Genius Archer’s Streaming Chapter 83

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Genius Archer’s Streaming Season 1 Episode 83

29. Fan service (3)

“Omen! I believe!”

“… … .”

Under Joo-hyuk’s strange toast.


Joo-hyuk, Jia, and Sang-hyeon’s drinking glasses clinked.




They each frowned and let out different exclamations.

Then they each inhaled the stew in their own bowls.

“It’s pretty tasty here.”

Joo-hyuk said while nibbling on an octopus. I was surprised to hear that they put octopus in kimchi stew, but it tastes quite refreshing.

“I know.”

Sanghyun also said as he took a bite of hot tofu.

The only one who doesn’t say anything is Jia.

She just kept slurping down the stew without saying a word.

“Ji, I guess Jia has a bit of a taste for soup and rice.”

Ji-ah looked up at Joo-hyuk, swallowed everything in her mouth, and answered.

“… … It’s delicious. Isn’t it?”

“ah. “It’s delicious!”

“Hey. Pour me some more alcohol.”

It’s still an awkward drinking party for the three of them. Sang-Hyeon knows that in times like these, alcohol is the only cure.


Joohyuk opened the soju bottle with excitement.


The three’s drinking glasses are full again.


All three of them swallowed it all in one bite without any hesitation. I’ll end up with a hangover tomorrow, though.

Aren’t all three of us in jobs where we can just take a day off tomorrow?

“according to!”

Sanghyeon held out his drink again.

At this point, it would be better to go to a bar rather than a stew restaurant for the right atmosphere.

I didn’t want to move from here.

I wanted to stay stuck here forever. Now that all the people I recognize have disappeared, won’t people recognize me when I go out again?

It was fun to pretend to be a celebrity, but I didn’t like people following me when I was drinking.

“Good good.”

Joohyuk poured some more alcohol.

The three drank it all at once.

This was my medicine when I was feeling awkward.

* * *

If too much medicine is taken, people die.

The awkwardness was so overwhelming that it disappeared.

“Hey! Almond… … !”


Ji-ah’s fingers wavered before Sang-hyun’s eyes. Was it me or Seo-ji-ah who was wavering?

“you… … Jiiinjja. “Is it popular?”

Joohyuk stopped him from the side.

“Um, that Mr. Jia?”



Jia pushed Joo Hyuk’s body away. No, she tried to push it away, but she just fell inside.

It’s because I’m so small, and I’m just too drunk.

“I’m coming! But who makes the video!? uh!?”

“You make it.”

Was Sanghyun drunk too? Before we knew it, we had stopped talking to each other.

“Yeah! Huh?”

“So what are you asking me to do?”

“therefore! article… … a little… … ah! I don’t know! Mr. Woo.”


Seo Ji-ah fell sideways again.

This time, it’s the opposite side of Joohyuk. It’s right on the side of the hallway where people are walking around.

Joo-hyuk pulled her up, almost as if grabbing her by the collar.

“Oh. Mr. Jia. No, Jia. “Why are you like this when you’re so young?”

“Joo Hyuk. Do you wish you were older?”


Sang-Hyeon burst into laughter.


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Looking at Kim Joo-hyuk’s expression right now, I couldn’t be more relieved.

“… … That, that’s right.”

“Okay, Joohyeok. Don’t say anything about my age.”

“Even you? You’re 30 too! men and horses!”

“Because I’m actually 28 years old.”

“… … what?”

Kim Joo-hyuk’s expression has now reached a level that cannot be described in words.

‘What is that kid talking about?’ is written right on his face.

“Wh, what do you mean by that?”

“I’m exempt from military service. He is the head of a boy. Then didn’t you think it was strange? “I didn’t have two years in the military, and I didn’t even go to college.”

“Mr. Mr. “I thought you were doing something stupid for about two years!”


Yoo Sang-hyun is still 28 years old.

“Then why did you lie and say you’re in your 30s?! Even on TV!”

“Well, it’s just that everyone around me knows that, and it’s the same whether you’re 28 or 30.”

Kim Joo-hyuk felt like grabbing Seo Ji-ah by the collar with one hand and Sang-hyun by the hair with the other.

“This guy is 3 years younger than me?!”

