Genius Archer’s Streaming Chapter 243

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Genius Archer’s Streaming Season 1 Episode 243

85. Another stolen pentakill (1)

Eat jungle monsters, eat minions, eat jungle monsters again, eat minions.

“Back in the jungle.”

“Eat the aggro. I’ll do it again.”

“Put your heels in.”

“Now to the Blue Tooth Wolf. After that, it’s Minion again.”

It was a tactic so precise as to make even onlookers stick out their tongues.

Movement lines calculated in seconds, tight aggro ping-pong, stable and fast hunting.

-Wow, this is so gross, this bald guy is freaking awesome lol

-That’s why you go bald. Tsk tsk.

-Soloise Bag fans are angry lol

-Good job, our octopus!

There were a lot of compliments on the perfect order of tacos in the chat window.

-I think Almond is more amazing because he does everything you say… … .

-What kind of devil’s bat is an almond? Everything happens as you say, right?

-How is the arrow of light infinite?

-The bald grumpy goblin and his bat almond lol

There were also many stories about Almond’s ability to carry out that order perfectly.

-How much practice did you have for this?

-No, can I show you this here? It looks like you were practicing catching a radish… … .

-Atta combination! Sayul combination! Go!

There were even many people who thought it was a hidden card that the Sayul Association had been practicing separately.

No, almost everyone thought so.

In reality, it was Mosol who prepared the real hidden card.

* * *

“no. Takoyaki player. When did you practice this? “Are Almond’s skills truly outstanding?”

“yes! There really is no gap! Taco is already level 6! “The other contractors are all 4 or 5!”

Caster was excited and spit out.

That’s how overwhelming Taco’s leveling was.

“That’s because we eat minions and jungle monsters! Plus, the hunting speed is ridiculously fast!”

I mean, it’s easy.

Yul absorbs all the monster experience and gold that the jungler needs to eat, as well as the experience and gold that the mid laner needs to eat.

Although I share some with Sana, Yul eats most of it.

As a result, it becomes increasingly stronger without any end in sight… … .

“No, is this actually possible!? Then, can Mosol eat both?!”

“no. Rope Assassin and Dragon Tamer will never work. They’re not big enough and just get in the way of each other. “The total amount of reel experience and gold is fixed.”

“Oh, so it’s structured so that Yul takes away some of Sana’s experience and gold!?”

“Yes. Sana is not greatly affected by level and items, but Yul is greatly affected. In addition, the synergy between the two is amazing. When all of this is combined, a dirty tactic called the Sayul combination appears! In particular, since Sana’s Kangshingi is an invincible skill, if you use it on Yul, the two of them can almost do five-person damage!”

– Hahaha, high praise.

-dirty? Here it is a reward.

-We decided to call this a reward.

“You’re saying two people can make five servings? There are five people in the entire team!? Isn’t that a scam?”

Caster asked excitedly, and Kinggyul responded as if he had finally figured it out.

“It was a scam, right? That’s why it was nerfed?”


-That’s right lol

-No, but it was nerfed, so why is it happening now?!

-It was nerfed right? lol

Caster had no choice but to ask the same question.

“No, I nerfed it! Why is it like before? Didn’t I nerf it so that it wouldn’t be possible!?”

“That’s thanks to Almond’s Sana play! The nerf was done by placing restrictions on the previously unlimited Arrow of Light. “This has no meaning to Almond!”


There was no need for the analyst to answer the caster’s question.

Almond was now showing why.

“I just happened to come back to Mid? You can tell just by looking at me!”

As soon as he returns from the jungle to mid, he targets the minions first.

The unique practical archery grip method results in an unbelievable rate of fire.

That’s all on target.

Paba babang!

More than fifteen arrows of light appear at once.

“First, hit all the minions’ targets and take the Arrow of Light. “If you do this, you will most likely not die.”

After that, Taco takes care of the minions.

Meanwhile, Almond fires an arrow at Mosol to restrain him.

“While Taco is eating the minions, he even fires arrows at Mosol to keep him in check.”

Even though Mosol tries to keep Tako in check as he eats the minions, he gets hit by a few shadow arrows and has to go back.

As the Saint’s curse piles up, Taco will start to kill himself.

“Even these deterrent arrows hit their targets, creating more arrows of light.”


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Leaving Mosul behind, unable to do anything, the two leave for the jungle again.

“After this, the two of you will go back to the jungle together and enjoy a monster hunting date! But you have to do this really fast! That way, you will have time to eat all the way to the jungle!”

-Almond and jungle date lol

-ㅁㅊ LOL

-???: … … Possible! (with his bald head shining)

Caster shouts in bewilderment.

It’s not King Gul’s dating remarks that are absurd, but Almond’s performance ability.

“no! How many arms do you have, Almond!? How do you do all that at the same time!?”

-You must have practiced a lot

-I didn’t see you practicing. Was it a hidden card?

-Mom! I’ll refund this! The game balance is weird!

Almond’s continuous fire ability clearly had an edge that made the balance strange, especially in incarnations like Sana.

The production team didn’t have Sana’s bow drawn this quickly in mind.

There was no need to keep that in mind, exactly.

Not only is it impossible to pull this fast, but it is even more impossible to hit the target accurately while pulling this fast.

Even when the Arrow of Light was infinite, Sana’s incarnation was not treated as OP.

This is because the weapon called the bow had a very high barrier to entry for modern people.

But that doesn’t mean anything to Almond. It’s not a barrier to entry, but rather a solicitation to use me.

“Following Reina, Sana will also become a must-ban card.”

It was even mentioned as a must-ban card by analysts.

