Genius Archer’s Streaming Chapter 27

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Genius Archer Streaming Season 1 Episode 27

11. War (1)

News that the castle had been taken also spread to Tallorant’s other relatives.

They gathered their armies to avenge their blood relatives or to take possession of their inheritance, and this morning they gathered on the plains.

-Oh, war!

-Wow, it’s massive.

-nice! This is the kingdom!

-what? This looks like a god game


Viewers who weren’t familiar with Kingdom Age were surprised by the sudden increase in scale.

-Wow ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I turned it off after a few days so I haven’t been able to do this

-The scale is suddenly gone!


Usually it takes quite a long time to reach this level of scale. So much so that even the most persistent streamers can’t show it and move on to the next game.

There are even people who cannot experience this content no matter how long they play.

For example, there was bubble gum that boasted an extremely spicy taste.

He stuck with the game for about a month and then naturally put it away, saying, “Okay, next game~”

-Even Bubble Gum, the icon of perseverance, couldn’t do something like this haha.

-How can you do almonds in just a few days? Lol


As expected, a mention of bubble gum appears in the chat window.

“Please refrain from mentioning other streamers.”

Sang-Hyeon skillfully blocked the related topic from coming up.

“Rather than that, I’ll end today’s broadcast here. “It’s a good time to quit.”



-Now I’m going to have some fun!



-eye patch!

There were many people who were regretful. It was a faster indulgence than usual. Above all, there was amazing content right in front of me.


However, Sanghyun suddenly turned off the broadcast.

I wasn’t particularly tired or exhausted. There was no battle scene in today’s broadcast.

‘It’s also important to quit at the right time.’

It just seemed appropriate to end it here.

In games like this where the story continues, it is very important to know when to stop.

Even though it might be disappointing right now, it was much more advantageous in the long run.

That was one of the pieces of advice that Dotori Jeok left for him.

Chiiik… … .

Sanghyun’s capsule lid opened with the sound of steam being released.

Sang-Hyeon, who was fluffier than usual, got up.


Since there was no battle god, there wasn’t much sweat.

“I guess I can just go to sleep today.”

I looked at the clock and it was 12:30 at night. It was my first time going to bed this early, so I didn’t fall asleep right away.

Sanghyun lay on his side and scrolled through his phone, watching the reactions to today’s broadcast.

* * *

In the community Kingchiman, there was a lot of talk about a new route.

[How to get Emilia’s favorability rating to the max!]

The article with this title was a popular article, and if you look into it, it looks like this.

‘Destroy a castle by yourself!’

Only then does Sang-Hyeon realize that it was his story.

This means that in order to fully gain Emilia’s likeability, you must be skilled enough to reveal her last name alone.

Like almonds.

-Crazy guy hahaha

-With those skills, why are you flirting with Emilia, XX? Flirt with your real girlfriend.


└ㄹㅇThat’s right hahahaha

└With hair like this, I still don’t have a girlfriend lol.

-Just tell them to clear the game… … .

-Kkkkkkkkkk I won’t buy it! I won’t buy it!

└Aren’t you saying you can’t live?


The comments are mostly humorous.

Because no one truly believes they can keep up with Almond’s performance.

‘That’s strange.’

Sang-Hyeon truly thought it was strange that he had achieved that feat in just one attempt.


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Why are these reactions?

Was it really impossible for anyone but himself to play like this?

‘Honestly, it’s weird.’

It’s not like Yoo Sang-hyun is the only archer in South Korea.

Why is Sanghyun showing the best performance in the world?

Of course, if you narrow it down to archers who play Kingdom, it would be a very small minority, but wouldn’t there still be some?

They should at least show performance similar to Sang-Hyeon to be normal.

However, judging by the current reaction, it seems that there was nothing close to Sanghyun’s play.

‘Do I really have any talent for gaming?’

The only hypothesis that can be made is that Sanghyun himself has a special talent not only in archery but also in this virtual reality game.

That’s understandable, since he can shoot while riding a horse, or fly to dodge enemy attacks.

Isn’t this a far cry from a gentleman’s sport like archery?

‘Mr. Sang-Hyeon, your momentary concentration is the best I know of!’

I remember what Dotorijeok said.

Concentration is an essential skill in archery. However, it is not only archers who are strong in it. Baduk pros also have incredible concentration.

Sanghyeon briefly wondered why he was special.

Just move on to the next popular post.

Since I was born with an exceptional personality, I didn’t have any particular aversion to anything special.

This phenomenon made him think, ‘Why is this ramen not delicious?’ It’s just a simple curiosity.

[Breaking News! Almond Real-Time Marriage with Emilia!]

Marriage angle?

Sanghyun was a little taken aback when he saw the post.

‘It’s not a marriage.’

One night… … No, if you slept together for about 3 days and got married, you wouldn’t have to worry about the birth rate in this world.

Anyway, I clicked on the post with a curious mind.

==== ====

No, it wasn’t enough to make him sit next to the carriage, so he even brought up the story of the driver. He even lied to get his father to meet him.

We even spent three days together in the castle, and now we’re even talking!

==== ====

Of course, I thought they would criticize it as nonsense.


-It’s shocking that Emilia even lied.

└Hasn’t that ever happened?