“I’m almost 29, you know.”

“I’m turning 32 soon, you bastard! “What kind of crazy logic is this!”

“Who went abroad to study for a long time?”


Sanghyeon was so happy that he laughed as if he was going to die.

‘This crazy devil bastard.’

If Joo-hyuk could choose between a red pill and a blue pill, he wanted to choose the blue pill.

I didn’t want to remember anything. I just thought that this was all an illusion, and that Sang-Hyeon was actually 30 years old, a year younger than me… … I wanted to know it as I always knew it.

“Hey. So what? I knew you were young to begin with.”

“Is it like a one year difference!?”

“That’s it. The study abroad group is talking about things like that.”

“No, I went to study abroad, you went──”


At that time, Seo Ji-ah suddenly woke up with her eyes wide open.

Joo-hyuk’s chin was hit by Jia’s head.


The momentum that arose was so great that even the big man Joo-hyuk stumbled.

Sanghyun says wow! I burst out laughing.

Meanwhile, Jia’s gaze is fixed on her cell phone as if she is oblivious to what is going on around her.

“I… … I… … !”

She looked at the notification on her phone and muttered in disbelief.

“Me? Me what?”

“Uh, electronics… … .”


Joo-hyuk and Sang-hyeon looked at each other blankly and tilted their heads.

“The electromagnetic waves turned on the broadcast.”

* * *

If it was the old Sang-Hyeon, wouldn’t it be so surprising that a streamer would turn on the broadcast? He would have been indifferent.

‘Didn’t you say you hadn’t turned it on for 3 years?’

The gap period for electromagnetic waves is three years.

After that, he said he only occasionally filmed advertisements.

In fact, you should consider him no longer a streamer.

They don’t even play the game.

‘no way.’

A viewer’s nickname ‘Papapa’ flashes through Sanghyun’s mind.

He quickly opened his phone and checked Trivi.

As soon as you enter, an electromagnetic wave streaming screen appears on the main screen.

‘How many viewers?’

Not yet displayed.

It looks like it was just turned on. Sang-Hyeon quickly clicked and went in.

“… … uh?”

[This channel is currently off broadcast]

what’s this.

Didn’t you just get a notification? Is it a bug? Is it the wifi?

“Uh… … It’s off, it’s off.”

Jia said the same thing.

That means it’s really off.

“The broadcast came on for a moment, then turned off.”

“… … .”


Sang-Hyeon let out a sigh. He was secretly nervous without even realizing it.

Simply the fact that electromagnetic waves turn on broadcasting.

‘Are you conscious of this as a rival?’

Yes. Maybe a rival.

Considering the splendid history of electromagnetic waves, this may be a presumptuous statement, but…

They were definitely rivals. How many times have they fought on record?

Of course, he can’t even imagine the records he had when he was a pro gamer. At least if it’s the records he had accumulated in other games during his streamer days, Almond has a chance.

“… … what. “I guess it was an error.”

Joohyuk also puts down his phone and leans back on the sofa.

Even he, the manager, seemed quite nervous.

The emergence of electromagnetic waves was actually bad news as Almond’s character would overlap.

At least that’s how it was in Joo Hyuk’s mind.


He breathed a sigh of relief.

“Ugh… … .”


Jia is now lying face down on the table, asleep. She was not in her right mind to begin with, but it seems that she woke up with superhuman strength for a moment because of the start of the electromagnetic wave broadcast.

‘Are you a fan of microwaves?’

Considering Jia’s personality, it wouldn’t be surprising if she were a fan of electronic waves.

It is rather natural to think that due to a long period of inactivity, they have moved to a similar type, almond.

“Let’s go now.”

Sanghyun stood up first.

I went to the cashier and handed over the bill.

“ah. “I don’t take money.”

“… … yes?”

The boss doesn’t take money.

“Why, why?”

“You were hired as our franchise model, right? Hahaha!”

The boss gives me a look that says, ‘I know you know that too.’

I know, I know, what the hell.

“I haven’t accepted that yet.”


It was a brand that may or may not receive advertising yet.

“ah… … Is that so? ha ha ha! The representative is so… … “I’m excited.”

“Here you go.”

Sanghyun held out a card.

Still, the president shook his head.

