Genius Archer’s Streaming Chapter 241

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Genius Archer Streaming Season 1 Episode 241

84. Summoning Memories (1)

“Mond. “You have to do it.”

When Almond first heard this, he thought it meant that he had to be active this time too.

I asked because I felt strange saying something.

“… … What?”

Then, a completely unexpected answer came back.



I was embarrassed.


The jungle is the most unique position among the positions in this game.

Whether it’s a support, an ADC, a mid laner, or a top laner, they all grow by blocking enemy minion sieges and earning gold from it.

This is common.

The only exception is the jungler.

They must go into a place called the jungle and catch the monsters that live in the jungle.

The jungler must decide the order of catching these monsters and the direction of where to start catching them.

Even if it was decided in advance, there were many cases where it had to be changed on the fly depending on the situation.

I had to know the various buffs given by jungle monsters and their respective respawn timings.

At the same time, you have to decide which line to help or which line to kill the enemy.

In short, this means that you must have a high level of understanding of the game itself.

That’s one of the things Almonds are worst at.

“What should I go to? I don’t have time, so let’s just choose.”

Still, without saying anything, he asks which incarnation to choose.

‘I guess you could say you can’t do it.’

Taco appreciates this about him.

He tends to want to give it a try. If something doesn’t work out, he goes back and thinks about it and makes improvements. He is a completely practical person.

People like this can become pros.

If you’re afraid of getting hit, you can’t even enter that bloody competition.

Taco grins and puts his hand on her shoulder.


“Sana… … is it going to be a jungle?”

“To be exact, it’s Midge.”

‘what. They said it was a jungle… … Almond looks at you with ‘?’ eyes.

Taco responds with a grin.

“To be more precise, you’re going to the jungle with me.”

* * *

While Taco hesitated for a moment over his pick, King Gyu praised Solo Is Back’s ban pick.

“Ah~! This is an Iron Ball Band. No matter how I look at it, it’s so sharp.”

“Is that so?”

“yes. Taco player is going to make you want to rip your hair out right now! look! “It’s already been opened!”

– Hahahaha what kind of logic is this?

-Ugh lol

-Okay, haha

-We decided to call it ‘hair loss’

-Banpicking hair loss hahaha

“Oh, you’ve torn it all up now?”

“Yes. I’ve already picked up ‘Dragon Trainer – Jeremiah’ on Soloise Bag first. “This is driving people crazy again!”

“Why? “Isn’t this American drama?”

“Usually it is. normally. But what is the best ace matchup right now, Soloiseback vs. Balloonstars?”

“It’s mid.”

“It makes no sense to choose that mead first, right? Why do we have to do that? “If you pick Mosol last, you can pick it after looking at the opponent’s 5 picks and your team’s 4 picks, right?”

“Ah, right! But you chose first?”

“Yes. This is so strange. Jeremiah can go to the jungle if he gets the chance! Of course, the probability is very low!”

“ah! Yes! “I’ve seen it before!”

“You even banned Iron Ball Top earlier, right? So, the current state of Taco is such that it is hard to tell whether Soloiseback is trying to attack the top or the midfield.”

-Hey, lol

-Do kinggyuls breathe through gills?

-Kinggyul-style information pounding hahaha

-Oh, so who do you think will win? LOL Guess what? LOL

-King Kool is a baby… …breathing with gills… …

“I listened carefully to the explanation of the situation. Mr. Kinggyul. “Tako deserves to lose his head!”

At that time, Kinggyul suddenly got up from his chair.

“Uh. Almond player. Should I just go with ADC? Should I choose Sana? And… … .”


[Muyoung Swordsman – Yul]

It was an incarnation that had never been chosen by Balloon Stars before.

This is one of the most representative jungler picks, but it is not used often because it is too extreme.


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This pick is called a paper jet because its body is made of paper, but its damage and speed are enormous.

And it was also a pick that made Kinggyul jump out of his seat.


-The embodiment of patriotism has appeared ㅋㅋㅋ

-Musaaaa! rate!

