Genius Archer’s Streaming Chapter 81

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Genius Archer Streaming Season 1 Episode 81

29. Fan service (1)

[Platinum Ⅱ]

A veil that shines with dazzling light.

“oh… … “You’ve been promoted.”

There are only two steps left to reach the diamond rank. Even though less than a week has passed since I decided to go within two weeks.


-Ooooooooo… … .

-Wow, you really did it lol

-Almonds are really going to go for diamonds?

-It seems almost certain that another electromagnetic record will be broken.

-If you can do this even with a sniper, then you’ve really said everything.

-I’m not kidding, seriously lol

-I wish the electromagnetic waves had worked harder back then… … .

-What are electromagnetic waves doing these days? Are you just not active? Give this arrogant nut a real education!

I’m going to Diamond in two weeks. When this announcement first came out, everyone was skeptical.

Even Almond’s fans only perceived it as cute spirit.

At the time, I was a complete beginner who had only played two rounds.

But now it has become a foregone conclusion that almonds will reach diamond rank.

It has become a foregone conclusion that the monthly record for electromagnetic waves will be broken.

It was just a question of how big a gap there would be.

“everyone. “Today’s goal has been achieved, so let’s go now.”



-Aren’t you going to Almond Diamond?! Aren’t you going for almond diamonds?! Isn’t there an almond diamond?! Aren’t you going for almond diamonds?!

-Oh, why!

-ㅠㅠㅠㅠ Abba


The chat window becomes a sea of ​​tears.

[No, you donated ‘10,000 won’!]

[You’re going to Diamond?]

[Ruby Sword donated ‘10,000 won’!]

[Take care of your health~]

[Gajibokkeum donated ‘5,000 won’.]

[go for it]

Unfortunately, Almond had to turn off the broadcast.

Because there are health issues too.

“Thank you, Ruby Sword. Stir-fried Eggplant. I’ll be going now! Tva!”

* * *


The capsule lid opened with the familiar sound of hydraulics.

Almond, soaked in sweat, walked out like a zombie.

‘After flying around in a power suit, when I return to reality, it feels like I’m wearing some kind of heavy straitjacket.’

The reason he looks particularly tired today is because he experienced the power suit.

Because of that, the broadcast ended early.

‘Was I too immersed?’

Is it just me?

Almond wondered if this was something he was the only one experiencing. If this happened to everyone, it would definitely get people talking. I’ve never even heard of a similar phenomenon.

Joo-hyuk catches up and talks to him.

“Have you had a hard time today? “You don’t know in the beginning, but they completely wipe out everything in the second half.”

He seemed to notice that he looked more tired than usual. Well, it was earlier than when the broadcast was originally scheduled to end, so you will know right away.

“Ah… … It seems like dealing with those snipers up front was a bit difficult.”

Sanghyun answered briefly and headed straight to the bathroom to take a shower.

“Oh, right. I’ll report those snipers and feed them to you.”

It didn’t seem like it would be heard while showering, but Joohyuk shouted anyway.

“It was in the community.”

Joo Hyuk accessed the community site again.

It was the largest community in Battle Raj, called Baera 31.


Joohyuk’s eyes grew wide.

It definitely wasn’t like this when I logged in an hour ago.

‘The broadcast just ended?’

Has it been five minutes since Sanghyun’s broadcast ended?

1st place) Today’s Almond Power Suit Play

2nd place) Almond ‘just one’ plate 2 achieved!

3rd place) Miho, remarks about almonds

4th) Miho’s outfit today ㄷㄷ

5th place) Bubble Gum, back to the Battle Large main game! Odds updated! 0.04% → 0.03%


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The three letters ‘almond’ have already begun to appear quite often in the issue posts.

And there was one article that caught my eye at the end.

‘Bubble gum. ‘Here we go again.’

Bubble Gum, a comprehensive game streamer, keeps changing its stocks. Once you clear one game, you move on to the next game.

For endless online games, decide on the main game of the season and play it.

When I met Almond before, Battle Large was not the main game of the season.

It was just a one-off event.

Since the main online game last quarter was already Battle Large, there were many opinions that it seemed unlikely that it would become the main game again.

But it seems like the main game for this quarter has been decided to be Battle Large.

‘The manager wasn’t talking nonsense.’

