Genius Archer’s Streaming Chapter 76

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Genius Archer Streaming Season 1 Episode 76

27. Towards Diamond (2)

To advance to Pla 2, you had to win a total of 12 games.

Winning here means making it into the top 10. If you count as first place, 4 rounds would be enough.

It is impossible to do all 12 rounds in one day, but it is possible with 4 rounds.

‘It will be smooth sailing until the promotion.’

Almond was confident.

As before, we will continue our four-game winning streak without losing first place even once.

[Ruby Sword donated ‘10,000 won’!]

[Mission: 100,000 won if you arrive at the promotion level 2 within today without difficulty]

Thanks to the support of long-time viewer Ruby Sword, today’s goal has become clearer.

“thank you. Ruby Sword. “100,000 won.”

– Haha, it’s 100,000 won in advance.

-It’s still 10,000 won?


-Almond Shack… … In the old days, if you had 100,000 won, you could commit suicide by shooting an arrow in the head… … .

“There has been a lot of support and missions from the beginning. Thank you. Let’s run once──”

Battle Large was up and running, so I thought I’d give it a try.


This kind of sponsorship came in, along with the sound effect of a 100,000 won sponsorship.

[Onion Juice donated ‘100,000 won’!]

[Hyung. Tell me the story of the broadcast! Is Yoo Ha-yeon pretty in real life?!]


I have never received this type of support before.

This is the first time we have received support in the form of requesting the release of an editorial.

Until now, Almond has been a strictly game-oriented streamer.

“It’s pretty. very.”

-brother. Please tell me more lol.

-Almond: 100,000 won! What a sincere request!

-Try to solve today’s story!

-Please let me know about the medical check-up haha.

“I saw it in real life and only later saw it on the screen, and I think it’s a little prettier in real life. There’s almost no difference. The doctor is an ordinary person, so why bother arguing? … .”

The majority of viewers come just to watch the game.

But now the atmosphere was strange.

Is it because it was right after a big incident, or is it because the viewer base has changed? … .

It seemed like he wanted me to tell him more about what happened yesterday.

[Oh Soi donated ‘10,000 won’!]

[How did you feel when the electromagnetic wave record was tied?]

[Samyeon donated ‘1,000 won’.]

[Why were you taken away at the end? What did the doctor say!]

These donations suddenly poured in.

‘Well, something pretty big happened, so is it strange to just let it go?’

It tied the record for electromagnetic waves. This is a huge event in the industry.

I could have just gotten a flat on the batch, and dismissed it as the electromagnetic waves not doing their best. But the Survive test is a different story.

-What? What is the same as electromagnetic waves?

-What happened… … .

-I’m the only one who doesn’t know. Is it just me?!

Viewers who only watch Almond’s live broadcasts are not aware of the issues and are therefore unable to follow along.

‘I think it would be good to take some time to unravel the story.’

Bubble Gum’s broadcasts always have a ‘Just Chatting’ section at the beginning.

It is a time to chat with viewers and simply exchange greetings and stories about things that have happened in the past.

Almond is now a broadcast that is watched by 8,000 people, so I didn’t know that it would take that much time.

“hmm… … Thank you for your support, Osoi. “When the score was tied, I thought it was the main move and grabbed the manager by the collar.”


-Crazy hahahaha

-Ah, what is TMI lol?

-You’re so honest lol

-It really did seem like a fabrication.

-Neck grab ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ crazy ㅋㅋ

-Hello. This is Manager Kim Joo-hyuk. I really grabbed that kid by the collar.

“Ah. Joohyeok. Joohyeok, stop it.”

-Joo-hyuk hit Joo-hyuk ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Much ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Crazy lol I guess it’s real.

-Steamed appearance.


At that time, the capsule shook.

“Oh… … Joohyuk actually lives with me. “I just hit the capsule and went.”


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-Oh my gosh, I’m going crazy

-Were you a real manager? And did you really hit the capsule?

-I can’t believe I actually grabbed him by the collar lol.

-Tsk tsk

-Are you going to act up because you’re scared!? That’s too much, Almond!!

“But it’s not Suzaku. The engineer there explained it. “It’s strange to me, but I don’t think there was any intervention that led to this result.”

-Oh, well.

-Well, Fantasia isn’t a hole-in-the-wall store or anything lol

-What a masterpiece in this era. It’s not even the old 3 public broadcasters lol.

-Really lol

“Yes. Fantasia advertises their own products, there’s no way they would do something like that, right? And if I was going to do it, I would have made it live at least 0.00001 seconds longer than the electromagnetic waves.”

-Really lol


-LOL That’s right.

-Almond’s true feelings: Fake it

Depending on what Almond says, different people react in different ways.

And that too in real time.

“I never asked you to do anything. What are you talking about?”




-Sorry, sorry… … lol

They say that when celebrities first become famous, they live for the fun of reading comments about themselves.

Streamers experience it in real time.

Especially with 8,000 viewers, the number is huge.

‘It’s quite fun.’

It’s one of the fun things that came about as the number of viewers increased.

Of course, there are side effects, but the benefits are also enormous.

– Sir. Medical check! Tell me!

-Please answer the support question later too ㅋㅋㅋ

-???: Ah, a thousand won isn’t real~ Huh?

-One thousand won? Ugh!

Almond remembered that he had support behind him.

“Ah. Thank you for your support, Samyeon. I saw it too late. The reason I was carried away last is because I have a constitution that doesn’t tolerate being in a capsule well.”

-Is there such a constitution?

-Taeyangin. Is this noise?!

-Really? Hahahahaha

-Oh my gosh ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

-I’m worried, brother.

“It’s nothing to worry about. Just don’t play the game for too long.”


-A indulgent reaction is essential.

