Genius Archer’s Streaming Chapter 86

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Genius Archer Streaming Season 1 Episode 86

30. Power Suit Play (3)

If you think about it, it’s a really cheeky title.

[Battle Large EP.6 – Yes. Almond is wearing a power suit.]

Almond is wearing a power suit, what should I do?

This is a title that is not strange to receive an answer like this.

But after watching the video, this is all I can think of.


How about drinking and acting a bit?

What if the young guy is a little rude?

It’s the goose that lays golden eggs!

“21st place. “It’s a single video, but it’s really big, isn’t it?”

Even if only one of the three videos ranks 21st.

This is a huge achievement.

This can be seen by looking at the size of channels in the same ranking.

From channels with 1 million subscribers that were slowly losing their power, channels with more than 300,000 subscribers that were growing explosively formed the top 20.

But Almond still has 50,000 subscribers.

‘It’s crazy.’

This means that it is really a net worth of 50,000.

If your average number of views on your videos is more than your subscribers, your channel is still growing.

You can also tell how much you are growing by looking at the difference between your views and subscribers.

Almond’s channel, which now has just 50,000 subscribers, is in the midst of ‘rapid growth’.

‘Of course, there are more than one or two channels where videos appear one after another. ‘I need to come to my senses.’

As the saying goes, a one-hit wonder, there are many cases where a few videos get a million or ten million views and the channel goes bankrupt due to focusing on an issue.

Almonds shouldn’t be like that, so they need to come to their senses.

‘By the way, you’ve reached 50,000 subscribers… … ‘Do we need an event or something like that?’

I feel once again that the growth is tremendous.

It was so fast that even manager Joo Hyuk couldn’t see the moment when the number of subscribers hit 50,000.

In fact, for beginners who are just starting out on AllTube, even 10,000 or 20,000 would be a great number.

As expected, the level of talent is different.

No, I should say they are talented people. Even the editors are talented.

Talent x Talent, talent squared.

They are people with truly enviable abilities.


Suddenly, a feeling of bitterness comes over me.

Although I was armed with all sorts of fancy specifications, I had no particularly shining talent or great passion.

Society actually accepted me more.

That wasn’t bad either. But if you say that talent is just working hard as society tells you to do… … .

Isn’t it so lonely as a person?

What is the life I have been living so far?

My 30 years… … .

For some reason, the density seemed different from Yoo Sang-hyun’s 30 years.


ah. Now that I think about it, Sanghyun Yoo, this bastard has been around for 28 years.


* * *

Jump up.

Sang-Hyeon jumped out of bed.



A headache that hits me straight in the head tells me.

I said I overdid it yesterday.

The unfair thing is that even though I drank so much, my dreams were still not good.

When I wiped my forehead, a lot of wet stuff got on my sleeve.

I looked at my pillow and it was soaked in sweat.

“You know that everyone is looking at your back and chasing after you.”

It’s a voice that I might get tired of now.

My heart races every time I think about it.

Still, it’s not like it’s a hallucination, but it’s just a dream, so I’m glad.

“Have you slept this long, little brother?”

The door was open, and Juhyuk’s shadow could be heard speaking quietly.

I guess I felt popular.

“… … uh. “You drank a lot.”

“okay. It seemed like he drank a lot. Brother. “Please let me know that you are my younger brother.”

A noisy guy.

Is there even a small person like that?

They say he lied and said he was 30 when in fact he was 28. A 1-year-old younger brother or a 3-year-old younger brother… … What’s the difference?

“Yeah. It’s good to be older, Joohyeok.”


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Sang-Hyeon quoted Ji-Ah’s words and lightly accepted them, then headed to the bathroom to shower.

Joohyuk was shouting something, but I couldn’t hear him clearly because it was drowned out by the sound of the water.

I guess he’ll just be saying old-fashioned things again anyway.

Swaaa …

Looking at the white crashing waves, I am reminded of yesterday’s game.

‘Power suit play… … . It was fun.’

My heart starts pounding as I recall the feeling of wearing the power suit.

It feels a little different than when I picked up the bow again.

Of course, the level of excitement when I picked up the bow again was overwhelming.

This is also a good feeling.

What does this feel like?


Are you having fun with the game? It’s not just fun to shoot a bow.

Are you really enjoying the capsule game itself?

