Genius Archer’s Streaming Chapter 75

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Genius Archer’s Streaming Season 1 Episode 75

27. Towards Diamond (1)

At the punk company, drinking began at noon.

Today, one department decided to skip evening work and start playing at lunch. This was a suggestion from the board of directors.

It was a truly rare award. The biggest contributor to this is none other than Director Oh.

That pot-bellied Director Oh who is talking the loudest right now.

“How is it? Yes? I brought the almonds! Hahahaha!”

Boom! Boom!

He patted his bloated stomach and let out his characteristic cheerful laugh.

“Now take it! receive! “I spin it!”

He stood up alone and passed around bottles, as if a festival was going on.

Everyone who receives the drink says something.

“Patience. Director Oh, you’re a nice person.”

“No, in the first place, why did you bring such a Hakko? “He’s a punk partner streamer.”

“I heard that all the production companies are coming to our side this time? I’m going to line up for an almond commercial.”

“That guy with star power is our partner, so he’s giving us free advertising. Damn it. Oh, Director Oh, he’s going to get promoted this time.”

“Hiya. If a streamer starts getting blasted with electromagnetic waves as soon as he appears… … I said it all.”

“It was really hard at first. Recruiting that guy.”

Recruiting Almond was not an easy process at all. Everyone thought he was crazy. There was even a rumor going around that Almond was Director Oh’s secret nephew.

But now that evaluation has changed 180 degrees.

The star quality that Almond showed in the dismantling analyzer was clear. It was clearly visible to anyone’s eyes.

Almond wasn’t just good at games.

He is a natural broadcaster.

The difficult ‘Survive!’ Almond’s image of Almond reading the chat as if he were continuously broadcasting while conducting tests is etched in the minds of all employees.

“Meanwhile, I was reading the chat, and I said, ‘I’m going to be this bastard.’ Uh-huh-huh!”

“This is just between us, but isn’t this basically just a bunch of electromagnetic waves? Huh? No, our Almonds have just started, right? And you’re reading the chat while you’re at it?!”

“Since when has this guy been called ‘our’ almond! Hahaha!”

Punk’s employees tend to secretly keep a close eye on electromagnetic waves.

Because he is a large streamer who does not belong to their group.

So almonds felt like an even greater treasure to them.

“Get out of the way of the electromagnetic waves! Almonds are coming out!”

Because almonds may be able to overcome the stronghold of electromagnetic waves.


“These people are too drunk. uh? Hahaha.”

Director Oh smiled with satisfaction as he watched them like that.

‘It’s rewarding.’

When the gem you recognized at a glance finally shines.

His work was more rewarding than ever.

“Ha, Chief Oh. Thank you for your hard work… … !”

One of my subordinates is already drunk and takes a drink.

“We honestly suspected it too… … When we heard that the director went to that filming set because of Almond… … We thought, Wow, that’s really your nephew! Or maybe he’s the son of your first love!”

The whole department burst into laughter at those words.

In particular, Director Oh burst into laughter.

“hey! I’m right there! Fantasia should be there so those bastards can’t do such nonsense. So what are the results now?”

“It’s coming! mind… … “That’s right!”

The subordinate raised his glass of soju high and shouted.

“Wow… … . Ah! Ah! For the almonds!”

“We love you!”


The midday festival atmosphere continued as glasses were clinked so hard that the alcohol overflowed.

After that, it soon became 3 o’clock in the afternoon.

“Let’s just run all day today! “The director said everyone will be off tomorrow as well!”

“Uh… … ? Okay, wait a minute.”

Director Oh, who was making fun of himself, jumped up from his chair.

[Almond’s streaming has started.]

An early broadcast notification at an untimely time.

It was an almond.

“Hey, hey. I’m going to go have a smoke.”

“Huh? No, decide where to go for round 2! No, but why are you going to smoke alone?!”

“restroom! A big one!”

“Oh my! I’m eating!”

Director Oh just said that to his colleague and quickly came out and entered the broadcast.

‘If we all watched this together for no reason… … .’

In fact, since it was a drinking party created thanks to Almond, it was right for everyone to watch the broadcast together. However, since the atmosphere was already good, I didn’t want to pour cold water on it.

