Genius Archer’s Streaming Chapter 72

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Genius Archer’s Streaming Season 1 Episode 72

26. Records (1)

“There is nothing abnormal.”

This was something I could only hear after an hour-long examination. Only then does Sanghyun wake up.

Because I had been tied up like a prisoner, every corner of me felt numb.

“thank god.”


Joohyuk breathes a sigh of relief next to her.

The same goes for Director Oh and the director. The two of them seemed to have had a huge fight a while ago, but they seem to have reconciled now.

“Why are they all gathered like this? “Actually, there was nothing wrong.”

Joo-hyuk immediately scolded Sang-hyeon, who was trying to pretend that he was in good health.

“Don’t be ridiculous.”

“… … Anyway, there’s nothing wrong.”

Sanghyun was just about to take off his gown to leave the hospital room.

“Huh… …! Excuse me, patient?”

The doctor grabbed his shoulder.


“I’d like to talk to you privately for a moment.”

It is not that rare for a doctor to ask to see a patient separately.

Everyone just felt relieved that no accident had occurred and thought that there was nothing particularly strange.

Only Kim Joo-hyuk and Director Oh had stiff expressions. It’s because they had a feeling that something was going to happen.


Sang-Hyeon quickly left the place with the doctor.

* * *

There were only the doctor and Sanghyun in the private consultation room.


The two sat facing each other.

There was silence like that for a while.

The doctor breaks the silence by tying up his disheveled hair.

“I think you know more or less what I’m trying to say.”


Sang-Hyeon nodded.

With so many tests, modern medical technology would definitely have figured it out.

“Your right hand is uncomfortable.”

“you’re right.”

As expected, it was a problem with the right hand.

“Do you know that the hand is not actually a hand problem?”


Sang-Hyeon answered briefly in succession.

There was sadness on the doctor’s face.

She spoke slowly, each word as if it were something difficult to say.

“Mr. Sang-Hyeon’s right hand is actually a brain problem. And the capsule is a machine that interferes with brain waves. Well… … To put it simply, this is why you feel exhausted after a full-dive play.”

“… … “I guess that was it.”

After playing a game, you sweat too much, feel tired, and that’s why the play time is short… … .

The reason for this was his disability, which Sang-Hyeon had actually expected to some extent.

However, he was just ignoring it. She just didn’t want to admit that fact.

I just wanted to think that I only hurt my right hand.

“The phenomenon that Sang-hyeon is currently experiencing is a type of nervous system disorder, similar to acquired cerebral palsy.”

“I know.”

“I was incredibly lucky that it ended up just being a right hand. “There are many cases where half of the body becomes paralyzed.”

“… … yes.”

At that time, the doctor also said it was a stroke of luck.

‘It’s fate… … .’

To Sanghyun’s ears, it didn’t sound like that at all.

Even if one eye is blown out, or both ears are cut off, or even if my nose is cut off… … .

The right hand had to be fine.

Only the body parts that hold the bow and shoot it had to be intact.

But that broke.

And permanently.

No matter how you look at it, it couldn’t be called fate.

Even now, that obstacle seems to be blocking the way forward.

What’s the problem? Why did this doctor call me?

“What’s the problem?”

The doctor shook his head.

“Not yet. I don’t know for sure. But there is a risk that something will go wrong.”

“How much?”

“Does your right hand move well in the virtual world?”



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“Haven’t you ever thought about why that is? If it’s a brain problem, it shouldn’t move there either.”

“The brain… … Isn’t it because it’s not a signal problem, but a physical damage problem? Since it is virtual reality, there is no damage… … .”

“No. If there is damage to the brain, there will be problems with the signals. It will definitely affect the virtual reality. The capsule may replace the hand, but it does not replace the brain.”

“… … .”

I have nothing to say.

This was something that Sanghyun was also puzzled about.

I know he had a brain injury, but his right hand moved fine in virtual reality.

Since it moved well, of course I didn’t have any questions.

The only thing that mattered was that I could shoot the bow right away.

“Why is that?”

“Other areas of the brain are moving that right hand.”

“… … ?”

“From a company perspective, it means that employees in unrelated departments are working overtime because an employee is sick and on sick leave.”


“This is possible because it is a virtual world driven 100% by the realm of the mind. “This is not possible in reality because of physical nervous system problems.”

I definitely understood.

The area of ​​the brain that controls the right hand is damaged, but in the virtual world, other areas can take over.

“You must be tired if you work overtime instead of your colleagues. It’s overloading. That’s why you sweat a lot and are tired. More than other gamers.”


“There are no major problems so far. but… … “You never know what will happen if it continues for a long time or if the game time increases.”

Sanghyeon swallowed dry saliva.

‘I decided to go to Diamond Rank.’

Aren’t you trying to increase your game play time from now on?

“Then what should I do? “I want to increase my play time.”

“It’s a cliche, but regular exercise and healthy eating habits are essential, and you need to check your data through regular checkups.”

Does that mean I have to keep going to the hospital?

“All right.”

I was worried about hospital costs, though. I have to find out first. With that in mind, I answered and was about to leave.


The doctor handed me something.

It’s a business card.

‘Song Hana.’

The name is a bit casual considering the weight of a doctor.

“You’d better do it to me. “This is not something to brag about, but there are really very few of them in our country.”

Joo Hyuk also mentioned it before.

In Korea, there are only a handful of medical staff who can handle brain wave testing and capsule play at the same time.

But it will be that expensive.

Can’t it just be done at a hospital that performs general tests?

“I’ll do it for free.”


I couldn’t believe it.

How much is this doctor worth?

