Genius Archer’s Streaming Chapter 244

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Genius Archer’s Streaming Season 1 Episode 244

85. Pentakill stolen again (2)

After Yul destroyed the mid turret, whenever it was empty, the turret collapsed.

[The turret has been destroyed!]

[The turret has been destroyed!]




And when I went to stop, the tacos and almonds were already gone.

The two of them moved separately from the rest of the team as if they were a special force, so even if they wanted to have a formal 5v5 team fight, they would not fight against them at all.

They were terrorists who just walked around and destroyed buildings.

“When did all the top, mid, and turrets get destroyed?!”

“When the turret is destroyed, gold is given to the entire enemy team, so the gold difference is huge! After all, war is about money!? “Lil is no different!”

“Yes, the money is starting to add up!”

Although I never really fought, the differences in the items I purchased began to widen.

“I’m buying a Chanel bag from Balloon Stars, but Soloise Bag is just a backpack! “You must feel a sense of crisis!”

The difference wasn’t as big as King Gul’s metaphor, but it was clearly occurring without being obvious.

“I’ll beat you up with money later!”

So in the end, SoloIsBack makes a decision… … .

That was the strategy of five people gathering in the middle and charging.

* * *

Caster sighed and shouted.

“Ah! Solo is back! Finally, all five of us gathered together and rushed to the middle!”

Even the caster, who did not know how to watch the game well, could see a deep shadow of defeat in his eyes.

As he looked down at the entire map, he could already see the shadows of two monsters closing in from behind.

“This is the real horror of the deadly combination. They make it so that there is no answer other than a 5v5 dud. But what if it ends up being a 5v5 fight? Then… … .”

King Gul’s explanation ends here.


[Kang Shin-ki – Muyeong]


This is because red energy started to rise from Taco’s entire body and he started to run.

“Ah, Muyeong! Activate!”

“It means Muyeong has no shadow! “You’ll understand right away when you see it!”


Taco’s new model instantly dispersed into an afterimage.

A speed at which space curves around him.

[Speed ​​increase 350%]

[Damage increased by 400%]

[Duration: 10 seconds]

This is where the nickname Muyoung comes from.


There was no shadow left where he passed.


[50% stamina]


Several sword strikes scraped the enemy’s back at an invisible speed.

“Eww! Nogari! Half-dead in an instant!?”

“I got caught!”

“Soloiseback! “Focus on Yul!!”

All of Solo Is Back’s contractors turned towards Yul.

And he poured out all his skills.


A variety of skills that are difficult to describe in detail were used to kill Yul.

one… … .

[Kang Shin-ki – Faith]


The arrows that were caught in the protest were as red as blood.

Almond is aiming at Taco from a distance.

Tako was swinging through the enemy lines at a speed that left an afterimage.

It makes you wonder, is it possible to guess correctly?

One, Almond let go of the bowstring without much hesitation.

The arrow flies cleanly and lands in the back of Tako’s head.


[The target becomes invincible for 3 seconds!]

A refreshing white energy surrounded Tako, and all enemy attacks were repelled.


[Stamina 21%]

[Status: Invincible]


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“Ahhhh! Invincible with barely any stamina!!”

Here, Almond shot arrows of light one after another.

No matter how fast Tako moved, his arrows never missed.


[Protected by the Divine Realm!]

Woohoo… … !

With invincibility applied, Taco’s stamina replenishes.


[52% Stamina]


Another arrow goes in.


[Health 77%]

“No, an arrow of light is coming from that distance now!? Are you guessing everything right!?”

“Usually when you combine the kill rate, the Sana’s get a little closer, right? But Almond shoots from the maximum range! How do you kill that thing!?”

From the enemy’s perspective, Sana is healing at a distance that is too ambiguous to approach.

Normally, you should miss a few times and be able to kill this damn bald guy.

[Protected by the Divine Realm!]

I don’t think anything will go wrong.

Wow! Sigh!

Meanwhile, Yul’s sword swung several more times, and Nogari fell.

[The enemy has been defeated!]

[Takoyaki → Nogari]

Next is the soju right next to it.


Yul’s sword, which had started to gain the ‘Acceleration’ effect, could now turn long-range attacks into dust in just a few seconds.

[Takoyaki Double Kill!]

[Takoyaki → Soju]

“Waaaaaaah! The long-range attacker! Is he dying!?”

“No! hurry!”


Takoyaki’s time of invincibility is over.

“Now! Hit me now!”

“Mosol player Kang Shin-gi!”

Mosul casted a spell on Taco, Rope Choke.

A powerful one-on-one technique that instantly attaches to the enemy, crosses the rope, and strangles them, causing great damage while also preventing them from moving.

The downside is that it often goes astray.

Crunch… … !

Mosol was a challenger. And Rope Assassin – no one knew – was a hidden card he had prepared.

There was no way it could go astray.


Taco was in a suppressed state.

[31% Stamina]

In an instant, 70% of my health was lost again.

This is because not only Mosol but all team members attacked.

[Cannot attack target!]


Again, all attacks were nullified.

“Ahhhhh!? Player Almond hit Kang Shin-ki again!?”

Almond has once again given us invincibility.

Sana’s spirit weapon gives 3 arrows, 2 of which have been consumed so far.

“You really shoot sparingly! You damn fool! Nuts!”

From the enemy’s point of view, the strong spirit that comes in at every right time is extremely annoying.

That’s why some of the Solo Is Back members ran to catch the almonds.

One, it’s not a taco to look at.