Joo Hyuk had been informed about this in advance.

I received a call from Bubble Gum manager Park Seong-tae the other day.

“I plan to focus on Battle Large this quarter as well. I think it would be good if the meeting with Almond could happen naturally.”

He had already assumed that he would meet Almond. Due to the nature of the tutoring format, it was something that could only be done by reaching the Diamond rank.

“Isn’t achieving the Diamond Rank a certain future? “It’s a question of whether or not you can break the record.”

Park Seong-tae had no doubt that almonds would lead to diamonds.

‘You know how to look at people.’

Joohyuk smiled brightly and continued to scroll down his mouse.

“Ah. I found it.”

I finally found the article I was looking for.

[Today’s Almond Broadcast Sniper List LOL]

A post that someone kindly created a list of.

Joohyuk scratched out their IDs and pasted them into a notepad.

Even though they couldn’t report and feed them because the queues overlapped once, they were determined to somehow feed them a stop if it happened multiple times.

“By the way, these guys, public opinion has completely changed. Really.”


I started laughing as I read the posts trying to find the snipers.

[When will the almonds arrive at the diamonds? 8 days? 9 days?]

[A week before the electromagnetic wave record was shattered by a factor of 2 haha]

[Electromagnetic waves have become obsolete now haha]

Not long ago, there was a lot of talk about almonds never being able to overcome electromagnetic waves, which was absurd.

The main concern now is how large a gap we can overcome against electromagnetic waves.

People who advocated for electromagnetic waves were treated as ‘out-of-the-box’ or ‘obsolete’.

* * *

I felt refreshed after finishing the shower.


Thump, thump.

After roughly drying off the water with a towel, I put it on my head.

I opened the refrigerator and consumed a sweet instant fruit pudding.

Because I feel like I need sugar.


It tastes satisfying.

After eating snacks, my condition recovered quite a bit.

I checked the time.

‘It’s still 6pm.’

If it were a company, it would be time to prepare for overtime after dinner, but now the work day is over.

That’s because the promotion match ended in just one game.

‘This is a skill game.’

Sang-Hyeon lay down on the bed feeling relieved.

What is a power suit? Will my body feel as light as when I lie down in bed after doing all my work?

I felt really good.

As usual, he lay down and looked at his phone. After tasting various AllTube videos, I eventually checked the community’s reaction.

“… … oh.”

The hottest streamer on Baera 31 recently was Almond.

The article on the issue is plastered with the word “almond.”

Even though it was a virtual space, it was exciting to know that so many people knew me.

This is even more exciting for Sanghyun, who was born to be interested.

‘Is the response good?’

Moreover, today’s reaction was the highest among public opinion we have seen so far.

[The snipers shake their heads and get promoted. Cleared land]

[ㄹㅇ This is my first time being promoted in such a manly manner]

[Barbarian Almond… … .]

First of all, the fact that he took out the snipers in the early battles was getting a pretty good response.

[Almond 5 to 1 GIF]

A GIF showing a 5-on-1 fight was receiving considerable attention.

‘… … 5 to 1?’

Sang-Hyeon tilted his head.

Was it 5 to 1? I think it was 4 at most.

When I went in, it was 5 vs 1, including the opponent who had thrown the sword at me and the golden goblin.

“Hey. This is 1 on 1.”

Sang-Hyeon looks back at his own GIF while giggling.

It’s 1 on 1 at first.

After that one person is dealt with, three people suddenly attack.

That 3-on-1 scene was satisfying even to me. It was a dagger action reminiscent of an action movie.

It’s a shame that there’s no sound because it’s a gif.

-Wow ten lol

-I’ll go see it right away.

-I can’t believe I can’t watch this live. Losing half of your life… … .

-I have to watch it when it comes up on YouTube. That’s even better lol

└ㄹㅇ Almond is also a bit of an AllTube editor.

└The editor’s name is Seo Ji-ah? How do you know?

└I used to be active as a fan page. Almond fan Seo Ji-ah

“… … No. I even know your name, Jia.”

The level of interest is ridiculously high. It feels strange.

Almond moves on to the next article.

[Jan──son! Hahahahahahahaha this crazy bitch hahahahaha]

[Janson is so funny haha]

[Wow, that’s ㄹㅇ God of broadcasting helps me hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha janson

There are many articles saying that Jansen wearing a power suit was funny.


