Genius Archer’s Streaming Chapter 248

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Genius Archer’s Streaming Season 1 Episode 248

87. Sword vs. Sword (2)

“No matter how many times I report it, it doesn’t work.”


Joohyuk fell face down on the desk, clutching his head.

It’s because of the video uploaded by Time Trouble.

[Why is the whole world surprised by a streamer who was a Korean archer (?)?]

It’s funny how they change the title in real time to somehow increase the number of views.

‘It’s just a guess, so it doesn’t matter… … .’

Although it is a video that does not have any specific information yet. Due to the nature of these all-tubers, time is of the essence, so they upload speculative videos as quickly as possible.

And only then do you continue to generate views by uploading additional videos with proper research.

So, what this means is that we don’t know what kind of information will be brought in the next video or the one after that.

‘Should I at least add some more comments?’

Joo-hyuk really can’t do anything but leave malicious comments.

He felt helpless and clicked on the video… … .


He was so surprised that he adjusted his glasses.

[This video has been removed by the copyright holder.]


That was when.


A call came to Joo-hyuk’s cell phone.

It’s an unknown number.

‘… … What is this timing?’

I usually don’t answer numbers I don’t know, but this is strange timing. He swallowed his saliva and answered the phone.



It’s a woman’s voice. Even that short sentence seems full of elegance. The elegant woman spoke with as little condescension as a grain of rice.

-Tell Sang-Hyeon to just focus on the game.

Judging from these words, one thing was certain.

‘This woman erased it.’

It was this woman who took down the video.

I don’t know who anyone is.

“… … “Excuse me, who are you?”

-… … .

The other person was silent for a moment.

-I’m just a fan. I was rude enough to find out your manager’s phone number. Thank you for your hard work.


With these words, the call ends.


Joohyuk searched his memories to see if he had missed something.

There is no way he wouldn’t know someone who would do such a great job for Sang-Hyeon.

‘Who are you?’

No matter how much I try to recall the memories.

Nothing came to mind.

It wasn’t there… … .

“you. Are you familiar with electromagnetic waves?”

This is the question I asked when I found out that 1 out of 10 followers of Electromagnetic Wave was Sanghyun.

At that moment, Sang-Hyeon’s strange reaction suddenly comes to mind.

“… … No. I said no.”

“hey. It’s because I’m worried. “It’s a little strange, isn’t it?”

「… … .」

“You can’t speak, can you?”

Why is this memory passing me by?

As far as he knows, electromagnetic waves… … .

‘no way.’

Joohyuk shook his head as if he had found out something he shouldn’t know.

There must have been a reason why Sanghyun wanted to keep it a secret.

What if I had recalled this memory sooner and pretended to know the girl just now, just to show off my smarts?

‘He may have called me just to scare me.’

If he knew that Sang-Hyeon had told Joo-Hyeok, he might have taken the same action as shown in the video.

[This video has been removed by the copyright holder.]

Joo-hyuk looked at the text blankly.

“Let me just do my job for now.”

Back to work.

I’m grateful that the issue has been resolved, and I’m going to prepare a countermeasure before the next video comes out.


He called Gia.


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“uh. Jiya. Let’s prepare just one video in advance. Just in time for the finals.”

Then I took a video out of the folder and sent it as a message.

‘National Championship’

This is a video of Sang-Hyeon’s activities 10 years ago.

“With this, we are making our own introduction video.”

I couldn’t let this opportunity be taken away by Wreckas.

Jia quickly understood and started working.

Only then did Joo-hyuk sigh and turn his attention to the community window.

‘What is this again?’

The real-time search terms were strange.

1. Store pick

2. Almonds

3. Flash Sword




‘Do you think the blink sword is a store pick?’

* * *

If you look at the posts posted on Lil Pro in real time, everyone was thinking of the flash sword as a store pick.

[Wow, this is a store pick?]

[Isn’t that an irrational number?]

[It’s brain dead.]

[Another jump pick?]

[Shop Picks in Real-Time Almond Finals]

[No, this is crossing the line hahaha Store pick in the finals?]

This misunderstanding wasn’t necessarily their fault.

Almond had never shown his flashing sword. He’s never even been shown practicing, so from a third party perspective, he’s honestly no different from a store pick.

However, there was an unexpected controversy going on here.

-Isn’t this bad manners? lol

└ㄹㅇㅋㅋ Really, I think they are just saying it to make me feel bad.

-Another mental attack?

-This is crossing the line against a pro lol

There was a force that claimed that making store picks in the finals was an act of bad manners.

Of course, there were many people who opposed this.