It is possible that the number of viewers did not increase significantly, or rather, may have decreased.

It’s a very small probability, but there are so many variables that it’s not entirely impossible.

In this day and age, fame is truly fleeting.

Just because one filming was successful, there was no guarantee that the results would come out in terms of viewership right away.


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Director Oh took a long drag on his cigarette.

“Whew. Let’s see. Is it really the star quality we saw?”

After spitting out white smoke, I wait nervously for Almond’s intro song to end.

Only when the broadcast starts properly can you see the number of viewers.

‘How much is it? How much is it… … .’

A while ago, Almond Broadcasting was pumped up and secured about 4-5 thousand viewers.

In fact, it’s not that long ago, so we don’t know when the bubble will burst. It is realistic to set the average number of viewers at 2,000-3,000.

‘Let’s exceed 60 million. 6,000.’

Exactly double the increase.

If it exceeds 6,000 the moment the live broadcast starts, it is a number that is not lacking at all as a punk partner.

Considering that he’s only been a streamer for a little over a month, these numbers are not only acceptable, they’re amazing.

‘No. Over 7 thousand. 7 thousand… … .’

Director Oh becomes even more greedy.

‘I really want to get promoted this time. Sang-Hyeon! Please!’

The moment Director Oh tightly shut his eyes.


After the intro song ended, Sang-Hyeon’s face appeared.


A chat window appears on the screen with a bright voice.

And the number of viewers.

[Current viewers: 8.3 thousand]

“… … !”


He put away his cigarette and quickly kicked in the door again.

“Hey! Watch the live broadcast now! Live broadcast!”

He shouts once more to the employees who stare blankly at the sudden shout.

“Almond Live! It’s on now!”

* * *


Joo Hyuk, who was looking at the screen, swallowed dry saliva.

“and… … Seed. “Is this really fast?”

The gradually increasing number of viewers was unusual. From the first time I saw it.

And finally, the moment it breaks through the 8,000 mark.


He jumped up from his seat.

And then he roared like a wild beast.


A strange sound came out, but what was it? It’s just Sanghyun and Joohyuk here.

Sang-Hyeon was inside a capsule with perfect noise cancellation.

Moreover, Joo-hyuk didn’t even have time to realize what sound he had made.

“Oh, 8,000 at 3 p.m. crazy.”

It could be that they were ‘journalist-type’ viewers who only flocked to the beginning because of yesterday’s issues.

But if that is also an interest, then it is an interest.

Whether you came to watch the game or just to see the face of the guy who broke the record.

If Almond can somehow maintain this number, it will pave the way for it to become a mid-sized streamer.

‘Okay. Very good… … .’

Joo-hyuk was in a good mood.

It’s like we’re on the verge of reaching a point that beginner streamers can only dream of.

For someone who started out as a manager, it’s definitely a good moment.

But as always, there are worries that creep in during the best moments.

“It’s not the Black Flame Dragon. trauma.”

A past related to archery, and the right hand.

Sang-Hyeon’s rejection of these two things is not ordinary. It was the same when they had a brief fight a while ago…

That awkward act of anger when I left the doctor’s consultation the other day… … .

At least on that issue, it seemed very unstable.

‘I think it’s imprinted on me more deeply than I thought.’

The wound seemed to be much deeper than Joo-hyuk had expected.

He couldn’t even imagine what it would feel like, but if he were to compare it, it would have been like losing the lover he had spent his whole life with.

‘Do you really hate being known?’

If it were Joo-hyuk in the past, he would have thought that Sang-hyun’s past history was a ‘selling point’ and should be widely known at some point.

Not now.

Sang-Hyeon was sincerely denying the memories of that time, and Joo-Hyeok also felt his sincerity.

‘If you’re not ready yet… … .’

If Sanghyeon wasn’t ready yet, there didn’t seem to be any need to let him know.

Things were already going so well that there was no need for a selling point.

Rather, it seems more likely to be poisonous.

‘okay. ‘There are memories that cannot be sold to anyone.’

He made a phone call somewhere.

He is in charge of liaison among the production team of Fantasia Channel.