-What is this? Are you doing it? lol

-Hollyhock, is this a deadly combination?

“This… … okay… … First of all, it looks like Almond is going to mid-air.”

Tsk tsk.

Soon King Gul let out a strange laugh.

“But why are you laughing?”

“Ah. The thought of drinking this latte makes me laugh.”


– In my time~ Is this a pick??

-Jammini newbies really don’t know, lol

-Hey, I don’t know this.

-The problem is that Mosuldo Jammin probably doesn’t know lol

“Ah. Did something come to mind during the old meta?”

“Yes. At that time… … .”

* * *

Yes. Mosol didn’t know.

When the final pick order came, Mosul just tilted his head.

‘What? Yul? Is almond Yul?’

When Sana came out, I thought for sure Almond would play Sana.

However, ADC was additionally picked.

[Biker – Paul]

This is the biker gang that Strawberry Shooter is expected to play.

Of course, this biker group also uses it to use it as a jungle. But that wasn’t a very good choice.

Mosol took a closer look at other picks.

[Quiet waves – Aqua]

First of all, Aqua.

Anyone can see that this is Miho. There is no one on this team who plays Aqua other than Miho.

However, I don’t know where to go.

Is it a support? Or maybe it’s American drama?

First, rule that out and then:

[Great Stone – Kutan]

Kutan, the incarnation of stone.

That’s a meat shield-type incarnation that has no use other than the tower. It’s 100% bubblegum and 100% top.

First fixed.

‘then… … .’

Miho can play mid and support.

Almond’s Sana can be used as both a ranged attack and a support.

‘I can’t go to support because of the position registered on the roster?’

Because of the rules of a Nant match, if Sana were to go as support, it would be another player, not Almond. It becomes either Taco or Miho.

‘You chose Sana, so why are you giving those two to her?’

Those two’s Sana proficiency is much lower than that of Strawberry Shooter. Needless to say, it is lower than almonds.

‘Sana Mid?’

I thought about mid too.


Sana mid is impossible. What kind of symbolism is it to send an incarnation with a heal skill to a mid that fights alone?

Lee Yi-seo, ‘Muyoung Swordsman – Yul’ can play mid and jungle.

‘Ugh… My head hurts. What the heck!?’

This is the one who prepared the hidden card. I feel like my head is going to explode again.

Mosol racks his brain and tries to figure out the number of cases that make the most sense.

“Yul is American. Bikers are in the jungle. Sanaga is ADC. Aqua is the support.”

This seemed right.

Almond is doing yul, and taco is going crazy.

Sana is also good at strawberry shooter, although I didn’t know she could play almond.

It’s no wonder he’s a crazy guy who picks from shops during tournaments. The reason it took so long to pick could be because he had to buy it from the shop.

“I’m glad you noticed. Phew.”

Mosol thought this was right and breathed a sigh of relief.

It was only at the end that it was finally sorted out.

‘Taco ban pick is so annoying.’

Playing ban picks against Takoyaki was always exhausting.

This game, we even prepared hidden cards like Dragon Trainer, so our team should have definitely had an advantage. Strangely, it feels like we’re in a corner.

“Then I can go to the dragon trainer jungle?”


Nogari is a dragon trainer who knows how to navigate the jungle. This is a completely unknown fact to the outside world.

because? Because we practiced just 3-4 days ago.

It was prepared as a hidden card to beat Balloon Stars.

He secretly invited a dragon trainer craftsman to learn the know-how and prepared this ban pick trick.

“But did they get fooled into thinking this was Mid?”

“Seeing as you’re using a card like Mid Yul, could that be possible?”

“… … Are you sure?”

“That’s right!?”

“Yeah, yeah.”

Nogari was unreliable until the end, but I got through it.

Mosol looked confident.

“If you play as a Rope Assassin, you can kill a piece of paper like Yul in an instant, and you can also blow up the entire line like a dragon trainer, so don’t worry!”

