Genius Archer’s Streaming Chapter 39

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Genius Archer Streaming Season 1 Episode 39

15. First place alone (1)


It means something like a squad or special forces unit in the military.

In Battle Large, it refers to a team of 4, and Squad Match refers to a team match between 4 people.

What’s unique about this squad match is that you can play it alone or with two other people. You don’t have to play with four people.

Thanks(?) to that, Almond is now able to participate alone in survival, which was supposed to be a team of four people.

Even after killing three enemies, I was still shot by the remaining one.



A sudden pain surged into my chest.


Rising body.

‘this… … what… … ‘

My mind went blank.

Before I knew it, all I could see was the sky.

The freezing blue sky.

Sticky red blood droplets bouncing.


It was incredibly realistic.

‘You’ve been shot.’

When he realized that he had been shot and fell down, he quickly got up.


Sparks flew where I was lying. If I hadn’t moved, I would have died.


My heart rate was going crazy.

I think I might get logged out automatically if this continues.

Almond opened his eyes and rolled his body.

Tiding! T-ing!

Fireworks were displayed along the trajectory of the body’s roll.

But it was dangerous.

“Huh… … Huh… … .”

First of all, I succeeded in running away.

He hid himself behind a safe iron plate.

Almond took a deep breath and calmed himself down.



-It was a solo quad, lol


-The Degulbo method is so funny

-Anyway, did you survive? Hahaha

-Solquad from the first edition.

In the meantime, I showed my professional spirit and checked the chat window for a moment.

‘… … what.’

Viewers didn’t seem to notice. That it was really dangerous at that moment.

‘Why did Park Dong-soo go up like this?’

All virtual reality capsules detect and record values ​​that can indicate abnormalities such as heart rate.

The number just went from yellow to orange.

Then, when it turns red and lasts for more than a second, you are logged out.

‘Is it just me?’

The game Battle Large is so realistic that I’m confused as to whether this is something that everyone experiences or if it’s just Almond’s problem.

Trash─ Tudge─

The sound of footsteps heard at that time.


Oh, this isn’t the time to be doing this.

Almond quickly leaned back against the wall again and concentrated.

-Why then?

-Coward lol



-There was no sound?

You said there was no sound?

Almond was so puzzled that he almost died of frustration.

‘What bullshit.’

Trap! Trap!

The noise is enough to make you believe that castanets are being played right next to you.

The enemy is definitely coming.

He closed his eyes and roughly visualized the enemy’s distance in his mind.


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It wasn’t that far. The footsteps were slow, but never stopped. It seemed like they knew exactly where Almond was.

I’m really going to kill the almonds.

You may think, ‘Why bother?’, but there’s no point in thinking about it.

The enemy is trying to kill me, but I have to survive.

‘What should I do? It’s a small gun… … .’

If you hit them head-on here, the bullets will naturally be faster.

You have to hit the player to win.


Almond, who was thinking hard, realized something.

Why does the enemy come here without hesitation?

‘You’re not trying to kill me.’


One arrow was placed in the mouth, and the other was attached to the string.

Trash─ Tudge─

The sound of footsteps continues. Almond waits calmly.


The sound of footsteps stopped at some point.


Almond quickly stood up and pulled the bowstring.

“uh… … .”

It was the last will he left while treating a colleague.



An arrow beautifully placed in the center of the head.


In the aftermath, the body was pushed backwards and plummeted to the sand.

The opponent was trying to heal his own comrade, so there was no hesitation in his steps.

Because you can see right away where your colleagues are.

[Almond → Water Rat Pan]


[Almond → Dopafan]

[Double kill!]

[66 / 100]

A double kill appeared in the kill log.

That means he died along with the one who was unconscious. Since there were no more team members left to revive him, the system automatically processed his death.

“under. “You won.”

He single-handedly wiped out a squad.


-Almond wins!!!

-ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋI’m lonely… … .


-Solo unit! let’s go!


The chat started going up at a fast pace.

Sponsorships also come in.

[Aaaah~ Squeak! You donated ‘1,000 won’.]

[That was awesome, bro]

[Doralpakjwiforever donated ‘5,000 won’.]

[Unbelievable skills… … This is real talent]

[Everyone, you donated ‘1,000 won’.]

[You have to remember that this guy has only been in the body code for less than two weeks. And today is his first time in Battle Large… … .]

[A person who crossed the line donated ‘3,000 won’.]

[Isn’t this level of surpassing the stronghold of electromagnetic waves?]

-Don’t cross the line above the electromagnetic waves

-Your nickname is wrong lol

-Honestly, even electromagnetic waves don’t have this level of talent.

-Really lol

-Honestly, if you look at talent alone, it’s no joke.

-How do I play a game like this for the first time?

-Yeah, no~ It can’t overcome electromagnetic waves~

Sponsorship from unfamiliar names.

The amount was relatively small, but that was actually a good sign.

This means that the number of viewers who support with a light heart has increased, and that new viewers are starting to come in.

‘You’re going major.’

That is, they have managed to gain a small following among the major viewers.

Although it is still too early to judge, the game changeover seemed to be successful.

Everything was going well.

“I’ll start farming now.”

But then, an unexpected ordeal comes.

It is a trial of choice.

The ordeal began when a gun entered Almond’s eye.


The enemy that died earlier was holding a pretty good rifle. The so-called M4 is a very popular gun.

It is definitely a better weapon than the compound bow.

‘Should I throw away my bow?’

Almond was seriously worried.

An average player should naturally pick up a gun. Because it is advantageous.

If you give up a favorable play, the viewers won’t be convinced. They’ll get frustrated.

‘But what if you make it?’

