Genius Archer’s Streaming Chapter 240

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Genius Archer’s Streaming Season 1 Episode 240

83. Hidden Card (2)

Balloon Stars vs Soloiseback playoff match.

It’s a tournament-style match where if you lose here you’re eliminated and go home.

This matchup received considerable attention as both teams had grown tremendously while playing in the Nant War.

Although only the first set has been played, the related content has already taken over the Big Pro bulletin board.

Among them, the one that decorates the top is the one.

[Shooting an almond with its hand out.gif]

It was the scene where Almond killed Mosul.

The scene where, despite being attacked by a wild beast, he only pulls out his hand and shoots.

-Did you practice this? I want to try it too, why not?

└They say that you get handsome with practice ㅋㅋㅋ

└I know because I watch Almond broadcast every day. He doesn’t practice this lol, he just does it.

└You will succeed. You won’t succeed.

└It’s too much ㅁㅊ hahaha

Next, Mosul’s collection of psychological warfare was also popular.

[Mosol Chikitcha psychological warfare lol.mp4]

-So cute

-Mosol shack haha.

-You’re so popular lol

-This show wasn’t that popular. Maybe it’ll get a boost this time? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

└The number of people has already increased by 2,000. It has almost doubled.

└If you are Korean, please watch Mosol broadcast ㅠㅠ

└… … Why?

-Mosol finally got a girlfriend?

Subsequently, Almond’s Chikitcha series was also popular.

[Almond Chikitcha Aftertaste]

This is the scene where Almond first grabbed Mosul and muttered.

-Crazy hahaha

-So cute ㅠㅠ

-Aren’t there more of this?

└Post more ㄱㄷ

Almond didn’t stop at just one post, so the post ended up becoming a series.

[Chikicha’s End-2]

[After Chikicha-3]

-Does this mean you turn it on as a macro every time you kill a Mosul?

– Hahahaha crazy.

-I thought almonds were cool. It was just walnuts that weren’t good!?

└It seems like it only has an aftertaste in the game

└The competitive spirit is too strong… …

└Please refrain from making derogatory remarks about walnuts. That is also a crime.

└Almonds are cool. His nuts are just hot.

-Normally I can’t even remember who did what ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ It’s so funny ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-When he killed Mosol in front of the Almond Sanctuary, he said chikicha haha.

└ㄹㅇ If this is the case, I’m just saying this because I like Chikicha lol.

The next most popular thing was a post related to bubble gum.

[Gum that brings back memories]

[Gumhyung loses his memory again]

[Gum brings back memories again]

[Gum hyung lost his memory again]

[Gum eats this?! Gum type that swallows anything]

-ㅁㅊ Isn’t this a problem with Hema?

└Really lol

-Please go to the hospital, bro… …

└Who can cure my inability to reel?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

└I’m telling you to remember properly, man hahahahahaha

└I’m going to go to the hospital and get my memory back, but what the… …

-What’s the last one? Lol. Is it a regression?

-The one who stole Penta was a real legend hahahahahaha

└Almond I feel like I’ll be mumbling something like “Pentata” while sleeping.

-Someone told me to show the unfamiliar ceiling to Gumhyung in the chat. Hahaha. That’s so funny. Hahaha.

-This is what it tastes like! As for the gum type, you can chew it endlessly! It’s gum!

└ㅋㅋㅋ Grit your teeth as much as you want! I’m a gum! Oh my!

Next, surprisingly, we received quite a lot of praise and recommendations for the tacos.

[Honestly, Taco Banpick carried it. Click Recommend.]

-ㄹㅇ The cheating ban pick really came out. It’s been a long time since even King Gyul was fooled. I think it’s because I just typed roughly because it was a Nant match.

-He’s really a bastard

-Genius octopus


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-Prophet Octopus

-Hope Taco of the liberal arts!

└Taco did you graduate from liberal arts college?

└No, I’m an engineering student.

└But why… …

└The door isn’t that door, lol

└I’m a civil servant… … Still looking for hope

And amidst heated interest, the second set began.

A little while after the ban pick starts.

Immediately on the Lil Pro bulletin board, stories about new picks started popping up and taking over.

[Wow, what is that?]

[Is that still possible?]

[That crazy thing was done a long time ago lol]

[Kiya Latte Tactics]

[A kid like Mosul doesn’t know such tactics lol]

[This is my first time seeing it too… … What is that haha]

* * *

Before the ban pick begins.