Even as the commentators were exclaiming all sorts of admiration, Taco’s level continued to rise.

[Level 7]

Reached level 7 faster than anyone else.

“Yul is already level 7?!”

“Mosol is still level 5. “Sana is also level 5.”

“This must feel like you’re opening your eyes and cutting off your nose, Player Mosol. Shouldn’t you try something?”

“Come to think of it, player Mosol also has something prepared, right? He has to fly to a different line with the dragon trainer and exert influence… … .”

As if he had heard the commentators’ words, Mosul calls his jungler and roams to another lane.


Dragon trainer Nogari summons a dragon.

The dragon grabs Nogari’s shoulder and flies up. It is impossible to summon a dragon this large without a strong spirit, so it flies like this.

At this time, the Rope Assassin throws a hook toward the dragon and hits it.

If this happens, the two will fly together.

“This is kind of a bug-level synergy, right?”

“Yes. It’s really scary to think of Rope Assassin going back and forth like that.”

“But the direction you’re heading towards is the tower!?”

“Oh, right. Bubblegum’s Iron Ball was banned. You want to smash the top? That’s the kind of tactic you’re talking about!”

The two arrived at the tower in no time riding the dragon.

Bubblegum is in a situation where he chose ‘The Great Monolith – Kutan’, which is not as familiar as Iron Ball.

When two enemies suddenly fall from the sky, even the onlookers can see how confused they are.


He tried to escape somehow by turning over the ground.


I got caught in the Rope Assassin’s rope.


Bubble gum fluttering like a fish caught in a fishing line. Mosol’s feet land on top of it.


He stood on Bubblegum’s shoulder and unleashed his attack skills.

A small dragon sent by the dragon trainer added damage by shooting flames.

[First Blood!]

[Mosol → Bubble Gum]

The first kill of the game came.

It was an indicator that the game flow was very slow compared to before.

“Hey, you’re finally publishing it now?”

First Blood gives additional gold.

“however… … “Did you call this a pobble?”

But Kinggyul suddenly brings up the story of Pobble.

It is a compound word of First Blood and Turret, and refers to the bonus gold from the first turret you break.

“Soloiseback. The turret looks like it’s going to collapse!?”

Of course, taking down a turret was several times more valuable than making a kill.

Even more so if it is a mid turret in charge of the center of the map.

[The turret has collapsed!]

Kugu-kung… … !

Soloiseback’s mid turret eventually collapses.

-What is the speed?

-This is Yul lol

-Wow lol it’s the enemy team’s Yul!

“The speed is crazy!”

“Did this happen because Mosol was away for a moment!?”

Yul’s attack power is the strongest in Lille, assuming it is not checked.

Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud!

What would happen if you could freely hit turrets with that kind of attack power?

Even receiving support from Sana.

[The turret has been destroyed!]

It might not stop just because it’s flying.

The more Yul swings the sword, the more an effect called ‘acceleration’ occurs.

This means that all body movements become faster.

“Two, two flew away!?”

“Ah, this is so painful! It seems like player Mosol has a very low understanding of the death rate combination!”

Solo Is Back, who gave away two turrets so pointlessly.

“Two turrets and one life for Bubblegum… … This is just plain wrong!”

“Yes. Even if you exchange Bubble Gum’s life one-for-one, it doesn’t seem right… … .”

-That’s too much lol

-Are you ignoring Gum-hyung!? He’s the main character of set 1.

– Are you ignoring the Carry Machine gum type?

-If you step on gum on the street, King Gul Shack

“I’m not being dismissive, but Bubblegum’s role in this edition is simply as a meat shield. In this version, the combination of Sayul is Alpha and Omega. You can’t leave those two unmarked like that!”

“Still, does Mosol keep pounding the tower? She goes to the tower again?”

[Enemy defeated!]

[Mosol → Bubble Gum]

Mosul has killed Bubblegum once again.

Then another turret collapsed.

[The turret has been destroyed!]

“Ah, there’s another strange exchange! “Bubble gum isn’t important!?”

Is it a difference in strategy?

Strangely, the game kept leaning towards Balloon Stars.

* * *

Soloiseback’s voice was full of Bolmen’s voices.

I haven’t really fought properly, but I’m frustrated because my team is losing.

[no. How did this happen?]

[Why is Yul’s growth like that?]

[Mid Gap… … .]

Because he is in an atmosphere where he speaks without hesitation, he often says one harsh word at a time like this.

But this time, Mosul felt wronged.

[No, this is my first time seeing that? Huh? Didn’t I ask from the beginning what that was!?]

[I said it was a death rate combination! But that got nerfed and doesn’t work anymore. This is ridiculous… ]

The team members spoke as if Mosol couldn’t deal with even the nerfed Sayul combination.

Of course, Nogari was also tied up and attacked together.

[Mid Jungle difference is crazy~]

[No, guys. I told you, aren’t you crazy? I told you not to let Almond shoot arrows! Mosul!]

Nogari blamed Mosul again.

[Your brother is also good at archery.]

[what? I’m a dragon trainer?]

[Your ability to turn arrows at me is outstanding!]

After Mosol scolds Nogari, he makes the final decision.

[Let’s get together and push through the game. It can’t go on like this.]

[Let’s play 5 to 5? Will they do it? Where else will they go and push it somewhere else?]

[There’s nothing you can do about it! We just have to push it out with five people without a single gun!]


It didn’t seem like a particularly good method, but everyone agreed that there was no other way.

But they didn’t know.

After Yul’s level goes over 10, the craziest thing is to induce a 5 vs. 5 battle.


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