Genius Archer’s Streaming Chapter 29

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Genius Archer’s Streaming Season 1 Episode 29

11. War (3)

As Acorn Muk once mentioned, sponsorships don’t come up often in game broadcasts. So, one sponsorship is quite important. Among them, mission sponsorship is special.

This is because it not only provides financial support through sponsorship, but also helps with the flow of the broadcast.

[Shy Yeopo donated ‘10,000 won’.]

[I’ll give you a 10,000 won mission per kill.]

So when the mission sponsorship came up.

‘10,000 won per kill?’

Almond wondered what kind of windfall this was.

The enemies surrounding him no longer seemed like a threat to him, but more like money.

‘100,000 won if you kill 10 people?’

He looked through his quiver with that thought in mind. The basic number of arrows provided was only eighty.

If you can get all of these right, you can earn close to 1 million won.

Even the game flow will become more fun. Rather than simply assassinating the enemy commander and ending it, you will proceed by killing all the soldiers one by one.

“Then I’ll go.”

Almond began to crawl under the bushes and infiltrate the enemy’s flank.

-Do you really need to go separately?

-Why not join and fight?

-Are you not going to do the mission?

-I said I would do it earlier.

Everyone was curious to see Almond acting alone.

At that moment, Almond stood up without saying a word.


A bowstring that stretches as much as Almond’s confidence.


Before the viewers could say a word, his arrow flew and pierced the head of one of the soldiers.


A soldier falls with a clean cutting sound.

“It’s on the left!!”


The enemies were taken aback when an arrow suddenly flew from the side. However, there was only one opponent. Although being outnumbered was a disadvantage, there was no advantage to hiding.


As Almond hid himself again, the enemies looked around blankly for a moment as if they had broken down, and then eventually advanced forward again.

There’s a war zone right before our eyes, so we can’t all pay attention to an arrow flying from the side.

At that time, a soldier falls once again.


It was also a corpse whose head had been pierced by an arrow flying from the left.


Just as a man who looked like an enemy centurion was about to say something.


A sound of tearing the air was heard, and before the wave could hit the man’s eardrums, his head was pierced.

“… … “Wow!”


The centurion who was supposed to lead one hundred men died so meaninglessly.



Enemies are in chaos.

As each person died in a single attempt, it was difficult to pinpoint where the enemy was shooting from.

The location was determined through the various trajectories of the arrows, but it was difficult to pinpoint the location as the animals were killed repeatedly by a single arrow.


The sound of an arrow was heard again, and now everyone knew. Someone dies.


As expected, one person falls.

But there is something to be gained.

“It’s on the left!”


The location of the almonds was determined by observing the movement of the bushes.

“Order twenty and block the left flank! The archers have infiltrated!”

The enemy commander mistakenly thought that Almond was not a single person but several people had invaded.

So I spent my twenties.

-Wow, I’m the only one who can deal with 20 aggro

-Crazy aggro lol

-Can I jump now?

-I think I got caught.

I heard that Almond was also sending 20 people. Still, he didn’t run away.

All he does is select 20 arrows from the arrow quiver and place them in the dirt.

“There are 20 people, so let’s prepare just 20 shots.”

At the same time as Almond said this.


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[Skill. Rapid fire. Activate!]


A bright blue glow appears in the eyes, and the skill is activated.


The bowstring was pulled in an instant.

The taut bowstring shoots arrows quickly, as if it could be played like a stringed instrument.



The head of one of the soldiers who approached cautiously was pierced.

“Just aim for the head! The head… … bang!”


Before anyone could give the order, an arrow was lodged in his throat.

Paaang! Paaaaaa!

From then on, it was a massacre of almonds.

Without moving an inch, he fired all twenty arrows in rapid succession from the spot where he had placed them.

It looked like a turret operated by artificial intelligence. Its movements were fast, precise, and perfect.

“Mi, crazy, run away…” … !”


The enemies, sensing that they were no match for them, attempted to retreat.

Twenty different humans ran in different directions.

They were all slaughtered by a single archer.

“… … Ugh!”



Only screams and crashing noises echoed through the field.

“It’s 230,000 won, right?”

These are the words Almond spit out with a grin after killing all the soldiers who approached him.

I killed all 20 people who approached me in addition to the three I killed earlier, so I earned 230,000 won.

-Wow wow

-Wow, it’s a cleared areaㅠㅠㅠㅠ

-Mom, I want to be an almond when I grow up! Mom, I want to be an almond when I grow up!!!

-Almond! Almond! Almond!

-Already 230,000 won stolen lol

– ㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷ

-It was defeated. Killing all 20 people with high-speed shooting?!

-Exactly 20 shots… … .

The viewers went wild.

It wasn’t just because of his physicality.

Almond has a history of making perfect shots while on a running horse. Just standing still and shooting like he is now is no longer able to generate this much heat.

-It gives me pleasure haha.

-It’s really fucking annoying to tell someone in advance and then kill them lol

The source of this enthusiasm is Almond’s confidence.

This is the source of excitement for viewers.

Even the best players rarely show 100% of their ability in a melee like this. What’s more, there are even fewer cases where they have complete confidence that they will show 100%.

But almonds were different.

He only put exactly 20 shots on the ground, and he was confident in his ability. His confidence paid off.

This is what a true genius looks like.

They don’t have to doubt themselves.

