and tactics.

There was only one answer.

Forced mind control.

It was clearly an ogre that had awakened one of the supernatural abilities.

In other words, the group of Invaders has now lost the mental support that controlled them.

Soon the time for panic arrived.


A shout came from behind.

It’s another Ogre.

There was emotion in the shout. Anger, loss, despair, etc.

Invaders also express emotions. This is a well-known fact.

Of course, there are some guys who are like pieces of iron and have no emotions.

There are also things like slime and doppelgangers.

Anyway, the ogre’s cry was powerful.

It felt like I killed that guy’s girlfriend or boyfriend.

What do you need to know about the gender of the ogre?

Not only the Invaders but also the allies froze in silence. He seems so surprised.

“Aren’t you going to retreat?”

After opening my mouth to remind myself of the atmosphere, I checked the aftermath of one shot.

My shoulders feel sore.

Are you giving this to an immortal to use?

Sometimes it seems like all gear engineers are crazy.

The same goes for the number 4 hitter, and this too.

It was perfect as a long-distance sniper rifle, but it was difficult to relieve the shock of recoil even with the body of a shapeshifter.

If an immortal used it, it would definitely crush his shoulder with one hit.

Looking at the manual, I saw that he was a guy who would drink liters of blood unless it was of high purity.

My blood matches well with that guy’s, so it only took one drop, but if it wasn’t for that, it was a weapon I wouldn’t have used.


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“… … “Retreat.”

Manager Jeong Ho-nam looked at me and said. He had many words in his eyes. He seemed to have a lot of things he wanted to ask.

There was no time to have a friendly conversation.

“Escape route secured.”

While speaking, Manager Aeju secretly showed me his thumb. I was never caught in the first place.

The location was selected for that purpose.

“Hey, you, Mr., are the best.”

Assistant Manager Lee Soon-chang praised me openly.

“If I were a girl, I would fall in love with you now. Right, Chief?”

“I fell in love immediately. So there is nothing more to fall in love with. “How about tonight?”

The pioneering 4 teams never lose their unique atmosphere at any moment.

“Tonight, it’s a prior promise.”

“He seems like an expensive man.”

Even as we said this, we moved around in a hurry.

Once you’ve made your picks and gathered the basic equipment, there’s only one thing left to do.

“We retreat with all our might.”

Honam spoke and supported Kinam.

Repeated loss of concentration.

The stamina wasted while losing an arm.

A forced march in a crappy environment that makes even familiar people irritated.

Everything was a factor that took away Ki-nam’s stamina.

Our Ginam was exhausted and panting.

I wonder if that thing can run.

I can’t run.

When Honam hyung supports him, his speed slows down. Assistant Manager Lee Soon-chang was on the other side.

Still, whining is the same thing.

The momentum of the group of invaders chasing behind was unusual.

I screamed with my mouth together, but to my ears, all I heard was a strange sound like croaking.

There was no need to separate the sounds.

Now all you have to do is start playing with your feet again.


“I will help you.”

As soon as I grabbed Ki-nam, he showed signs of displeasure.

I slapped my hand away reflexively.

“Have you forgotten my touch?”

He told a joke.

“You crazy bastard.”

Child, if you don’t want to share your epitaph with your older brother, just move on.

If you even get your toe caught by an orc or troll chasing you from behind, it’s over.

Because the numbers are overwhelming.


Honam said.

I wasn’t the kind of idiot who ignored my friend’s request.

He grabbed Ki-nam by the waist and placed him on his left shoulder. Ki-nam, who was being bossed around, instead of resisting, let his body go limp.

This is a good posture for a burden.


I ran ahead.

Start with a light jog and then increase your speed.

Manager Jeong Ho-nam and the other two followed along well.

I couldn’t speed up any more here.

There was no need for that.

When the hard ground changed back to the muddy ground, a quick walk was enough.

When cantering, I learned to twist my ankles and walked quickly, reducing my physical wastage as much as possible.

“The distance is narrowing.”

After checking behind him, Assistant Manager Lee Soon-chang turned around and sharpened his rifle.

Instead of blocking with their anti-tank shields, the group of invaders just rushed at them, swinging them like weapons.

Without even thinking about blocking the retreat route during the turn, they just charge in blindly.

So, you can buy time with just the rifle, but if you continue like this, you will be caught. Should I buy time?

That thought lasted only a moment.


This is another world, and there were 6 sandstorms before we arrived at the ant cave.

We met twice a day.


A storm began to roll in.

He took out the pick and pinned it to the ground, and Ki-nam held it with one arm.

I was trying to hold on by keeping my balance, but Ki-nam started struggling.

“Let go.”

I ignored it.

It seems like I’m planning on holding on alone, but what if I let it go and my arms give out and I fly away?

That stupid brother over there, Honam, might seriously threaten to kill me.


After telling him to shut up, we waited for the storm.


Various noises assault my ears. Coarse sand hit the top of the protective clothing.

While I was enduring the strong wind that felt like it was going to tear my body apart, I heard the Invader’s faint scream through the swirling storm.


It sounded like a pig being slaughtered.

I strained my eyes beyond the face guard.

Although the field of view was obscured, it sometimes seemed like a chunk the size of an adult was floating around.

It was time to eat about three cup ramen.

It was quite a long storm.

“Everyone go to breaking news.”