As always, the caster spoke first.

“Okay. Now, in the 5-game, 3-line match, Balloon Stars has taken 1 win and created an advantageous position.”

[Balloon Stars] [1]

[Soloise Bag] [0]

According to the caster’s words, the hologram that appeared in front of all the audience had Balloon Stars’ first win engraved on it.

“Analyst! How do you think this ban/pick will go?”

The analyst straightened his posture and adjusted his red glasses.

“yes. First of all, I think I will make my picks keeping in mind that Almond will be playing mid.”

“Will Almond go to American drama again?”

“There is no reason not to go.”


“If you look at the results of the first set, Almond was not pushed back by Mosol in the mid at all.”

“That’s right. There were actually scenes where I won!”

“That’s because Almond and Mosol have good synergy.”

“is it so? Is it like human compatibility? Insa and Mosol’s… … ?”

-Deep-rooted traditions handed down from the classroom… … lol

-Now even the caster ㅠ

-Mathematicians decided to call this a task force!

-Isn’t that the idiom for “the one in charge of everything”?

“No, that’s not it.”

“ah… … yes.”

The caster has a somewhat regretful expression on his face.

“It’s because of the Hwashin series that Mosol players prefer. “Under the premise that Almond brings the highly skilled ADC Avatar to the midfield, he has a good match with Mosol.”

“Eh? “Why?”

“The best counter to the ADC-type Avatar is the assassin-type Avatar. Surprisingly, Mosol does not act like an assassin.”

“yes? ah… … Looking at the data, is that really true?!”

“yes. Mosol is a player who likes to see the game broadly and move around the entire map while roaming. In that sense, even if you go to mid with an ADC, nothing that dangerous will happen.”

“Ah… … So there was this compatibility issue?”

“also… … This is a story outside of the game. Taco players like to anchor their almonds with mead. He’s even considering a fight with pickled radish behind him, right? “You don’t want to miss the opportunity to grow against a mid laner like Mosol.”

“Ah. So, Mosul is just an experience?”

-Mosol ㅠㅠ

-Mosol Minion Walk

-Where does Mosol have any experience? – The caster is crossing the line.

-Caster driving is awesome lol

“That’s how it is in Takoyaki’s eyes.”

Red Glasses laughed and passed the crisis.

“Oh, I guess Takoyaki Player can see it that way. These days, people call Takoyaki Player the Prophet Octopus, or the Genius Octopus. Do you two agree?”

-Crazy lol

-Prophet Octopus lol

-How can I sell yaki in the back and eat octopus all the time haha?

King Gyul nodded as if he had been waiting for it.

“Wow~! That’s right! If I were to pick the best ban pick in this tournament, I think Taco’s ban pick would definitely be in the top 5! He often predicts his opponents’ moves and counters them! He could be called a prophetic octopus!”

The caster nodded as well.

“Yes! You’re good at countering! however… … This time, Mosol can take the last counter pick, right?”

“Ah~! That’s right! Now it’s Mosul’s turn to counter?”

Due to the pick order according to camp, Soloiseback takes the last order this time.

Then, after examining all five incarnations of the enemy, you can choose the last one.

In other words, you can unconditionally choose an incarnation with which you have good compatibility.

“I would probably give the last pick to the ace player, Mosol. Moreover, Mosol has a lot of incarnations to deal with. “This time, the prophetic octopus will have a lot to consider.”

“That’s right! The moment you speak, the ban is in progress! Let’s go see! Is the power of the Prophet Octopus real? Or is the counter of Mosol’s Hoopik more effective?”

* * *

Instead of the commentators, the screen shows players conducting the ban/pick.

The two sides exchanged fierce words.

There was an incarnation that was banned the moment it started.

It was Soliya of Mosul and Reina of Almond.

Reina being banned was a familiar sight by now, so Tako was talking about the next ban without moving a single word.

“I think the next van will probably be Sana. We have a nogari clown van… … .”

But then.


Taco’s eyes widened at the sound of the van being confirmed.

[Soloizeback Band #2]

[Iron Ball – Dino]

“… … ?”

Bubble Gum’s Iron Ball was banned.

‘Ban Iron Ball?’

It was an unexpected ban. No one had really paid attention to it, so I didn’t think much of it.

Actually, I was paying no attention because it didn’t matter one way or another… … .

When that thing actually gets banned, it feels like a huge hole has been punched in the top.

