Genius Archer’s Streaming Chapter 26

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Genius Archer Streaming Season 1 Episode 26

10. Emilia (2)

The expression Emilia made on Almond’s broadcast that day became a legendary meme and was widely spread.

[Emilia listening to Almond’s answer at the moment.jpg]

-Crazy lol

-Do you have that kind of facial expression?


-Emilia is human too.

-How surprised are you? Lol

-Almost ㄴㅇㄱ level.

└An unimaginable identity ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


-It’s surprising. I told you to kill the lord of the castle, and you ended up killing the entire castle.

Considering Emilia’s personality as a dignified noblewoman, the expressions and gestures she made were truly worthy of the word ‘legendary’.

“Well, security is tight… … You’ve taken care of everything… … . Well, this is my first time hearing something like that. “The security is there to prevent that from happening.”

“……is that so?”

Emilia’s face turned bright red at Almond’s sullen answer. Her noble daughter is being swayed by the words of the mercenary Naburangi.

“Ahem. So, does that mean the castle is empty right now?”

Emilia looked away and asked a question.

“Yes. There was no one.”

“There’s no need to delay. I have to go right now.”

Emilia called her employees again and moved the carriage.

He wanted to go first and absorb the people there before other nobles could expand their influence.



“… … what are you doing?”

“Well… … .”

“Get on quickly.”

Emilia also gave a seat inside her carriage to the mercenary Almond.

It was not uncommon for a lady to allow a man into the inner seat of her private carriage.

-omg. Isn’t that the kind of reaction that only comes when you have a lot of likeability?

-Oh. Tsk!


-Almond, you bastard! What did you do!

Viewers couldn’t help but wonder that Emilia had completely fallen for Almond, who had never had a crush on her before.

-Hey. Why are you doing something like a popular movie?! All you have to do is rob a castle!


-Yeah, that’s right!

-I just want to do something I like… … .

-Me too hahaha

-How can I change my last name?

-Your favorability rating also increases with your achievements… … .

It was the first time that it was discovered that favorability also increases with achievements.

The overwhelming achievement moves even the heart.

In the end, Almond won the lady’s heart with only his bow skills.

“… … “I’m curious about you.”

Cutscene in the carriage.

There, too, Emilia’s interest in Almond was great.

“How… … can you be so strong? I’ve seen many knights, but none of them have performed as well as you.”

“I just have the talent to shoot a bow well.”

“That alone will be enough to defeat all the troops in the castle?”

“… … Could that be possible?”

“… … .”

It was a bit of a strange conversation, though.

In any case, the fact that Emilia kept asking Almond questions first was a great sign.

But the conversation that followed was even more shocking.

Emilia suddenly starts talking about the article.

“Knights usually love swords, spears, and horses.”

“That’s possible. Most knights would probably love Young-ae more than that.”

Emilia burst into laughter at Almond’s joke. It wasn’t the young lady she had been showing, but a girlish laugh.

“is it so. Ladies like it too. But it’s not just articles you like, right?”


“Any man, even if he is an extremely rough mercenary… … “Women will like it.”

-Oww. What the!?

-Wow, man.

-brother! My heart is shaking and I can’t watch!!

-This is my first time doing something like this!?

Emilia substituted the word ‘woman’, but in fact, in the context, the woman is Emilia herself, and the rough mercenary is Almond.


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“Anyway, that’s fine. I’ll correct that to say that knights love Emilia, spears, swords, and horses.”

This time, Almond chuckled at Emilia’s joke.

“But I’ve never seen a knight who likes bows.”

“I am a mercenary, not a knight.”

“Are you planning on becoming a knight in the future?”

“… … yes?”

At this point, both Sang-Hyeon and the viewers paused for a moment.

Because being a knight isn’t something you can become if you want to. It is not something that can be achieved even by being excellent.

“… … If that castle is incorporated into a new territory, someone will be needed to manage it… … .”

Emilia mumbled as she looked out the window.

It was like asking Almond if he wanted to be a knight.

-Oh! Emilia Root is standing there?

-Was there a development like this?

-Is there also an article route?


-But it’s a game about mercenaries, so if you become a knight, the game changes, right?

-I haven’t even told you to write an article yet, but you guys are getting ahead again.

Of course, as viewers were excited, Emilia did not directly ask to be a knight.

“… … “I’m just asking because I’m curious.”

This is how I end the story by just glossing over it.

“How could I become a knight? I am just a talented mercenary.”

“… … .”

Emilia just smiled without saying anything.

The carriage runs for a while longer and reaches its destination.

Only when the sound of horses’ hooves died down did the silence melt away.

“They’re all here. Oh, Almond. My father said he wanted to see you.”


“I guess you were pleased that I was able to successfully handle this matter.”

“… … ?”

Almond hesitated to answer for a moment.

‘That’s a lie, isn’t it?’

Because what Emilia said was such an obvious lie.

The Count doesn’t even know Almond’s achievements yet, but he said he wants to see them.



-I haven’t even told the count yet haha.

-Didn’t you just report and get on the carriage? Lol

Almond, puzzled, asked back.

“You don’t know yet, my lord, do you?”

