Genius Archer’s Streaming Chapter 35

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Genius Archer’s Streaming Season 1 Episode 35

13. Article (3)

Sang-Hyeon didn’t have any particular expectations about the number of views on AllTube.

It’s a natural thing.

Considering that the number of viewers for his live broadcast is about 1,000 or 2,000, the number of views on AllTube should be at most 5,000.

If the number of live viewers is 5 thousand, that’s a pretty big number.

Alltube videos need to have at least 10,000 views to make at least the minimum amount of money. 5,000 is meaningless.

In that sense, it is difficult to expect revenue from AllTube from a streamer of Sang-Hyeon’s size in the beginning.

“Probably… … we need to upload about twenty more videos before we can see any profit trend.”

“AdSense won’t come out yet.”

“It’s investing with an eye on the future.”

This is the opinion that came out at the Punk Company meeting.

“Nobody knows whether AllTube will be successful or not.”

“Just because something is popular on Trivi doesn’t mean it’s popular on YouTube.”

“you’re right. Actually, I’m more excited about Trivi, but about AllTube… … .”

“Oh, of course, since AllTube has a much bigger impact, I hope it goes well.”

Most of them didn’t think that Almond’s Alltube would be a success.

Rather than underestimating Sanghyun, that is a natural stance.

Even Bubblegum, who is called the number one streamer of all time, has been quite unsuccessful on AllTube.

‘Nobody knows what will happen on Alltube.’

This was a saying that was used as an adage by all streamers.

But the premise that no one knew seemed to work quite well for Sang-Hyeon.

[Views 53,000]


[Views 60,000]

The views of the three previously uploaded videos all exceeded 50,000, and one of them approached 100,000.

Considering that this figure was reached in just one day, it is a miraculous figure.

“… … her.”

Sanghyun woke up in the morning and checked the number of views on AllTube again and kept pressing refresh as if he couldn’t believe it.

‘Why did this happen?’

Since his favorite streamer, Bubblegum, was also a dead ringer on YouTube, he didn’t have high expectations.

But surprisingly, Sang-Hyeon seems to be doing very well on AllTube.

“We really need to find an editor for AllTube. “AllTube is almost 80% editor-intensive.”

I remembered what acorn jelly said.

The number of views for Dotori Jeok on YouTube was pretty decent compared to the number of live viewers.

It was said that this was because Lee Na-young’s skills, which included both manager and editor duties, were considerable.

‘Is it because of the editor?’

In that case, Sang-hyeon’s promotion is probably due to Seo Ji-ah.

He remembered it after a long time and looked for the mad movie videos that Seo Ji-ah had uploaded in the past.



This is an incredible number of views for a mad movie video from an unknown streamer who plays a minor game called Kingdom.

The ripple effect that this video created will likely have an impact on Almond’s official channel as well.

‘You caught it.’

Sang-Hyeon finished brushing his teeth while thinking like that.


I was just about to spit out all the water and rinse it off.

Kim Joo-hyuk spoke in an excited voice from outside the door.

“hey. I received a message from Assistant Manager Lee. Manager Park looked like he chewed shit all day that day. “They think you have some kind of great power.”

Joo-hyuk’s excited expression can be felt even from behind the door.

“How could you think that? I have connections… … .”

“Because Director Punk Oh raised his spirits and left… … ?”

“That really worked?”

“what. “Because that generation is that kind of generation.”

Sanghyeon mouthed one last time and then smiled. Even a man who becomes the head of a large company is really useless.

‘He’s such a simple bastard.’

It was embarrassing to have worked so hard under that kind of person.

“Oh. You came out.”


As soon as Sanghyun came out, Joohyuk went straight into the bathroom. It seems he was in a hurry.

“It feels like we’ve been living together for a year… … .”

Sanghyeon muttered that and changed his clothes. Now, in the morning, I do jogging or other physical exercises that actually move my body.

When I was working at work, there was still a minimum amount of exercise.

As I became a streamer, I stopped moving at all.

Even Sang-Hyeon, who is a former athlete, can feel his weight increasing.

‘I even had chicken and beer yesterday.’


He pulled up the zipper of a thick hooded zip-up that was good for exercising and went for a walk.


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* * *

After putting on my wireless earphones, I put on some nice music and run along the riverside path.

“Whew. Phew.”

Winter is coming and the air is so cold that it stings my throat.

As expected, Sang-Hyeon liked exercise that involved moving his body directly.

Ring ring ring.

The music stopped and a ringtone was heard.

“ah… … “What else?”

As expected, it is Joo Hyuk.


“Can’t you see the message?”

“I told you I was working out right now?”

Joo-hyuk might have been a manager or something. When I see something that can bother people like this.

“It seems like my mom has come back to life.”

Despite Sang-hyeon’s grumbling, Joo-hyuk said what he wanted to say regardless.

“The number of views on AllTube is very unusual for a company of our size.”

Sang-Hyeon also knew about it. He had also done some research.

“I guess that’s why the director asked me to have dinner with him. By the way, you’re going there alone. You have to do well.”

“… … Is that all?”


“What is it, then?”

“Shouldn’t I do something for Seo Ji-ah?”


“This is a huge achievement. In this case, I should do something… … to express my gratitude.”

Of course, since you get 40% of the profits, there’s really no need to do anything more.

Human emotions aren’t like that.

That’s true if you have a bit of a social life. He would be happy if you brought him at least a set of cookies.

“Shall I bring a gift?”

“Okay. Oh, no. You don’t have to do that.”


“I just met you.”

“What is that?”


Sang-Hyeon ended the call with those words.