There are many cases like this when doing ban picks. The moment when you realize that you shouldn’t have been banned after actually getting banned.

“uh… … Are you banning me?”

“Wow. Looks like you did a good job, oppa.”

Except for Tako, the other team members didn’t seem that surprised.

Almond seemed to like it because his incarnation wasn’t banned.

‘This… is difficult.’

One of the number of cases that start to branch out in Taco’s head. An entire part was dyed red, sending out a warning.

Nevertheless, Tako tried to act calm. You can’t lower morale for no reason, right?

“Huh. Interesting. We have the Clown Van, the Valkyrie Van, just as we prepared!”

Although he was casually ordering the next van, he was feeling it in the back of his head.

Now this was nothing more than a simple recitation of a prepared checklist.

It wasn’t a true ban pick.

It wasn’t a true real-time numbers battle, it was just Solitaire played by myself.

This is called a ‘wall ban pick’.

It means that it is a ban pick made by looking at the wall. It is a ban pick that only considers our own strategy without considering the enemy’s strategy.

The results are usually disastrous.

This is the wall ban pick that causes the first place team in the league to lose to the last place team.

‘You have to hold on to your thoughts. first… … .’

Taco tried hard to clear his head again, but he couldn’t help but get more confused when he saw the next pick.

[Dragon Trainer – Jeremiah]

Jeremiah the Dragon Trainer.

It is an incarnation used as a mid.

This came out as the second pick.


‘what. why… … ‘Why did you choose American dramas first?’

Mosul was able to pick Mid at the very end.

I could have seen all the picks and countered them, but I chose the mid incarnation first.

‘Isn’t that a mid?’

Could it be that the dragon trainer wasn’t a mead?

There was also someone who was a dragon trainer and jungler. efficiency? Of course it’s trash.

Mid-level dragon trainers are Tier 2, but jungler dragon trainers are classified as Tier 4.

Tier 4 is a pick that will get you cursed at by your allies if you choose it.

This is a pick that only a few craftsmen can handle properly.

‘There was nothing like that in the data.’

There was no trace of any play in the data of Nogari, the jungler, let alone the craftsman.

There was no way that a no-good guy, who didn’t even have data, could play something that only craftsmen could do.

‘Then what? Why did you choose Mid first? What are you aiming for?’

But then, a top van passes by Taco’s head.


Come to think of it, they banned our tower’s most.

‘Are you aiming for the tower?’

What if you ban Bubble Gum’s best player, Iron Ball, and even give top laner Makgeolli a counter pick?

A larger hole is created in the tower, which is already a hole.

‘That won’t work… … .’

In this game, one hole trumps four aces.

In particular, bubble gum often loses its spirit if it is not an iron ball.

The enemy’s aim is sharp. You also need to prepare something for tacos.

‘I’ll give you a pick that can hold on somehow. The jungle… … .’

Let’s squeeze in a pick that can cover the top.

But, suddenly, this thought occurs to me.

‘No. What if you’re just cheating too much to counter mid?’

We also brought a card called Flash Sword.

There might be something there that isn’t in the data. What if it’s the Dragon Trainer Jungle?

What if Nogari had taken some private lessons from the dragon trainer jungle master?

‘Is this a neat ban pick to destroy the tower? … Or is it a reckless ban pick to win mid-game? … .’

Either cleanly crush the weaker side, or even forcefully suppress the stronger side.

Both strategies make sense.

‘So that’s why it was like this.’

This was the reason for the ominous feeling I felt the moment Iron Ball was banned. The number of thoughts becomes too many. They are trying to stop him in psychological warfare.

But there’s nothing you can do. If you tell them to stop, they’ll just take it and go with it. That’s the ban pick.

Taco pulled out his hair as hard as he could.

‘Is there an issue that can be covered by both?’

We’re going through everything, from the old metas we used back in the pro days.

There must be an answer in the archives of his head.

He just can’t find it.

“Hyung… …? I have to pick.”

Now it was time to pick the incarnation of Almond.

“for a moment…….”

Time goes by.

[9 seconds]

There are 9 seconds left.

[8 seconds]

Another second passed without any more thoughts coming to mind.

Tacos lasted exactly two seconds. I decided to think about it for just two more seconds.

[6 seconds]

Finally, two seconds passed.


at that time. Taco said, placing her hand on Almond’s shoulder.

I feel like I always end up relying on this guy, but I can’t help it.

“You have to do it.”





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