Do not doubt. This proposition is not a matter of confidence, but a derivation of a mathematical result.

Because they don’t make mistakes.

Because they are structurally perfect.

People are crazy about such geniuses.

Especially when they are just emerging and making their name known to the world.

I support you passionately.

[Damn Almond! donated ‘1,000 won’.]

[Brother. I’m tired.]

[Is this true? You donated ‘1,000 won’.]

[I’m confused about what just happened… … .]

[Omae donated ‘10,000 won’.]

[Okay, so take the money!]

[Bubble Gum Ticket donated ‘20,000 won’.]

[Mission man who lost 230,000 won in an instant haha]

[Jintae donated ‘10,000 won’.]

[Are you crazy for only putting out 20 rounds in advance?ㅠㅠ It’s so coolㅠㅠ]

An outpouring of praise and support.

Almond answered with a happy expression.

“It’s so bad Almond, Is it true, Omae, Bubblegum, and Jintae. Thank you for your support.”

Even in this war, they seem to be quite relaxed.

Because there were already no enemies left to restrain him.

-This is also an assassination… … .

-Since there are no survivors, assassination is assassination lol.


-I have no idea lol


Of the twenty, none could report that they had been defeated by Almond, for they all died on the spot.

Almond leisurely put his arrows back on his strings and began intercepting the enemies one by one.


Every time you hear this sound, the mission money increases by 10,000 won.

Almond fired half of the arrows given to him without any interference.

“400,000 won so far?”

As he mutters while checking his quiver, the viewer who had set the mission cries.

[Shy Yeopo donated ‘1,000 won’.]

[Brother, save me… … No, kill me… … .]

Viewers laughed cheerfully at the sight of shy Yeopo, who had set a mission of 10,000 won per kill, but ended up paying 1,000 won.

-ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋReally educational

-I’m going to kill you.

-Are you asking me to save you or kill you?

-ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋHow could I have known it would become 400,000 won this quickly~

It’s refreshing to see him paying the price for daring to give Almond a ten thousand won mission per kill.

-It is said that Almond has not received any missions as of today… … .

– Hahahahaha today is the last mission day.

Some even predicted that this would be Almond’s last mission.

If you give him a mission, you’ll lose money.

Seeing that reaction, Almond grinned and added.

“I’ll just take about 1 million won.”

To the shy Lu Bu, these words were like a bolt from the blue.

That was when.


A startled shout is heard from the enemy camp.

“Are we all going to die?”

I realized that twenty men were killed by just one archer.

Additionally, the military continued to suffer damage.

“Who the hell… who the hell is that guy! This time, send in the archers! If you keep giving us this kind of damage, we won’t be able to win!”

This time, the enemy commander organized as many as 40 soldiers, 10 of whom were archers.

[Shy Yeopo donated ‘1,000 won’.]

[Oh please… … Please… … .]

The shy Lu Bu now began to cheer on the enemy.

-ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋIt’s useless… … .

-late! go back! no!

-Please, what is it lol?


Almond felt a little sorry for the shy Yeopo.

‘The mission is best completed only when it is completed.’

In any case, it was shy Yeo Bu who gave the mission. To complete a mission per kill, you must have at least 1 million won in your Trivi account.

It’s not like I don’t have money.

After rationalizing himself like that, Almond pulled his bowstring again toward the approaching forty soldiers.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

In an instant, three soldiers lay down.

“I’m coming again.”

Almond, who had quickly achieved the requirement of landing three headshots, began to trample the enemy with ‘rapid fire’ again.


This time, he stood still like an automatic turret, concentrating solely on firing. It didn’t seem to matter whether the number was twenty or forty.

The remaining forty arrows are gradually disappearing.

But this time there was a slightly different pattern involved.

“Over there!”


The sound of a bowstring coming from the enemy.

One of the enemy archers spotted the almond and drew his bowstring.

This is different from before. Enemies were also capable of long-distance attacks. If Almond stayed still and shot from one spot this time, he was sure to get hit.

-Do you think I should shoot while moving?

-It’s a bit difficult to shoot high-speed continuous shooting while moving.

To fully utilize the high rate of fire, it is best to stand still and fire, but this leaves you vulnerable to enemy ranged attacks.


The enemy has already set his bowstring.

The enemy’s arrows were flying, and Almond still did not move.

-Not avoiding it?!

-Don’t you know?

-Damage damage damage!


-Please die, Almond!


At that moment, Almond’s head suddenly turns. The sight of his blue eyes stretching out reminded me of a scene from a mad movie.

The angle of the bow also turned as sharply as the head.

The sky is where his fierce eyes are directed.


The arrow, shot at an odd angle, flew quickly and bounced off the air with a loud noise.




Why did the arrow bounce in the air?

That’s because it collided with an arrow fired by an enemy.

It’s like shooting arrow with arrow.

-You hit an arrow with an arrow!

-Ow! Shhhhhhhh! Hahahahahaha

-crazy… … .

-Is this true!?

-Did I see it right now?!

-This is a bug!

– Hahahahahahahaha I’m screwed, Mr. Yeopo.

-What are you… … .

-It’s not a person.

-I’m done!

The archer, who was blankly watching his arrow being blocked by another arrow, was immediately struck by Almond’s arrow.


Now there were only a few of the forty enemies left.

“It’s now 710,000 won.”

Almond naturally took aim at the next target, as if nothing had happened.


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