“ah. yes. This is Almond Manager Kim Joo-hyuk. “It’s because of the production of the edited version.”

“yes? Why the edited version?”

“Please leave out the archery shooting part in the front.”

“… … yes?”

“It’s fun even without that.”

“ah… … Ah, Almond, is this your opinion?”

“of course. “They say they want to exclude professional players because they don’t want to upset them.”

“Well… … The cast’s opinion is the most important… … but there are contractual terms… … We’ve already filmed the… … .”

“A contract? Oh! You said it well! Didn’t we discuss it back then? We can cut out the parts we want to cut out. It’s not like that’s an important scene.”

“Oh, I understand. I will pass it on.”


The call was disconnected.

“Anyway, the broadcasting station kids… … .”

There’s nothing that can be done about leaving during a live broadcast, but since the number of viewers for the edited version is more than 20 times higher, it would be much better if this could be blocked.


Immediately I received a phone call again.

[Bubble Gum Manager – Park Sung-tae]

This was a slightly different call.

* * *

8 thousand viewers.

In front of this number, Sanghyun just stared blankly at the chat window.

-Wow, it’s almond walleye haha.

-Are Najax Almonds disappearing now? ㅠㅠ

-omg. The number of people is crazy lol

-Wow, haha, I guess yesterday’s broadcast was effective.



Even if he doesn’t mention the number 8,000, viewers are already talking about it.

No matter how hard I tried not to mention the viewer numbers, it felt more unnatural to ignore them.

It was as if a 30-car pileup had occurred right next to us, and we were just passing by, whistling.

This was a situation where ignoring it would have been more uncomfortable.

“It’s been a while. everyone. however… … “A huge number of people came!”

Almond said with a bright expression.

-Hey, wolkeul!

-Hi from indonesia!

-There are some real foreigners haha.

-Literally wall clock lol

-So what, we won against electromagnetic waves?

-Huh hehe

-I became a fan after watching The Sea Branch! Wow!

-Newbies enter in large numbers;;

Many viewers greeted Sang-Hyeon at his mention. There were many nicknames that seemed really unfamiliar at first glance.

Today it really felt like I was on a completely different broadcast.

‘This makes me secretly nervous.’

It’s clearly my broadcast and a familiar environment.

But it seemed like the broadcast was from a completely different place. Chat window chat was so important.

‘What should I say?’

Almond was speechless.

[Ruby Sword donated ‘5,000 won’.]

[Gah, it’s suddenly so weird… … .]

At that time, support from a familiar nickname comes in.

Almond’s mouth moved spontaneously.

“Ah. Ruby Sword. Thank you as always. It’s a monthly fee. It’s still economy.”

-Economy lol

-Ugh lol

-That’s not the class lol

[Eggplant Stir-fry donated ‘5,000 won.’]

[The viewer said it was copied… …! Huh?!]

Another familiar name appears.

“Stir-fried eggplant. Thank you for your support from the beginning. The viewers have really become copies. haha.”

A natural laugh came out.

It felt like something that had been blocked was suddenly released. I feel like I’m back home again.

It was thanks to old users. They have been with Almond since the first day of its broadcast.

When I think about their presence, everything that was frozen melts away.

“The flow is good from the start.”

The comments also flow well.

When you broadcast, there is a certain flow or atmosphere.

The airflow was just stable right now.

“Should we play a game now?”

Almond felt at ease, as if he were dealing with 1,000 people.

-What are you doing today?

-Let’s play a game!

-Battle Large!

“Oh, what game are we going to play today??”

[Association President King Chiman donated ‘1,000 won’]

[It’s Kingdom Age! Jebaryuㅠㅠ]

“Battle Large!”

-Ugh haha ​​…

– King Chiman cooperates haha.

-Kingdom warriors are really tenaciousㅋㅋㅋ

-Tears are blocking my vision

-Do it sometime, bro!

“You decided to go to Battle Large Diamond, right? Of course you’re going to Battle Large.”

-Oh, you’re keeping that promise haha.

-Wow! Awesome!

-Are you really doing this?

-Holy shit.

And so the journey towards diamonds began again.

With over 8,000 viewers and those who have been with him from the beginning.


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