But what if you win first place in archery?

Also as a solo squad?

Also in the first edition?

Almond was worried. For a streamer, character is more important than being good at it.

You can’t achieve great success by simply being good at something.

Of course, the weapon that occupies the largest part of his character is the ‘bow’.

I didn’t want to give this up.

‘You may hate it at first, but once you win, there’s nothing like it. But if you lose… … .’

The moment you think like that.


[Seo Ji-ah donated ‘10,000 won’.]

[Mission: Win with a bow and receive 100,000 won]

The mission is over.


It was just the right mission.


But her name is Seo Ji-ah.

Same name?

That can’t be true.

‘Accident… … ‘How can this happen?’

It was a bit burdensome. Almond also knows well what it means to live in Hoegye-dong.

It won’t be a good situation.

Still, it would be rude to refuse.

[I accept.]

“Oh. Thank you for the mission. I was going to catch a bow anyway.”

-ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ This mission is a total loss… … .

-Are you going with a bow?

-Is it possible?

-Let’s go, let’s go!

-There’s a first place mission anyway. If I were you, I’d safely grab the gun and aim for the 100,000 won.

-The fun part is that the bow is number one

The viewers also seemed to welcome the mission.

Almond put away his gun, took his other equipment, and moved to avoid the Blue Zone.

* * *


The jeep that the squad was riding in earlier was now being driven by Almond.

“But where are you going?”

Almond, who was driving, asked the viewers vaguely.

Since this is his first time playing the game, he doesn’t know where the advantages are and where the items come out well.

For now, we just keep moving to avoid the blue zone.

-First, I have to go get a pot.

-Comes out often from the ranch.

-Ranch ㄱㄱ

-There is no set location, but good things usually come out of large buildings.

“Ranch… … Okay.”

Almond roughly identified the ranch on the map and drove there.

When I was driving for about 10 seconds like that.

-Oh. But you can’t just keep driving, right?

-Aggro, okay lol

-Please kill me~~!

The car’s noise level is quite loud, so it attracts considerable attention in densely populated areas.

Almond found out too late.


Sure enough, the car tilted with a loud noise.

“What… … !?”


On the contrary, the car completely flipped over.

The almonds inside were a mess.

“Oh, crazy.”


-Ah, that’s so funny lol

-This is Newbie.

-It looks like a grenade haha.

-Looks like another one is coming!!

One more coming?

Almond quickly came to his senses and rolled out of the car.

I lay face down, using the overturned car as a shield.

Just as the viewers said, another one flew in.


For a moment, the car tilted nearly 45 degrees.

-Do you think he’s a bit of a hitter?

-The toss is accurate.

-Almost Protoss

-This rating is not the same

-It’s a big deal haha. The squad will all move together.


Now the jeep started to catch fire.

Almond quickly crawled into a random small house nearby.

While he closed the door and caught his breath.


After only a few seconds, the jeep exploded violently. The hot air rushed in all the way here.

When I thought about what would have happened if I had been there, I got goosebumps.

Almond, who had been blankly watching the scene for a moment, shook his head.

‘Let’s go to the rooftop first.’

There is no one inside the house.

Almond quickly ran up the stairs to the rooftop.

To find the enemy.

‘Where on earth are you?’

Black ash was flying around, obscuring much of the view.

‘It’s over there.’

Still, one enemy can be seen between them. I was approaching first. The remaining three are preparing to cover the advance team.

‘There are four people.’

As expected, there were only four.

At that moment─


A gunshot rang out.


A spark flew right next to the almond.

The enemy’s shot missed. But the location was discovered.

‘You got caught.’

Thud! Thud!

Two of the four enemies continued to fire suppressive fire to prevent Almond from escaping.

The other two ran toward Almond’s house as an assault team.

-Wow, every moment is a joy.

-The sadness of being single… … .


-It’s like my life… … .

-Win, Almond!!!


-It’s originally a squad match, what’s so cowardly about it?

-But what really happens to this? I don’t think they are clumsy kids.

Almond gave up returning fire and leaned his back against the rooftop fence wall.


Meanwhile, the suppressive fire continued, so I couldn’t even show my face.

There was no room to turn around.

‘There’s nothing we can do.’


He pulled the bowstring towards the sky.

To the back.

-Oh, I saw this in Fortress lol


-Is this the same parabolic shot as before? But now they turn around and shoot… … .

A technique where you shoot with your back against a wall and the angle turned upwards as much as possible.

This is a technique commonly called a backshot in games such as Fortress.

A sensational shot that makes full use of the parabolic trajectory characteristics.

Almond closed his eyes and focused on the sound of footsteps. She felt the wind on her skin.


After taking a shallow breath.

The protest that had been pulled tight was released.


Arrows soar into the sky.

Next, immediately knock the arrow in your mouth one more time.

A quick release unlike before.


This time the arrow soars into the sky.

The two arrows soared almost at a right angle, but at some point they fell sharply.



The arrow hit the crown of one of the approaching assault troops.


His bulletproof helmet was dented, and his stamina was completely lost.

The colleague next to me spoke up, bewildered.

“What is this? What is this… … .”


He couldn’t finish his sentence.

[Almond → Mr. Krabs]


[47 / 100]

Unlike his colleagues, he did not have a bulletproof helmet.

-Both shots hit the crown of the head?!

-Even if you shoot backwards, it will hit you

-Is the compound bow a guided arrow?

-No, what is this jerk? LOL.

-Should I call this a shotgun? … … .

-I didn’t aim. The aim is good!

-ㄴㅇㄱ An arrow I could never have imagined!

-It’s a joke to die without speaking.

-I guess I didn’t know there was one more shot coming haha.

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