Honam said.

The Invaders who were chasing behind disappeared completely.

What was the reason for settling down in the ant cave in the first place?

This is to avoid sandstorms and red lightning.

However, I faced the storm head on.

If the special Ogre I killed was still alive, how would I have planned to advance?

When I thought about it, it was simple.

If the Stone Beasts, Trolls, and Orcs just hug each other and hold on, they won’t fly away.

However, now there is no head to give instructions in an orderly manner.

The abnormal climate here also served as a protective shield to protect the base.

So, the base could be defended with only four guard posts.

“I didn’t know I’d be happy about this damn sandstorm.”

Assistant Manager Lee Soon-chang said.

I agreed.

After that, he returned without any threat.

Ki-nam was carried on my shoulders, but as long as he was walking at a trot, there was no problem, so he came down.

We had to face three more storms, so that was the only time I helped.

I showed kindness by grabbing the back of the neck and pressing it.

Even Ki-nam, who called me a damn skunk at first, agreed and accepted me the second time.

“It was all for you, so why are you doing this in such a sad way?”

However, I couldn’t stand this tone of voice.

“Please, I beg you.”

I found it fascinating that Ki-nam used the word please. Still, he didn’t stop talking. Ki-nam continued.

“Don’t talk to me like a close friend.”

He pleaded sincerely.

“What’s wrong, friend? “We are best friends.”

I also accepted it wholeheartedly.

Ki-nam was trembling, but he just did his best to ignore me.

Manager Aeju and Assistant Manager Lee Soonchang laughed when they saw that.

I glanced at Manager Jeong Ho-nam, but the look in his eyes that was staring at me when I left was not there.

“What about that weapon?”

He approached me in the middle and asked about the weapon, so I told him in detail.

“The engineer gave it to me as a gift. You know the parasitic stone, right? This is a wearable gear made based on that.”

He answered that it was a unique type of gear.

“What about that revolver?”

I also asked what I was curious about.

“It is a gear that shows power depending on the type of bullet it contains. The name is Six Bullet, a mix of Pure and Spell Gear.”

If it weren’t for the Invader army.

If only the auger had allowed some distance.

He would have been finished with this revolver, not me.

Freeze, flame, photosphere.

I saw three bullets, and that alone blocked the approach of the group of invaders.

It wasn’t like a large-capacity explosive was detonated.

It’s a novelty that appears to be a revolver.

“Is this customized gear?”

“If you don’t have magical talent, you can’t use it.”

Honam said.

“Do you use magic too?”

I asked back in surprise.

“Just the basics. “I learned to use a revolver.”

They say magic is a non-human problem, but the world has changed.

Wizards hidden in the world were also slowly showing their heads.

There were quite a few organizations that were known externally.

Still, this is my first time seeing a wizard.

“I’m not at the level of being called a wizard. “I learned it to use the equipment.”

Somehow, I felt like the distance between me and my brother had narrowed significantly.

“Can I call you brother?”

“Why you?”

Ki-nam, who was listening to those words, responded.

“Only in private.”

Honam hyung nodded.

“Don’t get involved. “This is a conversation between the manager and a level 1 employee.”

Ki-nam teases me once.

Again, Honam asked his brother something he was genuinely curious about.

Now that the distance has narrowed, I try to say everything I want to say.

“What was your nickname when you were young?”

At those words, Ki-nam tried to jump at me, but Ho-nam stopped him with a wave of his hand.

“There was none.”

Wasn’t it the Honam Plain?

“Really? Did you secretly call me behind my back?”

“There was none.”

Is that possible?

My nickname when I was young was Crazy Wings.

No matter how much Gwangik said that he didn’t mean it, it was meaningless.

It became my nickname because I copied what I learned in Chinese character class.

As I found out later, the childhood of a pureblood family was very different from that of an ordinary immortal.

Because I received elite education, so-called gifted education, etc., it was a life where there was no time to make up nicknames or joke about things like that.

As I walked, I suddenly saw the base in front of me.

“Thank you all for your hard work.”

Manager Jeong Ho-nam spoke to everyone on a rare occasion.

“Mr. Gwangik did all the hard work.”

Assistant Manager Lee Soon-chang received those words.

“Mr. Gwangik, I am always open.”

Manager Aeju made eye contact with me.

“Don’t talk to me.”

Ginam was still the same.

Anyway, didn’t we come back safe and sound?

I put my hand on Ki-nam’s shoulder and headed toward the base.

“Get your hands off me.”

Gi-nam protested, but was ignored.

“I’m back.”

He said excitedly.

Manager Jeong Ho-nam went straight in to report on the operation, and the rest of the personnel were given a break.

“Let’s eat first.”

I told Ki-nam.

“I told you to move your arms.”

Ki-nam rolled his eyes.

People really don’t change. It’s nice that it’s consistent.

“What do you want to eat?”

I am also the same.

When I tell him to get rid of it, I want to stick around even more.

“You sure you don’t like men?”

Manager Aeju asked.

“I like women. “Didn’t you know that my dream is to become president?”

“What does that matter?”

“When I become president, I will create polygamy and polyandry. So, I will live a life with 15 ex-wives.”

“… … “When I see Mr. Gwangik sometimes, he seems like a fool.”

As I heard this often, there was no damage.

Because I’m used to it. what.


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