“research… … “It also has a purpose.”

Song Hana avoided eye contact. She is embarrassed to seem like she is doing business for the sake of research.



“What kind of point?”

“As I just mentioned, people from other departments are doing the work for you. That’s not common. To be exact, it’s something I’ve never seen before. It can’t happen in the real world.”

I see

It was a rare thing. Sanghyun is worried about whether he should like this or not.

“Isn’t that possible because it’s a virtual world?”

“This is also the first case of a virtual world. It’s the first time I’ve seen that it’s possible.”

“Do you want to research whether that is possible?”

“yes. Don’t worry just because it’s research. Patients follow the same course. However, as I do so, my research naturally adds to it.”

“All right.”

“Do you… agree?”

“I’ll talk to the manager first. But there’s one thing I’m curious about.”

Sang-Hyeon recalled the phenomenon he had experienced at the end of the game earlier.

“Tell me anything.”

“A while ago, I felt a tingling sensation in my right hand during the game. therefore… … “Just like in real life.”

Song Hana’s eyes widen.

“is it so?”

“Why is that?”

“… … Hmm. If you think about it simply, you can think of it as someone who got tired of working overtime repeatedly and quit… … .”

She continued, scribbling something in the doctor’s characteristically scrawl.

“I don’t think it’s a problem that can be thought of in such a one-dimensional way. I’ll discuss it with the engineers here and get back to you later.”

“All right.”

Sang-Hyeon, who was about to get up from his seat, stopped as if he remembered something.

“ah. “Just one more.”


“No one has told me yet, but did I break the electromagnetic record?”

“ah… … “They say it’s a tie.”

Sanghyun’s expression became distorted after hearing the doctor’s answer.

* * *

When Song Ha-na and Sang-hyeon came out of the counseling room, Joo-hyuk jumped up.

Looks like he was waiting.

Song Ha Na just gave a quick greeting and walked past them, heading towards the engineer.

“Hey. What are you saying?”

Joo-hyuk immediately grabbed Sang-hyeon and asked.

“… … .”

Sanghyeon had no answer.

“hey. what’s the matter? “Is it serious?”



“under. Fuck… … .”


Joo-hyuk was surprised to see Sang-hyeon spitting out vulgar language.

What on earth did you hear from the doctor?!

“No, why!? Speak up!”

“They said they couldn’t break the record.”

“… … ?”

“You look like you don’t know anything. I heard it from the doctor. “It’s a tie.”

“… … Is that why you’re acting like this now because you’re angry?”

“Does that make sense? A tie? In seconds?”

“Oh, no, so you’re upset that the record is tied right now?”

“Then you’re not angry!?”


Sang-Hyeon shouted loudly.

It’s rare to see him this excited.

Did you really want to break this record?

“If it had been just 0.000001 seconds longer, I would have won, so aren’t you mad? How is it a complete tie? Isn’t this a hoax?!”

“No, you crazy bastard! Your life was in the balance right now, so what do you care about a tie or a stalemate?! Just tell me what the doctor said!”

“What about life, don’t overdo it! The record is much better now… … .”

The moment when the two almost grabbed each other by the collar.

“I… … “Almond?!”

The youngest writer among the staff called Almond with a confused look on his face.

“Hey, you should come in now… … .”


Sang-Hyeon was now doubtful whether he had heard correctly.


Are you still doing that?

He looked at Joohyuk and asked back.

“Is the broadcast over yet?”

“Yeah, Inma.”

The medical check took about an hour and a half, and of course I thought all the viewers would have left.

But you’re still doing it? Sang-Hyeon asked the youngest writer this time.

“Do you still have viewers?”

“Oh, it’s not like that yet.”

The youngest writer held out his cell phone and showed it to me.

[Current viewers 71,000]

A whopping 70,000 viewers were waiting quietly.

Sanghyeon felt strange rather than happy.

“No… …Why on earth?”

The question really comes to mind, ‘Why?’ Why were so many people waiting for such a long time?

It’s a tie and not even a record break?

From Sang-Hyeon’s perspective, it was extremely questionable.

“Why? I’m waiting to see you. The first person to break the electromagnetic record.”

Joohyuk blurted out while straightening his crumpled shirt.

“… … ?”

Sanghyun’s face was strangely distorted.

What the heck is this? Breaking the record.

“They said it was a tie down to the last few seconds.”

“Other than that.”


The electronic board on the set that Joohyuk pointed to.

It was written like this:

[First ever! VNS Magic 300 Line Breakthrough!]

[Record Holder: Almond]

“… … .”

Sanghyun was silent for a moment.

Joohyuk chuckled. He must be surprised.

Who wouldn’t be surprised to hear that he holds a world record?

However, upon hearing the answer, Joo Hyuk had the most absurd expression on Earth.

“… … What is that?”

A moment of silence.

‘ah… … yes. I don’t even know what it is.’

This is a concept that most gamers are familiar with, but of course Almond is not a gamer. At least not until three weeks ago.

Joo Hyuk now recognized again exactly who he was dealing with.

But so what? This is what almonds look like.

“Go and sit down next to me. Once you get there, the pretty announcer will explain it to you.”

“She looks younger than me to be my older sister.”

“No, this is already… … .”

Sang-hyeon quickly ran to the set to avoid Joo-hyuk, who was screaming.

There, everything was already prepared for Sanghyeon and the broadcast was underway.

Yoo Ha-yeon, who discovered Sang-hyeon coming, began to raise the tension with an excited voice.

“Everyone! Almond, Almond-nim ​​is coming in now… … .”

As if some great person was coming, as if the champion of the finals was coming.


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