Genius of a Unique Lineage Chapter 107

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107. I’m your father

The short play ended quickly.

“Oh, not here. let’s go.”

“I said no!”

He patted his security friend’s shoulder with his eyes and returned with his arm around the shooter’s shoulder.

I got back in the van, left the car on the dirt road, and started walking straight away.

“It wasn’t bad, right?”

They say you can be good at dating and acting if you do it once.

“It wasn’t disgusting.”

The gunner answered.

It wasn’t disgusting. How should I interpret this?

It wasn’t something to worry about.

I made a wide circle around the lab and went to the back, where the team leader was smoking a cigarette.


“Stupid kid.”

My title is becoming more special every day.

“Yes, team leader with a flower in your mouth.”

This is the team leader who gave flowers.

“You bastard, are you kidding me?”

I asked the gunner, but the gunner remained silent.

He is an agent with the rare wisdom of Solomon who does not take either side.

“How do you feel about the kids in front of you?”

The team leader asked me without thinking about how to break through the wall in front of him.

I put my hand on the wall and measured its thickness.

A very faint, yet regular vibration rang along my fingertips.

It is a vibration so small that it cannot even be felt by an immortal with dull senses expressed in quarters or less.

It was like saying that the machine was still running and that the Panda manager had not finished his work yet.

I answered the team leader’s questions independently of the sensation I felt at my fingertips.

“I thought it would only take a minute.”

It is easy to understand the gist of the question.

I’m not asking you to figure out the tastes of three people you’ve met for the first time.

The question was what it would be like if a combat situation occurred.

“Ssamdak bastard.”

It’s a compliment.

That’s how I interpreted it to mean that I was an agent with unrivaled combat abilities.

“What is it like inside the lab?”

This is research material hidden in a general research facility.

The target is a waste warehouse.


“There won’t be a lot of security or security guards. maybe?”

“Then why are we here trying to make a f*cking hole in the wall?”

The expression is novel.

It’s a way of conversing that ends with swearing.

I did it because they told me to, but it’s a question I’ve never really thought about.

It was even more so after frantically completing one mission after another.

As soon as I arrived at the office, I was almost dragged along.

“Even if there is nothing on your mind, let’s think about it and live.”

“I was just thinking about it.”

“So what is the answer?”

Where did I leave my patience? Did I leave it at the office?

“Do you think you have time to be idle during your mission? “You seem to have a lot of leisure.”

There is. now. At this moment, it’s time to relax and let your hair down.

The team leader rolled his eyes. His head wasn’t stiff. It’s just that I didn’t consciously think about it.

When there was no operation, we trained to simulate and respond to various situations.

It was one of them.

“Illegal research labs prioritize data destruction, so if you attack them head-on, it will be difficult to preserve data.”

“Quickly, think before you start. If it’s not udon noodles in your head, you should continue to use it and live with it. “Quang udon.”

My title is truly becoming more special every day.

“all right.”

When I answered obediently, the team leader frowned.


“f*ck, something is missing.”

Praise my mouth that always stops talking to each other.

This is Pavlov’s classical conditioning.

It feels bad when a person who sleeps every day doesn’t sleep well.

I didn’t do it on purpose to make the team leader worry. I had decided to learn what I wanted to learn.

The personality of the team leader really looks like the penis of a watchman from hell, but he’s good at his job.

Even now, I said it just when I needed it.


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Timing that allows you to move reflexively as instructed and then naturally infer the situation ahead.

Why did this work start?

Basically, I don’t know. If you talk to colleagues who work in other teams, they say that they are very strict in doing what they are told to do.

But our team is a little different.

If not the team leader, even a panda assistant manager tends to come forward and explain the mission.

Same thing this time too.

I already know the source of this mission’s information. This is Dr. Park Byeong-jun.

Therefore, we must determine whether this mission is true or not.

Therefore, data preservation is a top priority.

It is best to avoid combat situations.

The team leader must have figured out all of this and then planned this strategy.


The vibration at the tip of my finger disappeared.

What we need is a stealth action fantasy.

Don’t get caught.

However, the wall is a bit thick. Even if I put my ear to it, I can’t hear any sound coming from inside.