“Then it would have been better. Our successor store! Just remember! ha ha ha!”

He refused to pay the bill at all costs.

“Please think about advertising again! Please take good care of me, CEO!!!”

Even before leaving, he saw me off with a 90-degree bow. It was a bit burdensome, but it wasn’t a bad feeling.

“hey. “I was wondering why old guys like flattery so much?”

“… …Why?”

“Don’t you know? I got it right away! Hahaha!”

Aside from not being in a bad mood, Joo-hyuk seems to be in a very good mood.

He also picked up the staggering Seo Ji-ah himself.

Sang-Hyeon shook his head.

“Hey, Zia, I’ll carry you.”

“Eh? “You’re drunk too.”

“No. What do you mean by drunk?”

“Okay. I’m taller.”

“Because I’m stronger.”

Of course, that’s natural since he was an athlete. Joo-hyuk tilted his head and put Seo-ji-ah down and handed her over to Sang-hyun.

“Don’t regret it later?”

“Please put your hat on properly behind me.”

“I get it.”

Sang-hyeon wears a hat attached to his coat and wraps himself tightly. Because I think it would be painful if someone found out again.

“What’s wrong with you? “Even when the female employees asked me to take them there, they didn’t do it.”

Sanghyun hesitated to answer for a moment.

I also think about why I am taking Jia with me.

“Fan service.”

This was his answer.


“What? Isn’t it? “He’s almost my first fan.”

“… … Ah. That’s right.”

“You have to do this much.”

Almond Fan Sergia.

That was how I first got to know Gia.

Yes. Before she was an editor, she was also a big fan of almonds.

“hey! almond… … ! you… … Jiyeonjja is popular? I’m coming to Joho! But who makes the video!? uh!?”

A smile spread across Sang-Hyeon’s lips at the auditory hallucination mixed with Jia’s breath.

Maybe he thought that he, a true fan, was only nice to other fans.

“let’s go.”

Sang-Hyeon smiles brightly and confidently takes the lead.

And in front of the hellish staircase, he ended up handing Jia over to Joo-hyuk.

* * *


Jia woke up clutching her head, which felt like it was about to break.

“… … eww.”

It was a hangover that made me groan involuntarily.

However, she was used to it.

Instinctively, he crawled to his fridge. Squeak. He took out one of the hangover cures that had filled a section.

Empty one can cleanly.


Thanks to the placebo effect, I’m finally starting to open my eyes a little.

“Hey! Almond… … !”


Jia’s eyes wavered.

Who is that drunken woman’s voice?

Why is there so much aegyo mixed in with the topic that is similar to my voice?

“You… are you really popular?”

Now his face was turning bright red.

As if what I just shot wasn’t a hangover cure but pure tequila.

“I’m coming! But who makes the video!? uh!?”

I wanted to die.

I opened the refrigerator again.

There is no such thing as pesticides.

If I had known this would happen, I would have bought it in advance.


A deep sigh coming from the dantian.

Why on earth do you drink alcohol?

‘Because it’s good! Because it’s delicious!’

The answer comes straight out of my other self. Without even an inch of hesitation.


She shook her head and sat down in front of the computer. Although she had a lot of work to do.

“I love you Lee Joohyun! please write it down!”

I didn’t really want to do it because of the memory that suddenly popped up again.

It wouldn’t matter if the video was uploaded a day late, that damn nut guy.

‘Let’s just watch a movie.’

With that in mind, she executed Let, Flex!

There is something called ‘Pandora’s box’.

For a movie title, it’s really old-fashioned.

“Fan Service”

It’s Almond’s voice.

For a moment, I thought it was coming from the computer, but then I felt the warmth of his back against my leanings.

“You’re my first fan.”

‘what… … hey?’

Jia seemed frozen, staring blankly at the screen.

In the preview that ran by itself, the cursed box was opened.

One by one, bad things start popping out all at once.

Something brighter is slowly crawling out.


Gia turned off the window.

Instead, an editing program was launched.

I checked the time.

‘I think it will take about 7 hours.’

Would around 9 am be okay?

Almond will be able to wake up and check by then.

A faint smile appeared on his lips.

The condition was the worst, but for some reason, my movements were light.


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