Genius Archer’s Streaming Chapter 85

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Genius Archer Streaming Season 1 Episode 85

30. Power suit play (2)


This is the simplest and most ignorant map among Battle Large’s maps.

As the word plaza suggests, it is made up of only a wide flat area, and the only cover is behind the stalls of the shops on the outskirts of the plaza and the huge fountain in the center.

Thanks to this, a heated battle unfolds here, and opinions are divided.

There is always a conflict of opinion between those who say that the fun of survival games is survival, and those who say that playing like that makes the game boring.

Of course, this is good news for Almond, which is leading the always-defeating Yeopo meta.

‘I won.’

Almond was confident of victory after seeing the blue zone shrink to the square.


It is a term referring to the melee that occurs when the final blue zone reduction occurs around the square.

I guess this game is a square game.

-Is it a square square?

-Haha, then isn’t this the first time we’ve had an almond square?

-The plaza is a bit boring

-I like the square battle. It’s hot lol

-The square battle is so hot that everyone dies quickly haha.

Although opinions are divided, Almond fans will generally have higher expectations.

Because almonds prefer a melee.

Moreover, since he is wearing a power suit, there is nothing to be afraid of.

-Power Suit Almond Ramen Square is a great deal

-Really lol

-Really lol Just type really lol

-There are a lot of arrows too.

-There are a lot of maps

-The gun would be too advantageous.

-Whether I win or lose, I want to see it haha.

Almond, who had received a lot of expectations, moved towards the square.


While receiving the powerful thrust of the power suit.

* * *


The first footprints in the square.

The main character is almond.

“I got here first.”

After killing about 7 more players, Almond finally arrived at the square.

The first to arrive were almonds.

-That’s right, you killed all the kids who went before you haha.

-I killed everyone and came first lol

-Ugh lol

Almond wasn’t the fastest runner.

It’s just that he killed all the people who went before him.

“Shall we take a seat… … .”

If you arrive first, you can get the best seats.

If you get a good spot here, it will be much easier to get first place.

[Mr. Jjotmunga donated ‘1,000 won’.]

[There isn’t a particularly good spot for the square exhibition… … .]

[Director of Gandhi Meta Research Institute donated ‘5,000 won’.]

[Just the 2nd floor of the building at the end of the square?]

Almond accepted the feedback and tried to occupy the second floor.

“The second floor of the last building is… … .”

It was ambiguous.

You are too close to the border of the Blue Zone. You may be excluded from the next Blue Zone move. Then, you will be in the most disadvantageous position.

[Papapa donated ‘50,000 won’!]

[How about just shooting around inside the fountain? If you get physical, that might not be so bad.]

“oh. Mr. Papapa. Thank you for your donation of 50,000 won. This is advice that feels sincere. All right.”

-No, you son of a bitch haha.

-Hey, Inma lol

-Hey, hey. You can’t ignore ‘sincerity’~

-But isn’t that Eva the fountain?!

-The fountain is in the exact center of the square, so I think it will be less affected by the blue zone. Isn’t it too flashy?

Although there were various opposing forces.

Almond chose the fountain. According to his intuition, the fountain seemed fine in the current situation.

This fountain was much larger than I thought, so I could spin around and deal with enemies depending on where they were coming from.

Above all, it is the exact center point of the current blue zone area.

Even if the Blue Zone moves next time, this will be included.

“There are various opinions. Let’s give it a try, I guess.”


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Almond walked to the square fountain.

It is a large fountain with nine giant stone statues divided into squares.

Because of its size, there was plenty of room to hide inside.

It’s just a little too wet.


-Into the water?

-Wow lol

-Soaked almonds… …

-Wet almonds are sexy ㅠ

-Isn’t there something like a debuff when you get wet?

-Oh, by the way, it’s not a gun, it’s okay to get wet! lol

Shoot… … !

Water was splashing from all sides and I was getting wet, but I didn’t care. He was going to shoot the arrow anyway.

There was no need to worry about the gunpowder getting wet.


From far away, you can see the enemy entering the Blue Zone.

He is the first guest to enter the square.