└Yeah. I’ve never lied.

-3 days?! Wow

-It’s really marriage

– Haha, I’m jealous of Almond’s life!

└I’m jealous of virtual characters… … .

└I’m also jealous of real almonds.

└That’s ㅇㅈ

Everyone talks as if his marriage with Emilia is a certainty.

There were even many comments envious of Almond marrying Emilia.

‘that’s interesting.’

Sanghyeon pulled the blanket up a little more and scrolled down. Another popular article catches attention.

[Analysis of Almond’s Bow Skills – A Draw Stance That Puts Archers to shame]

From Sanghyeon’s perspective, he couldn’t help but go in after seeing that title.

Because it’s almost as if someone had guessed his past history.

==== ====

I heard that a streamer named Almond was very good at archery, so I watched the video to analyze it as someone who has been involved in some protests in the past.

To be honest, it’s still a game, but I thought, ‘What kind of skill is it to use corrections and all that?’

After watching the video I realized this guy is REAL SHIT, a total idiot.

I get goosebumps.

Analysis below… … .

==== ====

Almond quickly scrolled down and read the analysis.

‘Are you really in the industry?’

He was analyzing his posture in such detail that it seemed that he was definitely not a non-expert.

When drawing, the bowstring is positioned precisely in the middle of the lip, and the right hand stays in place without moving at all during the release process.

In fact, Almond perfectly implements even postures that can be somewhat crude in the game.

-Wow, is it true?

-I watched a video comparing archery players. Is it because I’m blind that almonds are better?

└ㅋㅋㅋㅋI thought that too.

└One person added who felt that the shooting quality was different.

└I’m the author, and I personally think so too. To be honest, archers would be upset if they heard that, but since I was elected, I guess it’s okay for me to say things like this.

└Election ㄷㄷㄷ


└After reading the analysis, I thought he was either a crazy otaku or a former athlete.

-Wow, a streamer who analyzes archery election! almond!

-ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋKing Chi’s level is crazy


Are you talking about a former player? Sang-Hyeon couldn’t take his thumb off the screen where that word was for a long time.

“Who is it… … .”

When it comes to archery players, they are all familiar with it.

His right hand suddenly starts shaking.

Even after reading the post for a while, I couldn’t find any clues about the author.

Fortunately, there were no personal clues about Sanghyeon.

So, either the writer doesn’t know who Sang-Hyeon is, or he knows but hides it.


Sang-Hyeon turned off his phone and sighed for a moment.

It’s hard to know whether it’s a sigh of relief or worry.

‘If you know someone… … .’

People in the archery field already quit kites 10 years ago. Except for the coach, no one even knows that Sanghyun is injured.

That was the best.

‘Let’s get some sleep.’

He decided to close his eyes and just fall asleep.

The world was immersed in darkness, and twinkling stars were embroidered on it one by one.

Sang-Hyeon counts the number of stars.

At that moment, long black hair passed through my mind.

She has long, flowing hair that goes down to her waist.

In a dark universe, black hair is the same black color, so how can it be seen so clearly?

-You’re just going to end it like this without saying anything?

-uh. I’m not having fun anymore.

-Fun… …? Is this just fun to you? If you don’t do archery, who will? Don’t you know that everyone follows your shadow? But you quit because it’s not fun?

-… … .

-Okay… …Go.

She turned around and sparkled and burned brighter than any star.

A sparkle flowed down from Sang-Hyeon’s eyes as well.

* * *

next day.

On Kingchiman, posts are being posted starting in the morning looking forward to Almond’s broadcast today.

[Almond, what do you think the siege will be like today?]

[Almond’s performance prediction]

[Is there going to be a mad movie?]

Those who are looking forward to his performance.

[Kingdom Age War is highly realistic, so no matter how active Almond is, it doesn’t really matter… … .]

[No matter how much one archer runs wild, how many knights are there… … .]

However, since an archer’s performance on the battlefield is predetermined, these are the types of people who should not have high expectations.

And so on… … Various reactions come pouring out.


Almond nodded after brushing his teeth and checking various community reactions.

For Almond, who still has 1,000 viewers, just having her story heard in the community like this is a blessing.

Even if it is a malicious comment.

He had a quick breakfast and went for a jog as usual.


While going down the steep stairs in the neighborhood, I ran into Seo Ji-ah again, who was wearing a hood.

This time, Gia speaks first.

“work out… … “I guess you’re leaving.”

“Oh, yes. You too?”

“… … yes.”

I made a gesture to see if she would go with me, but to my surprise, Jia immediately nodded and followed me.

* * *

“Ugh… … gasp… … .”

After running around the river park, the two took a moment to catch their breath on a bench.

“A few videos to upload to the new channel have been completed… … .”

Jia said while drinking the ionic drink that Sanghyeon brought her.

“Oh yeah?”

“Would you like to see… … ?”

Sanghyun nodded.

It’s a video that will be uploaded to their official channel, so it’s natural to want to see it.

Jia handed over her cell phone.

[Kingdom Age EP.1 Newbies can’t choose a bow?]

It was a video with this title.

Jia was looking towards the river, a little embarrassed to see it in front of her, and Sanghyun pressed the video to play.

“… … !”

Soon his eyes opened wide.

The video was amazing.


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