-He didn’t say anything when dealing with Mosol. Jjintta cries ㅠㅠ

└ㄹㅇ Haha, you can eat radish, but not pickled radish?

└That’s Mosul.

└We decided to call this ‘Jjin’!

First of all, the first objection is why the reaction is different from when you made a store pick to Mosol.

The second was a rebuttal that raised the standard question of what manners are appropriate in a Nantjeon match.

-What are the manners in a Nant battle? Lol

-Manners in war? You’re being rude.

└ㅋㅋㅋㅋSeriously, oh~~ Then you shouldn’t have done the Incheon Landing Operation~~ ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Isn’t that a really bad, unmannered tactic?

└To sneak in and land on someone’s side and beat them up so clumsily? That’s not something a great swordsman would do.

└ㄹㅇㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ If it was the Middle Ages, this would have been a tactic that would have gotten the Pope a beating

-There are some really weird people out there. Shop picks are so much fun, why are they so annoying?

└There are many babies who feel inferior because almonds are so good.

└Almond To be honest, it’s baseless haha ​​I’m not a professional, I just worked at a company haha.

└Is Asung ‘just’ a company?

└Does Asung look like shit?

└What does Asung have to do with Lil? It’s baseless.

└I heard you were a former Almond archery player? So isn’t the bow fundamental? lol

└Do you believe that baseless rumor? LOL Even the video was taken down.

An unexpectedly heated debate sparked by store picks.

However, all these controversies were immediately dispelled by the broadcaster’s explanation(?) that followed.

King Gul said this:

“Is this a card you secretly prepared?”

“yes?! “It’s not a store pick?”

When the caster asks, Kinggyul points to the intimacy window.

“The intimacy is too high for this to be my first pick?”

-It’s true. It’s the maximum

-What? But why is there no record?

-It’s ㄹㅇ

Intimacy 100.

It was an intimacy value that could never be achieved in an incarnation purchased directly from a store.

-Isn’t this just posted as an exchange?

-Does intimacy increase only when you play?

-Didn’t you just buy it from a store and then upload it through exchange? There were no records at all.

There was also an opinion that perhaps they had purchased it in advance from the store and then only worked on increasing intimacy through gift-giving.

Kinggyul shook his head.

“Blink Sword is a class where intimacy increases based on recognition of skill, right? So, you can’t raise it to 100 just by alternating current.”

“But there is no record. How did you get your skills recognized? Analyst. “Do you know anything?”

Caster passed the baton to an analyst who was well versed in theory.

The analyst begins his explanation while adjusting his red glasses.

“hmm… … Even if you play in practice mode, it goes up.”

“Ah. So you did it in practice mode?”

“Yes. But… … .”


“It goes without saying, but in practice mode, it’s difficult to get Hwashin’s recognition of your skills.”

“Oh, there’s that problem again? Then what did Almond do?”

“It means that I practiced enough to overcome all of those things. Or, as usual, he was incredibly talented, or both.”

King Gyul intervened and emphasized once again.

“Then it must be a hidden secret weapon, right?! “First of all, the speed of picking was incredible, right?”

In short, I got it right. That’s what I want to say.

-Is that it? Even a broken cow tastes good twice a day?

-Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

-Don’t cows catch mice while backing up? Haha.

-They say you have to hit King Tangerine twice a day to avoid malfunctionsㅋㅋㅋ Are you assholes?

Of course, the viewers did not acknowledge his foresight(?).

“But pickled radish player. Why aren’t you picking?”

The camera caught the scene of pickled radish staring blankly into space.

The usual bright face has disappeared.

Was I shocked by something?

“Player Danmuji… …?”

Although he couldn’t hear it, the caster called out to him again as if to wake him up.

At that moment, Danmuji suddenly began to sway.


It’s a butt-smashing ride.

“What, what is it?”

“Is this a Disworld bug?”

Danmuji quickly got up again, but bowed his head in embarrassment and covered his face for a moment. It seemed like it wasn’t a bug.

-What the heck lol

-This is so funnyㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Sometimes when I play Disworld and focus too much on something else, it happens like that.

-Why are you like that? Aren’t you staggering? Why are you like that? Aren’t you staggering?

Pickled radish hid his red face and hastily chose the next pick.

[Jecheon Daeseong – Hand]

It was Jecheon, an incarnation modeled after a Chinese folk tale.

“Isn’t this… … the top pick?”

“Yes. “You choose the top first?”

“I think it would have been right to choose mid here. Are you feeling a little shaky?”

-It was shaking lol.

-obviously… … .

