Genius of a Unique Lineage Chapter 114

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114. Tolkien gift set

‘A damned alien world.’

Ki-nam calmed down his boiling stomach and thought.

Migraines, chills, fever, abdominal pain.

All symptoms of entering the other world appeared.

Completely different environment and air, changes in oxygen concentration, changes in gravity, and changes in climate.

All of that tangled my five senses. In short, my physical condition was a mess.

“It won’t happen all at once. “Hold on and hold on.”

My brother, Jeong Ho-nam, said that and left the room.

Just as his brother said, Ki-nam held on.

I held on and held on again.

Most people adapt to the alien environment within 12 hours at most, but Ginam was a little different.

Pureblood price.

It refers to people with special blood among families born with pure blood.

The characteristic of pureblood jeongga is that they are born with a sensitivity that surpasses that of ordinary immortals.

Thanks to that.

Thanks to my natural sensitivity, my five senses were overly distorted, and it took more time to adapt.

It will take less time to adjust as you get used to it, but this was Ki-Nam’s first experience.


As soon as my slightly disturbed senses returned.

Ki-nam felt a sense of discomfort outside the window and concentrated.

There is nothing to see. Not even a blurry shadow was visible.

But my ears perked up.

Sak, duh.

When you press your foot against the ground, there is almost no sound. ‘Almost’.

You can’t completely avoid making a sound.

Ki-nam’s sensitivity caught the sound.

Ki-nam mentally estimated the number of people moving around outside and spoke.

It was the power of a pure-blooded family with extremely developed sensitivity.

* * *

Because everyone says pureblood regular price, pureblood regular price.

I thought how great it was.

Honestly, I didn’t think it was a big deal.

There was a time when I thought Ki-Nam was a sensitive hamster.

But no.

Gi-nam showed the appearance of a pure-blooded noble family.

How did they know the Invaders were coming?

After Ki-nam spoke, I was able to hear and see it because I concentrated.

A shadow wanders outside the window. You can also hear the sound of footsteps moving cautiously.

I noticed this.

Just stopped by?

That can’t be possible. If I were to strain my senses to hear this much noise on a regular basis, I would go crazy.

Because I felt something, I must have focused on my five senses.

It reminded me of what happened at the airport.

What Ki-nam did at that time was to feel a sense of discomfort.

The task was to capture the awkwardness of shapeshifters.

I still do that now.

Instead, this time, I felt that the atmosphere and air, not the people, had changed.

Therefore, doesn’t the power of a pureblood Jeongga lie in a sharp sixth sense that goes beyond the sensitivity of the five senses?

Ki-nam felt uncomfortable and reacted.

I looked at the conclusion and figured out the cause.

To an immortal, sixth sense and intuition were warning lights.

Using your five sensitive senses, you can find the cause of the fluff standing on end.

This is why pureblood Jeongga is called a living radar.

I applied what I learned from watching Ki-nam.

A group of invaders appears, a sound is heard, and a feeling of discomfort is felt.

“Are the Invaders here any different from those outside?”

I asked quickly.

“There’s no difference… … .”

The answer was given by Grumpy.

At the same time, I made eye contact with Ki-nam.

A group of invaders basically attack any enemy in front of them.

They say there are some people who use their brains, but this strategy is still unreasonable.

They conducted a night attack while avoiding the high-pressure mine area.

“Please contact headquarters. “It’s an anomaly.”

Ki-nam said and pulled the bolt of the submachine gun.

It’s the same time.



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Before the motion detector could activate, something flew in and broke the light at the guard post.

There was no need to understand the situation.

The sense of discomfort that Ki-nam and I felt filled the guard post.

Invaders don’t fight like this. Therefore, an abnormal phenomenon occurred.

The assistant manager kept pressing the button on the radio without stopping.

“What sign is that?”

I asked out of curiosity.

“It’s so urgent.”

The assistant manager answered.

If you press it randomly, things will happen properly.

The operation code is ES.

It means that an emergency situation has occurred.

In any case, it is impossible to convey the exact situation by pressing a button.

This is the best.

“From now on, the current guard post will prepare for abnormalities and enter a combat situation.”

The deputy also spoke and took out his weapon.

I placed the shotgun against the wall of the guard post and raised my rifle.

Grumpy also checked the magazine and pointed the rifle.

I held the rifle in my right hand, the jungle sword at my side, and the number 4 hitter in my left hand.


Ginam said.

Boom, boom, boom.

A strong sound of cutting through the air was heard.