Emilia’s index finger gently covers Almond’s lips.


Looking at Almond’s embarrassed expression, Emilia smiled.

“It’s polite to a lady to overlook that kind of thing.”

-Oooh, man haha.

-You just made up the story because you wanted to see me one more time?

-Aren’t you trying to make it so I can meet my dad for real? You’re trying to make it into a real article!


-Holy moly!

-It’s so lovely, Emilia!!

What is this? Did you really ask to see your father to make him a knight?

Almond had no answer.

Meanwhile, the carriage had already come to a complete stop.

“I think we’re all there.”

Emilia took the lead and got out of the carriage, and Almond followed with a blank expression.

His gaze lingered on Emilia’s flowing blonde hair, then turned to the towering castle.

* * *

A castle towering over a barren plain.

A castle that Almond accidentally took over.

That is the Tallorant family castle.

Until just yesterday, this place was originally ruled by the Talorant family.

However, Emilia walked towards the main gate of the castle without hesitation, as if that had nothing to do with it.

There were villagers there sorting out the aftermath of the attack last night.

“Excuse me, who are you? Are you perhaps from House Tallorant?”

It seems that the commoners considered Emilia to be a relative of Tallorant.

Of course, that is an empty guess.

“No. I am Jeanneret.”

Because they are completely opposite characters.

“… … yes?”

“So, Jeanneret?”


Jeanneret and Tallorant.

The people of Yeongji also had eyes and ears, so they knew well what the relationship was between the two families.

It’s a hostile relationship.

Originally, it would have been right for Yeongjimin to be hostile as well.

However, the residents of the territory could only swallow their saliva and not say anything.

There are no Talorant troops to protect them. At least not currently in this castle.

On the other hand, Emilia has ten fully armed soldiers, two knights, and Almond as her escort.

Just two well-armed knights would be enough to deal with all the residents in this territory, so no one could carelessly stop Emilia and her party.

She naturally went up to where the family badge was hanging and tore it down.

The boar emblem of House Tallorant flutters and falls.

Above the extinguished flame, an acacia flower bloomed, the symbol of the Jeanneret family.


“her… … .”

The residents of the territory looked dejected.

But soon you go back to focusing on what you were doing. To them, their lives do not change much no matter who their superiors change at any time.

Besides, wasn’t Talorant the worst?

I heard that Jeanneret rules much better.

Of course, all the nobles are there.

We thought these words to each other and returned to our respective positions in life.

“… … Are you not saying anything?”

Almond asked Emilia.

“What do you mean?”

“Speeches and such… … From now on, shouldn’t they know who to invite?”

According to his common sense, if the ruling family changed, it would have been right to give a speech to the people of the territory and maintain discipline.

But Emilia shakes her head with a smile.

“are you okay. “The residents of the territory will adapt quickly.”

Emilia looked relaxed. Almonds were a bit questionable though.

Soon, we learn that what she said was not wrong.

* * *

After about a week has passed.

The residents of the territory had already adapted to their new lord and were even more satisfied.

The people of Yeongji, who had been forced into slavery under a mountain of debt, were able to repay their debts through labor and were permitted to own a certain amount of money.

Naturally, the workload increased, and the area was filled with people working day and night.

Perhaps in the long run, this will bring much greater benefits to the territory.


However, Sanghyun was puzzled by this scene and tilted his head.

“Huh? It’s been three days and you’re still in the castle?”

-Ugh, ugh, ugh…!!

-Kingly Godsim… …!


For three days, Almond and Emilia stayed at Talorant’s castle.

This fact made viewers enjoy themselves and let their imagination run wild.

There was no special description in the game.

But isn’t Emilia approaching Almond, who is looking out the window, holding his hand and saying this?

“Let’s go see Father tomorrow. Almond.”

And Almond answers:


At that moment, numerous hooks appeared in the chat window.


-What is it?

-Your speech has changed?

After a while.

Viewers were convinced only after seeing their sorrowful eyes.

-Tsk~! What happened in 3 days! LOL


-I did it, I did it.

-You have almond powers lol

-Wow, I already completed Emilia’s route lol

What happened during those three nights?

“Wow. It’s a happy ending.”

However, it seems that the world of Kingdom Age had no intention of easily sending them off to such a happy ending.

Puuuuuuuuuuuuu… … !

An unusual horn sound rings out from outside.


Emilia looks out the window in a hurry.

“What is coming has come. “It came a little faster, though.”

“Are they relatives of Talorant?”

“huh. almond. “They will say they will take the castle back.”

“I can stop it.”


Before Emilia could say anything, she passed out.

* * *

Wow… … !

Silver armor is lined up on the vast green plain. Even at first glance, it looks like it is hundreds of years old.

Among them, the almond row is the one on the far left.

Roman, at the head of the line, raises the flag and shouts.



Numerous mercenaries, including Almond, stamp their feet and form ranks.

As Roman glances at them, the blood spurts thickly in his neck.

“We will win this war for the honorable Lady Jeanneret who hired us!!!”

A deafening roar.


Large text appears above the almonds, accompanied by a familiar drum sound.

[Lead the war to victory!]


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