It was an unfamiliar feeling to Sang-Hyeon, who had never felt much fun in his life other than archery and had never had the luxury of doing so.

Sanghyeon shook his head as if shaking off the moisture.

‘No matter what, being excited is a good thing.’

Rather than worrying about what the heck is going on, I’m going to focus on what I have to do right now.

Shoot… … .

I closed my eyes again, surrendering myself to the hot water.

‘Dia. I have to go.’

What’s important to him right now is reaching Diamond rank.

That is the promise to the viewers and the way to meet Bubble Gum.

It will be a stepping stone to playing games and broadcasting for a longer period of time.

Then Sang-Hyeon will be able to feel this feeling more.

You will be able to hold the bow longer.

* * *

After shaking off all the water, Sanghyun takes a moment to check the community’s reaction. This is something I always do as a habit before broadcasting.

Did anything special happen and what public opinion was generated?

Just checking it every now and then has become a part of my life.


Something strange appeared to him.

[Real-time almond video rankings!!! I’m crazy lol]

Almond video?

If you’re talking about AllTube, it probably hasn’t come out yet. That’s because Jia went home yesterday after drinking too much.

Is a video that was uploaded in the past going back in time?

How could that be?

Sanghyeon entered, tilting his head.

==== ====

19th) Battle Large EP.6 – Yes. Almond is wearing a power suit.

Almond video is 19th! Crazy lol in just one day!

I am so moved!

==== ====

At first, I suspected that it was fan manipulation.

However, looking at the comments, it appears that he is not the main character.

-It’s ㄹㅇ haha.

-Wow lol

-Is it great to be ranked 19th? I don’t know the rankings very well

└ㄹㅇㅋㅋ I just don’t watch recommended videos or watch them because there are too many bullshit in the rankings.

└I don’t know either, but considering the AllTube scale, wouldn’t 19th place be awesome? You idiot?

└Why are you so angry lol?

└Arrest of malicious nuts!

-19th place… … Amazing. Are you really flying now?

└Have you ever seen someone just crash like that once or twice?

└If you catch something like a rivalry with electromagnetic waves, you’ll be in the abyss right away. Don’t you know about Yongpal?

└Now that I think about it, I see that you briefly turned on the electromagnetic wave broadcast yesterday? ㄹㅇ I was surprised.

└ㅇㅇ. I guess I turned it on by mistake, but it looks like it’s still alive.

└Aren’t you trying to keep almonds in check?

└What the hell is this lol What kind of almond restraint is this lol

└Please live in the present! Nutty Group!

-Wow, Alltube works well too. Usually, only one of Live and Alltube works well. What the f*ck, that b*tch has it all… … .

└The editor is Tier 1.

└Really lol I was just a fan. What a surprise.

It’s clear from the few jealous comments.

This is actually number 19.

“and… … 19th place.”

Joo-hyuk interjected as Sang-hyeon exclaimed in admiration.

“uh. Ranked 19th. Brother. It was 21st before. “You’ve climbed again.”

Joohyuk was eating.

“No… … What is this video? How on earth did it come about?”

“Only Jia knows that. “It looks like he’s sleeping now.”

“no. “He’s much younger, so why is he your sister and I’m your younger brother?”

“Well, he is not a human, he is a ‘god.’”

Tsk tsk.

Kim Joo-hyuk shook his head as if he didn’t know anything.

“You will feel it when you see the video.”

“… … .”

You’re being a jerk.

Sang-Hyeon swallowed these words for the time being.

As Joo-hyuk said, let’s watch the video and think again.

It’s a video that looks like it was made while drinking, so it’s a little unsettling.

* * *

“Zia is God.”

Sanghyeon concluded that.

“It might be something like a constellation. “I received Zia’s stigmata.”

Joo-hyuk giggled when he saw Sang-hyeon’s reaction.

“What did I tell you, little brother?”

In the meantime, he never forgot to call him ‘younger brother’ until the end.

Sang-Hyeon thought about it for a moment.

I was thinking about what to do with that guy.

Finally he opened his mouth.

“You know what? Usually, the older brother does not call the older brother “younger brother,” but the younger brother calls the older brother “hyung.”

“… … Ah, I know. Brother.”

“People lower in rank usually experience the inconvenience of having to use a different language instead of their name. So, in the end, you are calling me older brother.”