Noise prevention is basic. This means that it is not a wall made of randomly stacked bricks.

“Wouldn’t it be the worst if a bomb exploded?”

I asked, putting my ear to the wall.

“Are you saying that?”

“Then what about this?”

I knocked on the wall.

Although it is quite thick and the material is not up to adamantium, its strength is extraordinary.

If you build a research institute with ink iron with a mythical name, the research institute itself will be a treasure.

So it must have been made with a suitable new material.

“Once you understand the purpose of the mission, you have to think hard about the answer.”

The team leader said, pulling out a knife.

I’m still racking my brain.

What is needed now is stealth and radicalism.

Because I have to break through this thick wall.

The answer is obvious.

Humanity has developed a weapon that is quiet but boasts perfect cutting power, so you can use it.

The handle of the knife the team leader pulled out was shaped like a long stick.

To be more precise, it was a long rectangular shape with rounded ends, and in the middle was a long lamp that was split vertically, and it was a mechanical rod that emitted blue light from the vertical lamp.

“That’s it?”

“what is that?”

The team leader pretended not to know, but I know that weapon.

How much did you say it costs to run it once?

New materials, new technologies, and new weapons all eat up money.

Compared to that bar, Shooter’s Cash Hippo is just a corner store in the neighborhood.

That is the worst cost-effective weapon and the strongest melee weapon in existence.

“Would you like to write a long account? “f*ck you, you bastards in the accounting department.”

When the team leader muttered, I pressed the button.


Blue light rises from the tip of the stick.

It was a lightsaber.

My father was an old movie fanatic since he was young. I think Byeong, who constantly spews out famous quotes, has a lot of influence from that movie.

Among them, I recommended one that I should also see.

I remembered a famous line from that movie and recited it without realizing it.

“I’m your father.”

“… … who is your dad? “If you’re going to do it, may the Force be with you, this is it.”

The team leader knows that movie too.

The team leader must have remembered the pressure from the accounting department, and in a short period of time to catch his breath, he cut the wall with a lightsaber emitting blue light.

It is exactly large enough for one person to pass by.


There was black soot and sparks where it was cut, but it was all just for a moment.


The gunner stepped forward and attached the suction-type rubber to the wall.

When I lifted the wall I had pulled and placed it next to me, a doorway was created.

It is a doorway made with a lightsaber.

As I went inside, I could feel the heat coming from the cut area.

A woman wearing a hood right in front of me looked at me intently.

“… … thief?”

I was just looking around, so I walked up to him and struck him on the back of the neck and said good night.

I laid the falling woman down on one side and looked back and forth.


The sun had not set, but there was no light inside the building.

The power was cut off and all the lights went out.

“Why isn’t the emergency power turned on?”

“If I ruin my research, will you take responsibility?”

“Hey, where did the security team leader go?”

The sounds of chatter from all directions suddenly reach my ears. There was a commotion. There were many people who were angry.

I understood them.

Deputy Panther said while explaining the details of this operation.

“After a week of working all night, someone turned off the computer. Are you mad? Anna?”

It’s crazy.

If I’m doing an assignment and a blue screen comes up, I’m going crazy.

Can you say that?

Thanks to this, all researchers were now in a state of panic.

“Let’s go.”

I spoke to the team leader and took the lead.

The inside of the lab was all in my head.

It wasn’t difficult to find the way.

The team leader and gunner followed behind.

“Hey, this is a dream, right? “It’s a dream, right?”

“Come to your senses, you lost your data. Ha, I’m done sleeping.”

Two men in white robes could be seen through the open door.

Both looked listless.

“How can it not work with an auxiliary battery?”

“… … “Do you think the machine we are using is some kind of smartphone?”

One tried to hold on to the rope, while the other faced reality.

“Tsk tsk.”

I clicked my tongue in sadness.

“Did you see it?”

The team leader whispered next to my ear.

The fur all over his body stood up and stood up.

Why is this guy killing me at this moment?

We walked along casually, and no one caught us.

It made me wonder if things could be this easy.

As I went to the front of the waste warehouse, I saw a security guard who was half-conscious.

Still, I keep this place.

