Genius Archer’s Streaming Chapter 8

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Genius Archer’s Streaming Season 1 Episode 8

3. Who is Almond?(3)

Although the number of active people is small, the amount of posts is as large as any other mid-sized game community.

A community with good value for money.

A community with faces you know every day.

This is the story of ‘Kingchiman’ (short for ‘King Age Story Only’), a community of Kingdom Age.

Since the game had become so stagnant that information sharing took a back seat and most of the conversation was about game-related small talk.

Of course, that was King Chi’s true fun.

For that fun, ‘Dotori-muk’, a comprehensive game streamer and so-called corporate streamer, occasionally visits Kingchiman.

He put his chin down and scrolled down the bulletin board, wondering if there was anything about me, when he noticed a story that was mentioned a lot today.


I see the word almond a lot.

[It was really almonds]

[I don’t know if it’s almonds or peanuts.]

[It’s currently on air. Come and see.]

Here’s another retard streamer playing Kingdom Age.

He also really likes Kingdom Age, but it’s such an unpopular game that he ended up switching to a general game streamer a long time ago.

Acorn jelly clicks on one of the posts, half with joy and half with sympathy.

There was a link to a video in that post. In the thumbnail, Almond was holding a bow.

“… … Bow? A bow challenge?”

Even before he watched the video, his head started to hurt.

“under. “It’s the appearance of another pervert.”

Even as he said that, his mouth was smiling. He wondered if he had found his comrade.

He quickly clicks on the video.

The video was shocking enough to instantly make the corners of his smiling mouth snap back to where they were.

The first scene was amazing.


The person named Almond in the video immediately pierced the head of the leader, Burka, as soon as the bandit event started.

“W-what is this?”

I had to go back and look at that part of the acorn jelly again. It happened so quickly that I couldn’t really understand it.

Piyuung… … !

The arrows flew, and Burqa couldn’t even react to the flying arrows.


It was just instant death.

“… … This can’t be happening.”

It is commonly known that a headshot kills instantly. However, it is not completely ‘instant’. There was a bit of a delay. However, Almond has now killed an elite mob called Burka instantly.

It wasn’t just a headshot.

“Perfect shot… is it?”

Perfect shot.

It is a higher rating than a headshot.

In Kingdom Age, it is known that if you hit a vital point, you die instantly.

In the case of boss-level enemies, they won’t die right away if you shoot one arrow like that into their vital spot.

A perfect shot is something that can send even those people off with one shot.

This perfect shot is a hidden element of the game that is not well known.

Even in this community full of veterans, it has only been mentioned a few times.

There is no need to mention that. Because such a decision will never be made!

This is truly an extremely difficult level.

First of all, the arrow must have been fired for the first time towards the target and must be pulled with full charge. Also, the charging time should not be long, and as far as is known, it should be fired within 1.5 seconds.

The most difficult thing of all is the target.

You have to hit the exact center of the vital spot, not just the critical spot.

This means that among those small parts, you have to aim for an even smaller point.

It’s an absurd condition.

But as if to prove that it doesn’t make sense, the arrow in the video blows a hole in the exact center of another magic enemy’s vital spot.


“also… … .”

It was another perfect shot.

All subsequent shots were the same.

What happened?

I couldn’t believe there was a human being capable of something like this.


For a moment, I suspected nuclear weapons. It’s a foolish suspicion. What kind of idiot would even use nuclear weapons in a manga game like this? It’s not even a game where you compete with other people.

“If not nuclear, then what? An Olympic gold medalist? This is crazy.”

Acorn jelly was almost right on the mark without me knowing it, but I didn’t know it.

“Who the hell is it?”

He became curious about the person named Almond.

How many years of gaming experience do you have and how much practice have you had? What is know-how? … .

After searching the site with the keyword ‘almond’.

“Oh my god, this is crazy.”


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He ended up sinking into a state of self-loathing.

I checked a few more times, but there was too much clear evidence.

The viewers watching the broadcast in real time were also witnesses.

“Cheo, Cheo, this is your first time doing it!?”

There was fear in Dotori-muk’s eyes.

jealousy? period? These are the feelings I get when a seemingly easy-going guy is better than me.

Now he was feeling ‘awe’.

In front of the world’s unparalleled genius.

“X, X foot, I need to see that too.”

It was time for him to turn on the broadcast soon, but that thought had long since been erased from his mind the moment Burka was killed by a single arrow.

He enters his capsule to look at Almond as if he were possessed, and names the tree Almond.

It was the same battle scene with the bandits that we saw earlier.

However, it was a little different.

‘What is this?’

Rather than fighting the magic enemies, he was hunting them while following them.

* * *

“Purchase them! Catch them all and kill them!!”

With Roman’s loud shout, the entire mercenary group charged forward.


“Kill me!”

Almond also rode quickly.

The wind tossed and shook him, but Almond remained calm and aimed his bow.

“almond! “Are you planning on shooting an arrow while riding your horse?”

Roman followed and urged him on.