The ax stuck in the glass where Ki-nam was standing.

It’s a stone axe. I saw an ax blade with a red shining tip.

Pashuk, pasuk.

The red light of the stone ax blade lit up and shone.

“Crazy, ignition stone.”

No matter how urgent the moment is, the immortal does not shout. It was a habit.

As the assistant manager spoke, I grabbed Ki-nam and threw him backwards.

Grumpy kicked the door open.


The firestone exploded with the sound of the door being opened.

* * *

Beep beep beep beep.

An emergency signal went off at headquarters.

The manager on duty was half asleep and then opened his eyes.


“This is an emergency signal.”

“If you play around, you’ll die.”

Even though it is an otherworldly outpost, it is not Frontier Vanguard.

The pioneer exploration team is always at the forefront of the border.

This is a safe zone in the other world.

It was a place where nothing dangerous would happen.

This was also the first signal the manager on duty had heard since joining the company.


“These are guard posts 2 and 3.”

The manager had a map of another world in his head.

Pioneered area, unexplored area.

Guard posts 1 and 4 are closer to headquarters.

To be exact, it could be said to be close to where the hall was located.

The 2nd and 3rd guard posts are right in front of the unexplored area.

Even so, there are dozens of high-pressure mines laid beyond guard posts 2 and 3.

The moment a group of invaders comes over, a massacre will occur within an invisible range of the guard post.

A massacre filled entirely with the corpses of invaders.

“What about climate change?”

“doesn’t exist.”

If there is an abnormal signal that does not come from a sandstorm or red lightning, there is only one signal.


A large number of invaders appeared, or something similar occurred.

“Bring me my weapons.”

The manager stood up.

Guard Post 2 happened to be where Yoo Gwang-ik and Jeong Jeong-nam went.

Something happened that was embarrassing even for those who were originally working there, but these two were new employees.

No matter how much he is a newbie flying around outside, even if he is a full-blooded person.

You can’t get used to this kind of thing. This is the Other Side, the other world.

The environments are different and the level of equipment we have is different.

“Go straight to guard post 2. Send reinforcements. Deploy the entire standby team.”

After saying that, the manager gathered his weapons and ran outside to find an electric scooter.

Vehicles are bulky. So what I brought as an alternative means of transportation was an electric scooter.

It was able to run at speeds of up to 50 km/h with specially designed tires.

It was a quick walk to the guard post.

“There are only five people in the standby group.”

Today was the day the reconnaissance team left with the support personnel.

Unfortunately, something happened on a day like this.

“Sound an emergency signal and expand the number of combat personnel available. Understand the situation and endure. You can’t abandon the guard post. Divide them in half and send two to my side, and Je-Hoon orders them to take care of guard post 3.”


The subordinate shouted and he also put on his weapons.


The manager immediately pulled the accelerator handle of the scooter.

Soon, unique tire marks left long marks on the muddy desert where he had gone.

* * *


The moment I saw the ax swelling up, I blocked its path.

Before anyone could say anything, I wrapped both hands around the axe.

An explosion occurs. Just as the body was about to be pushed back, the magic of the gloves on both hands was activated.

The magic on the coat is Hexagon Field.

It is a hexagonal barrier.

The prince of the kingdom of superpowers borrowed my coat and gave me these gloves as a gift.

And he used to say things like coats.

It was worth it.

The gloves on both my hands were a gift filled with the prince’s pride.

If the court is a hexagonal barrier.

This glove is Galaxy Field.

A high-level defense spell, ‘Galaxy Barrier’, is in effect.

It is activated automatically when a certain level of shock is detected.

The magic of the gloves activates, drawing stars dotted in the air and space.

As the Milky Way unfolds before your eyes.


An explosion exploded, and a firework gala show unfolded inside the barrier.

When an explosion explodes, if one side is blocked, double the pressure is created on the other side.


The window on the side where Ki-Nam was was shattered. The corner wall was charred black and flames spewed outward.


The Invader’s groan caught my ear.

The moment the explosion ended, I withdrew my hands.

The hot air hit my cheek, so I took down my face guard and attached an oxygen tank.

“It is dangerous to give up the guard post.”

When you say so.

Grumpy and Assistant Manager, who were hesitantly heading outside, and Ki-Nam, who had fallen on the floor, looked at me intently.

“what are you doing? Don’t you fight? “The Invaders are coming. Should I ask you out on a date again?”

With those words, the three took their weapons.

“What are those gloves?”

Ki-nam approached and asked.