Just because he was a sniper didn’t necessarily mean he was harming the broadcast. In fact, there were more broadcasts that had success while dealing with snipers.

In particular, the legendary ‘Ovidobi’ was a famous scene that will remain in the history of streamers.

In that sense, Jansen also seemed like a character that was quite helpful to the success of the show.

‘It was funny.’

Even Almond, when I think back on it, can’t help but chuckle, so that says it all.

A huge fan of Almond in a power suit.

It’s funny when I think about it now.

[Bringing the Jansen video! Sound is a must!]

This article got an unusually high number of recommendations. I think it’s because I brought the video while I was curious about Jansen.

In the video, ‘Mom, I want to be an almond when I grow up!’ Janson is seen running towards you while shouting lines such as:


-ㄹㅇ Madness

-I can’t believe I can’t watch this live, lol

-Oh, that’s such a shame. Will this be uploaded to AllTube? Hahahahahahaha

-Whahahaha crazy

-You look like a crazy person wearing a power suit.



└Oh… … Men.



-ㄹㅇ The god of entertainment helped me

└Still, a sniper is a sniper.

Almond left a comment at the end and then moved on to another post.

I had no intention of forgiving Jansen.

[The cool thing about destroying the 5 brothers]

The five brothers of Merjeri?

I thought about that for a moment and then burst into laughter again.

It seems that he calls the five people who shot him the Five Brothers of Murder.

==== ====

When going up to the second floor while stabbing with a knife.

Wasn’t it really cool? ㅠㅠ

I feel like I’m watching the main character of some thriller movie!

==== ====

It was such a trivial matter.

I can’t believe this thing gets so many recommendations. It was amazing.

-That’s right ㅠㅠ


-I really never imagined that would happen haha.

└Really lol

└The viewers taught you that!

-You did that because you received feedback from viewers! Sweet Almond!

-Wow, someone, please make some gifs. It’s so hard to find them on replay…

Still, there are a lot of comments. Basically, any article about almonds has a lot of comments.



Almond learns some new information there.

-Isn’t that the electromagnetic waves of the person named ‘Papapa’ who taught me this?

└What kind of bullshit is this lol


└No, really. Papa Papa Electromagnetic Wave Trivi Nick? It’s a sub, but it’s real. I know because I am a die-hard fan.

└ㅈㄹ ㄴㄴ

└Could electromagnetic waves be giving advice there?

Electromagnetic waves?

Sang-Hyeon, who had been lying down comfortably, sat up.

The moment I heard the nickname Papapa, there were chats that suddenly passed by.


It may have been a trivial comment, but for some reason, Sanghyeon wanted to check it properly.

He logged into his Trivi account on his mobile phone and checked the chat log.

-Go up while stabbing with a knife.

-If you cut it with a knife… … Ah, I guess I should support it.

-oh. Sure.

-What is that bow thing? Wow, this is my first time seeing this.

-If you have a power suit, just kill them all by slowly tightening them outside the magnetic field.

-From now on, let’s sweep everything away!

… … If it’s ordinary, it’s an ordinary chat log.

“It’s strange.”

But the feeling wasn’t ordinary.

Each and every word was correct.

Everything he said was the best decision he could make in that situation.

At least that’s how Almond saw it.

Even if you can make a few good decisions, is it possible for the average viewer to chat like this all the time?


Then Joo-hyuk knocks on the door.

“uh. why.”

“hey. “Let’s go out and eat today for the first time in a while.”

“uh? where?”

“I’m craving kimchi stew, and I found a new chain restaurant.”

“Why are you going to a chain store?”

“I suggested you advertise there, so I wanted to see if it tasted good.”

“Ah… … That ten thousand year old tradition?”

“okay. there.”


Joo-hyuk laughs at the absurd modifier “10,000 years of tradition.”

I looked at the time, it was 6:40 PM.

It was time to eat anyway.

“ah… … okay.”

“Would you like a glass of soju too?”


It was my first time eating out.

I haven’t been out for anything other than work, and this is probably the first time since Joo-hyuk moved in and we had a chicken dinner.

‘looks delicious.’

Beer with chicken is good, but soju with kimchi stew is also good.


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