As for the three guys I saw from the outside, it’s hard to see them as professionals either.

This kid looks like a newbie there.

That means it looks stupid.

“This is a restricted area.”

“I know. You think we don’t know that either?”

I stepped out. Ignore it and move forward.

“Oh, well, you can’t go in.”

“Are you crazy? Where did the team leader go? What are you going to do about this situation right now? Should I run the machine with an auxiliary battery? “We’re spending money and hiring you to prevent something like this from happening.”

Saying that, he pushed the guy to the side.

The agent was sweating profusely.

Why is the child so pitiful?

“No, that’s me, no, the team leader.”

“come out. “There is material inside that needs to be rescued urgently.”

The agent moved out of the way. The gunner and team leader followed behind.

“You would have succeeded if you had become a conman.”

The team leader spoke from behind.

Is this a compliment?

After thinking about it carefully, I decided it was a compliment.

That means your ability to improvise is excellent.

“thank you.”

“What are you thankful for?”

“It’s a compliment.”

“… … “Let’s not talk.”

We walked, and soon we ran into a problem.

How do I get my data out if the electricity goes out?

I was about to turn my head and ask.

“Use your head. “Think before you ask.”

I didn’t say anything, but the team leader spoke.

He has a ghostly mind.

I shook my head. Auxiliary battery? Can I just supply power with that and take out the data? But is there such a machine?

Twelve computers were visible in front.

On the surface, it appears to be for waste warehouse management purposes.

I couldn’t avoid my harsh eyes.

What kind of crazy person would manage a warehouse with a water-cooled customized computer?

It looks like an ordinary computer on the outside, but on the inside it’s a high-end computer with a lot of money invested.

As we slowly approached, a man with an earthy face turned a light towards us.

“who is this?”

“It came from the security team.”

I answered.

Previously we were researchers, now we are the security team.

It is an appropriate change in status.

“Damn it, what are you going to do with this? “If this data gets leaked, you know I won’t be the only one doing it, right?”

A few more people appeared behind the earth-colored man.

Everyone’s short hair was impressive, and even in moments like this, it stayed in place like a knife.

It is not a special species.

The security inside seemed more lax than the outside.

The team leader walked forward quickly and stopped in front of the researcher.

“what? “No, this is your first time seeing me?”

“It’s my first time seeing you too, bastard.”

With his words, the team leader hit the researcher on the head.

I hit him with my hand, so much so that his neck was bent to the side. The researcher’s pupils dilated and he collapsed.

There are many ways to steal research data.

You can copy, share, view, and take photos.

However, everything can be attempted only when power is supplied.

So there was only one option for us.

A few people who flinched ran towards me while shouting something, and the gunner and I knocked them all down.

It wasn’t even a thing.

After that, I silently opened the main body and tried to take the data storage device.

“If separated, the data disappears. “Don’t touch the hard drive.”

“These days, it’s not a hard drive, it’s an SSD.”

“Shiba, that or that.”

Aww, old timer.

“I carry the entire body with me.”

We have six hands and a total of twelve computers in front of us.

“What are you doing? “Don’t you listen?”

The shooter held two and I held six, roughly unplugging the outlet cord and tying them together.

After that, I carefully checked to see if there was anything left around, then turned around and left.

There were no difficulties when coming out.

As soon as I came out, the team leader opened his mouth.

“You idiot, you don’t have to solve every mission with your fists.”

“Didn’t you use your fist last time?”

“I only used the blade of my hand.”

“… … Ah yes.”

“Is the silence in front of you very uncomfortable?”

That’s why I answered late.

“Oh yeah?”

“Why am I in a bad mood?”

After all, you’re a ghost.


I pretended not to notice.

Meanwhile, Assistant Manager Dong-hoon brought the van that had been parked.

It was time to return.

Once again, I wondered if this data was real.

Since it is a mixed race between Invaders and humans, shouldn’t this be considered a synthesis rather than a mixed race?

But is that even possible?

It will take time to check the data. If the kids at the lab weren’t idiots, they would have put all kinds of passwords on it.

It will take quite some time just to solve it.

The bottom line is that we cannot know the results of what our team did today right now.


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