“I got a gift. “If you live a good life, Santa Claus will put something in your stocking at Christmas, so be kind.”

“You crazy bastard.”

He told me to relax.

Fortunately, the three quickly got into position at the sound of my voice.

When I saw that and looked outside, I saw a group of Invaders.

What is this?

There were about ten goblins, and the numbering 12 orcs stood behind them.

If goblins are mean, orcs are ignorant.

In other words, goblins are clever, and orcs are reckless.

An Invader with green muscles who enjoys close combat.

Lastly, we also saw Invaders that were bigger than the Orcs.

Numbering 15 Troll.

It is a monster capable of high-speed regeneration that the shapeshifters call their immortal friend Invader.

Goblins are light green, Orcs are dark green, and Trolls are turquoise.

Fifteen, ten, three respectively.

A total of twenty-eight.

It was a set of 3 fantasy monsters and a Tolkien gift set.

A goblin with a soot-covered face caught in the aftermath of the explosion looks at me and bares its fangs, showing hostility.

What’s the point of just looking around?

I picked up the rifle and shot the guy in the head.

bang! puck.

Dodging bullets is a really advanced technique.

Unless you have the physical strength of an immortal or a shapeshifter, it’s really, really not easy.

Therefore, it is natural that my bullet makes a hole in the goblin’s head.

“A firestone throwing axe.”

“Sir, this is my first time seeing something like this.”

“It’s my first time too.”

I could hear the conversation between the mixed-race assistant manager and the grumpy guy from behind.

“It is a special type of intervention. “That’s all there is.”

Ki-nam said.

Invader wasn’t just numbered and named.

If the named boss was a boss, there was also someone who was like a mid-boss.

Although they are numbered, they have unusual habits.

These are things like fire-breathing goblins or orcs with freezing superpowers.

“It was an Invasion that avoided mine fields and made night raids.”

It is a unique species because it breaks common sense.

This group avoided high-pressure mine areas and conducted a night raid.


I organized the order of actions taken by the other person in my head.

High-pressure mines are rechargeable. It had to be recharged after use, and to do so, some members of the pioneering exploration team had to constantly pass through minefields.

It is possible to avoid minefields if you have the mind to observe carefully.

Avoid the zone, make no sound and approach, then use motion detection to destroy the light and throw a fire ax to neutralize the guard post.

The situation is over.


I called the mixed-race assistant manager.

The highest commanding authority in the current situation.

If she orders an evacuation, it would be best to just hit and run.

I wonder if that group of Invaders will just leave us alone.

If there is another plan, it is to hold on.

If a stone ax using firestone as a bomb had caused an explosion inside the guard post, we would have had to fight them outside.

I blocked it.

Therefore, we have guard posts and weapons.

Most of the weapons they have in their hands are blunt objects and round stones. The only thing dangerous is the firestone axe.

“We will engage the enemy until help arrives.”

The mixed race deputy did not hesitate.


As he spoke, he placed the rifle on the broken window frame.

A few orcs saw that and started cackling.

It is a low-frequency yell that is difficult to hear.

If you shout that voice loudly, a peer that affects the human mind will be activated.

Peer refers to the phenomenon of the body becoming stiff due to the Invader’s spirit, like a mouse in front of a cat.

There was no way that a trained Immortal Special Forces member could be defeated by the Orc’s fire.


Several orcs let out low-frequency shouts at the same time, and at the same time, several fire axes flew through the air.

Hold your breath and strengthen your abdomen to resist low-frequency energy.

“Right two.”

At the same time, open your mouth and focus your fire.


A barrage of bullets hit the fire ax floating in the air.


Fireworks exploded in the air.

If you didn’t know and it happened to you, you wouldn’t know. If you already know, will it happen again?

Hitting something flying at an immortal was no problem.

There were four fire axes that flew.

I dropped two, Ki-nam dropped one, and the assistant manager dropped one.

Meanwhile, Grumpy held a rifle on his shoulder and took aim.


I aimed at the orc standing in front, but the troll opened his palm in front of him.


It is a 5.56mm bullet. It is not specially manufactured for penetrating power.

The troll’s skin was so tough that most bullets could not penetrate it.

Bullets suddenly erupted onto the pierced palm and fell, causing the flesh of the man’s palm to wriggle.

High-speed playback was the troll’s talent.

When the fire ax failed, they entered into hand-to-hand combat.

A group of people wrapped in flat stones and pieces of metal, no matter where they had been picked up, began to rush towards them.


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