-Isn’t this rat poison for streamers?

“They say if you exercise consistently, you will get better.”

This was a lie.

The doctor never said it would get better. He simply said that it was ‘best’ to exercise consistently and have good eating habits.

‘It will get better.’

This was just Almond’s wish.

He liked this job. He got to interact with people who liked him, and he also had fun shooting arrows in the game.

Currently, there is no better job for a person named Yoo Sang-hyun.

I wanted to do it for a long time without any problems.

[Odeng donated ‘2,000 won’.]

[Honestly, I am more talented than electromagnetic waves. Yes or No]

“hmm. Talent is a vague concept, so I’ll just say no. “I think everything is a result.”



-This is a trap card if you choose yes. Ten hahaha

-Right, even if it’s actually yes, how do you choose it?

-It’s a trap investigation!

[Papapa donated ‘2,000 won.’]

[Honestly, I don’t know much about electromagnetic waves!]

It was a straight-forward question.

In fact, he doesn’t know much about electromagnetic waves.

However, recently, ‘Survive!’ I watched a few videos to conduct the test.

He was definitely a great guy.

“I’ve heard the name, but I don’t really know much about it because I haven’t really been interested in virtual reality games for very long. I’ve been trying to learn about it recently. But I noticed that he barely speaks during the broadcast.”

-ㅇㅇ Electromagnetic waves, your voice is complex.

-That’s the character haha.

-Still, I will say it when the interview airs.

-I like that voice.

– Haha, it’s not a man’s voice that women would like.

-They say he has a complex, but what;;

I see. I didn’t know there were such circumstances.

[Calm Bukgyeol donated ‘1,000 won’.]

[Honestly, I see electromagnetic waves as X food Yes or No]

-Ugh haha ​​…


-Crazy hahahaha

-That’s so funny

-What’s with the sudden rush lol?

Sponsorship that came suddenly. This kind of sponsorship walks a fine line, but honestly, it’s fun.

But if you leave it as it is, you will definitely get angry later on. Because once you cross the line, it will retreat indefinitely.

Almond responded as he had been taught without any hesitation.

“Joo-hyuk. This guy’s van.”

-Crazy hahaha paid van


-Pay 2,000 won and get a car

-No mercy!

Almond actually studies more about leading broadcasts by watching bubble gum than studying games.

We know full well that the essence is not a game but a broadcast.

More than anything, I’m good at games to begin with.

[An awakened citizen donated ‘1,000 won.’]

[Right or Left]

“He’s in a van too!”

* * *

dark room.

A cold voice murmured.

“How long are you going to keep talking?”

It’s a woman’s voice as cold as ice. Did she even hear what I said?

[Okay, now let’s start the game.]

Almond, who has been talking for a while, finally starts playing the game.

And he completely defeated the 2nd level promotion match with all his might.

I did miss first place once, but that was because I was unlucky and couldn’t find a single bow.

The rest all took first place as if it were a given, and eventually succeeded in reaching the promotion match within a day.

[Today’s broadcast will end here. I will continue with the promotion match tomorrow.]

“… … .”

The woman turned off the TV without saying anything.

I turned the wheel of my wheelchair and left the room.

The lights came back on in the empty room at 3pm the next day.

Almond’s broadcast is playing on TV again.

[Today is the Pla 2 promotion match. If you get first place, you get a promotion right away, right? I will go as quickly as possible.]

plod along.

Someone is walking. He is a middle-aged man who looks older.

“miss. Do you see me today too?”


The answer from the wheelchair that turned around was simple.

The gaze is fixed on the TV.

The gaze of middle-aged people is also directed towards the screen.

[Thank you again for the mission, Ruby Sword!]

What is being broadcast is a personal broadcast.

The middle-aged also seem to be used to this, and don’t seem to mind much.

“Is that person bothering you these days?”


“I know who it is. “It’s an almond.”


The woman’s eyes glared at the middle-aged man fiercely.

The woman looks uncomfortable that the middle-aged person knows who that person is.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that the questions that followed were a bit harsh.

“Do you think like people say?”

“People? You mean catching up with the electromagnetic waves?”


The middle-aged man called the butler laughed.

“That level of fame is not easily achieved in an instant, young lady. Even if the records were reversed.”

“The record was actually reversed.”

The woman spoke with her eyes still fixed on the screen.

Almond on the screen executed Battle Large, saying that he would continue his journey toward diamonds today.

“It’s a draw, isn’t it?”

“It’s not a draw. VNS figures were defeated, and Battle Raj was flagged after deployment. “Two pieces were broken.”

“Didn’t you say it was a draw? “There is no point in taking comfort from the VNS figures.”

The woman remained silent and did not answer.

At first glance, he seemed calm. But the butler was felt.

Something burning brightly in the eyes that gaze blankly.

“… … “You don’t like it any more that I said that?”


The woman nodded.

“You look relaxed. You could break the ‘real record’ at any time.”

“There have always been many ambitious newcomers, Miss. But do you remember the names of any of them now?”

“… … .”

The woman shook her head.

okay. Among them, there is not a single one whose name I can remember.

This is the situation where rookies leave after less than a year.

“Don’t worry.”

“Then that’s it.”


The butler smiled and went back to his work.

In the huge room, there was only one woman and the man on the screen.

The man who had been chatting for a while is now jumping off to the survival island.


The destination is the armory.

It was a strategy I had always used since the placement test until today’s promotion match. And it’s a strategy that has always worked well.

The strategy itself was quite ignorant, but it was a way to break through with Almond’s unique physicality.

If things go according to trend, they will be first place this time too.

As always.

‘Will it work this time too?’

But doubt flashes in the woman’s eyes.

‘It will be a lot different now.’

Because promotion matches are different from regular games.

Especially for streamers.


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