He knew Almond’s skills well, but it was a completely different story than shooting an arrow from a running horse.

When running, it was usually advantageous to use a spear or sword. Then, the speed of the horse could be converted into destructive power, which was advantageous in many ways.

“When running, a weapon that strikes like a spear or blunt weapon is advantageous.”

However, Almond had no intention of using another weapon.

“I’m fine.”

Almond expressed his opinion that he would use the bow as is. It was a strange obsession.

‘I enjoy shooting archery.’

I haven’t been able to hold a bow properly for 10 years, so I’m bound to have regrets.

The problem is that Roman is not one to accept the opinions of his subordinates at all.

Even that was an exception for almonds.

“Okay, you can do it.”

He accepted Almond’s opinion.

-Is that Roman?

-Isn’t just the name Roman?

-Wow, that’s ridiculous. I feel like my partner is spitting at me and making fun of me in front of a popular guy.

-The analogy is perfect haha.

Roman suddenly becomes a flirtatious partner.

However, Roman firmly believed in Almond and rode forward.

-But it would be hard to shoot while riding a horse… … .


-There aren’t many advantages.

‘That’s right.’

Sang-Hyeon also agreed.

Of course, Sang-Hyeon has never ridden a horse.

Can you really shoot properly while shaking violently up and down?

That’s also questionable.

However, I was not without confidence.

‘Anyway, shooting a moving target is something I’ve never done before in a game. I’ll be able to do this in no time.’

Anyway, games were made so that you could play everything. As with all sports.

He ruminates on this and knocks the arrow with confidence.


As the bowstring is pulled back, Sang-Hyeon’s eyes follow one of the fleeing bandits.

Even on a horse that vibrated violently, Sanghyun’s release did not waver at all.

His hand on the bowstring did not move at all.

How many times have I imagined this unwavering right hand over the past ten years?


The bow flies straight toward the target and sticks.



The bandit’s neck was pierced by a skewer. Since the arrow was shot while he was on horseback, it was natural for him to fall off his horse.


After that, other magic enemies that followed behind stepped on them and killed them.

‘It hit the neck. I was aiming for the head.’

Since the target was shaking up and down, it seemed like I had to match the beat to hit it accurately.


-Are you crazy?

-I’m defeated!

-Horseback archery!

-Look, you sheep! This is Joseon’s bow!

Viewers thought the arrow that pierced the neck had hit the mark. In fact, it is the same thing to die if you are hit in the neck or the back of the head.

‘This won’t work.’

But Sanghyun was not satisfied. He wanted to get it perfect.

People often say that geniuses have high standards, right?

Sang-Hyeon is also like that.

He liked to push himself and achieve things. Sang-Hyeon was born a beast. There was no compromise when it came to things he was a professional at.

Sanghyeon drove the horse faster.


Dagdak! Dagdak!

The horse’s back bounced up and down more violently.

‘You have to engrave the beat on your body.’

Sang-Hyeon began to match the swaying of his body to the rhythm of the horse’s swaying. When he rose, his body rose, and when he came down, his body fell.

Then at one moment.

Sang-Hyeon held his breath and his eyes sparkled like a beast.



The bowstring was pulled back to full draw in an instant.


The arrow follows a slight parabola… … .


It pierced cleanly through the center of the head of the magic enemy that was running away at the forefront.


-Is it worse than before?

Hehehe… … !

As the lead horse fell, the ranks of fleeing bandits collapsed.

Peewee! Peewee!

Sanghyeon continued to follow and shoot with his bow, and all his arrows landed in the same place.

Right in the center of the head.

One by one, the bandits who had become corpses immediately fell down from their horses.

“Kill him!”


Whack! Whack!

Thanks to this, the mercenary group caught up to the bandits and started to fight them off by swinging their swords and spears wildly.

From this point on, it was not a hunt, but a massacre.

“You are a god-given archer!”

This is what Roman shouted at Sang-Hyeon.

The other mercenaries also shouted one word at a time.

“Oh my god, I’ve never seen such archery skills in my life!”

“Isn’t this the resurrection of Robin Hood?”

“I won’t believe it even if I see it with my own eyes.”

They were all bad veterans who would have been busy teasing new recruits.

-Wow… …Self-loathing.

– Hahaha, the partner girl effect.

-Hey hey. Seniors… … So there’s something like that too… … .

Those veterans now look up at Sang-Hyeon like children watching a magic show and praise him.

-No kidding. This is seriously awesome.

-I can’t believe such a talented person appeared in Kingdom Age.

Of course, the situation in the chat window was no different.

There’s one more thing.

A surprising situation occurs for Sang-hyeon.



[Dotorimuk donated ‘100,000 won’.]

[All Perfect Shots… … Is this true?]

It was the first sponsorship I received after the broadcast started.

A whopping 100,000 won worth of sponsorship.


-Why are you here, hyung…?

-Is it real? Is it real acorn jelly?

-I’m coming hahahaha

-Turn on the broadcast, muk shack~!


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