I saw Seo Ji-ah running on the same jogging course.



Seo Ji-ah, who was running with her hood over her head, looked back for a moment and her eyes widened.

“Do you exercise often?”

* * *

The famous handmade hamburger brand ‘Burger Shack’ had a waiting line just a week after opening.

This is because it is the hottest burger brand these days.

“Whew. Thank goodness you came quickly.”

Sang-Hyeon muttered as he placed the burger set he had paid for in front of Jia.

“thank you.”

“Are you sure this will work?”

Sang-Hyeon asked Jia, “AllTube’s growth is amazing, is there anything else you would like to receive?”

But Gia said that just one meal would be enough.

The place I wanted to go was ‘Burger Shack’.


“Even so… … .”

“are you okay.”

Jia answered like that and bit into the hamburger. Her mouth is very big compared to her face. Her superior looked at her as if she were curious.

“If you stare at me too hard, it’s a bit hard to eat.”

“Oh, sorry.”

Sanghyun quickly became absorbed in eating the cheeseburger.

‘Burger Shack… … ‘It’s delicious.’

This is my first time coming to this franchise, and I was surprised that the taste was better than I expected.

Of course, Sang-Hyeon didn’t just eat.

From then on, we talked about various topics so that it would not be boring.

In fact, Sang-Hyeon is not the type to talk a lot, but rather the type who enjoys silence.

“ah… … yes.”



When Seo Ji-ah answered like this, the conversation suddenly stopped.

It felt like I was talking to a person with no social skills.

‘It must have been hard working at the company.’

Sanghyeon quietly ate French fries for a while. Since she knew roughly what kind of person she was, she didn’t want to force her to talk.

Meanwhile, Seo Ji-ah said something.

“I’m not good at talking to people. Maybe I’ll understand if I drink.”

Joo-hyuk would have asked, ‘So are you good at talking to dogs?’, but Sang-hyeon just nods and asks only what he was wondering about.

“You talk a lot when you jog. You even show us videos.”

“Because it’s work-related. I don’t really know what to say on a regular basis.”


I can have work-related conversations, but I don’t think I can have everyday conversations.

Sanghyeon didn’t say anything more and focused on his meal.

The other person says he or she finds everyday conversation difficult, what can you do?

But now, it was Seo Ji-ah who started talking.

“I… … “It’s strange.”

“… … ?”

Sanghyun just narrowed his eyes.

First of all, the tone didn’t seem like a question, so I couldn’t even tell if it was a question.

Seo Ji-ah nodded as if that had already been answered.

“Everyone says that――”

“Are you annoyed at work?”

Sang-Hyeon puts down the French fries he was eating and looks into her eyes.

Jia’s eyes were greatly shaken.


“A company is a really… good place at times, but there are also many times when it really makes people miserable.”

He didn’t answer, but his expression told me how he knew that.

“If people don’t speak out, they will hold on and hold on until they break down.”

“… … !”

“We are all people who quit our jobs. So, let me know later when you have some free time. what happened.”

Seo Ji-ah could only remain silent at those words.

Even when it was time to part ways with Sang-Hyeon, I was unable to respond to those words.

‘Adult… … ‘This is it.’

As I looked at Sanghyun’s back going up the stairs, I just said these words to myself.

* * *

That evening.

Almond’s broadcast turned on earlier than usual.

-I absolutely can’t stand it!

-Do you think I won’t be able to find it if you turn it on without permission!?

-Use it. We’re giving up all the support until yesterday’s break. I’m running out of almonds now.



Almond’s broadcast already has a fairly solid fan base. No matter what time he broadcasts, the number of viewers who come rushing to him has increased considerably.

[Current Viewers: 432]

When I first turned it on, there were about 200 people right away, but it has already doubled.

It might be because I skipped broadcasting yesterday.

Boom! Boom!

Almond’s intro video plays.

[Current Viewers: 1,340]

When the number of viewers increased significantly.

Almonds appeared.


Almond waved happily at the cam that appeared in a corner.

-Oppa, I’m dying!


-ha ha ha!


Viewers welcomed him warmly through chat.

-Partner streamer chchch

-Kiya. You’ve become a successful hyung… … .

-I heard the news!

-Partner, chchch

Among them, there were many who congratulated Almond on becoming Punk’s partner.

“This is my first time saying this on Trivi. “I became Punk’s partner streamer.”

For those who may not have heard the news, Sanghyun briefly mentioned his current situation.

-Oh my. Then you’re abandoning the Kingdom!?

-Is this true?

-I have to live happily with Emilia!

-Abandon your team!? Throw away your team!? Throw away your team!?

Once the partner streamer contract was signed, concerns among Kingdom’s fan base began to rise.

-Honestly, I should throw it away haha.

-Kingdom is good enough at this level

-But I’m curious about Emilia Knight’s ending ㅠㅠ

Contrary to those concerns.

“The game we’re playing today is Kingdom Age.”

Sanghyun started Kingdom right away.

But I guessed most of it from his comments. Today, I checked the ending of Kingdom and the next game will start.

Because I’ve never used the phrase ‘game to play today’ before.

Anyway, the game has begun.

* * *

The virtual world that was summoned was still the table of that uncomfortable banquet hall.

At the head of the table sat the lord of the castle with kind eyes.

He was the head of the Jeanneret family and the father of Emilia.

“What do you think about becoming a knight?”

He asks Almond again, and again the choices come to mind.

[One. of course. Gladly.]

[2. I like the mercenary life better.]

Almond chose number 1.

Then the scene suddenly changed.


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