[Rope Assassin – Kai]

Soloisebag’s last pick.

It was the final puzzle piece.

* * *

“Huh? Isn’t this your first time seeing the assassin-type incarnation of Mosol?”

The caster tilts his head and asks.

The analyst also responds to this.

“Yes. In particular, it seems like it’s my first time playing Rope Assassin… … you’re right. “It’s not even in the data.”

“Oh. Is that a hidden card?”

“The Dragon Trainer jungle is also strange right now… … It seems like a hidden card. And from what I know, if those two are combined, it becomes a rather interesting play?”

“Oh, what is it?”

“Can’t the dragon trainer fly on his dragon and go to another line?”

“yes. Yes. “To be precise, we are holding on to the dragon’s feet.”

“Yes. But if the Rope Assassin shoots the rope there, the Rope Assassin will go with it.”

“Hey. “Isn’t that a bug?”

“There is no word of a bug yet. It should be seen as implicit permission. But those two rarely appear together. Usually both are used as mids. “It must be a tactic prepared to target this buggy play!”

The broadcast staff was explaining about Rope Assassin and Dragon Trainer.

“Okay, the game begins!”

The main game has begun.

* * *

The contractors summoned to the sanctuary have already begun to move busily.

The caster turned his broadcasting focus to in-game play.

“Why is Sana almond? Is this American drama Sana? Strawberry Shooter is a biker group. Jungle is Yul! How did this happen!?”

The caster was surprised when he finally checked all the positions.

Kinggyul is smiling heartily as if he knew this in advance.

“I told you, it’s a combination of memories. It seems like my guess was right.”

“A combination of memories?”

“yes. Ancient weapon! Lost technology! “It’s called the Sayul Association!”

-Ancient bottle lol

-Lost Technology ㄷㄷ

-I guess it’s ㄹㅇ

-It’s so cool haha ​​Sayul is in a time machine haha

-Is this retro or something? LOL

-Key, this is hip-hop, no, this is city pop!

A combination of four rates.

It is a compound word of Sana and Yul.

This is a tactic where Sana and Yul go to the jungle at the same time and take charge of the mid lane at the same time.

However, at this time, all jungle monsters and minions are gathered and consumed by Yul.

“First of all, basically, Sana mid and Yul jungle. Yul eats the jungle and also eats the mid minions that Sana is supposed to eat.”

“Yes!? Is that okay?”

“That’s the Yul combination. The advantage is that Sana can perfectly support ‘Yul, the Swordsman of No Shadow’ who has a body as thin as a sheet of paper while dealing insane damage! And during a team fight, you can become invincible by receiving Sana’s divine energy, so Yul can wipe everything out with powerful damage!”

“Wow, I see. This is my first time seeing this!”

“In the past, there were many duos who went to the challenger just because of this. They were often called the Sayul couple. It was also a slightly derogatory term. “That’s all I can do!”

“No, is that enough to make you go Challenger?”

“It was that much of a scam!”

“But why isn’t it used these days!?”

“Actually, even though this combination seems to be centered around Yul, Sana is the key. Didn’t Sana get nerfed?”


“Yes. In the very old days, arrows of light were originally created infinitely, just like shadow arrows.”

-The days of fraud and fraud lol

-Wow hahaha?

-Tsk tsk Jamminis are so surprised ㅋㅋ

“No, that was infinite!?”

“yes. It just looks like it. But even that was difficult at the time. How do you hit a target above your allies during battle? … “Now everyone is doing well and getting it right often.”

-Those days when everyone couldn’t do it… … lol

-Dark Age haha

-Reel Dark Ages

After hearing Kinggyul’s explanation, Caster suddenly seemed to remember something.

“uh? But if the problem is that Sana was nerfed… … If the problem is that it has become difficult to make arrows of light… … Because the current pilot is Almond. “Maybe it doesn’t really matter, right?”

Kinggyul smiles and nods.

As if that’s the point.

“Yes. “Maybe we can look at the Sa-yul combination from the old fraud days.”


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