-You were shaking so obviously? Lol

It was obvious that pickled radish was mentally shaken, so it didn’t seem like there was any strategy.

“I think I made a mistake because I was nervous. It could be like this. Even professional teams make mistakes in banning them in the Worlds finals. But you have to come to your senses!”

As if he had listened to King Gyul’s words, Danmuji continued to pick without wavering.

I chose an appropriate American incarnation.

[Wind Sword – Seiko]

Seiko was the incarnation of cutting down enemies with a blade made of wind.

“This pick is okay.”

“What is the win rate between the wind sword and the blink sword?”

“Well, I guess you could say it’s 50-50. In a competition.”

Kinggyul helps out with what Red Glasses says.

“Sword vs. Sword! The name of the matchup itself is 50 vs. 50!?”

-Sword big sword hahahaha

-Um dae eum hahaha

-It’s a fundamental match haha.

-Solo Rank Alert!

“Ah. If it’s 50-50, isn’t it not a good pick?”

“That’s personal compatibility in lane play. The combination is quite good. First of all, my chemistry with Jecheon Daeseong is very good!”

“Ah. So it’s a pick for the team rather than individual matchups!?”

“That’s right. I’ve already blown away the hardest counter, the Ninja!”

Eventually, after the picks were completed.

“Okay! It’s the first match of the long-awaited finals! Now that the picks are finalized, I think I should briefly explain the rules of the finals!”


King Gyul interjects, giving a nonsensical answer, as if he had something to explain.

“Okay. Since the Nant Battle is an event match, there are special rules that apply. These are the rules that apply in 2 vs. 2 situations.”

“Isn’t this a fundamental rule?”

“That’s right. The rule is that if the situation is 2 vs 2, it will be played as a ‘blind pick’!”

-Wow, really?

-So much fun lol

-Isn’t this the opening ceremony?

-Wow, wasn’t this something they did in a pro tournament a few years ago? Hahaha, it’s so weird.

Blind pick.

The rule is to just pick right away without a ban. We literally don’t see each other’s picks.

“In this blind pick, you are free to pick anything. The enemy and the incarnation may overlap. There will be a so-called mirror match, right?”

“That’s right! That’s also fun in its own way! Alright. The loading is complete! The game is starting! Let’s start!”

* * *

Almond, standing in the midline, quietly stared at the letters in front of him.


It’s a radish.

He is standing across from me with his usual bright face.

Currently, before minions appear, it is a kind of cold war.

That’s why Danmuji greets you.


He definitely looked quite shaken up in the ban pick earlier. The voice is as bright as if it had been like that for some time.

“Hey~! “Is that really a store pick?”

Pickled radish quietly takes a step forward and asks.

Almond didn’t bother to answer.

He is not the type to engage in psychological warfare, nor is he the type to accept it.

He’s the type that just ignores things.

“As expected, you’re keeping silent. You’re not going to fight anyway until the minions come, right?”


The pickled radish collapsed on the floor.

“Hmm. Until the minion comes. I’ll meditate.”

Almond had no reaction.

At least on the outside it seemed that way.

He was just blankly looking at where pickled radish was sitting.


I was a little embarrassed, although I didn’t show it.

‘Didn’t you say that Blinkblade was your main character?’

Taco definitely said that.

Pickled radish is said to have a flashing sword as its main character.

In that case, it would be possible to embody the kill angle that the blink sword can achieve?

From the almond’s perspective, the position where Danmuji was sitting now was clearly a dead end.

However, it cannot be done with just one move. In terms of chess, it is an opening that allows checkmate after two to three turns of attack and defense.

‘Can’t you see this? Or did you show it to me?’

The problem is that I don’t know if that gap was intentional by that guy, or just a ridiculous mistake, or even ridiculous carelessness.

One, Almond was the type whose body moved first.


Almond quietly raised his sword.

Even my breathing stopped, which made me concentrate.

And throw it to the correct location.


The black arrow flew out like a blast.

Almond turned his body halfway in advance and jumped upward.


A light flashed behind the pickled radish and an almond appeared.


The thrown sword was soon back in his hand. The tendons in his hand suddenly popped out. Just as the rotational force had been applied beforehand.


A bloody light rushed towards the nape of Pickled Radish’s neck.

‘I got caught.’

Danmuji’s eyes sparkled and the corners of his mouth rose.

Almond made eye contact with him. She realized it was a trap. They intentionally gave up the kill angle for a moment.

But only then did Almond think.

‘I think I caught it.’

He only looked one or two moves ahead and couldn’t see beyond that.


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