Kiririk… … !

Almond pulled the bowstring silently.


The water streams blocked his view, so he didn’t seem to notice.

It started here.


The viewpoint suddenly shifted upward.

* * *

It switched to a drone perspective looking down at Almond’s head.


Joo-hyuk, who was watching the video as if fascinated, realized it again.

Ah, I was watching a video.

For a moment, I forgot that I was watching a video.

He was concentrating as if he had become an almond.

“But why does the view change here?”

So far, it has given me a great sense of immersion through first-person viewing. With about half of the video remaining, the view completely changed.

I feel a little disappointed.

However, the reason was immediately apparent in the next shot.


An arrow flying in a straight line split the water path.

Shoot… … !

It’s a great scene, like a high-quality Hong Kong martial arts movie.


It’s not just cool. Thanks to the split shape of the water channel, I could see exactly which path the arrow was taking.

The tension increased even further when the perspective changed to the first-person perspective of the arrow in the middle.


The waterway split, and white foam splashed everywhere.

And the enemy’s eyes, increasingly confused, came closer.


The arrow shot ended with a hitting sound.

[Almond → Jontelia]



Another drone view from above.

Although we killed one person, the number of enemies actually increased.

Numerous players were entering the square.

Each from a different direction.


Joo Hyuk was surprised.

So many players came? This is information I didn’t know about during the live broadcast.

This was information that could be seen from above. So that’s why it was a drone view.

Joohyuk counted the number of people gathering.

“and… … “It was 1 to 12?!”

I had no idea because I only dealt with one or two people in the live broadcast.

That this was actually a 1 vs. 12 fight.

-Key. Really neat shot.

-He’s coming.

-Brother, there’s another one coming from the left!

-He doesn’t have a pot either ㅋㅋㅋ If you see almonds in the kill log, just look for a pot first~~

Looking at the chat during the broadcast, even the viewers don’t know.

Of course, the 12 players don’t know that they are going to be playing against just one player.


At that time, Almond’s arrow flies through the water one more time.


One player’s head was pierced.

He didn’t die. He had a bulletproof helmet on and rolled straight to the side.

Peewee! Peewee!

But as if they had expected it, two arrows immediately flew in succession.


The water splits twice.

Toad doo doo! He fired his gun at random places and the opponent died.

It’s good that the kill count has increased by one.

He died so loudly.

Now the remaining 11 players notice Almond’s presence.


[There is someone at the fountain.]

[The center was eaten. Damn.]

The square doesn’t really have any concealed space other than the fountain.

It was obvious where the almonds were.

[I figured it all out.]

chuck. chuck. chuck.

All 11 people’s heads turned toward the fountain.

A scene that is no different from a horror movie.

Slowly, the eleven men close in on the street. Clink. All their black gun barrels are pointed at the fountain.

Every time the distance got tighter, it felt like my heart got tighter.

“… … Is this going to work?”

Even Joo-hyuk, who already knew the result, said this on his own.

The almond on the screen calmly prepares for the next explosion.


The protest was drawn, and the two arrows caught in the shaft disappeared in an instant.

Although they were consecutive shots, it would be safe to say that they were fired almost simultaneously.


Two streams of arrows flying through the water.

It hits the foreheads of the two approaching people.

Bam! Bam!

The two died in an instant.

Other players also began returning fire.

Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo!

They shoot without saying who will go first.

The water stream splits into dozens of branches and flows toward the almonds.


The stone statue spouting water is shaking.


It eventually explodes, sending up a cloud of acrid marble dust.

Meanwhile, Almond was fine.

He is already drawing his bow behind another statue.


The water splits.


The opponent also saw the arrow.

[this… … .]


Joo-hyuk instead spit out the last words that the other person could not finish.


The arrow hit the head.

The opponent’s head was suddenly tilted back.

Beyond being wet, it flies as if it had been hit with a sledgehammer.

What is the tension of a bow pulled with a power suit? … .

Once again, the enemies return fire.

Doo doo doo doo!!!


Almond spins around the giant stone statue and disappears from the enemy’s sight.

A hail of bullets tore through the statue.