“… …Fuck.”

Joo-hyuk eventually gave up on being an older brother. It’s such a quick thing to give up.

“okay. What kind of brother and sister are you now? “I’m a big guy, so I’ll put up with it!”

Mental victory is also incredibly fast.

That’s why I was recognized by society. Sang-hyeon learns something from Joo-hyuk again.

As expected, Kim Joo-hyuk is a person who has a lot to learn.

“Let me eat some too.”

Sang-Hyeon naturally sat down at the table and looked at the food that Joo-Hyeok had made.

This kid’s cooking skills are getting better and better. As expected from an elite, there’s almost nothing this guy can’t do.


Joohyuk’s chopsticks stopped him.

“Hehehe. Just eat some almond flakes.”

“… … That, there’s a lingering aftertaste.”

After several chopstick battles, Joo Hyuk finally confessed that there was leftover food in the kitchen pot.

There were no other side dishes, and there was mapo tofu left.

This tasted pretty good.

The combination of local Chinese and Korean flavors made it new and enjoyable to eat.

I wonder where I learned this from.

“ah. By the way, we have 50,000 subscribers. “Shouldn’t we do something like an event?”

Almond was stunned for a moment.

‘I haven’t thought about it.’

Now that I think about it, I was just thinking of an event where I could give Kim Joo-hyuk a soccer kick when I reached 1 million subscribers.

I never really thought about it.

“hmm… … well. I can’t think of anything in particular. “Think about it yourself.”

“I get it.”

Joohyuk answered simply and quickly finished his meal.

And then I started exploring other channels.

After finishing eating and washing the dishes,

‘It’s already 3 o’clock.’

We headed to the capsule for the broadcast.

It’s the fifth day since I decided to go to DIA.

In two days, half of the promised period will have passed.

‘Is it now Pla 2…? … .’

Already Platinum Tier 2, less than halfway through.

It’s much faster than he had planned. But he can’t let down his guard.

If you lose in a row, all the time you’ve invested will disappear.

Of course, Almond didn’t think of such a case.

It may sound crazy, but

Almond actually wanted to reduce the two weeks to one week.

└Let alone 2 weeks, from my perspective, almonds go to diamonds within 1 week.

After leaving this comment, Almond went inside the capsule.

* * *

“Miss. Do you have anything to say about yesterday’s incident?”

The butler asked.

The wheelchair is turned over. It seemed like he had no intention of giving a proper answer.

“Didn’t the doctor make it clear? Now just a little more──”

“I know. It was a mistake.”

A silent reply came back.

Her eyes were still fixed on the TV. As usual these days, it was Almond’s channel.

[You arrived at Plat 2 sooner than expected, right?]

The butler’s gaze also shifts to the flowing voice.

“… … Do you feel any sense of competition?”

“I did answer. get out.”

It was a voice like cold frost.

A cold that is hard to distinguish from heat.

The butler, sensing that she was truly angry, bowed his head and left.


The woman was left alone again.

[Maybe I can go to Diamond this week? Haha.]

Her eyes were fixed on the screen again, as if wondering who had come and gone.

[I’ll run today anyway.]

Contrary to the horse who seemed to be going for a light jog, Almond continued his winning streak that day.

His MMR had already exploded, and his rating shot up just by winning a few games.

I reached the level 1 promotion match within a day.


I laughed out loud.

This was the end of today’s broadcast.

[I’ll continue running tomorrow.]

The next day, at 3pm, the broadcast came on.

She always came to this room in her wheelchair and turned on his broadcast.

The Platinum 1 promotion match was a fierce battle itself. There were more than one force trying to interfere.

However, it still broke through.

The strategy remained the same.

To clear out the arsenal from the very beginning. To be so ignorant that it’s mind-boggling… … .

It’s a beautiful strategy.

okay. I even felt beauty in breaking through that straight line.

I felt something noble about competing solely on skill.

After being promoted to Plato 1, Almond played a few more rounds and raised his rating somewhat.

And then the next day came.

[It’s finally the first week.]

It’s been 7 days since I declared that I would go to Diamond.

Suddenly… … .

I bit my long fingernails.

It’s an old habit that comes out without me even knowing.

[I’ll try running properly today.]

I was anxious.

Almond’s condition looks particularly good today.


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