[Slashing the tiger]


In an instant, they rushed in a straight line and the sword struck, and the two who were running towards Almond fell.

[Takoyaki Quadrakill!]

[Takoyaki → Makgeolli]

[Takoyaki → Beer]

In an instant, Mosol is left alone.

“Ta, Takoyaki Quadraaaa!?”

“Oh, so this is what it turns out to be!!”

Takoyaki’s eyes flashed and he turned towards Mosol.

[Kang Shin-ki’s ‘Muyoung’ ends]

The effect of Muyeong was over, but killing the remaining Mosol was no easy task.

Mosol also seemed to realize that he had lost the game anyway, and didn’t seem to have any intention of running away.

Whirly! He instead threw the rope towards Taco and rushed towards him.

“I don’t know what’s going on, rush in!”

“Anyway, if you don’t get tacos here, the game is already over!”


Mosol’s dagger and Tako’s sword intersected, spattering blood.

Immediately after that, they turned around and swung their swords at each other.

Kaang! Kang!

Some sword strikes clashed with each other and were canceled out.

Some swordsmen cut, stabbed and tore at each other’s vital points.

At first glance, it seemed like a close match, but the difference in damage was clear.

“Pentaaa… … !”


[Health 5%]

Mosol’s stamina hit bottom first.


“… …Kill?!?”


The final decoration was Sana’s arrow embedded in her forehead.

[Bloody warrior → Mosol]


King Gul paused for a moment and listened.

The almond seemed to be saying something.

[…] … Kicha.]

* * *


Joo-hyuk, who was watching the game, stood up suddenly.

“Wow. That kid’s aftertaste… … .”


Soon he burst into laughter.

“Do you have an enemy in Mosul?”

Joo-hyuk could tell right away that Almond did that on purpose.

[Oops. Sorry~]

That voice is just like that. I’ve heard it a lot.

A voice that was a little more charming than usual, for no reason.

A voice often used when getting scolded by one’s boss.

He pretended not to, but he knew very well that he was good-looking, so he often got away with it.

At least that’s what Joohyuk thought.

[Huh? What? Penta? Well, that could be it! Our Ace did it! Haha! I don’t care about that kind of thing!]

As expected, I passed on the taco coolly.

As a user who plays support and jungle, I didn’t seem to have this kind of desire.


[Hey! It was so much fun! With this combination of memories… … .]

Taco was a person who was only interested in winning and losing, and the game was already over.

Now, Soloizeback, who was down two points, used ‘Operation Time’ and held a meeting for about 20 minutes, but…

[Mice rat~~~~!]

[Oh, this can’t be right… … It’s 3 to 0, right?]

The next game was also a complete victory for the Balloon Stars.

It seems that the operation time was of little use.

[Ah, Solo Is Back… … I even called in outsiders during the operation time and fought hard, but unfortunately, I ended up having to go home.]

[On the contrary! Balloon Stars! Advance to the finals!?!]

[That’s right~! Wow~! It’s finally happening! The showdown between Danmuji and Almond!!]

The semi-finals were won much more easily than expected.

Balloon Stars advanced to the finals easily without even pulling out any special cards.

After the game, Almond waves his hand and the crowd roars.

-almond! almond! almond!

-Wow! love you! Oppa!

-Mom, when I grow up, I want to be an almond wrapper!

The number of fans wearing almond applause balloons and almond hats appears to be increasing.

Joo-hyuk looked at the sight with pleasure.

I turned my head to one side of the monitor again.

The chat room where I was meeting with Jia was floating.

The topic is generally how to edit this Nant, and… … .

“… … “What should I do with this?”

* * *

After the game is over.

Balloon Stars did not provide any particular feedback.

Anyway, there is a lot of time given until the finals, only three days.

“Good work! On days like today, just relax at home! “Let’s practice hard again starting tomorrow!”

At Tako’s words, the team members cheered like students on vacation.

“Cheer up!”


Almond also looked good.

Because Taco especially praised him often.

“There was no play today. “It’s Mond.”

He did not spare his praise until the very end.

“If you had come to this world a little earlier, you could have challenged yourself as a professional.”

Of course I didn’t know about tacos.

Almond had already been in the professional world, and that was why he entered late.

And Sang-Hyeon also said that he had no intention of stepping into the professional world any longer, unless it was to quench his obsession with archery.

However, I was never offended by this kind of compliment that I could become a pro.

In fact, this kind of praise made Almond feel the best.

“Not to that extent.”

Even as he spoke like this, the corners of his mouth were hanging down to his ears.

As expected, winning is the most fun for almonds.

“Phew. Humility. Honestly, I could be a pro right now, but… … that’s completely different from being a streamer.”

“Yes. “I like streamers.”

After meeting Hyunju a while ago, Sang-Hyeon had already decided to pursue a career as a streamer.

Now, memories are just memories.

I decided to bury it like that. She was able to bury it like that.

That’s what I really thought until I saw the video Joo-hyuk was watching after leaving the capsule.

“uh… … ? Did you come out? and… … Doesn’t that capsule make any sound as it opens?

“what. “Why are you looking at that?”

Joo-hyuk was watching a video of Sang-hyun winning the gold medal at the championships.


Joohyuk looked confused for a moment and moved his eyes around.

Sang-Hyeon tried to ignore Joo-Hyeok and head to the bathroom, but… … .

“… … ?”

I felt something was strange about the video.

‘I didn’t have that video?’

It was a video shot from a different angle than the one he had saved on his computer.

It looks like someone filmed it with their own hands, not the version broadcast on a local TV station.


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