Another stone statue falls down unexpectedly.

Kwaaaaang… … !

A wave as huge as its weight rose.


Three dots were pierced between the waves.

It was Almond’s arrow.

Shoot… … !

Three arrows flying through the water.

From this point on, the screen became slower.


Joo-hyuk’s eyes widened.

Only then did I see it.

The shape of the current.

The shape of the water current created by the arrow was not a straight line.

‘It’s broken… … !?’

It’s a curve.

All three arrows were curve shots.

I wouldn’t have known if I hadn’t seen the shape of the water current. It was shot so quickly.

Now that I think about it, it was strange.

Clearly, the almond was at an angle where it couldn’t hit the enemy.

I was avoiding the enemy by wrapping around the statue, so there was a statue between the enemy and the almond.

So when the enemies shot, the statue fell down instead of the almonds.

But Almond’s arrow is an exception.


The screen sped up again.

The water parted in an instant, and at the end of it were the heads of three enemies.

Pok! Pok! Pok!

Only one guy wearing a bulletproof helmet barely survived.

Two enemies are dead.


My mouth is wide open.

This is a scene I’ve already seen live.

Does it look this different if you adjust the viewpoint and speed?

Doo doo doo doo doo!

The enemy, barely surviving because of his bulletproof helmet, rolled over and fired his gun.

This is because the location of the almond is not visible from his perspective.

It was the worst possible move.

Because it was like advertising where he was with sound.


Sure enough, an arrow flew straight out and pierced his head.


In the end, the enemy fell.

‘Having a curve shot to the head… … continue… … .’

When I first shot a curve shot, it didn’t seem this familiar.

My skill level has increased in this one game.

He’s hitting heads with curve shots from a great distance.

puck! puck! puck!

Is this a talent?

A huge wall seemed to glimmer in Joo Hyuk’s eyes.

‘How do I overcome this?’

A stupid thought swirled through my head: isn’t the bow a weapon that’s too strong?

That’s right, in a survival game, the technique of avoiding cover and shooting the opponent is a scam. I felt like I would have nothing to say even if I ate the van.

As long as this technology was available, Almond’s strategy was simple. He continues circling the statue, shooting arrows at angles that only he can shoot.

Then you can’t lose.



Waterways that spread each time.

Each time a path is embroidered, it is as if a giant crane is spreading its wings.

When the crane spread its wings──


The last enemy in the square has fallen.

[Almond → Demi Gragas]



Almond’s power suit play video ends here.

* * *

Only then did Joo-hyuk come out of the world in the video.

He quickly checked the comments window.

The comment window is already going crazy.

-Brother. I’m level 1, and I don’t have confidence in winning. Please, get out of here with Diamond.

-Jumong: I confess. Gojoseon was an empty house.

└Empty house f*ckㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

└Gojoseon empty houseㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Wow. I’m a viewer who watched it live. At the time, I was in first-person, so I was so out of it that I didn’t even know if the arrows were bending or what. Water droplets were splashing, fountains were gushing, bullets were flying, the statues kept spinning, and they were even equipped with power suits, so it was so fast that I got motion sickness… … .

└Just reading the text makes me feel crazy… … ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

└Hahaha I have to watch the live replay.

-Fun is live. Admiration is Alltube. A man who eats everything! Almonds!

And then, one of the best comments caught Joohyuk’s attention.

-Wow, is it true that it’s already ranked 41st in real time!?

It got ranked 41st in real-time trending videos.


It was an all-time high performance among Almond’s videos. He quickly entered the game category’s trending topic rankings.

41st) Miho’s ring fit challenge!


Isn’t this almond?

A completely different video was on the list. There is no video of Almond either above or below it.

“ah… … !”


Joohyuk hit his stupid forehead.

Look at the time the comment was posted.

It was a whopping 30 minutes ago.

‘then… … .’

Scroll around to 40th place.

does not exist.

What are the top 30?

As expected, there isn’t any.

At this point, I’m starting to wonder.

Chart robbing?

or not…….


21) Battle Large EP.6 – Yes. Almond is wearing a power suit.


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